Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Six.

Eliza had brought some clothing, and I requested I came to an agreement with him in looking after my wayward daughter, then we waited for her to wake up. Five hours later she awoke, and when she realised what had happened…, there was the expected volcanic eruption of emotions.

But by then the school’s deputy head sat with us in the kitchen and backed me up.

I was not stupid I knew the law and did not want her making false allegations of abuse…, I also wanted witnesses, and people of authority there to assist me when she awoke.

The deputy head informed me they had given Elsa a letter to hand to me, and then because of my mother’s death, and later my partners death…, they were waiting to inform me of my daughter’s behaviour and of the rules she was breaking. I think it helped because I was a Detective constable and they knew it was wiser to have me on their side.

Elsa screamed and cried, and she was gob smack shocked at her new appearance, her hair was cut short and had all the colour removed and washed and dried, Eliza was truly very gifted, and he had purchased some very acceptable clothing that went almost to her angles, and the blouses were regulation thickness and could not be seen through, as for the studs rings and tattoos, I had removed what I could and booked an appointment to have the tattoos inked over.

Honestly you would think she had been violated, raped and beaten up, such was her reactions, but after a time she calmed down realising she was defeated. Upon her leg and left wrist, I had installed the latest in high tech-surveillance equipment for young offenders and were near impossible to remove without alerting a private security company which monitored the devices twenty-four hours a day every day of the year.

Unknown to her I had placed a miniature capsule into her mouth and poured in water forcing her to swallow a surveillance capsule which would remain there for just three months and then bio degrade, with no side effects or harm to the user.

Its range was limited but throughout the town were booster stations and they would locate a fix upon the computer if activated so she could be found.

There were advantages to been in the police, as I learnt of such devices which were usually unknown to the public, it also gave me peace of mind as I truly expected reprisals for taking such extreme measures to protect my daughter.

Eliza bless him, he dressed as a Gay and was not scared to show his personality, his makeup and jewels were so effeminate, and he dressed as if he could be either a male or female, but one look, and anyone would know his taste.

He had promised to live with me for as long as I required him and to babysit my spoiled dramatist of a daughter, but when she realised he accompanied her to school every day and was their waiting to walk her home, the tantrums started over again, and when I went through with the removal of the tongue stud and inking over of the tattoos, it was more than she could cope with.

The stupid child tried to gently commit suicide only making a half-hearted attempt to try and draw attention to herself. But when the hospital pumped out her stomach twice…, just to be sure and cleaned her cuts along her arm, they kept her latched by leather straps to her bed, so her ankles and arms were affixed to the bed, and she had the humiliation of wearing only a hospital gown and been sponge bathed and spoon fed with an almost fluid substance.

While she was there, I had the hospital surgically remove the tattoos, and it was painful but she deserved every bit of the humiliation, and to top it off Eliza stayed by her side 24 hours a day, not giving her any privacy, even with the bed pans.

What upset her even more was when Eliza had visits from his various friends who came to keep him company. The private hospital bit deeply into my private savings account, but I would have paid it ten times over to enforce the rules I was applying to my wayward daughter.

By the time she was released from hospital…, we came to a compromise, and she agreed to have Eliza accompany her as she had by then actually found his company rather comforting, and he was genuinely an easy person to love and get on with.

I think it was the time a male nurse made a snide remark about him that upset her. She had herself been trying to find her own identity and kind of respected Eliza for his courage and refusing to bend to other people’s opinions, this was in the very least something she could relate to and understand…, if not respect.

The nurse had insulted Eliza’s looks, and told him he was going to hell for been gay, apparently Elsa was enraged and actually defended Eliza and demanded the nurse was reported to the hospital authorities for his unprofessional behaviour, and as in this private hospital, it had 24 hour cctv, and she knew the incident would be recorded.

Eliza later told me he was proud of the way she stood up for him and refused to calm down until the hospital administrator was brought to her, and as I was paying for this treatment…, she could not be ignored.

Well we eventually compromised as I was saying, Eliza still accompanied her to and from school, and with the Deputy head teacher’s agreement, we let up on the length of the uniforms, but enforced the tattoos and studs rule, but agreed to compromise just a bit…, and she could have a navel stud only.

Her hair was allowed to grow but only to school regulation length, but then she wanted it shaved off, every single bit, and the school had no policies on been bald.

She had seen an old Star Trek movie with some actress been bald and that did it, to her she was still been rebellious…, but in an acceptable way, and it drew attention to her, and giving her a small victory.

John found the entire situation hilarious and he confided as much as he had wanted a family, and to have children, but he also felt…, that he was spared all this melodrama.

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