
Chapter 8-becoming normal again

A couple months later

Cassie and I head to the bar, it's a bit crowded, she goes up to the bartender and gets 8 shots of vodka 8 shots of tequila and 2 sodas so we have a chaser. I'm in the process of heading back to where the pool tables are so I can make sure we get one. The last table in the corner is free. Which makes me smile. I'm always aware of my surroundings, my dad taught me that, 'always be aware, be prepared, be alert' he's told me that since I was 16. I actually appreciated it.

Cassie comes over and sees me setting the table.

"Have you noticed how many men are here checking us out?" She ask

"Yes, I've noticed. Not in the mood tonight for their advances." I say

"But we both know we look hot tonight." She says

Well considering she is wearing what I consider a 'school girl' outfit because of the plaid short skirt and the white button down top. Me I'm wearing a black off one shoulder cocktail dress that goes midthigh with some black knee high boots. I don't really wear a lot of makeup its more of a natural look for me, and my hair is down which isn't normal, since I like my hair in a messy bun.

"You know damn well that the guys on the other side of us and the ones in front of us are going to be paying a lot of attention to us." She whispers in my ear

"They can pay attention all the want, they will probably pay more attention to you since you wore the school girl outfit. Which is hot I might add." I tell her with a grin.

"Let's get this game started." I continue

A few hours go by with a couple of shots and I'm feeling a buzz starting to finally work. Crazy thing is, everyone in the bar seems to really be having a really good time, mostly men that I've noticed, noticing us playing pool. I happen to notice a very tall man maybe 6'6 maybe 6'7 looking at me. He's also wearing what looks like a leather cut. He seems very familiar but I can't place were I know him.

"Hey Cas, I'll be right back. Ladies room then bar to get more shots, you want some?" I ask

"Yes please." She says as she looks for a shot to take on the pool table. "Vodka!" She shouts

I head to the bathroom, do my business, wash my hands, then straight for the bar. Very aware of my surroundings at the moment because I got the feeling of someone watching me.

"4 shots of vodka, 4 shots of tequila, and 2 more sprites, please." I lean over to tell the bartender

"You got it sweetheart." He says

I feel someone behind me but I don't turn around right away. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. And goosebumps go down my arms. Instantly I know who it is.

"How's your evening going, baby girl?" He asks

I turn to face Alex.

"First off don't call me baby girl. And what do you want?" I ask demandingly.

"Just to talk. Nothing more." He says

"Well I'm not in the mood to talk to you. Considering what you did." I say getting more irritated

"I want to apologize for-" he starts

"Look I don't need your apology, hell I was willing to give you a chance. But didn't get that far now did it." I say just as the bartender brings the shots and sodas.

Alex's face was priceless. Still the look of shock made me smile. I walked away and didn't look back over my shoulder.

I could see Cas talking to a man I thought I recognized. I get to the pool table and hand her her shots and soda. The man looks at me, then nods and says hello.

"You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" I question

He's deep raspy voice catches me off guard.

"You might know me, but I don't think we've officially met. I saw you a couple months back with your friend and was gonna come talk to ya', but you started talking to another guy before I got the chance to introduce myself to ya'." He tells me

"Oh, ok, well I'm Jenny, nice to meet you-" I go reaching for his hand.

"Red, its my road name, but you can call me Nick." He reaches for my hand to shake. We make eye contact, and hold it for a few moments, but the shock of electricity I feel throws me for a loop.

"My names Cassie." She says towards Nick.

He nods and says hello, but still has ahold of my hand, and is keeping eye contact with me.

"So who do you ride with?" I ask

"I ride with the Rebels Riots, we're headed to St. Louis and stopped in here for the night." He says

I start to laugh. And he gives me a smirk. Then asks. "Whats so funny?" Still smirking at me.

I laughed for the simple fact of one of my tattoos, only Cassie knows I've got it but I have a feeling this is gonna be fun to explain to him since he's now giving me a strange look.

"Your MC name is why I'm laughing. Cassie here knows why. Would you like to know?" I ask smiling

"Well yeah I'd like to know." He says

I pull my phone out and go threw my pictures. I stop at the one I'm looking for.

"Don't swipe just look at the picture." I tell him handing him my phone

You see earlier today I went out and got a tattoo, it just so happens to say Rebel. It was a drawing I had done a year prior. I was just waiting to get it at the right time. Well today seemed to be the right time for me.

The sexy smirk comes to his face again.

"So you got rebel tattooed on you somewhere. Where is it if I may ask?" He says, but then his finger swipes to the side and his face lights up and he groans

I know exactly which picture has him groaning and I smirk.

He hands me my phone and I put it back into my purse. I lean into him, he bends down and I whisper into his ear.

"Me to know, you to find out, but its still healing. I just got it today." I say

I straighten back up and grab the pool stick I had leaning on the wall because now its my turn. I look for a shot, find one where I'm standing, lean over and take the shot. Knowing damn well Nick is staring at my ass.

"Don't tell me you marked that perfect ass of yours." He says bluntly

I look up at him over my shoulder. "Nope." Making sure to pop the 'p'

He studies me for a few seconds then speaks again.

"One side of your shoulder, the one that is covered by your dress." He ask

I turn around to where my back is facing him move my hair to the side of my bare shoulder, look at him and slowly move the shoulder of the dress down my arm a bit.

"Not there either honey. So where else do you think this tattoo of mine might be." I say seductively

I hear him gulp. His eyes which are a light blue are no longer blue but look almost black, his pupils have dilated quit a bit. And I know mine have to. Not just because of the shots either. He's got my attention and has my body humming with arousal. Even though I made it clear to myself I didn't want anyone's attention, he has me reconsideing.

"Well maybe your hip or your lower back is my next couple guesses. But I'm leaning towards the latter. So I'm going to say your lower back." He states

"You've got that correct." I say smiling.

He leans down and whispers in my ear.

"I'd love to see it if you'd like to show me." He states

"Hmm... Maybe." I smirk

"Jenny, someone's coming over and he looks a bit pissed off with Red and you talking so close." Cassie says nervously

I look over to where she's staring at and see Alex making a beeline for me.

"Well shit!" I grumble under my breathe

"He can't just leave me alone can he. I'm trying to have a good time and he's already irritated me when I was getting our drinks." I tell Cassie

"Is he bothering you?" Nick asks with a bit of irritating growl in his voice

"We were dating and I walked in on him and some chick fucking, I wasn't jealous, I was hurt." I say truthfully.

"Well if your not dating him why is he coming this way?" Nick ask

"He tried talking to me while I was at the bar to tell me he was sorry, I didn't want to hear it so I walked away." I say

"Well I got a way to get him to stop and turn around." Nick says

I look at him for a second then nod. Then as I'm turning back towards Cassie, Nick grabs me by the wrist spins me back, brings his other hand up behind my neck, leans in towards me and plants his lips on mine. And my body bends back a little, his hand that had ahold of my wrist goes to my lower back. He goes to deepen the kiss by nipping at my lower lip, asking permission, which I allow. His tongue glides over mine softly, I follow his lead. I whimper then a moan escapes my lips.

Sparks! Fireworks! Air has left my lungs! Heart is beating a hell of a lot harder now! Goosebumps all over! Holy shit what the hell is going on!

"Better?" He ask as he slowly moves away from my face to look into my eyes.

"Honestly a lot more better than I thought it would have been, especially since it was a surprise attack of your lips on mine that I didn't expect to happen. Had me over here gasping." I state.

Even though he still has me bent backwards a little bit, and his hand still placed on my lower back, I start to straighten up. Could honestly say this wasn't what I expected tonight.

Also one thing I didn't notice was the fact it says 'prez' on his leather cut.

I look around the bar, searching for Alex, nope he is long gone now. So I grab the 2 shots of tequila, offer him one, he takes it, and I take mine.

"Why didn't you tell me you was a good kisser, sweat heart?" He says with the sexy smirk

"Well I don't consider myself one, I'm no good at a lot of things, and one of them happens to be taking compliments." I tell him

I notice Cassie is nodding and smiling like a mad woman at me. Which then in return I give her the 'don't you dare' look. And she starts laughing.

I noticed a few of Reds men are starting to come over now. One who I'm guessing by the 'vp' on his cut looks at Cassie and smiles.

"Well that worked out better than I thought it would Cassie." I finished saying before I hiccup.

She's smiling but not at me, she's smiling at Reds buddy.

"I need some fresh air. I'll be right back." I tell Cassie

I start to walk away and notice that Nick is right behind me, and honestly I'm ok with it.

He hurries to grab the door for me. He opens it and I go through and say thank you. He lights a cigarette and offers me one.

"Was it as good for you as it was for me?" I joke

"Well considering after the fact I had to adjust quite a bit, I can say yeah." He states

My gaze instantly shoots to his crotch and I blush.

"Oh, and here I thought that was just the gun you was packing, that decided to poke me." I smile

"Oh no darlin' that's not my gun-" He starts

"Oh I know, your gun is actually behind your back tucked away in your pants and under your shirt. And by the feel of it, a 9mm." I tell him

Nicks facial expression is the look of shock.

"How did you even know I was carrying?" He ask

"I'm observant. What can I say." Smirking while I look at him

"Well shit, that's hot as fuck!" He smirks back

"Want to know what else is hot? The fact that I know 2 of your men are also carrying, and 1 of them looks like he just got done snorting some coke. And before you even ask if I'm a cop, I'm not. You can search me personally for a wire, but the only one your gonna find is the one in my bra that holds my tits up." I state sassily

He's lips are on mine in a matter of seconds after I finish my sentence. My arms around his neck. His hands just under my ass, then he lifts me up, and my legs wrap around his waist. He pushes me up against the wall hard and I feel the air leave my lungs. I can feel his erection through his jeans. I'm sure he can feel the heat and dampness I have going through my lacy thong I'm wearing. I grind my hips up and down a little, and hear him growl in appreciation. He pulls away slowly from our kiss.

"You realize I want to fuck the hell outta you right now." He growls out through gritted teeth

"I can tell you do. You got a condom?" I ask

"I always carry a condom with me. My room is in the hotel over there." He says as his head juts to the side a bit

"Let me grab my things from inside and we can go." I say as he lowers me to the ground.

We walk back into the bar and beeline it for the pool tables in the back where we were a few moments ago.

"Hey Cas, I'm leaving with Red, you gonna be ok?" I ask her

"Yes sweetie, go get you some. I'm headed with Silver to his room." She tells me

"Which one is Silver?" I ask

Just as she's about to answer the vp wraps his arms around her waist.

"I'm Silver, vp of Rebel Riots." He says

"Jenny, nice to meet ya." I say

I grab my purse, and then feel a hand grab mine. I look up and see Red and I smile.

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