
Chapter 28- epilogue pt 1

*a few months later*

I'm hunched over in pain, as I try to breath through the contractions, but there starting to get worse.

"RED! SCAR!" I scream as loud as possible

A minute or so goes by when they come running to the room.

"We need to go. Grab my hospital ba!...." I stop as a contration hits

Red runs out of the room, Scar grabs the bag and then picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the club house.

"Yes doctor Smithison. They are coming every 2 minutes. I timed it when she yelled for us, to the time she told us that we needed to go to the hospital." Red states while on the phone

"We're headed there now doctor. We will see you in 5." Red says then hangs up the phone

I'm placed in the back seat of the car, Scar is holding my head in his lap, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I feel like we still had a few more weeks left. Its to early for them to come out." I say

"You're having more than one child, dr smithison said this would happen and we'd be around 32 to 34 weeks pregnant when you go into labor." Scar says with a frown

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Another contration hits

"We're almost there babygirl. Almost there." Red states quickly

"We will be by your side the entire time babygirl." Scar says with a smile

"I fucking hope s...." another contraction hits harder.

I'm breathing hard I feel like I'm about to pass out. These contrations came out of no where it feels like. But then I realize I was in some pain this morning around 2am. I didn't tell the guys. And here it is 10pm at night.

Just as the contration stops we pull up to the hospital with nurses waiting by the car port.

Everyone is rushing around like chickens with their heads chopped off. I giggle quietly to the thought of that.

I'm lifted out of the car and placed in a wheelchair and wheeled in to the hospitals emergency room area. Then out some doors to head to the labor and delivery area.

"Stop! I need my boyfriends to be there with me. They are the fathers of the babies." I tell the nurse

She looks at me like I'm crazy. Which passes me off.

"Dr. Smithison knows my case and if you don't let them back there with me. I will promise you there will be hell to pay." I growl at her

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." She says cowering

Scar rushes in, then a minute later Reds right behind.

"Now let's move." I say

"Ahhhhhhh! Contrations are a fucking bitch." I yell

Earning a laugh from some of the people in the hospital around us.

I've already threatened this nurse and I don't want to threaten anyone else but people are starting to piss me off. I'm in so much pain it isn't even funny.

We get wheeled into a room, the nurses strip me down and put me in the bed and another nurse is starting to check my neither regions.

"Your fully dialated and effaced. How far along are you again?" She asks with a worried look

"32-34 weeks if I'm correct. Were having triplets." I tell her

She rips the gloves off pressed the button on the wall. Which then starts to wail loudly.

"Lets move! Let's move! Let's move! She is 100 percent dialated, fully effaced, and ready to push these three babies out and into the world. Lets get the show on the road. Tell Dr. Smithison it is go time." She starts commanding

"Next contration start pushing." She says looking up at me.

Fuck! What did I sign up for?

Just as I think that here comes the contrations. I push hard and as long as I can. Then breath, wait, another contration repeat.

Just over half an hour this is on repeat.

Finally, our first child is born 45 minutes later, a boy, his name is Andy, then the second, 5 minutes after the first, another boy, his name is Erik, and our last 10 minutes later, a girl, her name is Ariel.

Scar and Red look absolutely amazed by the look of our children. Me, I'm absolutely spent, but also happy as can be, along with absolutely in love with my men and what we created.

Now our lifes are going to be filled with happy memories.

*a year later*

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Andy, Erik, and Ariel, happy birthday to you." Everyone at the club house sings

A year of diapers, bottles, sore breast, a lot of breast milk, no sleep, and everyone helping out as much as possible. Its a year worth remembering.

Scar, Red, Lexi, and I have been enjoying our times together. Lexi has been such a big help when she could be, when she wasn't in school. Scar and Red absolutely amazing fathers to our three beautiful babies.

"You did a wonderful job babygirl." Scar and Red say

"With your help of course I did. And thank you both for helping me through the post-partum. It really means a lot. And I'm truly sorry." I say with tears

"Hey don't you dare apologize. We understand you got depressed. We understand more than anything on why you got depressed. And honestly we wish that your first pregnancy didn't end the way it did." They both hug me

I had remembered everything my ex-husband had done to me. I had blocked so much of it out. But when the memories started to flash through my mind one evening when I was finishing up breast feeding Ariel, it was to much. I broke. And when Scar and Red saw my tears they knew.

Words didn't have to be spoken to see how much pain I was in. I got the help right then and there. They helped me through it. And for that I'm forever greatful.

Its been a good but bumpy ride.

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