
chapter 20-can't get any worse

Continue of the BBQ Night

I smile at Lexi's admission and she smiles back.

"So you was hoping I was single?" I say

"Actually yes I was, I find you very attractive. I thought we could get to know each other better." She says blushing

"Of course we can. I have no problem getting to know you. Are you ok with the fact that I have two boyfriends though? Because they come with the package that is me." I giggle

"I'm Perfectly ok with the fact you have two boyfriends." Lexi says

"Ok well Scar is here in town, but Red is in his territory dealing with some things, so you'll meet him another time." I tell her

"That actually sounds like a good plan, can't wait to meet him." She says

The BBQ is in full swing and everyone is having such a great time, Lexi has opened up a bit more with a few of the women here along with some of the guys, Scar is talking to his enforcer Tank, about something in whispered voices, and as soon as Tank sees me headed their way his stands up straighter and nudge's Scars shoulder. Scar stands up and turns around and see's me, the scowl on his face is a dead give away that something is wrong.

"Is everything ok?" I ask gently

"Uh, well, no not really baby. I just got word from Red that its going to be at least a few more days to get things handled." Scar says

"Oh. That's not to bad, he still might make my birthday right?" I question

*Reds POV*

I'm getting annoyed at this game of cat and mouse with this other MC, they honestly don't know who they're messing with, but they will soon find out. I feel like there's a mole in my MC with what has already happened, because someone tipped off that MC to let them know we were coming.

I'm headed back to the club house when I notice a big black SUV with tented windows. I don't know who they are but I have an idea of who it might be and why they just so happen to be following me. I continue past the club house and go right to the bar down the street, the SUV of course follows. As soon as I'm off my bike and headed towards the door I glance back and see who it is, so I stop and completely turn around.

"How goes it agent Fields?" I ask

"Hey Red, its been good, however I just got word that someone is actively searching for a particular person, and they think you took her." he tells me

"Whos the woman." I growl, I hate being accused of shit, makes my blood boil

"She goes by the name of Lexi, she was a sex and drug trafficked woman, she escaped her handlers and then disappeared. Do you know this person because you just so happen to be visiting the state we last had word on her." He clips angrily

"Let me get ahold of the MC guys there and I'll call you." I say then turn to leave without another word

I go inside the bar then go to the bartender and order a beer. I send Scar a text saying I need him to call me, and within 5 minutes he calls.

"What's up brother, everything being handled?" he ask and sounds a bit tipsy

"Everything is a shit show honestly, hey quick question have you heard of or seen anyone by the name of Lexi around there?" I ask with caution

"Yes, baby girl met a female at the mall the other day and told her about our BBQ, she's around here some where. Why what's going on?" Scar asked

"Well, she's a trafficked woman drugs and sex, she got away from her handlers. Keep her safe." I tell him

I send a message to agent Fields. "Answer is upomc." (under protection of MC)

*Scar's POV*

Baby girl is having a ball with Lexi, and after everything I just got done talking to Red about, I feel sick to my stomach. I need to tell her and ask Lexi if she's in trouble but in a nice calm way. I hate doing this type of stuff but it needs to happen. I could hear the worry in Red's voice the minute I told him that there was a Lexi here. He knows more than he wants to say and honestly I understand he has to be quiet about a lot of it so I didn't hound him with questions.

"Baby, can I talk to you and Lexi in private?" I ask

"Yeah, let me go get her and we'll come to your office." she says

I head off to the office and pour me a glass of whiskey, this is going to really suck. I'm just finishing the glass when the girls walk in.

"Close the door, and lock it." I tell her

She looks confused for a second then does as she's told.

"Red texted me and told me I needed to call him. He told me that someone is looking for you, Lexi, what I know is that you escaped some bad people, and I'm here to tell you, you have protection if you need it. From our MC if you want it." I tell her

"Who told this 'Red' guy I escaped from the handlers?" she questions with a raised brow

"He didn't tell me. Why?" I ask suddenly concerned

"The guy who is searching for me works for the handlers, they go after women they think no one will ever miss, ones they think don't have any family. The guy was always called 'F' I don't know his actual name but if I saw him I could tell you who it is." Lexi says in a breath

"Let me message Red and see if I can't get him to send me a picture of the guy who told him they're looking for you." I tell her

'Hey what's the guy who told you look like?'

{Let me see if I can find a picture real fast}

'Cool I'll wait.'

"He's looking for a pic." I trail off when a notification comes through. Opening my phone I see a picture and turn my phone to Lexi, the minute I see how white she is I know for a fact we might just have some people knocking on our door.

'We got a problem, call me'

My phones ring bounces off the walls of the office, causing Lexi to jump.

"What's the problem?" Reb ask

"The guy who told you is our problem. He's the one who's looking for Lexi. Did you tell him anything after we hung up?" I question

"FUCK!" Red screams and I move my phone away from my ear

"That fucking prick knew I would ask around because I've helped the victims, he knew the minute he stopped and asked that I'd do what I needed to, to find her. Is she alright by the way?" Red ask on a sign

"Yeah man she's good, the minute she saw his face, her face turned pale. Wait, what's this guys name?" I ask

"His name is agent Fields, he works with victims as well. Are you sure she's not confused on his helping her." he says annoyingly

"Yes man I'm sure. She told me he goes by 'F' because they didn't know their names, and she swears that's the man who's been looking for her." I answer back annoyed

I look up at the girls and nod my head for them to leave and then tell them to stay inside. I don't know what's going to happen but I don't think its going to be good.

"Are we going to need you here incase the shit storm shows up?" I ask

"You might and I'll talk to another MC I know who does the same work my MC does see if they can't send some help. I will call him as soon as we're done talking." he says sighing again

"Alright well you go talk to them. I got some shit to handle here incase of this shit storm." with that I end the call with out a good bye.

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