Life Makeover: Limited Edition Series Novel

Chapter 4



Robert and his three roommates instinctively turned their heads toward the source of that voice

There stood a young man swaying his body to the rhythm of the spirited music in the nightclub

Robert’s group knew this young man. Jeremy Walker. He was also a student at Yrinas University, a scion, and had started. driving a BMW 3 Series in his junior year. Wherever he went, he was the center of attention for all the girls, and he lived his life as though he was a peacock

Upon hearing Jeremy’s words, Samuel and the other two roommates couldn’t help but glance over at Robert. They had only just learned about his breakup with Marilyn

Marilyn was an absolute queen at Yrinas University. She had the looks, the taste, and the temperament that attracted suitors from the south campus to the north campus. However, no one had expected she would choose Robert in the end, which made Robert the enemy of almost all the male students on campus, prompting a lot of jealousy

Does my matter have anything to do with you?Robert glimpsed at Jeremy

Do my words have anything to do with you, then?Jeremy scorned. I was just thinking, how can a pauper like you truly believe you deserve a girl like Marilyn? She’s with Kendrick now, right? That dude is a wealthy guy!” 

Kendrick was the one who spread the news about Marilyn being with him now

After Jeremy finished speaking, he ignored Robert’s group and looked at the four girls that Samuel had invited. With a smug expression, he asked, Girls, why don’t you all come to my table for a drink later?” 

Jeremy pointed to his seat as he spoke. It was located close to the center of the bar, and two bottles of imported liquor worth almost 900 dollars were placed on a pedestal, which was brightly lit and looked grand

The four girlseyes lit up at once, but they still said, No, thanks. We’ll just sit here for a while and leave.” 

Jeremy didn’t say anything further and left triumphantly after extending another invitation

After Jeremy caused such a scene, Samuel and the others naturally lost interest in partying. Had it not been because they had already spent over 150 dollars today, they would have long left

The four girls said they needed to use the restroom, but half an hour went by, and none of them returned. 

Samuel scanned the crowded bar and asked a little anxiously, Where are Lucy and the others? Could something have happened to them?” 

Places like bars had people from all walks of life

What could happen?Simon sneered and pointed in a certain direction. Look over there.” 

Samuel looked in the direction of Simon’s finger and spotted Lucy Leigh’s group. As it turned out, at some point, they had gone over to Jeremy’s table and were drinking happily with him

Samuel slammed his palm on the table and stood up, heading toward Lucy and the other three girls

Hey, Samuel!Noticing that something was wrong, Simon quickly chased after Samuel

Robert and the other roommate also hastened over

Lucy, what are you doing?Samuel looked at the girl wearing shorts that revealed her tanned thighs. She was standing on the couch and twerking merrily. You said you wanted to come to Elephant Bar to have fun and told me to bring you here. Yet now, you’re drinking with someone else?” 

What do you mean by what am I doing?Lucy looked at Samuel with disdain. You brought me here? You brought me here to have fun, but you only ordered 12 bottles of beer? How embarrassing!” 

Haha!Jeremy burst into laughter. Didn’t I already tell you guys? Don’t try to pick up girls if you’re poor. Elephant Bar is not the place for you to hang out.” 

Robert stood aside, taking in the intense contempt in Jeremy’s gaze and the attitude of the four girls toward Samuel

<Wasn’t Marilyn’s attitude also like this afternoon

Money. It’s always about money

Ha! Indeed, one should learn to be realistic after leaving university. This is not a place for fantasies!> he reflected. Samuel looked at Lucy with dismay and fury in his eyes. Lucy, we’ve known each other for so long, yet all you talk about. now is money. Is money really that important?” 

Yes, money is very important.” A voice came from behind Samuel

Samuel turned around and saw that it was Robert who had spoken

Samuel couldn’t believe that those words had come out of Robert’s mouth



Hal This pauper is rather astute. But since you’ve seen the situation, quickly get out of here. This bar isn’t a place where you simply come and order 12 bottles of beer.Jeremy waved his hand, his face full of derision

Robert nodded in agreement. You’re right, it isn’t. But Jeremy, you’re not doing it right either!” 

Robert then yelled. Waiter!” 

Immediately, a waiter came over and asked, Hello, how can I help you?” 

Open up the table in the middle for me! Robert extended a hand and pointed to the middle of the bar

Hearing this. Samuel and the others instantly stopped Robert

*Robert, are you out of your mind? The minimum spending for that table is 2,250 dollars. 2,250 dollars!” 

Don’t be foolish, Robert!” 

Upon hearing this, Jeremy was momentarily stunned before he burst out laughing. Open that table? Waiter, don’t mind him. He can’t afford it. Don’t bother with this kind of idiot.” 

At present, Robert could only feel his heart beating faster. He had never felt this way in many years of his life

It was the feeling that he was about to splurge

He remembered that his father had given him the mission to spend at least 150 thousand dollars before he came here. Hence, he thought he might as well spend that amount of money now

Robert took out the card in his pocket and slammed it onto the table. That Armand de Brignac costs 1,470 doilars a bottle. The most beautifully displayed ones there. Give me as many bottles as you have!” 

The waiter couldn’t believe what he just heard at first

Armand de Brignac cost 1,470 dollars per bottle. The waiter of the nightclub was aware of the expense level in Yrinas. Typically, it’d be impressive for some CEOs to come and spend thousands of dollars in one night. He couldn’t even begin to comprehend how much money the bill would come up to if he truly brought out all the available Armand de Brignac

But when he saw the card that Robert had taken out, he felt beyond tempted. If this is for real, my commission for tonight will be unthinkable!he thought

Soon, the manager of the nightclub came over and politely greeted the esteemed guest who wanted all the Armand de Brignac upon hearing about it from that waiter. Sir, we have exactly 88 bottles of Armand de Brignac left in the store, which comes up to… 

Swipe for 150 thousand dollars!Robert waved his hand and said, Serve them to me as you deem fit!” 

The POS machine in the manager’s hand beeped, proving that the payment was successful. At this moment, the manager’s and the waiter’s hearts were filled with exhilaration. 150 thousand dollars! That means our commission will be 15,000. dollars each!were their thoughts

In the meantime, Robert’s roommates, Jeremy, and Lucy’s group were completely stunned at the side

<Is this for real

Robert Zabinski, the pauper, just swiped 150 thousand dollars

That’s 150 thousand dollars!> they pondered

Under the flickering lights and amid the booming music, over a dozen sexilydressed young women holding glowing bottles of Armand de Brignac sashayed toward Robert’s table

Robert’s three roommates, sitting beside him, didn’t even know how to express their feelings at this point. They had never imagined such a scene where they could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in one go

Hundreds of thousands of dollars! We’ll probably never even earn that much money in our lifetime!they mused

Even the bar owner rushed over to toast Robert and called him by his name in a particularly amiable tone. The sexilydressed beautiful ladies kept winking at Robert, whereas the other customers who spent nearly 1,500 dollars in the bar looked at Robert with envy

Robert could sense various gazes on him, something he had never experienced before

Lucy and her three friends also approached Robert with fawning expressions

<This is simply too prestigious

Among all the tables in the entire bar, Robert’s table has the most prestige!> they thought


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