Life Makeover: Limited Edition Series Novel

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

Robert had an exasperated expression as he looked at Naomi. Naomi hurriedly said, Let’s play together. You want to play with my boyfriend without me?” 

*Naomi, just let the men play together. Let’s play together.The two women grabbed Naomi and pulled her directly to the man sitting in the middle. Come on, let’s drink.” 

Outside Elephant Bar. Kendrick answered the phone with a gloomy face and asked directly, How’s the investigation going?” 

Mr. Zabel, I found out that the cars with license plates of Yrinas A00000 to Yrinas A99999 belonged to a car rental company. I also asked someone to find out that the prime unit with 27,000 square feet was not sold at all. The bosses of Opulent Art Media Group and Regal Trading Co. Ltd. also played a prominent role in Yrinas. The directors of the two companies had not changed.” 

Listening to the voice coming from the phone, Kendrick’s gloomy face finally disappeared. Instead, he smiled, I knew it! It was all fake! He liked to pretend, didn’t he? Robert, good for you. You hired so many people and rented so many luxury cars. You won’t force your parents to sell their only house just to pay the rent, will you? Haha!” 

Kendrick happily hung up the phone and sneered with disdain

Robert was quite good at pretending. He wanted to gain some respect in front of Marilyn, didn’t he

He would tell Marilyn what Robert did

Kendrick walked into the Elephant Bar, and the man watching Marilyn told him that Marilyn was inside

In the bar, Robert had already drunk a lot of wine

Naomi was also pulled together by two women and sat next to the man in the middle

Seeing the man’s hand getting closer to her, Naomi hurriedly got up and flicked the hair in front of her forehead. I’ll go to 

the bathroom.” 

After finding an excuse to go to the bathroom, Naomi hurried away

The man sitting in the middle stared at Naomi. Under the flashing light, Naomi’s enchanting back was particularly attractive. The man stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. Naomi is very proud.” 

Why is she so proud?One of the women spoke with a disdainful look. Every day, she carries a branded bag. Who knows if it is genuine? Every time I ask her what her family does, she does not tell me. I guess she just wants to increase her appeal.” 

It doesn’t matter.The man in the middle said with a disdainful look, I’m just afraid that it’s priceless. It’s not difficult to get things done with money.” 

As the man spoke, he rolled his sleeves to reveal the Submariner watch on his wrist, which had been sold at a price of 16,500 dollars

The show immediately attracted the attention of the two women

They knew that the man was rich, but they did not expect him to be so rich. Naomi got lucky

They had known Naomi for two or three years. They had a decent relationship, but they did not know about Naomi’s family background

Naomi’s boyfriend mentioned that a friend was joining them and requested that they introduce him to a girl, which could be advantageous for them in the future. After some thought, they decided to introduce Naomi as the potential match

Originally, they thought that the man was just a little rich. After all, he ordered thousands of dollars of wine at the bar. Yet now they found that he was not just a rich man, but he was extraordinarily loaded

If they had known that, they would have offered themselves willingly

The two girls also understood that it was useless to regret it. The best thing was to send Naomi to his bed quickly so that they could get more benefits

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