Life at the Top

Chapter 180

In the futures market, one could decide whether they wanted to buy or to sell. In other words, to take a bullish or a bearish stand.
It was a simple idea. Taking the bullish stand meant that you believed the stock index would increase, so when it did, you earned
Taking the bearish stand meant that you believed the index would drop, so when it did, you earned profits.
All in all, it was a gamble of whether the stock indexes would drop or rise.
Jasper believed that the Hansel Index would drop, so he chose to take a bearish stand.
When in truth, the falling of the Hansel Index was a trend that not even God could change.
The figurative tsunami had appeared at sea level, and the only thing anyone could do now was run as high up as possible, since
stopping the tsunami was impossible.
With both Weresoft losing the antitrust lawsuit and Barron’s article, sorrow filled Harbor City’s stock market.
The entire market was starting to crash, and retail investors were trying to escape. Everyone was selling their own stocks, but
where would they find an investor who would take over the market at such a time?
For stocks to be sold out, it first required someone to buy them or the transaction could not be completed. Without anyone
purchasing, the falling of prices was the only outcome!
Harbor Stocks right now and stock markets all over the world were facing the same situation.
Countless shares were dropping drastically and therefore lowered the overall stock indexes.
Almost every stock price was dropping!
Countless people were hugging their heads in disbelief at the current situation of Harbor Stocks’ trading market. Wails, sobs,
screams, and shouts filled the city.
The scene was one of absolute chaos.
At the same time, media companies were trying to report the latest news of the stock market as quickly as they could.
Now the entire world knew that the dot-com bubble had popped.

Such a situation only promoted more fear.
Harbor City’s government quickly set up an emergency press conference stating that they would do everything in their ability to
guarantee the safety of investor’s funds while providing a series of favorable measures for internet companies.
Harbor City’s government was trying to use politics to reignite the stock market to ensure that the city’s economy could continue
to develop.
Yet with the major trend of panic spreading through the entire market, the government of Harbor City’s press conference
produced no effects.
Stock prices continued to drop.
The drop in the stock index was beyond what anyone had ever seen.
Like a nightmare, it reminded Harbor City’s investors of the horrific memories from the financial tsunami three years ago.
Every single citizen had to pay for the economic fallout of one single district.
The most straightforward and simple result was that the market price of companies would drop too low, thus leading to their cash
flow breaking up and lastly the company closing down. The first thing that happened was the axing of employees.
Having lost their jobs, employees no longer had any economic income and their entire family’s financial stability would be put at
Too many people would lose their jobs, and the worst, as well as the most direct result, would be social chaos.
Similar tragic consequences had happened overseas before.
Citizens were terrified.
In less than half a trading day, the Hansel Index had continued to drop. By the time the market closed for the day, the Hansel
Index had dropped to 14,979 points!
At that moment, everyone knew Harbor Stocks was screwed.

Those who took the bullish stand had lost everything in this war, down to their defenses. All they could do was watch as those
who took the bearish stand celebrated joyfully.
They were tasting the fruits of their victory.
In Law Manor, Jasper let out a long exhale the moment the stock market closed.
“Report,” Jasper ordered.
Zack was flushed with excitement. He had never felt so ecstatic in the more than ten years since he started working in this

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