Life After You

Chapter Day 1: Morning

Delilah: Normally, the actual guidelines of gameplay follow the prologue. But since I’m in the actual game...

Zeph leads the way through the hallway after we step out of the infirmary. We pass by only a few people.

Delilah: “Are they all Messengers?”

Zeph: “Yes. Haha...I guess you can’t tell the difference now, huh? Ordinary humans cannot see Messengers unless they are on the brink of death. You are a little different. I used some wisdom points on you, so even though you are fully human, you are connected to Messengers and can therefore communicate with us.”

I nod and look around as we walk.

Delilah: “Where are we going now?”

Zeph pushes a door open, leading us outdoors. In front of us is something like a basketball court, where some Messengers are playing basketball.

Zeph: “To show you the daily lives of Messengers.”

He says, but then lowers his voice to a whisper.

Zeph: “To unlock your romanceable characters, of course...haha.”

I shift my gaze abruptly from the basketball court to Zeph.

Delilah: “And if I don’t plan on romancing any of them? Actually, what I mean is: and if I plan on ruining my chances with them?”

Getting the bad endings of all four main characters will lead to Zeph’s backstory. I have seen it, and I have lived it, in a way—but it doesn’t change my mind.

Delilah: “It was worth it.”

I answer the question Zeph is destined to ask at the end of his backstory, although he has not asked it yet. He must know what I am referring to. Zeph freezes, his gaze suddenly serious as it meets mine.

Delilah: Finally something I can predict. Does that mean I’m on the right track? There is no walkthrough for Zeph...

Zeph: “I don’t know what will happen if you don’t trigger all the events, even for the bad endings. That being said, you’re the player. My job is only to guide—”

Delilah: “—confuse me. I know.”

I can’t help but interrupt him and correct his statement. Zeph is the most confusing game guide to have ever existed.

He chuckles.

Zeph: “My, how unnerving to learn that somebody knows everything about me, and for once, I know nothing about my player. Then, what will you do, Delilah? What did you come here to do? Will you walk to them and trigger your options, or will you stall by refraining from them and buy yourself some time to do whatever it is you came to do?”

If I don’t trigger the next scene, the main story will not pursue, and I will have some more time. Would Zeph have tricked me on this assumption, or did he tell the truth?

Delilah:, wait. He doesn’t know either. This has never happened.

What is more important right now? If I continue with the story, I will meet everyone and Zeph will be able to observe me during the normal course of events. If I don’t, I can use this opportunity to tell him, somehow, of what happened.

Delilah: “I’m not sure I want to stray too far on the first day. But don’t forget—I came for you and you alone. That won’t change even if everyone but you likes me.”

I look away from him as soon as I have said those words. I cannot bear to see the confusion that is sure to be in his eyes. Those beautiful eyes that look at me as a stranger.

I step outside and take in the scene before me. Among those playing basketball, one person in particular catches my eye. He has the most cheerful laughter and stands the tallest.

???: “Oh!”

???: “Hey!”

The ball rolls to my feet. I pick it up.

The group’s gaze follows the ball and finds me. With him facing my direction now, I can see him more clearly. The Messenger has short black hair with some blond highlights. His eyes are a beautiful shade of crystal blue. His clothing is slightly unkempt, probably because he has been moving around so much—but maybe he doesn’t particularly pay a lot of attention to his appearance in the first place, despite how good-looking he is.

The blue-eyed Messenger lifts his arm and gives Zeph and I a big wave, smiling brightly.

Zeph responds with an unreadable smile. I just stand there, unsure of what to do.

Delilah: I’m not that confused...but I guess I can follow the script, especially if the protagonist’s innocence is key to the whole plot.

Kendric: “Hey! Could you pass us the...oh? Zeph, you brought a girl?”

Delilah: “...ah.”

Zeph glances at me. In a low volume, he says—

Zeph: “At least try not to introduce people one second before the game does?”

Delilah: “I’m sorry? I don’t know how this works yet. Do I just not name them in my head?”

Zeph: “Pft...this whole thing is from your point of view. Of course.”

I nod. Satisfied, Zeph turns back to the Messenger who has just called out—the Messenger is walking towards us.

Zeph: “Yep. I got myself a little envoy...haha, isn’t that neat? Everyone, meet Delilah Eidel.”

Kendric: “I’m Kendric Donovan.”

[Kendric Donovan

Physical age: 19

Likes: sports

Dislikes: the dark Weapon: beams of hope]

Kendric: “Nice to meet you, Delilah!”

He holds his hand out for a handshake. I shake hands with him.

Delilah: “Nice to meet you too, Kendric!”

Kendric: “How did you get yourself looped in with this guy? And you’re...human, too. What’s the story?”

Delilah: “Well...”

Delilah: I didn’t get looped in with Zeph. He got looped in with me.

I look at Zeph. He chuckles.

Zeph: “Don’t you think I could use a little help? You lot are a handful.”

Kendric: “Whaaat? We’re a handful since when? We’re so...”

Zeph: “Uncooperative, emotional, chaotic—which of these words were you looking for?”

Kendric: “Uh...none of them, I think.”

Zeph: “I’m not so sure...hahahaha.”

Delilah: He doesn’t want to tell Kendric what actually happened, and Kendric’s attention is so easy to divert. In that case...

Delilah: “Here.”

I raise the basketball in my hands. When Kendric opens his arms to receive it, I toss the ball lightly. He catches it.

Kendric: “Thanks! Hey, if you’re not busy, maybe you can play with us for a bit? If Zeph brought you in, you must be quite special.”

> Sure!

> Maybe next time.

I glance at Zeph, smiling. There is a cautious twinkle in his eyes, as if he is already wary of what my choice might be—already judging me for wanting the bad endings.

But it isn’t the bad endings themselves that I want. I am not particularly masochistic.

Delilah: “Zeph, let’s all play for a bit. Even you can spare a few minutes, right?”

Zeph is still smiling, but his eyes narrow in suspicion.

Zeph: “I’m a busy manager—”

Delilah: “Just a little while?”

I turn to Kendric.

Delilah: “You’d want him to join too, yes? Your manager must need some relaxation sometimes.”

Kendric: “Yeah, totally! Believe me, I’ve tried to invite him before.”

I tug at Zeph’s wrist, forgetting, for a moment, that to him, this would be the first time I touch him.

Zeph: “...”

Zeph: “Just a little.”

Kendric: “Whoop! Damn, Delilah, you really are special, aren’t you?”

Kendric runs back into the basketball court, leaving me alone with Zeph. I should run after him in a minute, but before I do, I glance at Zeph again.

Delilah: “You won’t ruin it for them. They love you.”

Then, I run after Kendric, partly because it is required, and partly to test whether I carried the sickliness of my body into this game.

For the first time in my life, I am running with no trouble at all. In fact, I catch up to Kendric pretty quickly. Surprised and a little stunned, I turn back to Zeph, who had let me go in before him. As if able to read my mind, he winks.

Delilah: ...nope, my heart is still weak as ever.

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