Life After You

Chapter Day 1: Evening

We walk through the rest of the main building at a leisurely pace for a while. Zeph introduces to me the functions of each room unless it is very self-explanatory. I nod along to each explanation, at the same time trying to remember the map of the building. Although I have seen every important room, the layout of the place is only a very rough sketch in the game.

Delilah: It’s not as if the player actually needs to walk through the halls themselves.

Zeph: “Ah.”

We have come to another staircase. There is only one more floor above us—the rooftop. Outside, the sun is no longer blazing, although it hasn’t set either. It is late afternoon, an indicator that we are nearing the final event of the first day.

I know where the staircase leads. Zeph knows too, of course. Maybe that is why he stops.

Delilah: Because who knows what’s going to happen when the canon timeline comes to a halt? Does the rest of the day continue for me, or do I just wake up to the next day?

Delilah: “Zeph.”

Zeph: “Yes?”

He grins. His grin makes me believe he knows what I am about to say.

Delilah: “Do you know how far we are in your route, in terms of the points?”

Zeph: “Hm...”

Zeph squints a little.

This is a question that has been plaguing my mind since his points went up to 150. In the actual gameplay, the requirements are as follows: before the cycle ends, the player must get a total of 1,000 points and unlock the special events in order to get the happy ending. If you get 1,000 points for the character without the special events, you get a normal ending. Any less than that will lead to a bad ending.

The problem is, Zeph has taken half of what the other characters would have gotten in normal circumstances at this point in time.

Delilah: It’s not like I care about the other happy endings...I just want to know what that means for Zeph.

Delilah: “Do you have the same grand total?”

Zeph: “Good question. I am not feeling much different than the usual right now, sooo maybe you’ll never reach the ceiling, and you’ll get the bad ending regardless of what you do, hahaha...”

Delilah: “...that’s not funny.”

Zeph: “Pft...but you know I’m a trick character with a trick setting the whole way through. It wouldn’t surprise me if that were true.”

Delilah: “...”

Delilah: After everything we’ve been through...I have to hear you say sad things like this all over again.

I clench my fists.

Delilah: “I don’t care. I’ll find your happy ending like I found your hidden route.”

His eyes widen.

Zeph: “...”

Zeph and I walk up the steps and open the door to the rooftop. Once the sun begins to set, it does so very quickly—exactly what’s happening now.

The door opens to the picturesque scenery of a man in a traditional robe of eastern style standing with the sun descending behind him. He has long, wavy hair cascading down his back. His hair is of pink color, and so are his eyes—only that his eyes are of a slightly darker shade.

It’s a little strange. Although the cutting of his attire is an eastern style, it isn’t that way entirely. The material is quite clearly of modern western quality...maybe that is just a matter of his own taste.

Zeph: “’re not wearing your uniform, Rehan.”

Delilah: He’s not even waiting for me to decide whether or not to mess it up this time, huh...

The pink-haired young man smiles enticingly in our general direction.

Rehan: “I was.”

Zeph: “Then?”

Rehan: “Then I heard there’s a girl on the premises—your new envoy, dear manager—so I went to get a change of clothes for the occasion.”

After speaking to Zeph, Rehan turns his attention to me. He reaches out with a hand. I see then that he is wearing black gloves on both hands.

Rehan: “Come, envoy, let me take a good look at you.”

Delilah: “Uh...nice to meet you, I’m Delilah.”

I take a few steps towards him. When we are close enough, he takes my hand as if to shake it, but instead pulls me even closer to himself. It is a light tug, but I stumble towards him anyway.

Delilah: I the original game, the protagonist wasn’t expecting that move, but why am I stumbling too?

Rehan: “...”

His smile grows.

Delilah: “?”

Rehan: “You are beautiful, my lady, and you look quite delicate. I sincerely pray that you won’t crumble under Zeph’s demonic demands.”

Delilah: “I...I mean...that’s fair. You won’t have to pray though.”

Rehan: “ are quite right about that.”

The young man who is obviously prettier than me sighs softly. He closes his eyes for an instant, then gently tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Rehan: “There is no god to pray to, for souls like us...isn’t that so, dear manager?”

Rehan glances at Zeph.

Zeph: “Pft.”

Zeph: “I thought you weren’t going to acknowledge my existence for a while.”

Rehan chuckles softly.

Rehan: “My, why would I do such a terrible thing? We have—had—only you to rely on until now.”

Delilah: Wow, what, that stings! Rehan, you’re pretty, but why are you putting me in this position?

Zeph: “Heh...”

Delilah: “I’m...not very reliable, Rehan. Not yet, at least, and probably not for a good while...”

He still has an arm around my shoulders but pretends that is the most natural thing to do.

Rehan: “Aren’t you? can rely on me instead until you are familiar with the happenings around here. Actually, even when or if you become better than Zeph at your work, you can still summon me anytime to help you with anything.”

> Thank you.

> Um, your arm...

Delilah: That reminds me. How did I stumble into him fully expecting the tug?

I look down. At my waist, I discover thin, silvery threads that are almost invisible—and certainly would be invisible if I didn’t already know what they are.

I pick at the threads around my waist, then look up at Rehan.

Delilah: “...the manager is a true artist when it comes to trickery, don’t you think? I’d never be as good as him, so I’ll take your word for it and summon you when I need you.”

Rehan has noticed that I was picking at his threads. He arches his eyebrows, seemingly impressed.

[Rehan +50]

Rehan: “What an observant girl.”

[Rehan Norris

Physical age: 25

Likes: fashion

Dislikes: manual labor

Weapon: puppet threads]

Behind me, Zeph laughs in amusement. His voice seems to have gotten closer.

Zeph: “Oh, if only you knew...hahahaha!”

[Zeph +50]

I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders—Zeph’s hands.

Zeph: “Then, how do you like my new envoy? Are you impressed?”

Zeph’s voice is right next to me. This is the closest we have been since he forgot about me, since I entered the game myself.

My heart leaps. But I hold my breath and remind myself that he does not yet know our full story.

Delilah: I am the only one in love.

Rehan: “Dare I say—very much so.”

Rehan flicks a finger, and I watch the threads disappear. Zeph immediately pulls me away from the puppeteer.

Zeph: “We’ve still got some things to do. See you soon, Rehan.”

Rehan: “Have fun, dear manager, as always. And my lady, you too.”

Delilah: “”

As Zeph steers me away, I lift an arm to wave. Rehan waves back with a flawlessly elegant smile.

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