Lick it And Slip it in by Demiah13

Chapter 117

But Tyler gripped around my arm and stopped me from heading back to the table. “Answer the question and then I’ll
leave you alone. Do you want me to yourself, Layla?”
Still leaving my back facing him, I clenched my eyes tightly and then opened them after a second had passed.
“No. Why would I want a guy who sleeps with every girl he sets his on? You taught me what I needed to know Tyler
now I don’t need you anymore.”
Those words feel like acid on my tongue and I wanted to
scrub them off my tongue.
| clenched my eyes in pain as I felt my stomach knot
when his hand loosen on my arm until he dropped it com
I feel him seconds later behind me, his heat burning on
my back. I’m shivering as I keep my eyes closed.
“That’s all I needed to know Layla.” He whispered and
then seconds later that heat that radiated off of him is no
more and I’m left with cold air.
Tyler felt his heart tear at her words. He didn’t know he
would feel so much pain by just her saying the word no.
The pain was unbearable and it stunned him.

He took a step closer to her, reaching out but stopped
and shook his head.
She had given him her answer. She didn’t want him all to
herself which screamed loud and clear that she didn’t want
Not like the way he clearly wanted her. Which he was now
admitting to himself,
So now that her words were set free from her mouth and
slapped his eardrums, he felt hurt.
Because for the first time in his life he wanted someone so badly and that person didn’t want him.
He stepped away from her when his throat started to burn strangely and he walked away quickly without saying a
He didn’t have to because he somehow had a feeling she wouldn’t care anyway.
He rushed out of the library and slammed into a body by
accident. He reached out for the person’s arms before they toppled and apologized quickly when he saw it was Tiffany.
She looked at him in confusion and uttered. “Are you
okay?” She asked, her eyes staring at him like he was a
strange being.
Were his eyes red or something?

He wasn’t sure when was the last time he was so emo
tional, so he had no clue how he looked right now.
Raking a hand through his hair he nods. “Yeah I’m okay. See you later.” He said and walked away before he did some thing
He was already embarrassed that a few simple words from Layla had hurt him this badly, he didn’t want to look like a fool in front
of her best friend.
Tyler groaned and raked a hand through his hair again. Maybe it was a good thing Layla said no.
Maybe Tyler wasn’t good enough for her.
Fuck it, he knew he wasn’t good enough for her clear and simple.
He fucked many girls he lost count of, cared for none of them, and treated them like used tissues. He literally said he’d go after
Tiffany too, but that was just a bluff and he hadn’t
actually meant it at all.
He just wanted to get even with her for hurting him even
though her words were true.
He always slept around, his reputation was well-known everywhere.
But for her to basically say he was nothing more than
some guy with a dick he always uses gave a blow to his ego.
Because he had wanted her to see him as more than
some guy to have sex with. There he said it.
He fucking wanted Layla to see him as more than just an

arrangement, more than a dick to hump on.
Fuck he wanted her as his.
For the first time in his life, he wanted a girl all to himself.
He fucking wanted her.
But she didn’t want him.
And fuck did he just want to just reach into his chest and
pull out his damn heart.
Why the hell does this hurt so badly?
He shouldered his fellow peers but didn’t give a fuck.
Why should he when he was hurting and the only person who could help him stop feeling so much pain was not emo tionally
available and was clearly not going to help him.
He needed to stop this feeling. He needed to get her out
of his system.
He needed to forget about her like he had done to so
many others.
This shouldn’t be difficult. Dammit Tyler, this shouldn’t
be difficult.
His eyes roamed around the halls and spotted one of Karen’s friends. Her blonde hair was pulled into two ponytails and she
twirled her hair around her finger while looking at

Tyler remembered her. He had fucked her a while back
and he remembered she was a wild one and he did enjoy
himself a bit.
Will she help him get rid of her presence on his body?.
On his mind?
In his heart?
Because God alone knows he’d need to get rid of her be
fore he goes insane.
He walked up to her and smirked. He couldn’t remember her name but he was sure it started with an A or perhaps a B. No
matter, he only had to smirk and give them that look and they’d practically drop their panties and open their legs for
Her eyes twinkled with that gleam of seduction he knew all too well and he couldn’t help but think that Layla’s eyes were way
He shook his head a bit and nudged his head the bath
room way. The girl bit her bottom lip and nodded.
She walked away slowly, her hips swaying. When she’s al
most beside the girl’s bathroom she turns back around to give Tyler that look that beckoned him to come.
Even though his heart panged for another girl, he forced his legs to move in the direction of the bathroom.
Layla was right, he was a manwhore. And a manwhore
doesn’t have feelings.
He’ll get over her even if that means he’ll have to fuck ev

ery girl in the school again. He’ll fuck her out of his system.
Layla’s pov
“What the hell happened? I saw Tyler leaving and he did not look happy.” Tiffany said, breaking me out of my train of thought.
I picked up the pen quickly to pretend like I was busy when all I had been doing was sitting there and thinking about what I told
Tiffany walked around the table and sat mirroring me.
I shrugged. “I told him I didn’t care that he was fucking Karen again.”
Tiffany raised a brow. “You don’t?”
| tore my eyes away from hers hoping she’d not catch onto my lies. “No I don’t. He can do whatever he wants and
fuck any hole he wants. It’s not like we’re still in the arrange
“Wait, what?” Tiffany gasped. “The arrangement
I nod. “Is off.” I cut her off. “I called it off.”
Tiffany looked shocked. “Why? I thought it was helping
with your writers block?”
“It did,” I said and played with the pen. “I just see no use
in it anymore.”
Tiffany stays silent for a few moments and then whis pered. “You caught feelings for him didn’t you?”
My heart leaped and my throat tightens.
“No.” I denied, but my voice cracks and gives me away.
Tiffany’s voice softens and I lift up my gaze to see her look at me in pity. I hated that stare.

“Oh Lai....” She whispered in a broken tone.
I shook my head. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ll be fine. A guy like him will never change so I’m not keeping my hopes
1. up. What was said and done today was the end of anything
we had between us.”
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