level 1 player novel

Chapter 49.1

Chapter 49 Legendary Item Auction

There were a total of 7 items from hunting the orc warchief and orc shaman, all of which were legendary.

One of the legendary items was the ax used by the orc warchief.

One bag was taken by the orcs, and the other bag was retrieved by rankers.

Of the remaining 6 items, there were 3 skill books.

'There are three skill books... ... .'

Hyunseong was given the right to preempt two of the items.

But that didn't mean that Hyunseong ignored all the procedures and went to pick two items.

The Players Association promises that if Hyunseong chooses an item, he will pay the money to purchase it for free.

An auction has been officially scheduled.

Eligibility to participate in the auction was limited to players who participated in the Orc Warchief Raid and Orc Shaman Raid.

If the Players Association's plans went as planned, Hyunseong could only participate in the auction of items vomited by the orc warchief.

However, Hyunseong and the Orc Warchief raid team also caught the Orc Shaman, so they got the right to purchase the items the Orc Shaman vomited. The day the auction is held.

Hyunseong visited the auction house.

The items to be purchased had already been decided.

Once the ax was eliminated.

It had a very good option, but it didn't make sense to Hyunseong, who already had the only legendary weapon called the Dragon Blood Sword.

He had to learn the smashing technique separately, and the weapon itself called the ax did not match Hyunseong, who gave up even a shield for mobility. Other items were also of no use to Hyunseong, who is collecting the Demon King's Armor Set and the Vampire King's Accessory Set.

In the end, he had to pick two out of three skillbooks.

Hyunseong chose two skillbooks without thinking long.

The first skill book I chose was Walk Cry.

Walk Cry - Legendary Rank

-Active skill book

-Calls out, stuns enemies for 10 seconds.

-Increases the morale of allies for 10 minutes.

-The lower the enemy's Spirit stat, the higher the chance of falling into a rigid state.

- A skill that is affected by the caster's Spirit stat.

A wide-area mental attack skill used by the orc warchief.

It not only puts enemies in a rigid state, but also raises the morale of allies.

In addition, it was a skill that was affected by the Spirit stat.

Hyunseong's mental strength stat is over 850.

It was a higher number than the tanker who rose to the rank of ranker.

If you are not a ranker healer, most players will probably have lower mental stats than Hyunseong.

Since there is no way for a healer to purchase skills like Walk Lie and learn them, it was actually the most effective skill when it came into Hyunseong's hands.

The second skill book I chose was Berserk.

Berserk - Legendary Rank-Passive skill book

- Activates automatically when your health drops below 10%.

-When activated, physical resistance and skill resistance are reduced by 50%.

-When activated, Strength, Agility, Magical Power, and Spirit stats increase by 40%.

Berserk was a skill commonly used by monsters.

However, the drop probability was quite low.

In that sense, it was quite fortunate that the orc warchief vomited

Berserk skill.

'Physical resistance and skill resistance are lower than other Berserk skills.'

In the case of hero-grade Berserk skills, physical resistance and skill resistance have been reduced by 70%.

On the other hand, the amplified stat was only 20%.

There is a difference in grade, but the penalty is reduced and the buff is increased.

It was truly a legendary level skill.

However, the Berserk skill was not very popular.

The advantages are clear.

All stats except stamina have been greatly increased, so you can expect a powerful increase in combat power like the Thunderbolt Banjo.

But the downsides weren't too bad.

Significantly reduces physical resistance and skill resistance when only 10% of HP is left?

If I made a mistake, it was easy to go down the Nether Road.

Thanks to that, the Berserk skill has been reduced to a skill that dealers, who are glass bodies, learn for the final reversal.

Hyunseong had also considered purchasing the Berserker skill in the past.

However, the width of the decreasing physical resistance and skill resistance was too large, so I gave up in the end.

'But 50% is enough and it's worth using.'

Hyunseong has a dragon blood sword and a book of immortality.

He has not yet collected all the sets, so the effect is ineffective, but he is also wearing the Ring of the Vampire King.

Reduced physical resistance and skill resistance can be covered with item and skill.

'As long as you can maintain 10% of your health, you can continue to maintain a huge buff effect.'

It was a gamble worth taking as long as you protect your heart and head, you won't die even in the worst case.

The skill book that Hyunseong gave up on was a skill called Flame Spirit from an orc shaman.

The attack power is strong and the defense is strong, but the mana consumption was large, and, crucially, the caster had to stand in place as if nailed to a nail while using the skill. Naturally, it was a completely useless skill for Hyunseong.

If you use the Spirit of Fire skill, you can't use any other stats except for the magic stat.

The first skill that came out after the auction was Walk Cry.

The first legendary level mental attack skill that appeared.

"300 billion!"

"400 billion!"

As soon as the auction started, the price went up. The Walk-Cry Skill Book quickly surpassed 1 trillion won.

The Walk Cry skill does not simply enhance one player.

It weakens all enemies and raises the morale of all allies.

As it is a wide-area skill that can have a great influence on the absolute majority in large-scale battles, the price has risen endlessly.

'All the giant guilds rushed in.'

It was absolutely not an amount that could be called with the financial power of an individual ranker.

Hyunseong watched the auction with a calm expression without shouting the bid.

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