Leon (Sin’s Bastards MC: Next Generation) Special Edition #4

Leon: Chapter 11

Anna rose to her feet slowly. She rested her hand on the dog’s head, her movements were slow and steady. She didn’t make the mistake of turning her back but kept her eyes on his the whole time as she joined her father and her brother at the table. Only when she was sitting, did she look away. “I work at the dog shelter on Baker street. I also train dogs in my spare time. Earlier today, something happened. It was before Alfred got to me.”

They all turned to stare at her.

“I should have left town or something I guess. But I had my meeting with Anna and I just did not want to miss it. I mean it was the only way to know how my mom was doing. It might be the last time I could ever hear about her, since I was going to leave Boston. Then Alfred snatched me before I could even get in my car to go to the church. But what happened earlier in the day was…” She clasped her shaky hands together and looked a bit pale now.

Evelyn had tears appeared in her eyes as she asked, “Baby, what happened to you?”

“Well, around 4 this afternoon, I was training Boss at the shelter when Jasper showed up.” She looked over at her father. “Anna showed me pictures of all these men on that list. So I would know who they were. Well…” she paused as her body trembled. “Jasper shot Boss then he came after me. Boss had grabbed the gun out of his hand with his teeth. When he shot Boss, two of the other dogs got free and attacked him. I got out of there, so I didn’t see what happened. I don’t know if Boss is dead or alive anymore. I couldn’t stay and have the cops there. Jasper’s men would have gotten me for sure. I knew then that I had to leave the life I’d made. I mean I didn’t know that all of this had happened at the time. My mom getting free and Siobhan gone.”

Leon reached out and grabbed her hands. “Boss put his life on the line for you. That’s the best thing he could have done for you. He loved you enough to protect you from harm. Don’t blame yourself if he is dead.”

Meena worried her lower lip for a moment.

Leon took note of it. “Is there something else?”

“Actually there is.” She nodded while looking hesitant. “When Anna gave you her list of the twenty men, I took a look at it before she handed it over. And she forgot one very important name or she didn’t know about him. While he may not be one of Siobhan’s men, he’s associated heavily with them .He guides them, yet remains hidden from the rest of the city.”

“How do you know this?” Calderone asked.

“When you roam the underground of the city you tend to learn to not be seen. When Siobhan first threw me out, Oscar found me. He told me Anna had sent him to watch over me and he taught me to be invisible. He also taught me how to listen without being seen. I’ve been watching this man over the years and I’ve seen him giving orders to her sleepers. When your men took down Liam’s gang, these men wanted to join the fight but this man told them to stay out of it. He told them to wait for the right time to make their move and that time would come soon enough.”

“Who is this man?” Leon asked her.

“Peter Long.”

Leon wasn’t surprised at her revelation. He always thought Peter was a slime ball, but now he knew for sure. Peter was heavy into the local government and one day, he wanted to be Senator and go to Washington. “Can you prove it?”

“She might not be able to but I can. I have the evidence you need,” Oscar joined them holding the wall as he stumbled into the kitchen.

Anna gasped and rushed over to him to help him sit down at the table. Oscar groaned as he sat down. Anna sat down next to him and propped him up.

Leon stared at the man. “Can I ask who you are? I mean I am grateful that you saved my daughter. I just always like to know who I’m dealing with.”

Oscar gave him a slow nod. “And I appreciate that too. I would want to know If I were you.” He chuckled a bit then winced as if he were in pain. “I’m an ex-Marine.”

Leon and Calderone stared at him.

“About ten years ago, I came home to no home. That’s a long story but let’s say my wife wasn’t waiting for me with yellow ribbons tied everywhere. So, I was…” he paused. “I had issues from my tours. I had some Vet income, so I didn’t need money really, as there was just me to support. I took odd jobs here and there. Landscaping mostly, as I like being outside when I work.” He looked over at Anna. “That’s how I met her. I was taking care of one of Siobhan properties.” He patted Anna’s hand. “I’ve known Anna for a couple of years now and… she finally told me of the situation with her and that entire nightmare with Siobhan…” He nodded to Evelyn. “I hated not being able to really help, but I sure did not want to cause her death.” He glanced over at Meena. “So all I could do was wait and watch over the young woman.”

Leon and Calderone took in his words and the genuine look of concern in his eyes.

Leon seemed satisfied so he nodded at the man respectfully. “I thank you for doing all that you have. Truly. I am grateful for it. So what evidence do you have that could prove Peter’s compliance with Jasper and his friends?”

“Peter always did his business outside, where he couldn’t be taped or photographed too closely. I’d seen him many times out in the public venue. And as I told you, I like being outside myself, it helps me. But anyway, he liked to come to the park down by the docks. One day when he was there, he got a phone call. I was close enough to hear it, though he never knew that. The minute I heard that name, Siobhan as he spoke, I knew I needed to listen. She wanted him to pass a message to someone named Jasper. He wrote the message down in a small book then made the call. It was news Jasper didn’t want to hear so they argued for a while then Peter got up and he left. The notebook fell off his lap when he was arguing on the phone and he didn’t notice it but I did, I picked it up after he left and I looked at it. It was sort of a time line of messages between Siobhan and her stooges.”

“That would work.” Calderone nodded.

“Yeah, it would be enough to convict him,” Leon agreed. “Can you get your hands on the notebook and bring it here so we can see it?” he asked him.

Oscar nodded, then he shook his head. “You can’t take this to court, they’d throw it out in a heartbeat. The courts wouldn’t care about something like this.”

“Who said anything about taking this to the judicial courts? I was speaking of the Family court. We take this sort of thing very seriously. He’ll be judged by our courts.” Leon stared at him. “I think its time the Council made itself known again. I think everyone in this city needs to know who’s in charge here.”

Oscar’s eyes got huge and he swore under his breath, “Holy shit. World War Three is coming to Boston.”

“Almost but not quite. I don’t like it to go to bullets slinging, as innocents would get hurt. But heads will roll.” Leon grinned.

Leon’s phone buzzed just then and he raised it to his ear. His face smile dropped. “What?” He got up and motioned to Calderone. “The Sinners are approaching the gate. Have the guards let them in.”

Calderone nodded and went to the wall and spoke to the intercom speaker. He then turned to Calderone. “Seems it is All of the Sinners and some of the Bastards.”

Evelyn and the other two women kept gazing back and forth at the men while looking confused.

Oscar whistled. “All of the Sinners? Well damn, I’d like to see this.”

Leon got another call. “It’s Iceman,” he answered it and listened for a long moment. “Are you serious?” He stared at Calderone. “Get them all to the basement, son.”

Calderone stared at him and tapped his phone, making a call as he stepped a few feet away.

“NOW!” he shouted at his son.

Calderone swiped his phone closed then finally snapped to it and motioned to Oscar, and the women.

“W-what’s happening, Leon?” Evelyn asked.

“Just go sweetheart. Please take Anna and Meena and go!”

Oscar stood up on shaky legs. “I can stay. Hand me a weapon.”

Leon shook his head. “Just take care of my family, Oscar. Please.”

The man looked hesitant then he grabbed Anna’s hand.

Two of the security men showed up in the kitchen.

Calderone gave them an order, “Take them to the safe room in the basement.

Leon growled. “You go with them Calderone!”

His son ignored his outburst and motioned to the men.

They escorted the group from the kitchen and went down the stairs off the kitchen hallway.

Calderone glared at his father. “The hell I leave you, Dad.”

Leon looked disgusted. Then he went over to the window.

Calderone joined him as they both stood and stared.

There were at least 35 cycles coming up the drive.

“Wow.” Calderone looked shocked.

Leon made to go to the door.

Calderone took his arm. “Dad, maybe—?”

“Maybe nothing, son. I will go and talk to them.”

“You stay here.” Calderone kept his grip on his dad’s arm. “You still haven’t told me what is happening.”

Leon let out a huge sigh. “World War Three. I’m afraid.”

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