
Chapter 8, A Connection Is Made

©Rosayln Cross / MMO Gurl 2020-2022. All Rights Reserved. Do not replicate this intellectual property without obtaining my permission.

Hours later, Akihiro had thoroughly obliterated Misaki’s stash of buttons. She had been a good sport despite the fact that Aki had beaten her at every single hand.

Finally, she threw her hands up in the air, done with the charade that she might actually beat him.

“You know,” she said with a slight hint of annoyance. “You could have let me win just once.”

“How would you ever get any better then?” he asked honestly with blank, blinking eyes.

She laughed, shaking her head at him, “Well, let’s get that bedding aired out now that it’s dark. It’s going to be strange sleeping on a regular mattress. I’m so used to the shitty futons from the barracks.”

“Like I said earlier,” Aki confirmed, “Anything is better than rocks. Seriously.”

The sheets underneath the comforter were actually pretty clean; the top blanket had protected them from most of the grime. The pillows, however, since they had been peaking out from beneath the comforter, were pretty gross. They brought the dusty bedding out back and proceeded to beat them out with a stick, both of them keeping an eye out cautiously for any response to the noise they were making. Nothing seemed to mind the commotion and the night air was filled with the sound of insects trilling.

The blanket was in much better shape now after having been aired and shaken out, the pillows were looking good too. Akihiro carried the huge comforter back inside while Misaki tagged along behind carrying the rest, and they went about making the bed again.

When the job was completed, they both shared an awkward glance at each other. Misaki looked down at herself questioningly, and asked, “Should we sleep in these suits or strip them off? I’m not sure what would be best.”

“Well, it would suck to be stuck in our underwear if the enemy shows up, but I can’t imagine it would be much better to sleep in these dingy jumpsuits.” Aki looked down at the spots he couldn’t quite get clean around his ankles and decided. “Yeah. I’m going to take it off. The only way I could sleep in mine is to take all of the gear out, and I’d have to argue it would be a sight quicker to just slip the suit on, then to have to put all of my crap back into it.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Misaki said with a little bit of shyness showing. “It would be really uncomfortable to sleep in too.” She apprehensively began to unlace her boots, loosening them before kicking one off at a time and placing them beside the bed neatly. Aki followed suit, while keeping an eye on her, trying not to be too obvious about it. She then grabbed her zipper and slowly ran it down its track, stopping at her groin and then slipping the suit off of her arms before lowering it down around her legs and stepping out of it.

Akihiro couldn’t help but release a silent gulp when her cleavage shot out from behind her tank top as she bent down. He tried his best to think of something unattractive so as not to sport an erection while laying next to her in bed. A standing Saint Bernard dog wearing a knit hat and a moo moo he thought before letting out a snicker at the ridiculous picture.

Misaki peered at him accusingly, “What?”

Caught. Akihiro recovered quickly to save face, “Oh, I was just thinking about one of those dogs from Old Earth. You know the Saint Bernards? And how they used to show pictures of them wearing those little kegs around their necks so they could bring liquor to people who got snowbound? The thought of that just never made any sense to me.” He let out another small laugh at the end, hoping that she bought it.

“Ok...” she said sounding suspicious. Misaki then lifted up the covers and hopped into bed quickly, hiding herself beneath the blanket.

Akihiro joined her in bed hesitantly. Sitting upright beside her, Aki realized he wasn’t entirely sure how they should handle this whole thing. “So, how do you want to do this? Back to back sounds the safest, but we could also just sleep on our backs or something.”

Misaki blushed just slightly, “I don’t really care. Whatever is most comfortable. It will just be nice just to be warm for once.”

Aki was sort of surprised that she didn’t seem to mind especially after she had acted so uptight about the entire thing earlier. “Let’s just try to get comfortable then. I’ll just lay this way and you can do your own thing.” He laid down on his side, facing away from her and propped his arm up under the pillow. “I sleep pretty light, so I’ll be on alert. Try to get some rest. Night.”

“Good night,” she said quietly.

He could feel her stirring around quite a bit. She laid on her back for a time, before turning away and putting her back to him. She kept moving her legs and adjusting her pillow. The constant fidgeting was starting to get on his nerves until she turned again and this time faced his back. Misaki pressed closely against him and he could feel her breath hitting the hairline by his neck. Her soft breasts were ever so slightly touching his back and his body began to pump adrenaline at the excitement of what this could mean.

The thought that she might be interested in him sexually had not much passed his mind; even if he had imagined her in that way more than a couple of times. Maybe she thinks I fell asleep? Or does she think I’m awake and wants me to make a move? What does she mean by this? What should I do? The thoughts raced through his head and before he could think of the right response, she abruptly turned away from him again.

Aki’s entire body let down at the disappointing turn of events. Frustrated with himself, he wished he had acted sooner and done something while she was still actively engaging him. Why was he even overthinking this so much? It wasn’t like him at all. The reality of their situation was never lost on him. He knew it was an opportunity, not just to be with each other that they might not get ever again, but heck to be with anyone! They could be dead come tomorrow as their future simply wasn’t secured.

He took a deliberate breath in through his nose and let it out slowly through his mouth. After finding his center again, he finally found the courage to confront her directly. Akihiro turned towards Misaki placing his hand directly on the curve of her hips. With his mouth at her ear, he whispered coarsely, “You know there’s not a lot in this world, especially this lifestyle, that’s handed do you. If you see something you want, you have to go after it. Is there something here that you want?”

She turned slightly to look up at his face, her body still close against his chest. Aki could see the outline of her face and the features thereupon dimly lit by the moonlight. Her eyes were wide, looking him over as though she were searching for something. Maybe she was unsure of what she wanted or maybe she already knew, but felt guilty. Perhaps she just didn’t know how to ask and Aki was getting sick of juggling the different possibilities.

He was about to make a move, when she surprised him by suddenly rolling to face him again. Misaki reached forward and kissed him gently. The kiss was light and sensuous, her full lips pressing against his with just the right amount of pressure. Akihiro returned her kiss hungrily, desiring more and more with each taste.

His hand slid across her stomach and up below her undershirt; it was made of a thin material and gave easily as he pushed up along her torso. Misaki’s skin felt electric to his touch, every one of his caresses set off a brilliant response from her. She arched her back upwards as he wrapped his fingers around her supple breast, causing a soft moan to escape from her mouth.

Desiring full reign over her body, he lifted his leg over hers so that he was kneeling between her legs. Aki leaned forward, rolling her shirt up and grasping one of her breasts in each hand, taking turns between teasing each nipple with the tip of his tongue. She squirmed beneath him, thoroughly enjoying his attention, but very obviously desiring more.

Misaki reached her arms around his back pulling him tightly towards her and kissing him fiercely. His dick was now incredibly hard and pressing against her inner thigh. Misaki continually drove her pelvis against him, losing herself in desire. She reached her hands down between their bodies, pulling at the waistband of his boxers. Struggling in frustration she tried to pull them free, but was unable to get anywhere. She finally opted to surpass removing his briefs altogether by slipping her hand through the opening in the front and groping his erection.

Akihiro groaned lustfully, not having felt a woman’s touch in a long time. He instinctively thrust forward into her hands, rocking back and forth a bit to simulate the feeling of intercourse. Before long, he grew restless and spread her legs apart with his knees, grinding his hard dick directly against her underwear. He could feel the wetness through her panties and she moaned in ecstasy with each lunge.

“Enough of these,” Akihiro said playfully, before pulling her legs up and over his shoulder temporarily as he slid her underwear off. He let her legs back down gently and she relaxed them to either side of him. Flinging himself backwards, he slid his boxers off from underneath him at full speed, returning to her as quickly as possible.

He positioned himself directly at her center, rubbing the wet lips of her labia with the thick head of his dick. Misaki gasped as she felt it, the anticipation seeming almost too much for her as he spread the secretions all around the outside of her vagina. Akihiro could feel her shiver beneath him, barely able to contain herself as she extended her pelvis out towards him. He slid his dick in slowly, grimacing slightly at how tight she was. Even with how sopping wet she was inside, Akihiro was still having trouble making headway. He ebbed evermore into her, pushing a little farther with each movement. Misaki gripped his shoulders, panting heavily as the muscles of her vagina tightened all around his hard cock.

Finally, he made his way inside of her fully, Misaki’s body shuddered as he hit the back wall of her canal. Aki started up a slow rhythm as he drove into her. The fluids began to seep out around his dick, making it smoother with each trip he took inside. He started to lose himself as the past day’s events set a fire raging inside of him. The flurry of passion, life, death, love, betrayal, and everything in between going off like fireworks around them.

Following where the flow took him, Aki pushed her thighs down and pinned them in place with his hands as he drilled down into her. She recoiled at the depth of the penetration, her fingertips attempting to hold his stomach at bay to keep him from going too far. Misaki stared up at him luridly, her mouth open as she breathed out sharply with each plunge. She grabbed his face and pulled him towards her, kissing him passionately while continuing to gasp at each deep penetration.

She abruptly turned her head to the side of his, her moans reaching a crescendo as she neared climax. Aki could feel her thighs clench beneath his wrists as her breathing intensified until her pussy gripped his dick like a vice and Misaki cried out. She quivered in waves around him while the result of her apex covered the head of his dick with more lubrication. The sensation was enough to send him over the edge and he had barely been holding on as it was. He pulled out of her quickly, rolling onto his back beside her and holding his cock as the semen pumped out of him.

He groaned uncontrollably and couldn’t help but chuckle afterwards at the overwhelming response to his orgasm. Misaki leaned in closely to him, licking his neck playfully for a moment before she said, “I can’t believe you were packing that kinda heat under there, Akihiro.”

“Oh, no,” he said wincing. “Packing heat? I didn’t know you were capable of such awful puns...”

“Seriously, that thing is huge,” she said cracking a smile and pointing down between his legs.

“C’mon, it’s not that big,” he said shyly. “Besides... I could say the same about how tight you were. I thought you were going to break it off!”

She looked at him perplexed for a moment before she started to laugh. “No way! It’s just because you were too big!”

“I somehow doubt that” he said grinning at her wickedly. “Do me a favor and reach over into my suit and get that handkerchief out for me to clean this mess up with.”

She rolled over and slipped out of bed quickly. The moon was still shining through the bedroom windows and Aki admired her silhouette as she stood there before him. She seemed lighter as whole, a spirit in her step that had not been there before. Misaki returned with the piece of cloth he had requested and Akihiro graciously accepted it, wiping the semen from the affected areas and tossing it to the floor to deal with later. Misaki had tucked herself back under the covers beside him, her head coming to rest on her bent elbow as she peered at him.

“What’s that look for?” Aki asked suspiciously.

“Oh nothing...” she said trailing off, her eyes looking his body up and down. “I was just wondering when you’d be ready to go again.”

He laughed boisterously before leaning in closely to her with his best debonair voice and saying, “Well, who would have thought you’d have such a sexual appetite.” He grasped her free hand laying on her side, brought it to his mouth and kissed it sensuously. His lips following the length of her hand to her wrist before rotating her arm and kissing down the next unexplored area.

Aki could feel the goosebumps forming on her soft skin as she shivered from his touch. Abruptly, he switched his hands to her sides and pulled her towards him firmly. A sound of surprise escaped her lips as he pressed his still hard cock against her.

“It’s still hard?” she asked with amazement while she reached down to feel it for proof.

“I can’t help it you’re so damn sexy,” he said with a cheesy smile.

“Now who’s the one being lame?” Misaki jested making a reference to his earlier slight.

“Shut up and let me kiss you,” he said as he pressed his lips firmly against hers.

It was a good thing that no enemies were walking by that night because if they had been, their location would have been given away quite easily by the loud moans and cries of pleasure coming from the cabin. They stayed up for several hours relieving themselves of the worries and pressures they had faced in the days leading up. When they were both finally worn out, Misaki cuddled up against Aki’s chest, and they passed out peacefully.


Author’s Note:

Well that happened! A lot of my later works have a good bit more smut in them if that's your sort of thing. This was one of my first books and the romance didn't fit in as well as I'd like.. besides in a sort of survival situation as I've done so far. I have a book called Wilder Than Fire on my Patreon though that still needs some work that you might be interested in if you liked this though.

Join my Patreon to check them out before I publish them: https://www.patreon.com/mmogurl. Simply join and click on the Legionnaires / Wilder Than Fire tag at the top. I’m still going through it all and editing so I can post here eventually.

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