
Chapter 16, Counter Attack

©Rosayln Cross / MMOGurl 2020-2022. All Rights Reserved. Do not replicate this intellectual property without obtaining my permission.

Akihiro followed up Bernard’s rear as they dashed from the Serval to the Peregrine’s side entrance. The ship had been parked directly on the concrete without any kind of a docking platform making it easier to reach the door. Aki looked around nervously, awaiting Misaki’s arrival and scanning the spaceport for any incoming attacks on their location.

“How’s it look?” Aki asked nervously as he clutched his sidearm.

“Bernard Lutz requesting access,” he spoke into the mic beside the doorframe. A robotic voice spoke up asking for his hand print and he obliged it by placing his palm on the smooth panel above the speaker.

“Access granted,” the voice spoke affirmatively.

“Yes!” Bernard cheered with excitement as the door slid open and granted them entry to the dropship.

Akihiro followed the enthusiastic pilot to the captain’s deck and stood by in case he was needed. He watched as Bernard maneuvered around the flight control panel, flicking buttons and switches in expert succession until finally the Peregrine’s engines came online.

“I can’t believe it! They didn’t get through any of the security protocols! She’s all mine still!” Bernard cried out with jubilation as he turned to face Aki.

“Can we open the mecha hatch for Misaki? Just in case?” he asked hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

“Sure thing,” Bernard hopped over to what was likely a co-pilot’s console and flipped a lever.

Like a monster awakening from its slumber, Aki heard the massive bay door open on the backside of the ship. He rushed out of the cabin and saw the daylight shining through and felt the fresh air rushing through the ship. He slipped out the smaller side entrance and was delighted to finally see Misaki rushing down the runway towards them.

He leapt out of the ship and ran out waving his hands and jumping like an idiot. Aki couldn’t help but act like a fool, he was just so elated to get the hell off this planet, for all of them to make it out after everything they’d been through. She was moving incredibly fast, likely in a hurry to get out of there just as he was.

Suddenly, he noticed a glinting of light from behind her and he squinted to make it out. Up on top of the four story parking garage was a mecha. Shit! At that very moment, he heard the shrill sound of breaks squealing and turned to the right. An armored vehicle was speeding towards the Peregrine, gaining ground with every second that Akihiro hesitated.

If I leave the pilot without any kind of defense and they kill or even capture him then we’re fucked. If I don’t get in the Serval and help out Misaki, she might get taken down before she even knows what hit her. There wasn’t any more time for thought, he had to move now.

“BERNARD! GET READY TO LEAVE AT MY COMMAND!” he shouted as Bernard leaned out the side door with a confused expression. When he saw the vehicle rapidly approaching, he ran back inside without a word.

Akihiro dashed towards the Serval as the enemy mecha took a shot at the Kuroma with a bright blue particle beam. Thankfully it came up short, but at Misaki’s speed she wouldn’t have even felt the concussion of it landing behind her against her own footfalls.

He climbed the ladder to the cockpit quicker than ever before and frantically began the startup sequence.

Even though the engines took time to warm up, it was a blessing that the comms channels could operate off of residual power. He turned on the radio and shouted into this headset urgently, “MISAKI! ENEMY MECHA BEHIND YOU! ENGAGE!!”

Aki could see her slow for a split second before curving around to the side of the runway. He sighed immensely with relief that she now knew she was being tailed, but quickly changed his tune when he realized the engines just weren’t going to warm up in time. “Fuck! I never should have turned it off!” he exclaimed with fury as he slammed a fist into his thigh.

“I have no choice then,” he shot out of the cockpit letting the door lock behind him as he slid down the ladder. The vehicle would be there any moment and he’d be lucky to pull this together with the time he had available. He shot off across the pavement and entered into the side door of the Peregrine.

“BERNARD! DO YOU HAVE A WEAPONS CACHE!?” he screamed out into the pilot’s cabin as he began to ransack any compartment that looked like it might house munitions.

“Yes!” Bernard shouted back. “In the big metal tote on the side wall there!” The thin man came running from the front of the ship and coasted across the grated metal floor to a long container. He cursed to himself as the lid resisted his attempts to open it and then reached up into an overhead niche and fished out a key. After unlocking both sides, he flipped the trunk open and gestured towards the weapons within.

“I might need your help after all, Bernard,” Aki said as the gears in his head began to devise a plan. “How are you with a shotgun?”

“Well given the spread of the ammo, a lot better than with a pistol,” he chuckled. It was impressive how calm he was given the circumstances.

Akihiro pulled out a kitted out combat shotgun with the accompanying magazine. He checked quick to make sure it was loaded with ammo and clicked it into place under the shotgun’s barrel. He handed it over to Bernard who quickly strapped it over his shoulder and cocked a round into the chamber.

“Guard the back of the bay. If anyone gets close to the ship, fill them with lead,” Akihiro ordered with a severe tone. “Don’t worry about me,” he continued. “Just make sure Misaki gets out of her alive, alright?”

“If I can, I will, Aki,” Bernard agreed with a sincere smile as he nodded.

Aki looked back into the oversized metal case and took out a huge tube with a horn-shaped end on the back. He had never used a live rocket launcher before, but only training models that mimicked the action without the devastation. There were two rounds packed tightly on the side of the tote. He grabbed both of them and brought them to the mouth of the bay door.

The vehicle was about a hundred yards away by now, but he wanted to try and shoot them off the road before they got any closer. He could hear the two giant mechas fighting to the east, but couldn’t pay any mind to it right now. Aki loaded the missile into the barrel of the gun and rested it securely on his shoulder. He knelt down lining up the oncoming armored wagon with sights and arming the weapon.

Forcing himself not to flinch, he pulled the final trigger and hated himself for not thinking to plug his ears with something. The missile whistled angrily through the air and exploded into the pavement right beside the vehicle causing it to swerve, but not deter its path.

“Just one more shot,” he said trying to calm his nerves. He loaded another round into the barrel and relaxed into position again. Just adjust for the position and aim slightly to the left. He took a deep breath and held it before releasing the firing spark again.

The missile careened swiftly like a shrieking banshee and plowed straight into the armored car’s windshield. It exploded into a fiery mess, but not before two of the inhabitants had rolled out to the relative safety of the concrete as the car sped ahead in flames.

Aki was sure he had seen a rifle in the weapons cache and rushed back to load up again. It looked like they were going to have to fight harder to escape after all, but at least the odds were fair now.

He found an old-fashioned assault rifle, kept in impeccable condition over the years and likely remade several times over. He found three huge banana shaped magazines and clicked one into place while pocketing another. Aki calmly walked to the back of the ship again, pushing the butt of the rifle against the front side of his shoulder. The survivors from the wreck were now approaching the Peregrine slowly with their guns drawn. Bernard stood off to the side, taking cover behind a huge cargo crate while waiting for his chance to help.

Akihiro fingered the trigger and began firing off the entire magazine into the only thing that stood between him and victory. He centered his shots quickly and took down the first guy, hovering in place to ensure his death. As his veered off to the right to shoot the last remaining man, he took a shot in the leg that brought him down to his knee.

Aki fired the remaining bullets into the man to no avail and took shelter behind some machinery. He looked over at Bernard as he yanked the reserve mag out of his pocket, groaning in agony as the material clung to his gunshot wound. Bernard bolted up with his shotgun, and fired three times at the oncoming enemy.

“He’s down! Finish him, Aki!” he called out over the deafening sounds of explosions filling the air as Misaki fought somewhere near, but unseen.

With his rifle reloaded, he chambered a round and popped out again on his good knee to find where the man had gone too. He was on his stomach on the ground, still holding his gun out in front of him. Aki pulled the trigger and let the assault rifle hone in on the man in a side sweeping pattern until finally a shot went straight into the troop’s head. A mist of blood filled the air over the man’s body as Akihiro unloaded the rest of the mag into him.

“He’s down!” Aki cried out with relief as he fell to his ass again in pain. Almost scared to find out how Misaki’s battle had gone, he asked Bernard to look around the side of the ship. “How is she doing?”

“Come on. I’ll help you up to see for yourself,” the pilot said while helping him to his feet. Leaning on Bernard’s shoulder, Aki limped out the back side of the Peregrine to find out how it was going.


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