Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 51: Reunion of the Harem Sisterhood

Two hours later, Hanna stirred from her slumber in the lounge chair, hearing the chatter and laughter of a large number of people. A moan escaped her lips as she stretched sensually, opening her eyes. To her amazement, she saw the pool filled with people swimming, frolicking, and playing games. Many of them she recognized as women from the Harem. In the next second, she noticed a number of women sitting in lounge chairs and lying on the pool deck on large towels all around her, many of them having also come from the Harem. A gasp escaped her lips when Lola leaned over her with a huge smile on her face. Hanna immediately noticed she sported a sleek halter-top swimsuit with high-cut legs and a plunging V neckline that reached below her breasts, but covered them well, accenting their shape while showing off her cleavage. Made of a shiny blue material, it fit Lola like a glove, providing her with a much more modest covering than what she’d worn in the Harem. “Oh, you’re finally awake, sister,” Lola crowed with delight. “We didn’t think you’d ever wake up!”

“That we did,” Izanami agreed, sitting in the chair to Hanna’s right. Hanna looked over to her, seeing Izanami in a sensual shiny jade colored swimsuit made like hers. “I’m so glad you’re all right,” Izanami added happily. In moments, a dozen women from the Harem surrounded Hanna and Izanami, chattering excitedly.

A warm smile spread across Hanna’s lips when she saw everyone appropriately clothed in modest, but sensual single-piece swimwear of every sort and color. Sitting up, she yawned, covering her mouth. “Oh, excuse me,” she murmured as Lola knelt down beside her. “It’s so good to see all of you. I’m so sorry I haven’t been to see you yet.”

“It’s quite all right,” Trinity called out, hobbling up with the assistance of Chihiro. Hanna noticed Trinity’s golden single-piece bandeau swimsuit with moderately high cut legs. Chihiro wore a red and black collared halter-top swimsuit that completely covered her chest up to her neck with high cut legs, accenting her shape very well. She had her arm around Trinity, supporting her somewhat while Trinity had her arm draped over Chihiro’s shoulder. When they reached the inner circle around Hanna and Izanami, Trinity declared, “We know you’ve been recuperating from the raid and were helping sister Selina and Josephine with their troubles. Electra, Emma, Kida, and Elle told us what was going on. I’m just so happy you and sister Selina survived.”

“We all are,” Izanami agreed. “You rescued us from the Harem just in time. Those of us who were crucified on the pillars were dying. You saved our lives. We’re forever grateful for your most timely rescue.”

“That we are,” Trinity chimed, leaning heavily on Chihiro. “Some of us are still having a hard time, though. I’m just now starting to walk again. Izanami, Myra, Jennifer, Tasha, Sakura, Jasmine, and Hitomi however are still crippled, but we’re all alive, thanks to you.”

“You’re all most welcome,” Hanna replied, turning to Izanami. “You’re my sisters. How could I not do what I did? You helped me become the woman I am today. I love all of you dearly. How’re you doing, Izanami?”

“Much better than I was,” Izanami reported. “I’m still dealing with the physical ramifications of what they did to me. Your amazing machines did manage to heal most of my wounds, but I’m still crippled. I can’t walk and my arms and hands are weak. However, your friends and our sisters are helping me deal with it, as they always do. In fact, I just finished some physical therapy in that amazing pool. This place is incredible. We never had access to such places while we were prisoners of the Emperor. Moreover, your family is astounding. The women are so beautiful and the guys are so ruggedly handsome, especially Andrew and Hunter. They’re gorgeous. I didn’t think men could get that handsome.”

Hanna chuckled. “They are good looking, aren’t they?” she agreed. “They’re Enoch and Kida’s boys. I’m honored to call them nephews. How are Myra and the others?” She looked around, adding, “I don’t see them here.”

“Myra, Tasha, Jennifer, and Sakura are still in the infirmary,” Lola stated. “They took the worst of the torture, and are still not well enough to come down here, according to Dr. Drew and Miss Bishop. But they are awake and doing much better. Myra has been asking for you. You really should go see them.”

“I intend to,” Hanna stated. “I would have gone to see her and the rest of you earlier, but I needed to come down here and help Josephine out with some things.”

“When are you going to be able to reverse your mutation?” Trinity asked as Chihiro helped her sit down beside Hanna’s chair. Chihiro then sat down with Trinity. Lola plopped down at the foot of Hanna’s chair at the same time. “I’m curious to see what you looked like before,” Trinity added.

“We all are,” Lola declared. “I bet you’re really handsome as a man.”

“I can’t reverse the mutation quite yet,” Hanna replied, sighing. “Josephine has a damaged control circuit around her internal power supply. It’s leaking energy. She can’t reverse my mutation until that’s repaired. To do so would endanger not just her, but me too. I don’t want to risk her life trying to reverse my mutation because of a power drain. So we decided to wait until it’s fixed. As for my original male form, you need look no further than Enoch. He looks so much like I used to that it astounded me when we first met. We’re practically twins. Even with this mutation, he and I look so much alike. I suppose it has to do with the similarity in our genetic makeup.”

“That could very well be the case,” Izanami observed. “We all noticed how much you and Enoch favor one another in your looks. It’s undeniable.”

“I agree,” Trinity stated. “You and Enoch do look like you could have been twins, even with your mutation. So you’re saying you looked even more like him as a guy?”

“Apparently, I did,” Hanna stated. “Everyone will get to see that soon enough. But we must wait until Josephine’s damaged control circuit is repaired first. I refuse to let her reverse the mutation before the malfunction is remedied and her power supply has been stabilized. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I let her take such a terrible risk when it didn’t need to be taken.”

“You have such a good heart,” Izanami said warmly. “I know how much you yearn to return to your true form. You must be patient. It’ll come.”

“I know,” Hanna replied, smiling. “That’s one of the things the Almighty is teaching me with this mutation: patience. But this form isn’t so bad. I’ve learned so much by being forced into this; things I couldn’t have learned any other way.”

Izanami smiled as the other women sat around her and Hanna like students around their teachers. “You’ve learned to be content with what you have, haven’t you?” Izanami asked.

“In a way, yes,” Hanna admitted, pushing her hair back out of her eyes. “At this point, I can go either way concerning this mutation. If the Almighty chooses not to reverse this mutation in me, it’s okay with me. He’s in charge, not me. I’ll be content with whatever form He wants me to have. Still, if I had a choice, I’d prefer to go back to the way I was.”

“Your faith is strong as ever,” Izanami commended. “It’s pleasant to see such faith. But I don’t think you need to worry about your mutation. The prophecies clearly say you reverse it and become that much stronger as a result. You must be patient.”

“I believe you,” Hanna said softly. “What you don’t know is Enoch had a copy of the complete prophecy and I’ve read it.”

“You have?” Izanami asked, raising her eyebrow in surprise. A rumble of astonishment raced through those around her and Hanna.

“Yes, my ancient sister,” Hanna declared. “It reads like a chronicle of everything that’s happened to me thus far, including my mutation, escape from the Emperor, and my rescue operation that freed all of you. It’s very humbling to see how every decision I’ve made in ignorance of the prophecy was precisely detailed tens of thousands of cycles before I ever existed. I’m still coming to terms with it, though I firmly believe it. The prophecy said I would find the mechanism that mutated me and wrest it from the control of the Emperor, ultimately using it to reverse that mutation. Do you see Josephine out there in the pool? She’s the mechanism the prophecies spoke of. Only she has the technological expertise to reverse what the Emperor had her do to me.”

“That’s amazing,” Chihiro breathed. “I didn’t realize the prophecies said that.”

“It did,” Hanna answered with a smile. “It said I’d break her bonds and literally wrestle her from the Emperor. What I don’t think any of you realize is that Josephine is far older than any of you realize.”

“How old is she?” Lola asked.

“Josephine you see swimming in the pool there is the Josephine of legend, the wife of the original Emperor, Bolthor Sai Keleb,” Hanna reported matter-of-fact. “She’s over twelve thousand cycles in age, spending nearly all of it as a programmed cyborg under the complete control of Bolthor and every subsequent Emperor up to the one now on the throne. She’s been locked in a mechanized hell since before the Kragonar, forced to do what she did to all of us because of that diabolical programming. But no more. She’s now free of the Emperor, as are you. She’s the first living being of the 1st Age I’ve encountered outside of the drakens Argus, Aeolus, and Tethys. The machinery fused into her flesh is the machinery of the 1st Age, which all the Emperors since Bolthor have been trying to recreate. Fortunately, he’s not been able to successfully reach the technological levels they had in the 1st Age. As advanced as his tech is now, it’s still crude when compared with that of the 1st Age before the Calamity and it shows in Josephine.”

“By the Elder Gods,” Izanami breathed. “We had no idea who she was. It’s a miracle you broke the Emperor’s control over her and managed to remove her from the machines in the Black Fortress. I’m thunderstruck by this revelation. Only the very hand of the Almighty could accomplish such a feat.”

“Then what does that make me?” Hanna asked, smiling wryly and raising her eyebrow.

“It makes you the Caverias...the Last Caverias: the Hand and Sword of the Ancient of Days declared in the prophecies of old,” Enoch called out as he walked up in his swim trunks, having heard the discourse. Water dripped off his giant form as the women parted to let him in. “There’s no doubt of who Hanna is,” he stated, resting his hands on his hips. “She not only fulfills the prophecies to the letter, she also carries the Caverias gene sequence within her genetic structure: the very code of Thoth and Ariel Caverias buried in her DNA. Furthermore, I’ve seen her command angels to appear and commune with them, as well as stand in the presence of the mightiest archangels of the Ancient of Days, Michael and Gabriel, taking instruction from them within this very tower. There’s no doubt in my mind that Hanna is the prophesied Last Caverias spoken of since before the fall of the 1st Age.” Gasps of astonishment raced through the women who witnessed the declaration.

“That’s enough, brother,” Hanna interrupted in a disapproving tone. “They already know who and what I am.”

“Forgive me, Hanna,” Enoch apologized. “I didn’t mean to overstep my bounds. I just thought they might have wanted a second witness.”

Hanna smiled warmly at him, feeling that she may have been a bit hard on Enoch’s enthusiasm. “It’s okay,” she chimed. “Forgive me for being a little gruff with you, brother. Maybe they did need to hear it from someone who believes as passionately as you do. But be sure of this. I didn’t ask for any of this, and if I could get out of it, I would. I never wanted to be a leader or messiah for that matter, nor do I want these strange elemental powers. No one should be allowed to wield such phenomenal power, even me. I fear it may corrupt me and cause me to slip back into the Darkness. And I definitely didn’t ask to be turned into one of you. But I can’t just back out of this. It wouldn’t be right. I’m now in too deep to turn back.”

“Hanna,” Izanami called out, sitting up with some difficulty from her reclining position. When she started to shift sideways to let her feet rest on the floor, Hanna quickly moved to help her. Once sitting up with her feet on the floor facing Hanna, Izanami put her hand on Hanna’s shoulder, saying, “Thank you, my precious sister. But you must not fear or resist this calling, nor the power the Almighty has put into your hands. You said you read the complete prophecy. Undoubtedly, you saw how the Caverias is portrayed there, and what he’s like, especially after being mutated into his opposite. He very hesitantly takes up the burden, and it is a heavy burden to be the very hand of the Almighty. He never wanted to be a leader, or wield the powers of the heavens and earth as the Hand and Sword of the Almighty. But he accepts his destiny because of the goodness in his heart to protect those he cares for. If what you just said doesn’t mirror that exactly, then I don’t know what does. By your very words do you prove that you’re the Caverias. You mustn’t resist what the Almighty wants you to do.”

A deep, troubled sigh escaped from Hanna’s lips. “You caught me,” she admitted softly. “This isn’t the first time my friends have caught me trying to resist my destiny. Please forgive me for doubting who I am. After all, I’m still only human. All I really want is to live in peace.” Tears of regret started flowing.

Izanami embraced Hanna gently, patting her on the back as Hanna returned the embrace. “It’s all right,” she whispered in Hanna’s ear. “We forgive you. Now, you must forgive yourself. Seems to me you read the prophecy, but you may not have read it close enough. The portion of the prophecy given to my people shows the Caverias on a deep intimate level that includes his personality, his desire to right past wrongs in his life, and his love of the truth. You should go back and read it again, paying close attention to the nuances of the prophecy and the personage of the Caverias. You may discover something you missed before; something wonderful that may change your perceptions of your life forever and give you the peace you so covet.”

Enoch patted Hanna on the shoulder while leaning down over her and Izanami. “Miss Izanami is right, Hanna,” he said in a soothing tone. “You may have understood the sequence of events, but you missed the more important point of who the Caverias really is on a personal level. I grew up with the prophecies, knowing them intimately. That’s why I recognized you when you first came to us. Your personality, mannerisms, quirks, even your terrible battle rages mirror the Caverias perfectly. That’s why I never doubted who you were, even when you did. You must accept that this is who you are. Your very words reveal your very essence as the Caverias. Don’t deny your heritage or legacy. You are the heir to Thoth and Ariel, destined from the very creation of the universe to reclaim Thoth and Ariel’s throne and destroy the darkness of the Emperor forever. I’ve seen what happens when you don’t resist this legacy. You become an unstoppable force even the Emperor can’t defeat. Our rescue mission into the very heart of the Emperor’s dark domain shows what happens when you embrace your destiny. You can’t deny it, and I think you know it.”

Hanna touched Enoch’s hand as it rested on her shoulder. “Both of you humble me with your words,” Hanna said softly, choking with emotion. “I’m grateful that you chose not to sugar-coat your words. I must admit, I’ve been resisting the burden when I shouldn’t have. Only the truest of friends would care enough to show me my sin. Forgive me for resisting my destiny yet again. I will certainly take a much closer look at those prophecies to find what you’re speaking of. Maybe seeing it etched in those stones will make it more real for me. Thank you all for being such caring friends.”

“You’re welcome,” Enoch chimed pleasantly as he stood up. “Besides, you’re family. It’s what family does for one another. They help hold each other up. Fact is I’m not the heir. You are, Hanna. I couldn’t let you doubt who you are, now could I?”

Hanna smiled warmly while looking up into Enoch’s face. “No, you couldn’t,” she agreed. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Seems you remembered what I asked you guys to do when you see me slipping. I really appreciate that.”

“No problem,” Enoch replied, smiling broadly. “It’s what I’m here for. Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I have some chores I need to attend to. I’ll see you at the dinner table, Hanna.”

“Okay, Enoch,” Hanna said as she helped Izanami return to her reclining position in the lounge chair. “See you later.” Enoch smiled as he walked away, heading to the bathroom area.

Looking Izanami in the eye, Hanna said gratefully, “Thank you for reminding me why I’m here, Izanami. Your little verbal slap was just what I needed to remember why I’m like this.”

“Think nothing of it,” Izanami replied, smiling warmly. “I may be physically crippled, but my mind and telepathic power are just as sharp as the day they were when you came to us in the Harem. I noticed telepathically that secretly you were doubting who you are. I don’t know if you let your guard down on purpose or whether it was accidental, but it showed me your vulnerability. As your friend, I had to point it out.”

“And you were right to do so,” Hanna stated while sitting down on her lounge chair. “Fact is I think it may have been a little bit of both. I do have my guard down right now because I know I’m in a place of safety among friends. But I didn’t want anyone to know about those doubts I’d been having. I didn’t want to cause any trouble for anyone.”

“I know,” Izanami answered. “Even as powerful as you’ve become, you still need to discipline your mind more, particularly when you chose to let down your guard like this. You must be diligent and keep a certain level of discipline, even in situations like this. Otherwise, you may let something slip out that shouldn’t be revealed. Just work on it.”

“I will,” Hanna said resolutely. “I can always use more mental discipline. The more control I get over my mind, the easier it will be to control these blasted elemental abilities. I found out before everyone came down here that my adrenaline levels may be a trigger for those abilities. I triggered some kind of speed burst while swimming in a race with Kida. It almost drowned me. That’s why I was asleep when you guys showed up. It wiped me out. The only other times I’ve had these strange powers manifest is in battle when the rage gets on me. I have to figure out how to control these powers before I hurt or kill myself, or someone I care about by accident. I’m pretty certain mental discipline and control may be a large part of it.”

“It couldn’t hurt,” Izanami stated. “I remember what sister Selina told us about your fight in the Arena. She told us how you used strange powers to defeat your enemies, things she’d never seen anyone do before. She also insists that these abilities aren’t being triggered by the Dark Powers like they are in the Emperor and his Cadre. Can you verify this?”

“I don’t know that I can,” Hanna admitted. “But I’ve had both the drakens Argus and Aeolus probe me telepathically, and they say no dark power is generating these abilities. I do them by instinct, whereas I’m told by Horace and Aeolus that the Cadre must consciously activate them and it takes a great deal of concentration and strength to do so. I remember it being the same way when I was a dark wizard before turning against the Darkness. Whatever is going on with me is snowballing, especially in relation to these weird elemental abilities I’m manifesting by instinct. More than once, I’ve heard that a species called the drakenites did things similar to what I’m doing. I don’t know. It’s all so confusing, and a bit scary too. Here recently I’ve done things by instinct that even at the height of my power as a dark wizard I could never do. I truly believe no one should have such terrible power, except for the Ancient of Days Himself.”

Izanami smiled. “There’s the Caverias in you speaking again,” she crowed. “That’s exactly how the prophecies say he talks. As for these disturbing abilities you’re manifesting, you mustn’t fear them. They’re a tool to be used for good, especially since according to you their power is coming from the Light and not the Darkness. Trust your God, Hanna. He’ll show you how to properly use them. You’re still learning and growing in this power. I can really see it now. You’re so much more powerful and focused than you were when you were taken to the Arena. Now enough talk about these heavy subjects. This time here is supposed to be a time of play and healing. Leave your doubts and heavy thoughts outside. Nemesis ordered you to have fun, didn’t he? So have fun.”

Hanna laughed heartily. “You saw that with your telepathic peek, didn’t you?” she crowed.

“I did,” Izanami admitted. “And he’s right. You need to relax and have some fun, as do we all. You know we were never allowed to play and frolic like this in the Harem, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Hanna replied, reclining in her lounge chair. “I was ninety-eight percent sure of it. Playing and having good innocent fun is something that’s never entered into the Emperor’s dark mind or soul. By the way, how do you guys like the swimwear? Isn’t it just the cat’s meow?”

“It sure is,” Lola chimed in. “We were never allowed to wear things like this. It covers way too much for the Emperor’s taste. It feels so good to not have everything hanging out for everyone to see.”

“That it does,” Hanna agreed. “That’s what I love about these swimsuits. They’re so sexy, but not so revealing as to embarrass me when out in the open like this. It also lets me show off my assets without, as Lola so eloquently put, letting everything hang out for all to see. It makes me feel beautiful and desirable. I never really understood why women dressed the way they did until I literally became one of you. Now I understand. It’s part of who you are.”

“You really like being able to reveal yourself like this, don’t you, Hanna?” Izanami asked, smiling warmly.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t,” Hanna answered with a wink. “It feels good to feel beautiful and be able share it with my friends. It makes me feel so alive. This is one of the things I believe I’m going to miss most when Josephine finally reverses my mutation. I really like dressing up in pretty outfits that enhance my looks.”

“I’m sure you are,” Trinity stated. “I think we’ll all miss your unique beauty, Hanna.”

“That we will,” Lola agreed. “I miss it already. It’s a shame we can’t record it for posterity.”

Hanna sat up suddenly as her face opened in a huge smile. “Why didn’t I think of that?” she crowed. “Lola, you’re a genius!” She jumped off her lounge chair and embraced Lola warmly, kissing her on the cheek.

“What did I say?” Lola asked, thrilled that Hanna hugged and kissed her, but also puzzled as to what Hanna meant.

“You said it was a shame we couldn’t record my beauty for posterity,” Hanna chimed, standing up. “But we can! I bet Enoch has some kind of camera or something that we can use to take some pictures. Let me go see if he’s left yet.” Hanna darted towards the bathroom, leaving the women puzzling over her comments.

“What’s a picture?” Chihiro asked.

“If I understand correctly, it’s like a portrait of a person, object, or landscape created by some device,” Izanami stated. “It’s not a painting or a drawing created by a person. It’s been many cycles since I’ve seen such devices.”

“Oh,” Chihiro replied as Kida carried Selina to Hanna’s chair.

Sitting Selina down in Hanna’s chair, Kida asked everyone, “Are you enjoying yourselves?”

“Oh, we are,” Trinity chimed. “It’s been so long since we were allowed to play like this most of us forgot how. Thank you so much for showing us how to have fun again.”

Kida sat down on the floor between Selina and Izanami’s chairs, leaning back on her arms to prop herself up. “I’m so glad,” she purred. “We come down here often to go swimming and play games in the pools. It helps us to unwind.”

“I can see how that’s a good thing,” Izanami stated. “And these pools are therapeutic too. From the little time I spent in the water, I could feel that water soothing my muscles and nerves, making me feel very relaxed and good.”

“That’s what these pools over in this area are for,” Kida reported. “We use them for their therapeutic properties. When we want to really have some fun, we’ll go over to the big pools and play on the slides and diving platforms. Those slides are so much fun.”

“I’m sure they are,” Izanami replied, smiling. “I hope to be able to use them at some point.”

“That can be arranged,” Kida chimed.

“Where did Hanna go?” Selina asked.

“Miss Hanna ran off to find Master Enoch,” Chihiro stated. “She said something about wanting to take pictures so we’d never forget what she was like before she has her mutation reversed.”

“Ahh,” Selina murmured. “I’d like that too. In fact, I’d like for all of us to be in a group picture.”

“Group picture?” Lola asked, puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Selina chuckled at Lola’s question. “What I mean is have all of us from the Harem pose together in a picture so we can have a record of who we are for our descendants,” she explained. “After all, we do have a sisterhood forged by the Emperor’s infernal fires. I want to have a record to show that we escaped him and now live as free women.”

“Oh,” Lola murmured. “I see. I think I’d like that. I’ve never had an image made of me before. Will it hurt?”

“Oh, no,” Selina insisted. “Taking pictures doesn’t hurt at all. All the camera does is record your image digitally or on film. I’m actually curious as to what kind of cameras Enoch has here.”

“We have portable image recorders in the Archive,” Kida stated. “They’ll make both two dimensional and holographic images of anything we wish. It’s just like the cameras you have on the surface, only a great deal more efficient.”

“That’s great,” Selina chimed. “That means we can take the pictures and create enough copies for everyone to have one.”

“I see no reason why we can’t,” Kida stated pleasantly. “But if you wish to make a group image of your Harem sisters, you need to understand that not all of them are down here right now.”

“That’s no problem,” Hanna called out as she returned, hearing Kida’s statement. “We can take some shots of those who are here and later we can set up a true group photo. Enoch said he’d send Elias down with the camera in a few minutes. Until then, he suggested we decide where we want to take the picture and who wants to be in it.”

“I’ll be in it,” Selina stated.

“Me too,” Izanami said with a smile.

“So will I,” Kida purred, “It’s been ages since I’ve had my image captured by the recorder. In fact, if you want, I’d like to have a family portrait done now that we’re all together again. The last portrait I remember is when I was seven on Kaitia.”

“I completely agree,” Hanna said enthusiastically. “We definitely need to have one of those done, along with a portrait of our sisters of the Harem, and another one with the drakens and all our other friends. We need a record of what we’re doing so the tale can be told of how we came together to put the Emperor in his place.”

“That’s a really great idea,” Selina called out. “At some point, supposing we survive, we’re going to want to tell the tale of how we survived the Emperor. If we don’t, the history will be lost and we or our descendants will go through the same thing all over again. We must have a record so they know not to make the same mistakes we did.”

“That is most wise,” Josephine stated as she slowly approached with Andrew helping to keep her stable. “Lost history is repeated history. We definitely don’t want a repeat of what we’re going through now with Zaros. Having a record will be most beneficial to our descendants. May I be part of your group image of our sisters?”

“We would be honored, Mistress Josephine,” Izanami stated. “We didn’t truly understand who you were until Hanna enlightened us about you when she woke from her nap. You are most welcome among us, milady.”

“Indeed,” Trinity agreed, looking up in awe at Josephine’s ten-foot stature. “Is it true that used to have tentacles instead of legs?”

Josephine smiled warmly at everyone. “Yes,” she stated. “But I rearranged those appendages into these marvelous legs with Hanna’s guidance. I don’t feel like such a monster now.”

“How’d you do that?” Lola asked.

“My lower half consists of organic nano-machines created in the 1st Age,” Josephine reported. “They’re permanently linked to my mind in such a way I can control each little machine and make them do what I want. Therefore, at Hanna’s suggestion, I told those little machines to reshape lower half and tentacles into what you see now. It feels so good to be able to walk on real legs and not look like a giant mechanized squid.”

“How’d that happen?” Chihiro asked, fascinated by Josephine’s explanation. The other women listened in rap awe and curiosity.

Reaching the inner circle with Hanna, Kida, Selina, and Izanami, Josephine slowly sat down on the pool deck with Andrew’s assistance, who then sat beside her. Looking Chihiro in the eye, Josephine stated bluntly, “My husband, the man you know as the first Emperor, did this to me when he turned to the Darkness, lured away by the Dark Gods with promises of ultimate power and control over the universe. I was one of his first victims. He had this done to me when I refused to submit to the Darkness that engulfed him. I lost my real legs in the cyberization they did on me. He took my legs so I couldn’t escape. In their place, he cursed me with the organic nano-machines that permeate most of my body now, especially everything below my belly. In place of legs, he gave me ten tentacles that became the base power of what you saw me use in the Black Fortress. He also robbed me of my identity and my will, imprisoning me inside my own mind in this altered, cybernetically enhanced body. But when Bolthor cursed me with these organic nano-machines, he made it possible for me to have physical conscious control over them. With that control, I could alter the shape and form of my lower appendages, and many of the appendages woven throughout the Black Fortress. You’ve seen me do it many times on the sex floor while doing Zaros’ bidding. I beg all of your forgiveness for the pain and horror I was forced to commit on your persons. Please forgive me.” She bowed her head in humility.

Hanna moved quickly to Josephine’s side and sat beside her, putting a sympathetic hand on her leg. “It’s okay, Jo,” she said softly. “I’m sure they all forgive you as I have. After all, you did help us rescue them. That has to account for something.”

“I’ve endured your tortures as much as anyone here,” Izanami declared softly. “But I do believe I speak for all of us who were prisoners of the Emperor when I say we do forgive you, milady. We know you had no control over what you did. Hanna revealed it to us when the Emperor put her in the Harem with us after her mutation. And by the very fact you assisted in rescuing us and destroying those infernal torture floors, you redeemed yourself. Furthermore, with Hanna revealing to us your true identity when she woke earlier, we understand who you are, and what you’ve endured. You are truly one of us and we gladly accept you and forgive you for the evils committed at your hand while under the Emperor’s vile control. We’re honored to call you both sister and friend. Welcome to the sisterhood, Mistress Josephine.” A cheer of agreement rose from those gathered around.

“Thank you,” Josephine whispered, overcome with emotion. “I feared you’d not accept me because of what I did.”

“Not so,” Lola chimed, walking over and hugging Josephine warmly. “You’re one of us and have always been one of us. We knew deep down even before Hanna showed up that you didn’t want to do those horrid things. We figured it out long ago. If you’d been corrupted, you would not have treated us so gently and with such care after being tortured. We knew.”

“That we did,” Izanami agreed. “But there wasn’t anything we could do to help you. It wasn’t our destiny to set you free. It was Hanna’s, and she did just that.”

“I was just the tool,” Hanna admitted. “It was the Almighty who actually set all of you free, not me. I was just along for the ride. But I did see what Lola said when you turned me into one of those dolls. It’s how I discovered who you were. By the way, what happened to that clone the Emperor trapped me in? Were you able to preserve it?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Josephine replied softly. “When I released you from that avatar it started to quickly degrade from the damage done to it. Without your strong mind and will controlling it, the clone died in minutes of your extraction. Even with all of my power, I couldn’t stop the death process. I actually marveled at how your mind kept that body from succumbing to the injuries it took on the sex floor. Anyone else would have perished with the full crucifixion rape you endured before the order came for your dollification. The Emperor wanted the body saved too, but it was beyond salvage. The physical damage was too extensive. Therefore, the Emperor took the head and mounted it in his private collection and had the rest processed into the protein mix.”

Hanna shuddered violently at the memory of the crucifixion rape on the floor. Everyone saw it as her complexion paled. “Are you okay, Hanna?” Lola asked, concerned at Hanna’s reaction. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I’ll be okay,” Hanna replied in a shaky tone. “Just give me a minute. You must understand that incident was the worst thing ever to happen to me. The pain and horror of it has been etched into my very soul, seared into my being forever. It still gives me the shakes when I remember it.” She rubbed her arms where the nails had penetrated the clone’s arms. “Even though my mind was forced into a female clone avatar, I remember it as if it had happened to my real body. I can remember exactly where the red-hot nails pierced my wrists and feet. At times, I even get phantom pain from it. I felt as if the Emperor were crucifying and raping my very soul. Ugh, I wish I could completely forget it, but I can’t. No words can describe the devastation it wrought on my mind and soul. If it hadn’t been for all of you showing me how to deal with it and helping me bear it, I would have been destroyed by it. Thank you for being there.”

“You’re most welcome,” Izanami answered. “Many of us know the pain and terror of the crucifixion rape, including the scourging while being abused by the piston while tied to the cross. But none us endured a full nailing on top of all that. To my knowledge, no one has ever survived the full crucifixion rape as you did. Your god obviously helped you survive that.”

A deep troubled sigh escaped Hanna’s lips as she regained her composure. “That’s the truth,” she said softly. “I really thought I was going to die that time, but the Almighty wouldn’t let me, even though I cried for the release of death. It obviously wasn’t my time, for which I’m thankful. He didn’t separate me from Selina. Still, I could have done without that calamity. I’m not sure if I’ll ever truly heal from it.”

“Time heals all wounds, no matter how heinous,” Emma called out as she walked up with Electra. “You said so yourself. You must give it time, and while you heal, you have us to help you bear this burden. You don’t have to bear it alone.” Everyone present reaffirmed Emma’s declaration, giving Hanna strength and peace in her spirit. Emma stepped to the forefront with Electra, becoming the center of attention in her sleek shiny silver single-piece swimsuit. Its structure mirrored Hanna’s swimsuit with high-cut legs and a semi-low circular cut on the chest with a low-cut Brazilian rear. The suit looked as if Emma had been poured into it, fitting snugly as a latex glove, accenting every curve she had. Her hair was pulled back into a single braided ponytail. She cocked her hips slightly to the left as she put her hands on her hips in a casual, but sensual pose. “You should have known this by now, Hanna,” Emma admonished gently. “We’ll always have your back.”

“That’s true,” Electra agreed, standing beside Emma in a sensual single-piece halter-top swimsuit. Its shiny speckled midnight blue color clashed with her natural color, creating a pleasant contrast. The high-cut legs and skin-tightness of the suit accented her curves and shape spectacularly. Standing there with her arms folded across her chest, she added, “Mental and emotional wounds as deep as the ones inflicted upon you during your captivity will take time and love to heal. You must let Selina help you do this since she’s your soul mate. We can help you only to a certain point, but only Selina can get in where the real hurt is and soothe it so it can heal. You know I speak the truth.”

Hanna nodded and stood up, hugging both Emma and Electra in turn. “You’re both correct,” she admitted, suddenly looking down at Selina. “I didn’t realize that wound still festered until I asked Jo about what happened to the clone the Emperor dunked my mind in before my mutation. The pain of it still lingers, but it’s not nearly as potent as it was right after it happened. It’s obvious Selina and I still have much work to do concerning our captivity.”

“We’ll get through it together,” Selina reassured. “The Lord will heal that wound, just as He’s healed many others we’ve taken.”

“That’s right,” Hanna agreed, now smiling. “I just have to be patient, and try not to be so sensitive when things like this come up.”

Electra put her arm around Hanna, giving her a friendly squeeze. “It’s okay to be sensitive and protect those sore spots, but you need to let it go too. I’m sure you’ll eventually get on top of it. But for now, Emma and I are going for a swim before supper. Care to join us?”

“Not at the moment,” Hanna replied warmly. “I was just catching up on things with our sisters here. Go ahead. We’ll watch. Besides, I’m waiting on Elias to bring the camera so we can get a group picture with our sisterhood from the Harem.”

“Okay,” Emma chimed pleasantly. “Join us anytime you want. Elias should be here in a few minutes. I saw him heading to the Archive and asked him what he was doing. He said you wanted some images created of you before the mutation reversal. I think it’s a good idea. That way you’ll have a record of what you looked like. Anyway, he’ll be here in a bit. Now, I’m going for that swim while I have a chance.” She patted Hanna on the back and walked over to the pool with Electra. Both of them dove in and began swimming laps.

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