Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 36: Summoning Zeus

Meanwhile, far across the caverns in the Black Fortress, the Emperor finally secured his house, confident that he had rid himself of the rebel presence. He was still incensed by the boldness and swiftness of Hanna’s raid, but found himself admiring the precision and flawless execution of the raid, thinking how far he could go with Hanna on his team. He sat on the throne with great rage seething in him like a pot of boiling tar when a small man in a white suit entered the throne room. He was not pleased to be there, but went forward anyway. The Emperor had commanded his presence. The Emperor saw the man approach and bellowed, “Zeus! It’s about time you got here!”

Zeus bowed as he approached the dais, saying, “It’s not my fault. Nibiru and Gabriel’s Hammer are moving into position. The alignment is nearly upon us. The area around the mountain has become a wasteland. Gabriel’s Hammer has rained debris on the land above, laying it waste. I barely made it to Solomon’s Passage.”

“I do not want to hear excuses!” the Emperor hissed venomously. Zeus began to fear as the Emperor growled, “Do you know what has happened?”

Zeus shook his head, saying, “No, my lord Emperor.”

The Emperor rose and menacingly closed the distance between them. He looked down at Zeus and ordered, “Rise and listen. You have served me faithfully and have done well preparing the world above for my coming. Now listen to what that mutated renegade Beowulf has single handedly wrought since his arrival here.” The Emperor then explained with venom dripping from his lips and voice about the events that had transpired since Hannibal’s arrival in the caverns and his apparent inability to prevail over him. He even told Zeus of Hanna’s blossoming elemental power, which he saw firsthand in the Arena.

Zeus was astounded at the news and declared, “He did all that even after being mutated into a woman? How can that be? We must stop her at all costs, milord.”

“That is why I called for you, Zeus,” the Emperor hissed. “She not only killed Lord Hades, but also Ahriaman, my top wizard. I need a replacement for Ahriaman and you’re it. Take control of my Cadre and find out where this mutated bitch and her friends are hiding. I want her head before the Rising! When you find them, unleash the Rakshasar and all my forces! I want their festering corpses fed to the god-worms while they yet breathe! They will rue the day they decided to challenge me! Now go! Ready the Old Ones! I want them unleashed too. They will feast on their bones as an appetizer to the main course of the world! Now go!”

Zeus bowed and said, “Yes, milord Emperor; as you command.” He turned and fled the Emperor’s wrath.

As he left, the Emperor called out venonously, “DO NOT disappoint me, Zeus. I am not going to tolerate any more disappointments, incompetence, or rebellion to my rule!”

Zeus nodded saying, “Yes, milord Emperor.”

Zeus fled the throne room as the Black Prince hissed in the Emperor’s ear, “Now we shall teach these insects who is the master! Unleash the Old Ones now! They are hungry for human flesh and are more than ready to devour our enemies! That mutated bitch and her cat will not stand before the power of the Old Ones. They will die with the rest of her pathetic bloodline!” The Emperor smiled wickedly at the thought.

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