Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 34: Reunion

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door and Hanna called out, “Who is it?”

“Nathanael and Harry,” Harry answered from behind the door.

“It’s open,” Hanna stated.

The door swung open and Harry came in followed by Nathanael. Selina saw them enter and her expression jumped with joy. “How are you doing, Selina?” Harry asked as they approached the side of the bed.

Selina bubbled with joy at seeing Harry and Nathanael. “Much better now,” she replied as she managed to rise from her seated position and awkwardly moved to Harry, throwing her arms around him as he sat down on the edge of the bed, kissing him on the cheek. “Oh, it is so good to see you, Harry,” she said after kissing him.

“Same here,” Harry replied as she then threw herself into her father’s arms.

“Oh, dad! I love you so much!” Selina cried joyously as Nathanael scooped her up.

Harry rose and moved aside as Nathanael hugged his daughter like there was no tomorrow. “I know you do, my precious daughter. We have been praying for you constantly and now our prayers are answered,” Nathanael said as he kissed her repeatedly on the cheeks. “Oh, glorious day that this be; the Lord is great and wonderful. My daughter is free of the clutches of that demon!” They hugged for what seemed to be an eternity, and then Nathanael gently put her down on the bed next to Hanna. He and Hanna pulled the blankets back up over her legs. Nathanael then looked at Hanna as if for permission and Hanna smiled wryly with a nod, knowing what Nathanael wanted to do. “How are you feeling, princess?” her father asked.

“I’m actually feeling pretty good, Dad,” Selina admitted. “My mind is clear for the first time since our capture, but the rest of me is still pretty weak. I still can’t walk. I have no strength in my legs. But I am slowly getting strength back into my arms.” She held up her left hand and said, “I still don’t have much use of this hand and my chest still aches some.”

Nathanael caressed his daughter’s face saying, “My poor little girl. You have endured so much heartache and pain. But our God is a healing God. He binds up the broken hearted and heals all wounds. Selina...something wonderful has happened in your absence and Hanna is directly responsible for making it happen because she followed the prompting of the Lord.”

“What are you talking about, Dad?” Selina asked with puzzled anticipation.

Hanna put her arms around Selina, saying, “Remember that day in the Tower when I came to you and you realized that I was hiding something?”

Selina looked at Hanna with great anticipation as she replied, “Yes?”

Hanna kissed her on the cheek and said, “Well, there is no reason to hide it any more now that you are free from your captivity and your mental fatigue has lifted.”

Selina looked at Hanna, and then Nathanael as he nodded to Harry. Harry walked out with a broad smile on his face. “What is it, Dad? What’s going on?” she asked like a child wanting to know what is inside a present.

“Be still, princess, and see the miracle of the Lord,” Nathanael said softly, pointing to the door.

Just then, the door opened and Kida and Electra stepped into the room, approaching the bed. Harry was right behind them. Nathanael rose and stepped aside as Kida and Electra stopped at the edge of the bed. Hanna watched with great pleasure as Selina was reunited with her sister and mother. Selina’s mouth hung open in shock. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. Electra and Kida stood by the bed. Electra began to cry, covering her mouth with her hand. Finally, Selina cried out, “Momma?”

Electra broke into sobs of joy. “Oh, my precious Selina!” Electra cried out, reaching out to Selina with both arms.

Selina looked at her father in shock. He smiled and nodded knowingly. Tears rose in her eyes as Selina cried, “Momma!” She literally flew from Hanna into the arms of Electra, ignoring the fact that her legs were not functioning properly.

“Oh, my precious, precious Selina!” Electra cried as she sat down on the bed, embracing Selina as only a mother could. She kissed Selina repeatedly. After several moments of hugs and kisses, Electra said to Selina, referring to Kida, “Do you know who this is?” Selina sat on the bed in her nightgown as she looked at Kida, who had knelt beside the bed with a smile on her face. Selina saw her own reflection in Kida.

“I know you,” Selina said as she looked at Kida intensely. “It was a dream. You were helping Hanna take care of me.” She looked at her gown and added, “You brought a nightgown for me.”

“It was no dream, sis,” Kida replied softly, trying to restrain her joy. “I was there and yes, I did bring a nightgown. You’re wearing it now.”

The moment Kida spoke, the sibling connection reestablished itself. Selina’s link telepathically to her twin opened back up, and they linked for the first time since Kida and Electra disappeared. Selina’s countenance rose in shock, and then in joyous abandonment as she cried out, “KIDA!” She threw her arms around Kida, who did the same. They cried and kissed each other on the cheeks. Selina was overwhelmed by this. Both her sister and mother back from the dead on the self-same planet she and her father had been brought to. After letting go of Kida, she said, “My goodness, look at you sis. You are so beautiful and so tall!”

“You too, sis,” Kida replied. “You’ve become a goddess yourself. Look at what you’ve done with it. You caused Hanna to risk everything to rescue you from certain death. I have never seen anyone act like that toward anyone.”

Selina looked at Hanna with a sheepish smile, saying, “This is no ordinary woman, sis. She’s really a man named Hannibal who was mutated by the Emperor into this female form. She is my salvation and deliverance. We are soul mates, fused telepathically like no other pair in the known universe. I would just as recklessly give my life for her as she would for me. I love her more than life itself.”

“We know what she is, Selina,” Electra said pleasantly. “Hanna told us all about it and you when she first came to us.”

Selina looked at Hanna with a questioning look and she smiled as she nodded. “I cannot lie,” Hanna declared. “I certainly did. Imagine my shock and surprise when I found out that there were Lynxians on Earth besides you and Nathanael. Imagine my further astonishment when I found out they were your very blood. What are the odds of that? I’d definitely say that was God incident.”

The question suddenly formed in Selina’s mind and she blurted it out. “How...,” she started to ask when a giant of a man entered the room and finished her question.

“...did they get here? That is truly a good question, princess Selina Milineus,” the giant said plainly as he walked up to the bed. “How are you feeling?” Selina gawked at the giant, speechless. He was an almost exact copy of Hannibal except in size, which was a good ten feet and hair color, which was snow white.

“We’re doing better, Enoch. Thanks for asking,” Hanna answered for Selina.

Kida saw Selina’s stupefaction and said, “Sis, this is Enoch Caverias, the direct descendant of Thoth and Ariel Caverias. He’s my husband.” Enoch put his hand on Kida’s shoulder as she remained kneeling at the side of the bed.

Selina looked at Kida, and then at Enoch, and then at Hanna, and then to her father and mother. “How can this be?” Selina finally managed to ask in utter astonishment.

Enoch knelt down beside Kida and looked Selina in the eye, saying, “Hanna is the heir to the Caverias throne, milady, and is my little sister...at least until we can remove the mutation the Emperor cursed her with. We have the same blood running in our veins: the blood of the Caverias line.”

Selina began to become lightheaded as she went into information overload. Hanna saw it and said, “I think we should continue this another time. She’s being overwhelmed by this.”

Electra sat on the edge of the bed and took Selina by the hand asking, “Are you all right?”

Selina looked around at them dreamily. “This is all so much. It’s like a dream. Am I dreaming?”

“No, Selina. You aren’t dreaming,” Nathanael replied. “This is for real. Your mother and sister are alive by the miracle of the Lord.” Selina latched on to Electra like a little child frightened by something she didn’t understand.

“It’s all right,” Electra cooed in her ear, purring for her.

“Forgive me, milady,” Enoch apologized. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Selina reached out to touch Enoch. He extended his hand so she could make contact, saying, “It’s all right. Touch me; see that I’m real and not a phantom.”

Selina touched Enoch’s hand, looking him in the eye with dreamy fascination. Once sure that he was real, she looked at Hanna, saying, “We have much to discuss.”

Hanna moved over and sat behind her and Electra, putting her arms around Selina, saying, “That we do. Could you guys leave us for a little while?”

“Sure, little sister,” Enoch answered. “Take all the time you need.” Enoch and Kida stood up and Electra looked at Hanna with a look of extreme gratitude and love.

“Thank you for bringing her back to us,” Electra said softly.

Hanna gently squeezed Selina, saying, “You are most welcome. But don’t thank me. Thank the Lord for it was His power that rescued her from that hell.”

Electra leaned forward and kissed Hanna on the cheek, and then rose from the bed, standing with Nathanael. “Come on hun; let’s leave them alone for now,” Nathanael said as he led Electra out with Harry, whose soul was basking in the love that was being expressed. It, however, caused him to think of his own precious Mary and Dennis. He missed them greatly, but didn’t show it.

Enoch and Kida looked down at Hanna and Selina. “It is good to see you like this, little sister.” Enoch stated pleasantly. “I’ve never seen you this happy. I can truly see how she fulfills you. You are literally glowing with affection.”

“I told you that I was nothing without her and now you will see the truth of that statement,” Hanna said as she hugged Selina from behind. “The Lord has been extremely merciful to us. We both have been tried by fire and come through it. The Lord is all that’s left. He is all that matters now, right sis?”

Selina nodded in agreement, saying, “Yes. Though I do not completely grasp or understand what has happened, I know that He is all that counts now.”

“Spoken like a true queen,” Kida marveled. “I hope to see you up and around quickly, sis.”

“I’m sure she will be sooner than you think. Come on, Kida. Let’s give them time to reflect,” Enoch ordered softly.

Selina smiled as she clung to Hanna’s arms as she held her close. “I’m sure of that. I look forward to eating a real meal with my friends and family,” Selina said.

Enoch nodded, saying as he drew Kida along with him to the door, “You have a place at our table any time, Selina. You are family and welcome in our house. ”

“Thank you,” Selina replied. “It’s good to feel welcome.”

“You’re welcome, little sister,” Enoch chimed pleasantly, hesitating at the door. “Oh, before I forget, Josephine has been asking for you, Hanna.”

“Okay,” Hanna replied. “I go see her in a little while. Selina and I have much to discuss.”

“I’ll tell her,” Enoch said with a smile. “And by the way, Josephine’s cybernetics are compatible with the machinery here in the Red Tower. It shouldn’t be long before we can get her to reverse your mutation.”

A deep sigh escaped Hanna’s lips as she smiled. “At last, some good news,” she crowed. “Just let me know when you’re ready. I ache to hold Selina as her husband and not her sister.”

“We will,” Kida answered, “won’t we honey?”

“Absolutely,” Enoch agreed. “Now let’s let them be. Selina has many questions that only Hanna can answer. Come out whenever you’re ready.”

“We will,” Hanna stated, waving Enoch and Kida away. Enoch bowed and stepped out of the room with Kida, closing the door behind him.

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