Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 28: Supernatural War Plans

Meanwhile on the surface, Dezarcus stood on top of Mt. Everest with his allies against the Prince of the West: among them the chimera Prince of the North. Their underlings surrounded them as Dezarcus looked toward South America while the strange cloud grew over Mt. Aconcagua. “Is everything ready?” he hissed to the Prince of the North.

“Yes. Everything is in position. The Prince of the West will not know what hit him,” the Prince of the North growled. Dezarcus stood there like a living shadow, cloaked in darkness as his intent remained on South America. “Why do you look there?” the Prince of the North asked. “We cannot face him, not yet.”

Dezarcus turned and growled venomously, “Don’t lecture me on what we can and can’t do. Beowulf is mine. No one is going to take him away from me...not you, not the Black Prince, nor the Creator Himself. He is mine!”

“Mind the plan, Dezarcus,” the Prince of the North snapped back viciously. “You will have him after we deal with the Black Prince. Now come on. We have hell to unleash on this ape-infested world.”

Dezarcus glared at the Prince of the North, and then a terrible, wicked smile crossed his hideous face, followed by the most diabolical roll of laughter any human would ever wish not to hear. “Yes, that is my favorite thing,” he cackled. “Let’s show these puny human apes what hell is really like from the inside!” They took off like gunshots from the peak, heading east.

Unbeknownst to them, an angel laid hiding just below them in the snows. Once the demon princes left, he came out and zoomed to the southwest toward South America. As he approached South America, he saw the cloud and the region around Aconcagua. It crawled with demoniac entities; so many that they looked like angry hornets after their nest had been violently disturbed. He turned south and headed toward Antarctica. In seconds, he entered the ruined ancient city beneath the ice, finding Gabriel and Michael in the palace with dozens of warrior and service angels listening to a report from Amacia. The angel landed and walked up, saying, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Gabriel and Michael responded likewise and Gabriel asked, “What news have you from Asia?”

“All is set into motion,” the angel reported. “The Princes have met and they are ready to move into action. Dezarcus is consumed with the re-acquisition of Hannibal and it’s distracting him. Moreover, he doesn’t know of the Black Prince mutating Hannibal into Hanna. But to be sure, they’re ready to pounce on the Prince of the West.”

“Everything is going as the Lord said it would.” Michael said pleasantly. “Caverias has not only showed himself, but linked up with Tsang. They have raided the Black Fortress, successfully rescuing Selina, the entity Josephine, and the remnant. Hanna even destroyed the torture floors and the Emperor’s infernal kitchen, killing the cursed computer the Cadre built using Etherian DNA. We were able to confound the enemy long enough for them to accomplish their goal.”

“Oh, praise be to the Lord for His strength and mercy,” the angel crowed in delight. “All is falling into place.”

“It certainly is,” Gabriel replied. “Now is the time for the Lord to raise Amacia from its grave. Michael, prepare the troops. The raid into the Black Fortress was but the opening skirmish. Now that the Lord’s people are out of there, He can rain His wrath on the Emperor. Pull your forces out of there and position them in Antilla and Srandi. These are the orders from the Lord Himself. Protect His people.”

Michael smiled. “As the Lord commands!” he chimed. “Come, my friends! We have much work to do.” They dispersed out of the palace under the ice. Gabriel and a handful of angels went back to the throne while the rest headed for Amacia with the new orders.

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