Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 10: Nemesis’ Revolt

Nemesis’ Revolt

An hour after receiving word from the Acheron front, a member of the Cadre entered the Emperor’s presence with the grave news. The Emperor sat on the throne as he approached. When he saw the expression of the wizard, the Emperor’s countenance darkened. “Why are you here? I didn’t summon you,” he hissed.

“But your majesty, you told us to bring any news as to our taking of Acheron,” the wizard replied as he bowed to the floor, face down. He didn’t rise as the Emperor got up and walked to the edge of the dais.

“What has happened?” the Emperor growled venomously.

“We do not know, you highness, but our storm has been obliterated by a catastrophic explosion in Acheron,” the wizard reported, trembling in his shoes. “Sir...the city is gone, vaporized; and our storm, blown away.”

The Emperor’s face reddened with rage as he shouted, “What do you mean gone? Impossible; the city is indestructible!”

The wizard remained on his knees, face down before the Emperor. “Your majesty, it is gone. There was a strange EM surge from the citadel before the place exploded,” he answered very carefully. “We do not understand this. We are baffled by this terrible cataclysmic detonation.”

The Emperor seethed with fury as his memory went back to Kaal Bek and the loss of a good number of his shock troops. He looked up and howled with rage. This features mutated, morphing into a semblance of the Black Prince. He blasphemed and cursed the Almighty God and Hanna. He suddenly looked down at the prone wizard and roared, “On your feet, worm!”

The wizard immediately rose as the Emperor jumped off the dais, landing in front of him, completely morphed into the Black Prince. The wizard cowered before him, refusing to look him in the face. “I will tell you how this happened!” the Emperor raged as he reached out with the speed of a cobra, grabbing the wizard by the neck and lifting him off the floor. “That fucking mutated Beowulf is how this happened! She found the machines! And if she found the machines, she found what I had hid in the bowels of the citadel! This is intolerable! You were supposed to keep her from penetrating the citadel! Where is the outlander? He was supposed to be in charge that!” The wizard gurgled, trying to speak with no success.

“He is gone,” the gruff voice of Nemesis called out from behind the throne. The Emperor wheeled around, tossing the wizard aside roughly. “As is your chance of ever catching the Promised One again,” Nemesis growled. “You should have left that man alone, but you couldn’t help yourself. Now you’re fucked because of your own god damned incompetence and arrogance.”

The Emperor rose beyond rage at this point, so mad that he could even attack Nemesis. Furthermore, the gall of Nemesis showing his face at this critical moment stupefied the Emperor, further enraging him. Nemesis chuckled as he lumbered forward to the wizard. “YOU!” the Emperor finally hissed.

Nemesis stopped and reached down, picking the wizard up, saying, “Leave now, Horace, if you wish to live another day.”

Horace looked up at Nemesis with gratitude and fled the throne room, leaving Nemesis alone with the Emperor.

Nemesis addressed the Emperor in a stone cold tone so that the Emperor would have no question as to what he was saying. “It is much worse than you think,” he growled icily. “I have been listening to the reports. The explosion killed one hundred fifty thousand of your army and wounded eighty thousand more. Furthermore, it’s taken out at least half of your mechanized assets. It’s a pity they weren’t closer when the place exploded and killed all of them.”

The Emperor roared with total madness and lifted his hands. Electrical energy erupted from his hands, aimed at Nemesis. Nemesis easily dodged it, knowing that the Emperor’s rage had given him the advantage. “Come on, your most un-royal majesty. Surely, you can do better than that,” Nemesis taunted him. The Emperor’s face turned purple with rage with him having completely morphed into the Black Prince.

“Insignificant worm!” he roared. “You dare to challenge me? I am eternal! I made you, now I shall destroy you for your treason!”

Another surge of energy erupted from the Emperor’s hands. Nemesis dodged them too. Two more shots came much closer as Nemesis danced around, singeing his fur. “You’re getting sloppy, your highness.” Nemesis growled. “I just want you to know that yes, it was I who was responsible for the mutated Beowulf getting free. And just for your own knowledge, the outlander Gulez has betrayed you as well. He should be with Miss Beowulf as an ally now. You should have never killed Kronos the way you did in front of him. When he saw that, he instantly turned from you to Beowulf! Moreover, you should have never mutated Beowulf to begin with. You unleashed forces within that man by mutating him into a woman that you could never hope to contain. You forged him into the very weapon that will spell your downfall. It’s a pity you didn’t pay attention to the prophecies like you should have. Then you would have known better, you malignant demon sow.”

“You traitorous piece of bear shit!” the Emperor snarled. “No one talks to me like that. I’ll have her head too, right next to yours, and Magnus’! No one betrays me and lives!” He hurled a fireball at Nemesis as he roared in fury. Nemesis rolled away from it as the Emperor charged. In seconds, they clashed, grappling hand-to-hand in a life and death struggle. Both were evenly matched physically, but Nemesis still had his wits as the Emperor was running on rage, making him sloppy in his fighting technique. As they grappled, the Emperor hissed, “I am going to tear you to pieces!”

“Long have I been under your thumb, operating as your god damned lackey,” Nemesis countered. “No more. Hear this; your days are numbered. Mutated or not, Beowulf is coming for his queen and you can’t stop him.”

“She will die as you will,” the Emperor growled as the wrestled. “I don’t know how she survived the shebat, but I will make sure that mutated bitch doesn’t see the light of another day!” The fight had gotten the attention of the guards nearby. They came in, ten of them to see the Emperor and Nemesis locked in mortal combat. Fear rose in them and they cowered well away from the fight. Within seconds, the guard placed wagers as to who would win. Two-thirds of them bet on the Emperor while the other third bet on Nemesis. The Emperor threw Nemesis against the wall and charged. His fists smashed into the wall, missing their mark of Nemesis’ head as he slid around the back of the Emperor, latching on to him with a full nelson.

“No one is going to die...not her, not me, and especially not those people who look to her for deliverance from your vile hands,” Nemesis growled as the Emperor’s bones crackled in his iron grip. Nemesis pushed the Emperor toward the wall to smash his face into it only to have the Emperor execute a flip over his back by running up the wall, wrenching out of his iron grip. Nemesis swore as he swung his cybernetic arm in a clothesline, catching the Emperor right across the jaw as he landed, sending him sprawling twenty feet.

The Emperor swore and rolled to his feet, blood oozing from his swollen mouth. When he realized he’d been hurt, a demoniac roar issued forth from him. “You will pay dearly for that!” he roared. His eyes glowed and as his hand shot out to release another energy discharge, Nemesis switched his mechanized arm to a blaster and fired. The energy bolt and blaster discharge come together right between them, causing an explosion that knocked both of them thirty feet. Nemesis growled, shaking his head from the blast. He pushed to his feet and looked around, seeing the Emperor out cold. Lumbering toward him, he saw an opportunity to end the threat for good. He stood next to the Emperor and took aim when the guards rushed out of hiding to help their Emperor.

Nemesis wheeled around to face the new threat. The guards rushed forward with swords drawn. He didn’t hesitate. With a blood-curdling roar, he switched from the blaster to his favorite set of 24-inch razor sharp claws and waded into the attacking guards, going through them effortlessly, ripping them limb from limb in a matter of seconds. In a matter of a minute, he’d ripped seven to pieces, the same seven that had bet on the Emperor. The other three, including the Captain of the Guards, stayed back with their weapons ready, but not attacking. Nemesis rushed them, and they yielded...giving way. He stopped for just a moment, just long enough to say, “Good move. She’s coming soon. If you want to leave, be ready.” They were terrified at the giant Nemesis, splattered with blood, his claws dripping with gore and ripped flesh. In a second, Nemesis was gone, leaving them alone. The Captain quickly told the others, “Let’s get out of here.” They fled the scene, making sure that no one saw them leave.

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