Legends of Amacia Return of the Beowulf

Chapter 35: Tal the Engineer

Twenty minutes later, Hannibal wheeled Selina and Rachel into the living area after having made a stop in the kitchen for something to eat. The room was deserted. Hannibal rolled Selina up next to the love seat and picked up Rachel out of Selina’s lap, sitting her on the love seat. He then sat between her and Selina, leaning back with a sigh. “That was some good eating, wasn’t Rachel?” he asked her. Rachel leaned on Hannibal as he put his arm around her.

“Yes, daddy; it was really good,” Rachel chimed in. She suddenly burped.

Hannibal chuckled, saying, “Sounds like you like it from that belch.”

Rachel giggled and looked up at him, saying, “I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too, sweetie,” Hannibal replied. They sat there for a few minutes, enjoying each other’s company when Nemesis came in with the craftsman Tal.

“Ah, there you are,” Nemesis stated. “We’ve been looking for you. Here’s the craftsman you wanted to see.”

Nemesis and Tal walked up as Hannibal gestured to one of the empty chairs, saying, “Have a seat, my friend.”

“I’ve got work to do. I’ll see you later,” Nemesis said as Tal sat down.

Hannibal and Selina nodded to Nemesis as he left. They then turned their attention to Tal. He was a moderate size man, roughly five foot six with jet-black skin and a baldhead. He had a closely cropped beard and wore a leather apron over the rest of his clothes. He had the air of being very intelligent and strong, despite his size. They looked at each other for a moment, and then Hannibal began with, “I hope Nemesis didn’t startle you too much when he came to you, Tal.”

“Oh, just a little,” Tal admitted, “...though I knew he meant us no harm. It’s just that he is so fierce and formidable in his appearance.”

“I know what you are talking about,” Hannibal said. “Despite his appearance, he is actually a gentle soul.”

Tal nodded and Hannibal continued, “Do you know why I asked you to come here?”

“I assumed you would tell me when I got here,” Tal replied plainly.

Hannibal looked at Selina in the wheelchair Tal had made for her, saying, “You have great talent. This wheelchair you gave Selina is finest one I’ve ever seen. Selina has yet to complain about it being uncomfortable.”

Tal smiled humbly, saying, “I put my heart and soul into every piece I make.”

Hannibal looked at Tal, saying, “I know. That’s why you are so good at it. The question I have is this: could you make some more of those chairs, at least five?”

Tal smiled, saying, “No problem. Who are they for?”

Hannibal glanced at Rachel, saying, “One is for Rachel here. The other is for Rebecca. The other three are for Althea, Tala, and Suko...the girls who were robbed of their limbs by the Emperor like little Rachel here.”

Tal nodded. “I see. I heard about the three girls they called dolls,” he stated. “It’s heinous what they endured in that state. I’ll definitely come up with chairs for them, but I’ll have to go see them first so I can customize the chairs to their individual needs.”

“That would be great,” Hannibal stated. “Now what about Rachel and Rebecca; they need chairs too, particularly Rebecca. Her spinal cord was severed so she’s crippled from the waist down from the accident. She has to have a way to move around.”

“Is that what happened?” Tal replied compassionately. “I didn’t hear the specifics of the incident other than Rebecca and her little girl were injured and that you raised her husband Jacob from the dead. Did you really do that?”

“No,” Hannibal stated. “I didn’t, but our God did. I was just a conduit for the power that raised Jacob. I take no responsibility for that miracle. That was the Almighty Himself showing His power. I’m just as astonished as the rest of you about that.”

“Is Jacob going to need a chair too?” Tal asked.

“Maybe initially,” Hannibal stated. “But he is going to walk again. His spinal cord isn’t damaged the way Rebecca’s is. Presently, we don’t have the ability to repair her spinal cord. The Nano Chamber can do it, but the programs need to be reinstalled to do it. As of now, that hasn’t happened. Therefore, Rebecca needs some wheels, as does Rachel here for obvious reasons. I’m sure she doesn’t want us to have to carry her around everywhere she needs to go. She wants some independence, right sweetie?”

“Yeah, daddy,” Rachel replied. “I want to be able to move around by myself and not have everyone carry me around. I don’t want to be a lump of meat anymore.”

“You were never a lump of meat to us,” Selina chided gently. “But I can understand your desire to move around without having to call on us all the time.”

“So can I,” Tal chimed, smiling warmly at Rachel as he looked at her and her missing limbs. “You’d be surprised at how many people are having trouble moving around because of the Emperor. My rolling chairs are very popular.”

“Is that so,” Hannibal replied. “So, Selina wasn’t the first to get one of those wheelchairs.”

“That’s right,” Tal stated, rubbing his chin as he continued to scrutinize Rachel closely. “But not everyone is suited for a rolling chair, nor do they need one. Some just need crutches or canes. Others need something more substantial.” He rose from his seat and walked over to Hannibal and Rachel, squatting down in front of them. “Your little girl is one of those who need something more substantial, but not a rolling chair,” he stated, smiling warmly. “I might have something just a little better than that for this little girl. It’s something I’ve been working on for some time with Master Enoch.” Hannibal’s eyebrow raised in interest and Selina’s ears perked as well.

“You’re manufacturing prosthetics for the people, aren’t you?” Hannibal asked bluntly.

“Prosthetics?” Tal asked in a puzzled tone. “I’m unfamiliar with this word. What does it mean?”

“I’m speaking of artificial limbs that aren’t cybernetic,” Hannibal stated. “It replaces, in Rachel’s case, her legs below where they were amputated.”

“Ah,” Tal chimed, understanding the word. “Indeed, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing, alongside of making the rolling chairs, and the forging of armor and weapons. In fact, I’m a master smith and know the secrets of the furnace, hammer, and anvil. The artificial limbs are something I’ve taken great delight in creating because it can help people who have been robbed of their limbs, like your little girl here and those girls you spoke of earlier.”

“I’m sure you have,” Hannibal declared, smiling. “What manner of artificial limbs have you been able to create?”

“I’ve created replacements for arms, legs, hands, and feet,” Tal stated. “Each set is customized to the individual needing them. As long as the individual can still move what is left of the limb, I can match a replacement to it.”

“You make replacements for children too?” Hannibal asked, glancing at Rachel and seeing hope rising like a wildfire in her face.

“Why, of course,” Tal answered with great confidence. “I make them for all ages.”

“What if they cannot move the limbs,” Selina asked. “Many are paralyzed from spinal damage. What could you do for them?”

“Paralysis is beyond my expertise,” Tal admitted. “For those who are paralyzed, I have the rolling chairs for them. Miss Rebecca would be an excellent candidate for one of the rolling chairs. I can even motorize them if needed.”

“Interesting,” Hannibal stated. “But what about someone who is both paralyzed and lost a limb. What about them?”

“I can give them replacement limbs,” Tal stated, “but it would be only cosmetic. Without the ability to move or activate the limb, it would just sit there same as if the paralyzed limb was still attached. I wouldn’t do them any good. However, I will not refuse to provide them with replacement limbs. It’s just not right, and seeing a limb where there was none before, even if it doesn’t work, has a great positive impact on the mental state of those who need them. If it improves their mental state, I will not deny them a limb.”

“That’s very noble of you,” Selina purred. “Do you alone make the limbs?”

“No, I have my wife, Abigail helping me,” Tal stated. “But I have far more orders for replacement limbs than I have time to do them. I’m swamped with work and could use some help. Enoch has proven a great help. With his assistance, I’ve been able to fine-tune my work on the limbs greatly.”

“I think we can get you some help,” Hannibal stated. “How do you dole out your artificial limbs? Is it first come, first serve, or do you take individual orders?”

“I do it by the order,” Tal stated. “You must understand. The replacements are unique to the person who wants them. I must tailor-fit the limb to the person needing it. For instance, an artificial leg made for a little girl will not work for an adult. Likewise, a leg made for a woman will not work well with a man. I must take into consideration the person’s sex, height, and build when making these limbs. It’s particularly important for those who can still move what’s left of their limbs. Speaking of which, can you move your legs, Rachel?”

Rachel nodded, saying, “Yes. But it does me little good to move them because there is nothing much left down there.” She pulled her dress up, revealing the stumps of her legs cut off roughly half way between the knee and the hip. Wiggling her legs, she stated, “This is all I can do with them.”

Tal smiled pleasantly, saying, “That’ll do just fine, sweetie. Being able to move your legs will help you to adapt to a replacement. You see, you aren’t the only one who lost limbs here. Since Hannibal brought the people out of the dungeons, I have been so busy making things to help them get around and do things they used to. Would you like to be able to move around by yourself again?”

“Can you really do that?” Rachel asked excitedly. “Can he really do that, daddy?”

“I believe he can,” Hannibal stated. “But it won’t be a real limb like your hand. It’ll be fake arms and legs. However, it will allow you to move around by yourself once you learn to use them. Are you willing to learn to use them?”

“Oh, yes,” Rachel cried. “I want to walk again! I want to see my legs again and have my other hand back. I don’t want to be so helpless anymore.”

“How can I say no to that,” Tal chimed, patting Rachel on the shoulder in a friendly manner. Come. If you have time, I can show you what I have. You didn’t stay at my shop long enough the last time to look at my wares.”

“Touché,” Selina chimed in with a smile. “He’s got you there, Hannibal.”

Hannibal shook his head with a smile, saying, “You’re right, Selina. Of course, we have time to go see his wares. So Rachel, are you interested?” He already knew what her answer was going to be.

Rachel eyes sparkled with anticipation as she said, “Yes, Daddy; I am. I want to walk again.”

Hannibal looked at Tal, saying, “All right then. Let’s see what you have.”

Tal stood, as did Hannibal, who turned and picked up Rachel. He turned and sat Rachel in Selina’s lap and positioned himself behind her chair, saying, “All right, Tal. Lead the way.” As he spoke, Kida entered the room with Muriel. “Ah, Kida, Muriel; so kind of you to join us,” Hannibal said as he motioned for Tal to wait.

Tal stared at both Kida and Muriel, especially Muriel. He was astonished at her bizarre but beautiful appearance, and was smitten by Kida’s raw Lynxian beauty. He immediately gave a courteous bow to Kida, saying, “Milady. I didn’t realize how much you and Mistress Selina looked alike.” He gestured to Selina, adding, “I’m in awe of such beauty.”

Kida smiled sweetly at him, saying, “Thank you, Tal. You’re always so courteous and nice.”

Tal turned to Muriel and looked at her with utter fascination. He was not afraid of her at all as he said, “And you, sweet lady, are unlike any that I’ve ever seen. I’m fascinated by you.”

“I seem to have that effect on people,” Muriel replied, nodding.

“Your timing is impeccable, Kida,” Hannibal stated. “We were just about to go and see some of Tal’s work. He says that he’s been working on some prosthetics with Enoch that may be helpful to Rachel. Would you and Muriel like to tag along?”

Kida smiled, saying, “That would be nice. But first, let me tell someone where we are going. Is Emma around?”

Hannibal pointed toward the kitchen, saying, “Emma and Electra are in there working on lunch. We just come out of there a few minutes ago.”

“Just hold on a minute while I tell them,” Kida stated and she quickly headed for the kitchen, leaving Muriel with them.

Muriel moved over next to Hannibal, staying close to him because of Tal. Rachel stared at Muriel with a combination of fear and fascination, but mainly fascination. Hannibal sensed Muriel’s unease and said, “Relax, Muriel. This is Tal. He is the craftsman that built Selina’s wheelchair. He’s a good man.”

Muriel looked at Hannibal with just a hint of fear in her eyes, replying, “I’m not worried about him, but going out among the people outside the Tower. I’ve not been among them yet.”

Hannibal put a friendly hand on her shoulder, saying, “Don’t be afraid. It isn’t far to Tal’s shop. Besides, we’re going to be there with you. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

Muriel sighed, saying, “I hope so.” As Muriel relaxed a bit, she turned to Rachel and knelt down in front of her, Selina, and Hannibal. “So you are the precious little one everyone’s talking about,” she said pleasantly as Rachel stared at her, clinging to Selina. “I’ve seen you down at the therapy pools recently. I see the pool has done you some good.”

“Rachel, this is Muriel,” Hannibal told her softly. Rachel looked up at Hannibal as he said, “I guess you got to see her after all. What do you think?” Rachel looked at Hannibal with hesitation and he said, “Go on. You can touch her. She won’t bite.”

Rachel hesitantly reached out and touched her scaly reptilian arm. “Wow,” she breathed. “You’re weird looking. I’ve never seen anyone like you before.”

Muriel smiled pleasantly and replied, “I doubt anyone has. You’re a very pretty little girl. Do you realize that you are the first child who’s touched me in a very, very long time?”

Rachel shook her head as she touched Muriel’s face. It was silky smooth and with her dark green eyes, pointed ears and snow white hair that reached to her waist, Muriel absolutely fascinated Rachel. “You’re so pretty,” Rachel complimented her. “Not like some of the other monsters I’ve seen. You’re so pretty.”

Muriel sighed, saying, “Thank you, little one. I can’t help what I am.”

Rachel touched her cybernetic arm, saying, “I know. But you are no monster like the other ones in Amacia. They were so mean to me.”

Just then, Kida returned with Elle, saying, “All right, let’s go. Elle wants to come along if that’s all right.”

Hannibal smiled as Elle and Tal looked at each other for a moment. “Sure. The more the merrier,” Hannibal replied. “All right Tal, lead the way.”

Tal smiled and led them to his shop. Muriel stayed close to Hannibal as they walked to Tal’s shop. The people they encountered greeted them in a friendly manner, some saluting and some bowing to them. It wasn’t long before Hannibal realized and sensed that the people delighted to be not just in his presence, but Selina’s as well.

It took roughly twenty minutes to reach Tal’s shop. It lay in the heart of the city the people had erected about half a mile from the Tower. They walked in his shop and saw several more wheelchairs. There were also numerous weapons there too that he had made. They were all hung up and displayed with some armor that he’d been working on. He led them to a table in the corner that had numerous prosthesis arms, legs, hands and feet on them. Most were made of wood and were very realistic looking. “Hold on a minute. Where did I put that thing,” Tal said as he searched the table. When he didn’t find what he was looking for, he called out, “Abigail! Have you seen the new set of arms and legs I was working on for the little girl?”

Suddenly from behind a curtain stepped a magnificent specimen of a woman. She stood nearly six feet with long black hair that was pulled back and tied up in a ponytail that reached to her waist. Her skin was almond colored, very tight and smooth. She had piercing hazel eyes that seemed to bore holes in anything she looked at. Her face was long with high cheekbones and a moderately small nose. About her lean and ample frame was a woolen dress that was sleeveless. It draped about her like a regal gown, reaching to her feet, which were shod with sandals. Her arms were lean and strong with hands that had long, slender fingers. She carried herself with great poise and grace, moving like a gazelle. She had small gold earrings in her ears and a beautiful gold choker around her neck. She looked around and saw Tal there with Hannibal, Selina, Rachel, Muriel, Elle, and Kida. Upon seeing them, she gasped and cried out, “Oh! My lord King, what brings you back to our humble abode?” She bowed to them.

“Sire, this is Abigail, my wife. She is my greatest help and friend,” Tal declared. “Much of what you see would have been impossible without her.”

Hannibal smiled as he stepped forward. “I’m sure of that,” he stated. “She suits you perfectly, Tal. It always amazes me how the women of this land are so beautiful. I’ve seen more beautiful women in this land in the short time that I’ve been here than all my long decades on the surface. It’s like there is a gene or something that says, ‘keep these women beautiful.’” He approached Abigail and offered his hand to her, saying, “It is an honor to meet you, Abigail. Are you as skilled as you are beautiful?”

Abigail tucked her head bashfully, saying as she grasped his hand firmly, “The honor is all mine, milord. Just to be noticed by you is the greatest honor, sire. However, I am but a daffodil when put next to your queen. She is a rose of the highest caliber.” She released his hand and went to Selina, dropping to her knees in front of her and bowing her head. “Milady, I am at your service. You are a goddess in beauty where I am but a humble woman. Is there anything you need?”

Selina reached out to Abigail with one of her hands, saying, “It’s all right, Abigail. You don’t need to kneel to me or Hannibal for neither one of us are gods. You’re very beautiful in your own right. Hannibal spoke the truth in what he said. Isn’t she very pretty, Rachel?”

Rachel smiled, saying, “Yes, she is, momma. She’s very pretty.”

Abigail smiled at them, saying, “Milady is very kind to say that.”

Hannibal extended his hand to Abigail and said, “Even the daffodil has its own beauty, Abigail.” She received his hand and he helped her stand up.

“Yes, she is as skilled as she is beautiful,” Tal stated. “A good portion of what you see around us is her handiwork, not mine. She’s very talented.”

Hannibal stepped back beside Selina and Rachel, putting a hand on her shoulder as Tal asked Abigail again, “Do you know where the new limbs we were working on are?”

Abigail suddenly shook her surprise at seeing Hannibal, Selina, Rachel, Kida, Elle and Muriel, saying, “It’s back here in the back. Come.” Abigail led them behind the curtain to an area where there was a complete blacksmith shop, including the forge. There were a number of weapons and pieces of armor laying on some of the tables. Abigail led everyone through the shop and through another curtain into an area with a number of tables that had all manner of prosthesis limbs of every size and shape lying there. They were made of all types of material from wood to ivory, and even metal. Two finished wheelchairs sat there with several more waiting to be finished. She stopped at a table that had a set of prosthesis limbs that were different from the rest. “Here they are, Tal. I just finished cleaning them up,” she said.

Everyone looked at the limbs in silence as Tal checked them. “Ahh, good job, honey; they look much better now,” he said as he picked up an arm and turned to Hannibal, Rachel, and Selina with it, displaying it to them. It was an exquisite mechanized prosthesis arm, complete with a hand. The arm didn’t have a covering on it, showing all the intricate mechanism of the arm. “I had heard about what you did for this little girl and what had happened to her so I took the liberty to create this replacement. I know it isn’t a real arm of flesh and blood, but I hope that it will suffice,” Tal said with a hint of anticipation and hope on his voice. “This is something new that I’ve tried with the help of Master Enoch. Look here, I have tried to duplicate the action of an arm and hand. Let me demonstrate.” They looked at the arm, which appeared to be made from just above the elbow down. Above the elbow, there was a harness and cup to receive the stump of the arm. He reached into the cup and the hand and fingers began to move.

Hannibal’s eyebrow rose with great interest as he asked, “How did you do that?”

Tal motioned to him, saying, “I have learned much from your kin. As I said, Enoch and Elias were very helpful in the creation of these limbs. I was able to make the arm but was unable to make it move until they came to me and provided me a mechanism to power it. Look here where the arm hooks on.”

Hannibal looked in the cup and saw a strange little piece that looked like a circuit board. “What is that?” he asked.

“I’m not entirely sure, but Master Enoch said that it was a controller that would enable the wearer to operate the arm as if were his or her real arm,” Tal stated.

“Kida, come take a look at this,” Hannibal ordered. Kida looked at the piece as Hannibal asked, “Do you know how this works?”

Kida smiled sweetly, saying, “Of course. Remember. You aren’t the only one who has access to the Teacher. After your little meeting, Enoch did some research and found that we had these little devices in storage. This device will mesh with the nervous system of whoever wears the arm just by physical contact to it. It will make the arm act like a normal arm.”

“You’re kidding?” Hannibal asked in amazement.

“No, I’m not,” Kida said. “It took us a while to find the controllers in the Tower. They were in the warehouse in a portion we haven’t been in since we first came here. But anyway, this controller acts as bridge between the flesh and the machine. It will not give her total feeling in the arm but it will allow her to move it and grasp things.”

Hannibal was impressed as he looked at the circuit board. “Did you get the plans for these limbs from Enoch?” he asked Tal.

Tal smiled knowingly, replying, “Yes. He came to me a few days ago with them and told me what he wanted. It was actually exceedingly simple. All I had to do is modify some of the more advanced limbs that I had made in order to do it.”

“This is very advanced workmanship,” Hannibal stated as he looked at the arm. “We have nothing that comes close to this on the surface. Most of what we have is like these other limbs that I see around here, but nothing on this level. By the very fact that you were able to make these limbs shows how talented you are. Do you have a covering for it so that it would not look like a machine arm?”

“Yes,” Abigail replied. “The covering is right here.” She picked up a skin that was made of a rubbery substance and handed it to Hannibal, who handed the arm back to Tal. He looked at the skin and handled it gingerly. It was very strong and durable. “How did you make this?” he asked.

“We have a mold. The material is heated till it is liquid and then poured into the mold,” Tal stated.

“Ah, it’s cast then like a mask or something,” Hannibal declared. “Is the arm ready for the skin?”

Tal nodded, saying “Almost. I would like to test it before we put the skin on it.”

Hannibal smiled as he handed the skin back to Abigail, saying, “Then by all means let us try it.” He turned to Rachel, who had been watching and listening with great interest, asking, “Do you want to try it, sweetie?”

“Can I?” Rachel asked with great enthusiasm.

“Of course, honey. It’s why we’re here,” Hannibal replied. He turned back to Tal and asked, “Okay, my friend, how do we attach it?”

Tal walked over to Rachel and Selina, saying to Abigail, “Honey, could you make some room on the table?” Abigail immediately responded, clearing a place on the table. He then turned to Hannibal, saying, “If you could sit her on the table, it will make this easier.” Hannibal immediate picked up Rachel and sat her on the table with her leg stumps hanging over the edge of the table. She balanced herself with her right arm as Tal walked up to her with Hannibal standing next to her. “All right now,” Tal said. “First, I’d like to say these limbs are the first of their kind...the prototypes. If it works as well as I hope, we’ll make many more. So, Rachel, you’re the first one to try these limbs.”

“Really?” Rachel asked with growing excitement. “You made them just for me?”

“I sure did,” Tal stated, showing Rachel the mechanical arm and hand. “You can thank your step uncle Enoch for these limbs. He gave me all your pertinent measurements along with the plans so I could make them just for you.”

“You should feel honored, Rachel,” Hannibal stated. “Master Tal went out of his way to make these just for you. Now you’ll be able to do everything you used to do.”

“I know,” Rachel bubbled excitedly. “How do they work?”

“I’ll show you,” Tal stated, showing Rachel the cup where the circuit board connector sat. “You see this little gadget down here? That’s what makes it work. All you need is a good connection to your stump, and you’re new arm and hand will work just like your old one. Watch this. I’m going to touch it with my fingers and make the machine fingers move; pay close attention now.”

Rachel watched Tal touch the circuit board connector, and then saw the fingers on the machine hand wiggle. “Wow,” she breathed. “I want to try that. Please let me try it.”

“That’s what we’re going to do,” Tal stated warmly. “I just wanted to show you what makes it work. Now, all you need to do is slip this cup on your arm stump until it makes contact with the controller. You’ll feel it when it makes a good contact. The harness connected to the cup goes all around the shoulder and arm as a safety feature to make sure it doesn’t come off. Now we shall let you try it on. Could you hold your arm out please, Rachel?”

Rachel looked at Hannibal with a tiny bit of fear and hesitation rising when she realized Tal was going to touch her. “I’m here,” Hannibal reassured her. “It’ll be all right. Tal knows what he’s doing.” She lifted her arm, which was bare from the shoulder down because she was wearing a sleeveless dress.

Tal moved in beside her and said to Hannibal, “Give me a hand.” Hannibal moved in and Tal said, “When I slip the arm on, fasten the harness around her shoulders and arm. It has to be positioned just right otherwise it will not work.” In less than a minute, Tal had slipped the stub of her arm into the cup and Hannibal had secured it gently to her shoulder and arm with the harness.

When the stump of her arm made contact with the controller of the arm, she flinched a little and said, “Oww. Something bit me.”

“Don’t worry, Rachel,” Tal assured her. “What you are feeling is the controller I showed you meshing with your nervous system. That’s what allows you to control it like a real arm and hand. The pain only lasts for a moment. How does it feel now? Is it hurting you anymore?”

A puzzled look crossed Rachel’s face as Hannibal fastened the harness around her arm. “Not now, but it feels weird,” Rachel replied softly. “The end of my arm is tingling just a little where you put it on, kind of like it did when I was in the pool.”

“That would be the controller establishing the pathways to your nerves,” Kida stated. “It should last only a minute or two, and then you shouldn’t feel it at all. At least that’s what Enoch said.”

Rachel looked at the strange arm as everyone gathered around. Elle pushed Selina up to the table so she could see what was going on. “What about now?” Hannibal asked. “Has the tingling stopped?”

Rachel looked at him with uncertainty, saying, “Yes, daddy; but there is something else, I....” She stopped abruptly as her eyes got wide with astonishment.

“What is it?” Selina asked, noting her reaction. “What’s wrong?”

Rachel looked at Selina and said softly, “I can feel my arm, momma. I can feel it where there was no arm before.”

“Try to move your fingers and hand,” Tal ordered gently. Slowly, Rachel began to move her mechanical fingers, wiggling them. She began to light up with excitement as she wiggled the mechanical fingers. Selina covered her mouth with shock and joy, as did Kida. Elle watched with great pleasure, as did Muriel. Tal looked at Abigail, and then to Hannibal, saying, “By the gods, it works!” He extended his hand to Rachel and said, “Try shaking my hand.” Rachel reached out with her new mechanical arm and hand, grasping Tal’s hand. She was delighted as Tal as she shook his hand firmly. Once he let go, he said, “Let’s try something else. Hmm; what shall we try; ah, I know. Abigail, bring the box of spare parts over here and let’s see if she can pick them up.”

Abigail walked up with a small box of junk items, standing before Rachel. “Go on, sweetie. Try and pick up something out of there,” Abigail said pleasantly.

Rachel reached in the box and her fingers moved to pick up some of the items, but she had trouble grasping them because of the slick nature of her metal fingers. After a bit of fumbling, which everyone saw, she picked up a small rod. “Very good,” Tal crowed. “But you had a little problem grasping them, didn’t you?” She nodded, with the irritation of her fumble obvious. He smiled warmly at her. “Don’t worry. Once we have the skin on those fingers, you shouldn’t have any problems picking anything up,” Tal said sweetly. “So, how do you like it?”

“Oh, I love it!” Rachel cried out joyously. “Do you have legs too?”

Tal smiled, saying, “Of course, sweetie. The legs are right there.” He pointed to the table where the legs were sitting.

Hannibal looked at Tal, saying, “I’m officially impressed, my friend. I must thank Enoch for finding the units that allow these limbs to move. These limbs can be removed and put back on at will, right?”

Tal nodded, saying, “Yes, if I read the plans right. This is, of course, only a stop gap remedy for her until you repair that Nano-Chamber thing you were talking about.”

Hannibal patted Tal on the shoulder, saying, “Of course. Is there anything we need to know about the mechanisms?”

Tal thought briefly, and then said, “Not really. Once we incorporate the covering on the limbs, there shouldn’t be any problems. But I would suggest that she not wear them continuously.”

“Why?” Selina asked.

“Well, they may chafe her some like new shoes because she isn’t used to them. Also, you must be sure that the harness is secure and remain snug, otherwise the control unit may lose its connection, which will cause her to lose use of the limb.” Hannibal nodded as Tal added, “One more reason for her not to wear them continuously is that they will tend to drain her energy somewhat to use them. To use them takes some effort and will tire her. When she begins to tire from the use of them, she should take them off until she has rested. Remember, this is not a living limb, simply a machine. Do you understand what I’m telling you, Rachel?”

Rachel nodded. “Yes, I do,” she answered. “This thing takes some doing to get it to move. I have to really think about it to get it to move.”

Tal smiled, patting her on the machine arm, saying, “That is because you are not used to it. You must treat them like new shoes. You have to break them in. As you break them in, you will find that you can keep them on longer and longer.”

“What about the legs?” Muriel asked. “Will it sap her like the arm will?”

Tal shook his head, saying, “No. The reason is the legs are not nearly as elaborate as the arm and hand. The legs are pretty much self-contained and because she as much of her legs there, the only thing the controller will help her do is to keep her balance. But there is one thing that you must know about them. They will help you get around, walk, run, etc..., but you must be careful. You can damage them. Just be careful what you do, Rachel. I would suggest that you not do any jumping or running until you’ve mastered them. Could you tell me how long you haven’t been able to walk?”

Rachel became downcast because it required her to remember her time in the dungeons. But she put on a brave face, though everyone knew that it troubled her. Hannibal put an arm around her, saying, “It’s all right. You’re doing good. You can tell us.”

Rachel shook her head as a tear formed in her eye, saying sadly, “Since I was taken and my family killed. I fought them when they tried to take me during the raid and they broke my legs and arms so that I couldn’t resist them when they....” She stopped and sobbed softly, turning to Hannibal, burying her face in his chest. Hannibal stroked her back and cooed softly in her ear, saying, “It’s all right. You don’t have to say anything else. You’re doing good.” He embraced her gently as she cried for a few moments.

Muriel moved over close to Rachel, standing next to Selina asking, “Do you know why they came for you and your family?”

Rachel wipe the tears out of her eyes and looked at Muriel, and then at her own mechanical arm that looked somewhat like Muriel’s cybernetic arm. She looked back at Muriel and an affinity began to form in her for Muriel because of the new arm. “I don’t know why they came,” she said softly. “But they came without mercy.”

“How long ago was that?” Muriel asked, moving next to her, leaning against the table. Hannibal sensed what Muriel was doing and didn’t interfere. Muriel was coaxing the information out of Rachel. “How long were you in the darkness?” she asked Rachel gently.

Rachel shook her head, sobbing softly, “I don’t remember. I don’t know why they came. I don’t remember!”

Muriel reached over to Rachel and touched her on her miracle hand with her cybernetic arm, looking her in the eye with the greatest of kindness in her eyes. “It’s all right,” she told Rachel. “It was such a traumatic experience that I’m amazed that you remember as much as you do. Can we safely say that you were a prisoner for two months?” Rachel shook her head. Hannibal smiled as he appreciated the cunning that Muriel was employing to coax the information out of Rachel. “Was it longer?” Muriel asked softly. Rachel nodded as Muriel held out her reptilian hand to Rachel, saying, “You see this?” Rachel nodded and Muriel said, “I have no memory at all how I got either of these arms. I just remember waking with them one day long ago. But I’ll tell you what I do remember.”

Rachel looked at Muriel and asked, “What?”

“I have no memory of my life before I was turned into what you see before you,” Muriel declared. “But I have dreams of a life where my arm isn’t scaly or mechanical. I have fleeting dreams that come and go like bubbles in a pot of boiling water. I dream of a forgotten time when I was a most beautiful woman. But the dreams come and go as quickly as I have them and I’m left with holes in my being, like I’ve lost something and when I try to clearly remember the dreams, all I get are vague impressions. Please, little one, do not let what they did to you cause the same thing that I endure. I know what it is like not to remember and if I may be so bold....” She used her cybernetic arm and gently turned Rachel’s face to her so she could look her in the eye, saying, “You’re a smart girl, very clever and tricky. You know more than you let on and remember more than you say. It’s all right if you don’t want to talk about it, but don’t try to hide it from me or your parents. We have the gift that allows us to see minds. We can tell when you are trying to deceive us. If you don’t want to talk about it, just say so and we will not pry any further. Now you can tell me how long it was because I know what it is like to be imprisoned. For over six hundred cycles was I confined in the darkness of Acheron, guarded by monsters whose one purpose was to keep me in that darkness for all eternity. Your father rescued me from that darkness. He is my savior and I am at his service, and yours, little one. What you say here doesn’t go beyond the people that are here, am I right?” Everyone agreed that anything Rachel was going to say would be held in the strictest of confidence.

“Now, can you tell us how long you were there?” Muriel asked gently, but firmly. Rachel sat there with her mouth hanging open. She had been caught. She indeed knew how long she had been there and how many times she’d been violated and tortured. “I...,” Rachel began as Muriel looked at her intensely but with love and respect because of the sensitive nature of what was being discussed.

“No one will tell,” Muriel cooed in her ear, reinforcing what she’d said a few moments before.

Rachel sighed and sobbed softly, “You’re right. I do know how long I’d been there. I’m sorry I tried to hide it. I was afraid.”

Hannibal gave her a gentle squeeze, saying with a sober smile, “It’s all right, Rachel. It’s perfectly understandable. But understand that telling a lie about something isn’t right, even if you are afraid. The truth is always much better to deal with. The Almighty loves it when we tell the truth just as you just did when you said you were sorry for saying that you didn’t remember when you actually did remember. It is good that you did that. He forgives you, as do we. Just remember, you can tell us the truth, no matter how ugly or bad it seems. In time, you will find that the truth is never as bad or ugly as you think it is. You can always tell us the truth, always. Now, is there something you want to tell us?”

Rachel hugged Hannibal, saying, “Thank you, daddy; why they came I don’t know, but how long I was there in the dungeons I remember vividly because I marked the days off on the wall while I could. I made seventy marks before my hands stopped working.” The brave face she had put on melted and she sobbed, “They tormented me three or four times a week, sometimes for hours at a time. Sometimes they would leave me chained down alone in the darkness for days with nothing but stale, rotting bread and dirty water to drink. But I had one friend there – the guy who was in charge of the keys. He would come after they...well you know and tried to help me. He was very nice. He brought me clean water to drink and good bread to eat. I begged him to not let them take me and he said he couldn’t help me. It was beyond his power, he said. But he was very nice, though he didn’t come around all that often. It was through him that I heard about you daddy when you escaped the arena while you were still a girl. He said that you were coming back to get momma and anyone else who wanted out of that terrible place. I didn’t believe him until the day uncle Enoch, Nemesis, and those strange guys broke into my cell while those monsters were...I can’t say it. They....” She paused with tears in her eyes, sobbing hysterically.

Selina called out to her, saying, “Don’t have to say what the devils were doing, honey. We know. It doesn’t bear repeating.”

Hannibal rocked Rachel gently, saying, “It’s all right. You are doing very well. You see, the fears that have gripped you since we rescued you are being torn apart by you. You’re facing them, conquering them all by yourself. We’re so proud of you. What was the last thing you remember, apart from what the guard was doing?”

Rachel sobbed as she spoke saying, “I saw his face. He was taking such delight in what he was doing to me and suddenly, he stopped and his head turned around backwards. I heard his neck snap when it happened. Then I saw uncle Enoch throw him across the room. I vaguely remember seeing Nemesis rip the other guys to pieces with the strange men that came in with uncle Enoch and Nemesis. I don’t remember anything after that.” She sobbed softly as Hannibal stroked her back gently.

“That’s enough,” Hannibal cooed in her ear. “You don’t need to say anything else. You did very well, sweetie. It’s okay.” By this time, she was making use of her new replacement limb, holding on to Hannibal as he held her close, rocking her gently.

Muriel sighed, saying, “You’ve endured so much for someone so young. If there is anyone who is a survivor, you are little one. You are much stronger than you know.” She patted Rachel on the head as Hannibal rocked her.

Both Tal and Abigail were shocked and incensed by what they had heard from the little girl’s own mouth. Abigail approached and reached out to Rachel, saying, “If there is anyone who deserves these limbs, it is you, little one.” She touched Rachel on the shoulder as she spoke. “We will do everything we can to help you,” Abigail added as she backed away.

Tal looked at Rachel, who had calmed down a bit, but was still upset by the memories. “Seventy plus days,” he said softly, “You have some strength in you, Rachel. That is a long time to be brutalized, but fear not. We’re here for you.”

Rachel looked at him, and wiped the tears from her eyes with her organic hand, managing to crack a small trembling smile. “Ah, is that a smile I see?” Tal crowed as he saw her smile. The smile on her face grew and he said, “Since it has been so long since you have walked, you are probably going to have to learn all over again with the new legs. I’ll tell you what. These limbs are just about ready for you. If you will give me just a little time, I will make the final adjustments on them and we will hook you up, all right?”

Rachel looked at him with hope in her eyes again as Hannibal asked, “How long will it take? I’ve got urgent business to take care of with Muriel, Kida, and Selina.”

Tal thought for a moment, and then said, “A couple of hours at least. Why?”

Hannibal sighed as he turned to Rachel, saying, “Honey, your mother and I have to go.” He glanced at Muriel, and then back to Rachel, adding, “But we want you to have these arms and legs that Tal has for you. Do you want to stay here or come with us?”

Rachel looked at him hesitantly, asking, “Why do you have to go?”

Hannibal looked at Rachel in the eye and said, “You remember what Muriel told you about not remembering?” Rachel nodded and he said, “I promised to help her with that. That’s why we are going: to help her remember.” Muriel face lit up with surprise as she backed off a couple of steps.

“You mean you are going to help her remember?” Rachel asked in amazement.

“Yes, Rachel,” Hannibal replied. “That is exactly what we are going to do.” Muriel choked emotionally and covered her mouth to conceal her surprise and shock. All the long centuries of not remembering her identity was about to end; all of the unanswered questions would finally be answered. Hannibal looked into Rachel’s eyes and saw how much she wanted the prosthesis limbs and he said, “You want them, don’t you.”

Rachel nodded, saying “Yes, daddy. I do. But do you have to leave me here with him? I don’t know them.”

Hannibal motioned for Elle to come forward, which she did and Hannibal asked Rachel, “You know Elle, don’t you?”

Rachel nodded yes, saying, “Yes, daddy. She’s my friend. I like her. She’s like Kida and Emma. She’s been very nice to me, and helps me all the time.”

“Do you trust her?” Hannibal asked. Rachel nodded and Hannibal looked deep in her eyes again, asking, “Do you trust me?” Again, Rachel nodded and Hannibal said plainly, “If I leave Elle here with you, will that help? That way you can get your new arms and legs now.”

Rachel looked at Elle, who had a smile on her face. “Yes, daddy,” Rachel replied. “I trust her, and you.”

“Very well then,” Hannibal said, turning away from Rachel to Elle, asking, “Would you stay with her?”

“Of course I will, Hannibal,” Elle beamed with a broad smile. “I watch out for her as if she were my own daughter.”

Hannibal touched Elle on the arm, saying to her, Tal, and Abigail, “When you have fitted her, bring her back to the Tower. But you don’t have to be in any hurry. Mingle some with the people.” He looked back at Rachel, saying, “Maybe you will see more children your own age like Crystal.”

Rachel smiled, saying, “I’d like that.”

Hannibal looked into Elle’s face saying, “Watch out for her. I’m trusting you with one of my most prized possessions.” With that statement, Rachel began to realize how much Hannibal loved her.

“You can count on me, little brother. I will not let you down. I swear it,” Elle replied.

Hannibal smiled, saying, “Good.” He turned to Tal and Abigail, saying, “Thank you my friends. We really appreciate you doing this for Rachel.”

“You’re most welcome,” Tal replied, shaking Hannibal’s hand when he offered it. “We will bring the chairs too when we are finished so Rebecca can have one. By the way, how big is she so I have some idea of how to tailor the chair?”

Hannibal thought for a moment as Elle spoke up, saying, “She is a little over three and a half cubits tall with a petite build.”

Hannibal smiled, saying, “Thank you, Elle. That’s right.”

Tal committed the figures to memory saying, “All right then. I hope you have success in helping Muriel.” He turned to Muriel, who was standing between Selina and Rachel, saying, “Good luck to you, Muriel. I hope and pray to the gods that you will find those memories you’re searching for.”

Muriel smiled, bubbling with anticipation like a child waiting for Christmas morning, replying, “So do I Tal. So do I. It is such a pleasure to meet good people like you.”

Tal nodded as Hannibal latched onto Selina’s chair. Selina reached out to Rachel, touching her on the stump of her leg saying, “Now you be a good girl for Elle, Tal, and Abigail, all right?”

Rachel smiled, replying, “I will momma. Don’t be gone long.”

Selina smiled, hiding some hesitation that she was feeling, saying, “We won’t.”

At that, Hannibal began to push her out of the shop saying, “Come on Kida, Muriel. We have much to do.” As he was about to pass through the curtain to the blacksmith portion of the shop, he glanced back at Rachel and saw a downcast look on her face, so he called out, “We’ll be back, honey. I promise. When you get used to those new legs, come and show me.”

Rachel smiled, saying, “I will daddy.” In seconds, Hannibal, Selina, Muriel and Kida were gone, leaving Rachel and Elle with Tal and Abigail.

Elle went to Rachel’s side, taking the place of Hannibal. Tal looked at Rachel and said, “Well now, little one. Let’s get that arm off so we can finish it properly. Then we’ll put it back, all right?”

Rachel became subdued and just a little fearful. Elle was half sitting on the table to her right and she noticed her reaction so she put an arm around her, saying, “Don’t worry. Nothing’s going to happen to you while I’m here.”

Rachel put her right arm around Elle and held out her left as Tal and Abigail came forward to remove the prosthesis. As they unbuckled the harness that held it on, Abigail smiled sweetly at Rachel, saying, “It’s all right. Nothing bad is going to happen. Can I tell you something?” Rachel nodded as Abigail finished unstrapping the harness.

Tal gently tugged on it saying, “Hold her arm still, honey.” Abigail held on to Rachel’s arm as he gently pulled on the prosthesis. A brief, small pain ran up her arm as the controller disengaged from her flesh. She cried out “Oww. That hurts!”

No more than she had said it, Tal had the arm off, saying, “There we are. Now that wasn’t so bad was it?”

Rachel looked at her stump and sighed, asking, “Why did it hurt when you pulled it off?”

“The same reason it hurt when it went on,” Tal replied as he handed the arm to Abigail. “The controller had to disengage from your nervous system. But don’t worry. The next time, it won’t be so bad. It didn’t hurt all that bad, did it?”

Rachel shook her head, saying “Not really. It was like someone pinching me hard.”

Tal looked at her and smiled, saying, “You know once you become used to these limbs, you won’t feel a thing when you put them on and off. It will be like putting on a glove or a shoe. You see, if I understand the plans right on the controller, the controller will adapt to your unique makeup and once it does, it won’t hurt any more. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

Rachel nodded with a smile saying, “Yes, it does.”

Tal patted her on the left arm, saying, “You’re a good girl. Now let’s get to work on it.”

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