Legends of Amacia Heart of Darkness

Chapter 14: Selina Taken

Several hours after feeling Hannibal’s tortures in Mirror Cell 28, Selina awoke with a desperate scream of agony. It drew everyone’s attention. Selina bawled in pain, looking at her wrists in amazement since there appeared to be nothing wrong with them. Yet, her wrists and feet felt like something red-hot had impaled them. Jasmine, Hitomi, and Lola gathered around Selina with great concern.

“What’s wrong, sister?” Jasmine asked fearfully.

“It’s Hannibal,” Selina bawled in agony. “He’s being crucified! I can feel the red-hot nails in his wrists and feet! The pain...is excruciating! And to make...matters worse, he still feels like he’s trapped inside that woman I dreamed of and is being raped again at the same time by that damned piston thing again. Oh, god...this is so heinous; the pain he’s in is unbelievable! I’m going nuts! I must be going crazy! I can’t even feel my own hands and feet, or make them move. This is too much! Please God…make it stop! Make it stop!” Selina wept at the pain and horror she felt emanating from Hannibal.

Izanami had just come out of the Harem’s bath when she heard Selina’s scream. She rushed to Selina’s side and knelt down, taking Selina in her arms. “You’re really feeling his pain, aren’t you?” she asked.

“Yes,” Selina wept in agony. “It’s the price we pay for our telepathic fusion. Please, can’t you do something? The last time I was in this level of pain was when Hannibal was being treated by our doctor friend. She was removing shrapnel he’d taken in his back from a grenade. I begged my dad to knock me out to stop the pain. Please, someone knock me out! The pain and horror of being simultaneously crucified and raped by that piston is more than I can take. Please…can’t someone just knock me out?”

“Of course, sister,” Izanami replied as tears spilled out onto her cheeks. “I can do it. Just relax.”

“Hurry,” Selina pleaded, tears flowing freely as her face twisted in agony. “I’m losing it! I can’t take the pain!” Another scream of pain erupted from her as she arched her back as if being whipped. “Now he’s being whipped too! Please knock me out now!” she begged, sobbing hysterically writhing in pain.

Izanami clipped an energy meridian/nerve/pressure point intersection on Selina’s neck with her thumb and a relieved look instantly came over Selina’s face. “Thank you,” Selina whispered, falling unconscious without another word.

Izanami and Jasmine laid Selina back down and covered her with the blanket. “This is very bad,” Izanami stated grimly. “It’s now obvious that her man Hannibal has been subjected to the cross-gender avatar torture. Selina somehow can sense Hannibal even with his mind trapped in the cross-gender avatar. Worse yet, it seems the Emperor has crucified him with the spikes on those damnable X-crosses on the sex floor.”

“What makes you say that?” Hitomi asked.

“Because the sex floor is the only place the Emperor uses those crosses to crucify victims,” Izanami replied bluntly. “You were fortunate to not have been submitted to them when you were taken to the sex floor, Hitomi, but I didn’t escape that terror. I was lashed to those infernal crosses for days. However, the Emperor never actually nailed me to it. Those nailed to those crosses die most horribly over several days. I’ve seen it happen. It’s a gruesome way to die.”

“Does that mean Selina’s man is going to die?” Jasmine asked in horror as Sakura came from the Harem’s bath and settled beside Selina. Sakura’s expression betrayed her worry.

“I don’t know, Jasmine,” Izanami whispered. “I just don’t know. We must pray to Selina’s god to help her husband. He must survive. Hitomi…gather everyone who is awake so we may pray for Selina’s husband, Hannibal.”

“I’m on it,” Hitomi blurted out, rising from next to Selina. As she rose, a peculiar smell filled the Harem. Before Hitomi had taken two steps, everyone passed out cold with Hitomi collapsing as her eyes rolled back in her head.

It was 6:00 AM before Sakura awoke with a moan. She rubbed her face with her hand, clearing her eyes. Her head throbbed. Looking over to check on Selina, her mouth dropped open in horror. Selina had vanished. Sakura jumped up and looked around the Harem in a panic. “No…no, they didn’t!” she moaned in despair. When it became apparent that Selina was nowhere in the Harem, Sakura shouted, “Sisters, sisters! Wake up! They took Selina!”

The women of the Harem stirred with a rumble, getting up and looking around as Sakura dropped to her knees on Selina’s cushion, crying, “They took her! She’s gone!”

Izanami shook off the drug-induced slumber, sitting up where she’d fallen next to Selina when the gas hit them. When she became alert enough to see clearly, Izanami examined the empty chains while Myra put her arm around Sakura, consoling her. “These chains were unlocked,” Izanami declared. “Does anyone remember anything after I knocked out Selina?”

“No,” Chihiro replied while kneeling down next to Izanami. “All I remember was a strange scent filling the air and then blacking out. I don’t remember anything until I heard Sakura.”

“Same here,” Hitomi agreed. “I remember getting up to gather the other girls so we could pray for Selina’s husband. I had hardly taken two steps when the gas overwhelmed me.”

One at a time, those who had been around Selina during her outburst repeated the same sequence of events from their point of view.

“The bastards,” Myra hissed venomously. “They gassed us so we couldn’t interfere with Selina’s abduction!”

“So it seems,” Izanami stated. “But one thing is for certain. We must pray for our sister and her husband more than ever now. And we must get word to Nemesis about her abduction.”

“I’ve already contacted Nemesis about this,” Myra murmured. “He’ll find our feline sister.”

“I hope so,” Sakura whimpered. “I pray she hasn’t been taken to the sex floor.”

“So do we all,” Izanami agreed, “Selina’s far too gentle a soul to take that kind of abuse.”

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