Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Timber's Defiance

Over ten days and nights had passed on the ship and things did not get any better. Timber was keeping her promise not to sleep even with the captain begging her to rest. Most of the time, she just howled to keep herself busy as she wasn’t allowed to help Sludge and Slime. Finally, at the dawn of the eleventh day, Mycono Kingdom came into sight.

“Land ho!” Raven Hawk cried out from the crow’s nest.

“Really, Raven Hawk?!” Raibert asked.

“Certainly, captain!” Raven Hawk called.

“How far away?!” Raibert asked.

“Not much further!” Raven Hawk called.

“Good! I can’t wait to get this child off of here! She’s hurting herself!” Raibert cried out.

Timber looked just about as sickly as Slime and Sludge due to lack of sleep, food, and water. She was pacing on the main deck, getting splinters in her paws.

“Well... That’s one way to remove the splinters,” Raven Hawk said.

“True... But she’s my passenger!” Raibert cried out.

Hairy Rat turned the ship so that it would fit into the port at the pier. Timber looked up from her pacing, her paws aching as the splinters imbedded themselves deeper into her paw pads. She was shaking and her ribs showed very clearly through her skin. The captain sighed. Sludge dropped the anchor into the water to hold the boat in place while Raibert went and put down the gangplank.

“Good luck, Timber... Hopefully you find who you’re looking for...” Captain Raibert called.

Timber ambled down the gangplank and stared back at the captain from the pier.

“We’re only going to hang around for a short time. We just need to gather up more money and food,” Raibert said.

“Good bye, sir...” Timber called and limped away.

Timber ventured into the new kingdom and then turned into a human so nobody would be afraid of her. She wasn’t looking where she was going and crashed into someone.

“Oof!” the person cried out, falling backwards.

Timber toppled over as well, the splinters going deeper into her skin.

“Sorry! Sorry!” Timber cried out.

“Hey... That’s alright...” the boy said and got up.

He helped her to her feet, though she was unstable.

“Are you alright...? You look ill...” the boy said.

“And you look like Ronald!” Timber cried out.

“Ronald? Who’s Ronald?” the boy asked.

“I just came from Fairwood Kingdom... My best friend looks exactly like you!” Timber cried out.

“Hmmm... That’s strange... Wait... Fairwood Kingdom?! That’s so far away! No wonder you’re so ill!” the boy said.

“Not as ill as Ronald... I must... I must...” Timber passed out in the middle of speaking.

The boy who looked like Ronald picked the poor girl up from the ground and carried her to the hospital.

“Hello? Mycono Hospital, how may we help you?” the lady at the front desk asked.

“I found this girl... She’s in very poor condition...” the boy said, holding onto Timber even though she’s about the same size as him.

“Oh dear... You’re right... We’ll have to check on her right away...” the lady at the front desk said.

She took Timber from the boy and moved her to an examining room. There they found out that she was dehydrated, malnourished, and had so many splinters stuck in her feet and hands.

“Hmmm... I don’t think that this is a human... Something about her just isn’t right...” the person examining her said.

“Huh? Then what is she...?” another person asked.

“I have no idea... I’ve never seen one of her kind before... Perhaps she’s an alien...” the examiner said.

“Couldn’t be... That’s impossible!” the other person said.

“Why else would she have wolf ears and a wolf tail?” the examiner asked.

“I have no clue...” the other person said.

“Even if she is an alien, we must still care for her... Hand me the needles...” the examiner said.

The other person handed over a box of medical equipment.

“I notice that she came with a sword and shield, perhaps she’s a hero,” the examiner said.

A surgeon entered the room and begun to work on removing the splinters. The examiner hooked Timber up to an IV pole to rehydrate her. A fairy flew into the room with a jingling noise. Everyone aside from Timber turned to look at the fairy.

“Excuse me, I heard you got a new patient,” the fairy said.

“Yes, yes we did...” the examiner said.

“May I see?” the fairy asked.

“Why? You’re just a fairy,” the examiner said.

“Not just a fairy. A brilliant fairy,” the fairy said, jingling some more in annoyance.

“Alright, have a look, just don’t touch,” the examiner said, moving aside.

The fairy flew forward and studied Timber for a moment. The diamond on Timber’s forehead glowed brightly, scaring the fairy.

“What’s going on?!” the fairy asked.

“I have no idea...” the surgeon said, stopping in the middle of removing a splinter.

The glow grew brighter and brighter, blinding everyone. Her sword and hair also started glowing.

“What is happening?!” the other person in the room cried out.

“That’s definitely not a human! That’s for sure!” the examiner called out.

The light returned to normal and Timber was lying there awake.

“Where am I?!” Timber cried out.

“In the hospital... Go back to sleep...” the surgeon said.

“What are you doing to my feet?!” Timber cried out.

“Fairy, make yourself useful and get her back to sleep...” the surgeon said.

“Leave me alone! I’m in a hurry! I have to speak to...” Timber begun, but the fairy put her back to sleep.

“What if she wakes up again?” the other person in the room asked.

“Then the fairy can put her back to sleep again,” the surgeon said, digging out another splinter.

“Humph... Is that all you’re really going to allow me to do?” the fairy asked.

“Yep, now don’t be annoying... How about you shut up before you wind up in a jar?” the surgeon asked.

“How rude! I could tell you of many things that you don’t know, yet you tell me to shut up?!” the fairy asked.

“Most fairies don’t hang out with normal humans... How about you go back to the Forest People?” the surgeon asked.

“Then I won’t help you keep her asleep... In fact, I’ve half a mind to wake her back up again!” the fairy said.

“No! Please don’t! Here, have a fairy cookie!” the surgeon said and handed the fairy a tiny cookie.

“Ooh! Yummy!” the fairy said, jingling again.

The surgeon wiped the sweat off his forehead and continued his work.

“She’s from Fairwood,” a voice called from the doorway.

Everyone aside from Timber turned to look at who said that. It was the boy Timber met that looked just like Ronald.

“Fairwood Kingdom... She’s traveled very far to get here,” the boy said.

“How do you know this...?” the examiner asked.

“She told me before she passed out. There has to be a good reason for her to be here. Nobody travels that far just for fun,” the boy said.

“Why has she come?” the examiner asked.

“She mentioned a boy named Ronald telling me that he was ill...” the boy said.

“They have a hospital in Fairwood, why didn’t she just take him there?!” the examiner asked.

“Perhaps they didn’t have the right equipment,” the boy suggested.

“Hmm... Well, she’s worked herself ill in her efforts to get here... That Ronald person must matter a lot to her,” the examiner said.

“Should I alert the king and princess that she has arrived?” the boy asked.

“Fraizer... You’re just wanting to see the princess again...” the examiner said.

“Well, I can’t help it. The princess is my friend,” Fraizer said.

“You’ve been keeping an eye out for Scotty, right...?” the examiner asked.

“Yes, I haven’t seen him or heard of him for over a month now. He’s been quiet... Suspiciously quiet,” Fraizer said.

Timber woke up again, glowing like last time.

“Fairy! Get her asleep!” the surgeon called out.

The fairy went to Timber and put her back to sleep again.

“You really shouldn’t be in here, Fraizer... Not while we’re working on her...” the examiner said.

“Will she be alright?” Fraizer asked.

“Honestly? I don’t know... What with her ribs poking out like that and her severe dehydration... She’s lucky to even be alive still...” the examiner said.

Fraizer stared at Timber for awhile before turning and leaving. It took a long time for the surgeon to locate and remove all the splinters from her hands and feet and to stitch the skin back together. The next time Timber woke up, she was in her own hospital room, still connected to the IV.

“I must go...” Timber said.

“No, you will stay right where you are, young lady!” her attendant said.

“Why should I? Ronald is more important...” Timber said.

“You’ll never help this Ronald person if you end up hurting yourself again,” the attendant said.

“You’d never understand... The only reason why I came here was to speak with Scotty Hepburn...” Timber said.

“WHAT?! SCOTTY HEPBURN?! YOU’VE GOT TO BE JOKING!” the attendant yelled.

“I heard he’s the only one that can save my friend...” Timber said.

“Well, you heard wrong!” the attendant said.

“No... Zephynna would never lie to me... She said he can cast spells...” Timber said.

“Evil spells! Dark magic could never be used for good!” the attendant said.

“I still must speak to him... If there is even the slightest chance that he can help, I’ll take it,” Timber said.

“Scotty Hepburn is the most dangerous person in the world!” the attendant said.

“Then he has the power to help my friend...” Timber said.

“No! We won’t let you go see him! We’ll force you to stay here if we have to!” the attendant said.

“You can’t do that...” Timber whined.

“Yes we can! It’s for your safety and everyone else’s!” the attendant said.

Timber got up, pulling on the IV.

“No! Bad girl! Lie down and rest!” the attendant said.

“I don’t want to be held down! I want to be free!” Timber cried.

Suddenly, the power in the hospital shut off. Timber cried out in fear as the burning hot of her golden diamond changing to a chilling cold with a black diamond.

“Now look what you’ve done! You’ve gotten yourself all worked up!” the attendant said.

Timber screamed out, holding her forehead.

“Calm down!” the attendant called out.

“I can’t! It hurts!” Timber cried, “Is this what my sister felt?!”

“SOMEONE HELP! THE PATIENT HAS GONE MAD!” the attendant cried out, trying to escape.

Timber turned into a wolf, ripping away from the IV and heart monitor. Instead of a blazing gold color, her fur was a dark bronze, almost black.

“You! You tried to prevent me from saving my friend from this! This is your fault!” Timber growled, “Because of you, he’s still back in Fairwood in a deep sleep because if he wakes up, he’ll become this! A wild beast that cannot be restrained!”

The attendant whimpered.

“My mother and father had to abandon my sister and I to go save people in pretty much another world and they’ve probably died! I was forced to kill my sister because she became an uncontrollable beast! It was too late to save her! Don’t make it too late to save my friend! All I have left is my grandmother... She’s waiting at home for me to return!” Timber growled.

“Even if you do make it to Scotty, he probably won’t help you!” the attendant cried out.

“I must believe!” Timber said.

“No! Stop believing and go to bed!” the attendant said.

A few police officers showed up in the doorway with tazers. They didn’t expect to find Timber as a wolf though. They backed up a bit. Timber looked up at them.

“Sorry, officers... I mean no harm... I’ve got to go...” Timber said, she turned and jumped out the hospital window before they could taze her.

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