Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Lillian the Devious

While Ronald was still away, Timber had come to and lifted herself off the ground. She sniffed the ground, ears perked up and alert in case of sudden sounds. She spotted Luccardo watching her and approached him.

“How did I get here...?” Timber asked.

“Ronald took yah here after yer battle... You were mangled pretty badly... Timber, yah do realize you are one lucky pup, right?” Luccardo asked.

“I wish that were true... I feel like the most unlucky person in the whole world!” Timber said.

“You keep survivin’ what others couldn’t, that’s rather lucky,” Luccardo said.

“Where is Ronald...? He seems to have been here not long ago...” Timber noted.

“He’ll be back... He’s visitin’ his family,” Luccardo said.

“Sir, you look an awful lot like my father...” Timber said.

“I raised yer father for his parents, he must have gotten some style tips from me,” Luccardo said.

Timber giggled.

“Yah think ’m funny...?” Luccardo asked.

“Yeah!” Timber said.

“Say, that’s a very nice sword you’ve got... Is it magical...?” Luccardo asked.

“Huh? Where is it?” Timber asked, looking around, she winced in pain.

Luccardo placed it in front of her.

“Yes, sir, that sword is magical. It contains my hair in its core so it lights up whenever I touch it,” Timber said.

“Not a legendary sword though. Yer mom, dad, and Lulu have the legendary swords. Yours is just a magical sword. But if it does respond the way you say it does...” Luccardo said.

Timber turned back into a human and grabbed her sword. As soon as she did, it emitted light just as her hair and diamond were. Luccardo shielded his eyes. Timber didn’t let go of the sword.

“I see! That’s way too bright! You could blind someone with that light!” Luccardo said.

“Sorry!” Timber said.

The light gradually returned to normal, glittering occasionally. Luccardo relaxed and sighed in relief.

“That’s some strange magic!” Luccardo said.

“I feel slightly better... It’s like the sword gives me happiness...” Timber said, “May I please go to the field? It’s so peaceful there! I think if I go, I’ll heal faster!”

Luccardo became nervous and said, “The field...? Yah want tah go tah the field...?”

“Yeah! Why can’t I go...?” Timber asked, pouting.

“I just thought that... Well... Anything can happen... This is Fairwood and I have seen the impossible...” Luccardo said.

“...Are you suggesting that a huge expanse of grass without any hiding places...?” Timber begun.

Luccardo looked at her, hoping she’d understand.

“...Has a giant mouth and will swallow me whole and alive...?” Timber finished.

Luccardo face-palmed.

“Fine, but bring yer sword ‘n’ shield,” Luccardo said.

“Alright! Thanks!” Timber said.

She packed up her things and headed out, she took Moon with her.

No one was in the field; the adults were busy with chores and work and the kids, aside from Timber and Ronald, were all at school. Timber sat down in the grass and relaxed. The sun shone gently on her face, warming it just a little. Timber was unaware of anything, she was at peace. Suddenly, a furry black mass flew in and tackled Timber to the ground.

“FOUND YOU!” the furry thing, which was Lillian, cried out.

Timber stared in wide-eyed horror at her previously dead sister. Lillian smirked and licked her twin’s face.

“You... You were dead!” Timber cried out finally.

“Yeah? So?” Lillian asked.

“I killed you because you were killing everyone...” Timber said.

“Yes... You did kill me... Ugh...” Lillian said, snarling a little.

“Then how are you here?!” Timber asked.

“You didn’t honor me and bury my body! I found it lying on the ground and went back inside of it!” Lillian said, snarling.

“I’m sorry, okay? I was feeling awful... I couldn’t do it...” Timber said.

“Well... Anyways... I have no pain, I thank you kindly for that,” Lillian said, winking.

Timber stared at her sister, confused and unsure of how to respond.

“Timber, someone hurt you...?” Lillian asked, pointing a paw at the stitches in Timber’s neck.

“Yeah, it’s alright though... They’re gone...” Timber said.

“I’m the only one allowed to hurt you! What a jerk!” Lillian cried out.

“Lillian, you aren’t acting normal... Do you need some chocolate...?” Timber asked, pulling two chocolate bars from her pockets.

“Chocolate! Wait... Isn’t chocolate bad for us...? You know... Because we’re half wolf...?” Lillian asked, squinting accusingly.

“How should I know?” Timber asked.

“I like chocolate, though!” Lillian said.

She turned into a human and snatched the chocolate bars from Timber and read the wrapper.

“Hmmm... Peanuts and caramel, huh?” Lillian asked.

She got off of her sister and held the chocolate bars up in the air, waving them around.

“Lillian, what are you doing...? You’re supposed to unwrap them and eat them...” Timber said.

“Huh? Oh, I’m thanking God for chocolate!” Lillian said, giggling hysterically.

“Fine, carry on...” Timber said.

After waving the chocolate bars around a little more, she unwrapped them and ate them as though she was starving. Timber sat up. Lillian noticed her sister getting up so she pinned her to the ground again.

“Why are you holding me down...?” Timber asked.

“So you won’t run off!” Lillian barked.

“Trust me, I’m not going anywhere,” Timber said.

“I have a deal to make with you,” Lillian said, finally getting around to what she came for.

“What kind of deal...?” Timber asked.

“Shhh... Just listen...” Lillian said, “If you let me borrow some of your light, I promise to be good for the rest of my life!”

“Really? You, be good?” Timber asked.

“Yes! Lillian the Defiant, being good!” Lillian said.

“You promise...?” Timber asked.

“Yeah! I already said so!” Lillian said.

“Fine... I guess you can take a little light...” Timber said.

“Thank you!” Lillian said.

She forcefully pressed her forehead into her sister’s so that their diamonds made contact. There was a flash, and suddenly, Timber felt strange. She felt empty...something was missing... She opened her eyes only to see the scariest thing ever. It was no longer Lillian holding her down, but herself. Timber screamed, but it wasn’t her voice, it was Lillian’s voice. That’s when it occurred to her...her twin didn’t borrow her light, she switched bodies!

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