Legacy of Shadows: The Monster Within

Chapter ODION - Uncomfortable Realizations

Odion stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. After spreading some Aloe vera lotion on his skin and deodorant underneath his arms, he returned to his room. The clothes he’d planned to wear to tonight’s dance were already waiting for him on his bed, though the thought of attending didn’t seem all that appealing if he were being honest. For one, he had no date. And what was the point of attending a dance without a dance partner?

Odion removed the USB cord attached to his iPhone and thumbed through the message he’d sent to Serenity before stepping into the shower.

today 7:23 PM

Are u coming tonight?

read 7:35 pm

His heart dropped to his stomach. He stared at the read receipt for a long moment, tempted to chuck his iPhone against the wall. He didn’t care if it broke, either. How could Serenity be so ungrateful? After all the things I did for her, I went out of my way to see if she was all right, took an unnecessary ass-whooping just so that she didn’t have to suffer any more physical abuse, and this is how she repays me! Odion slammed his phone against the mattress. He swiped up the clothes he picked out and marched toward the closet. Just as he was about to hang them back up, the jingle to his iPhone caused him to whip his head around and rush back toward it, dropping his clothes against the bed. That was probably Serenity calling him back. He picked up the phone with his hopes crushed when he saw Toki’s caller ID on the screen.

He tapped the phone icon to answer. “Hello.”

“What’s good, bro, you reaching tonight?” Toki asked. Multiple conversations sounded like they were taking place in the background wherever he was.

“Where you at right now?”

“I’m already inside the gym doing some last-minute decorations,” Toki said. “You coming? It’s starting to get packed in here.”

Odion sighed. “I don’t know, man. I’m not feeling it, to be honest with you.” He sat at the edge of his bed. “I asked Serenity if she was coming tonight.”

“And what happened?”

“Nothing happened, bruh. She’s still ignoring me.” Odion heard Toki speaking to someone else, telling the individual something about the punch.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Toki said. “That’s like the tenth person who’s come up to me saying the punch slaps.” He chuckled. “Just reach and stop worrying about Serenity. What’d I tell you yesterday?”

“Yeah, I know, but—”

“Look, bro, life’s too short for any of that. Are you really going to let this girl dictate your life like this?”

“Of course not,” Odion said.

“Then what’s the problem?” Toki went silent for a moment, hoping there was a response. “I’m going to keep it a buck with you, but right now, you sound pussy-whipped. There are plenty of other girls here you can talk to. Matter of fact, I’m looking at a few right now.” I don’t want no other girl. “Whatever happened to ‘you have to live a little’? Remember when you told me that? Follow your own advice and get your ass down here.”


“Text me when you get here.” Toki clicked off. Goddamn it!

Odion tossed his iPhone across the bed and buried his face in his palms. I’m not pussy-whipped. After a few minutes of collecting himself, he reached for his iPhone again, entered his passcode, and stared at Serenity’s contact information, hesitant on tapping the call button. What the hell am I doing? When did I become so desperate? Odion set his iPhone down and got dressed.

Toki was right. As difficult as it was not thinking about her, he had to start doing what was best for him. Odion pulled on his black dress socks, slipped on a crisp fitted pair of beige dress pants, a well-ironed white dress shirt, a navy knit tie, and a red plaid blazer accompanied by a white pocket square. Odion went into the bathroom to see the final product in the mirror and nodded in approval.

“When you understand your self-worth, no girl can walk all over you,” he said, adjusting the tie around his neck. “That includes Serenity.” He twisted his body to the left, then to the right, admiring the magnificence that stood before him. The fabric of the materials felt rich and smooth against his skin like they were made for each other.

“Marcella told me I was more than good enough to have any girl, and she’s right.” He brushed himself down, then rested his hands on the counter, leaning into the mirror so that he was nearly face-to-face with his reflection. “Then how come Serenity don’t want me, man?” Odion could feel his shoulders and head drop a little after reflecting on the question more. He’d hoped the mini pep talk he gave himself would’ve boosted his confidence a little …

“Nah, I can’t think about her too much,” he said. “I’m good enough for any girl.” He stood up straight and puffed his chest out. “Like Marcella told me, if she can’t see what a good guy I am, that’s her problem. I ain’t gonna worry about it.” He turned off the lights and exited the bathroom, buttoning his blazer.

Odion stepped into a fresh pair of polished leather brown shoes, appreciating how much they hugged his feet. Doing a head to toe scan, everything looked good and felt great. All right, let’s make a move. He glanced over at the time on his iPhone: 8:02 p.m.

Odion shoved his phone into his pocket and sprayed some of the sweet-smelling cologne Marcella gave him around his neck. He went into his drawer, grabbed his wallet, and attached the knife pouch to his belt buckle, hiding it underneath his blazer as he headed downstairs. There was no telling what tonight would bring, so it was best to come prepared, especially if Apollo or Donovan showed up by some divine miracle.

“Okay, Marcella, I’m off.”

“All right, hon, be safe out there,” Marcella said, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.” “You look very handsome.”

Odion chuckled. “Thanks.”

“Make sure you stay away from any suspicious crowds, and if you sense any danger, you come home right away.”

“I will,” Odion said, closing the door behind him.


Bodies were moving, the music was bumping, and strobe lights illuminated the gymnasium in various colors. Odion bobbed his head to the rhythm of the beats, scoping out the scene for any cuties that caught his eye. He couldn’t help but feel a little guilty doing it. Whatever. If Serenity comes tonight, she’ll probably be in some other douchebag’s arms. Just gotta focus on myself.

Everywhere he looked, girls were all dolled up, shiny jewelry dangling from their ears, dresses of all different colors highlighting the curves on their fine bodies. Flashes of light went off in the far corner of the gymnasium near the emergency exit; a group huddled together for photos that would probably be uploaded to their Instagram pages. I know what I’m creeping tonight.

Susanna was already serenading four guys in the opposite corner, softening them up for later on, most likely. Her experience behind closed doors was fast becoming a legend, the rumor being she had already slept with the entire football team.

“You made it, bro,” someone shouted, resting a heavy hand on his shoulder.

Odion turned. “Alomar, you’re wasted already?” he asked, resting a hand around his abdomen to help his balance.

Alomar wobbled, his white dress shirt untucked, sleeve cuffs unbuttoned, and rolled to his elbows. “Jus … little bit,” he said, making a small space between his index finger and his thumb. One of his eyes was bigger than the other. How the hell did they even let him in?

“You might wanna tie your shoelaces, or you’re gonna be tripping all over the place.” Odion pointed to his feet.

Alomar dismissed his comment with a wave. “Look at all … d’girls thas here, bro.” He wrapped an arm over Odion’s neck.

“I’m fixing to get a lot of that tonight.” They both laughed, Alomar, wobbling off balance again, leaning on Odion for assistance.

“I’ll talk … later.” Alomar stumbled away, disappearing into the sea of bouncing bodies.

Odion scanned the gymnasium, his eyes moving around to see if he could spot Toki anywhere nearby. With the gymnasium turning from red to blue, purple, green, orange, and back to red, on top of the bouncing bodies, looking for Toki seemed to be a mission, and he didn’t feel like pushing himself through the crowd.

Just as he was about to pull out his iPhone, he spotted him and Yasmina having an intimate discussion near the stairs leading onto the stage. Both were locked in each other’s hands, Yasmina tilting her head slightly to the right with one of her knees bent. Odion thought better of it and decided not to disturb the two love birds in their moment. This was his chance to break the duck finally. Go get ’er kid.

“Look at you looking dapper as always,” Damon said, popping out from the crowd, his crisp white suit sticking out like a sore thumb. The girl in his arms wore a bright blue floral tulle dress skirt. “I’d like you to meet Lucinda,” he pointed to her, “Lucinda, this is Odion.”

Odion furrowed his eyes at her in mild confusion. “You ain’t from around here, are you? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

Just as she was about to open her mouth, Damon responded, “As a matter of fact, she is. Lucinda transferred over here at the beginning of second semester, but she’s a little timid and doesn’t like being surrounded by large crowds.”

Odion nodded, gently grabbing her hand and pressing his lips softly on the back. Her skin was smooth, smelling vaguely of vanilla and shea butter. “Well, Lucinda, you don’t have to be shy around me. I look forward to our dance later on.” He winked and smiled his best charming smile.

“Aye,” Damon said, “she’s mine. Go find your own date.”

“I already have,” Odion said jokingly as Damon smirked.

“If I find you near her without my permission, it’s going to be me and you.” Damon pointed between his eyes and Odion’s.

“I am so scared.” Odion laughed at his empty threat even though, deep down, he knew Damon was only kidding. Lucinda smiled sheepishly as they waved their goodbyes, making their way toward the punch table.

“YO, you made it!” a familiar voice called close by from his right. “And you’re looking ever so sharp.”

Odion smiled as Toki and Yasmina approached him, holding hands. “I always dress to kill.”

Toki let go of Yasmina’s hand and greeted Odion with a pound hug, fixing the camera strap around his neck. “Strike a pose for the gram,” he said, ready to snap a photo. Odion threw up the generic peace sign and forced a smile as the camera light flashed in his eyes. “Perfect,” he said. “Have you two been formally introduced?” Yasmina shook her head. “Well, this is my best friend, Odion. He’s the one I’ve been telling you about.”

Yasmina smiled, moving her lips.

“What was that?” Odion stuck out his ear.

“I said I’ve heard so many great things about you,” Yasmina repeated, sticking out her hand. Her voice was soft and playful.

“I should hope so.” Odion gently grabbed her hand and placed his other one atop hers. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, andif I say so myself, you look absolutely stunning in that pink dress.” She tucked her shoulders in and swayed slightly from side to side like she was shy. “I know you and Toki will be great together.” Odion bowed his head forward in courtesy, shooting a glance at Toki.

She brushed strands of pink hair behind her ears. “Oh, we’re not dating,” she said hesitantly. “We’re just really good friends.”

“Yeah,” Toki widened his eyes like he was trying to discover what Odion was doing, “we’re just good friends.” Toki subtly shook his head. A few lines wrinkled his forehead as he drew two fingers across his neck.

Odion put his hands in the air, protesting his innocence.

“Would you like a drink?” Yasmina turned to Toki.

“That’d be nice, thank you. I’ll meet you over by the table,” Toki said.

“It was nice meeting you, Odion.” Yasmina waved goodbye as she took strides toward the punch.

“Hey, come on, dude, why do you have to embarrass me like that?” Toki asked, slightly tapping Odion on his shoulder.

“I didn’t know.” Odion pointed to himself innocently. “I saw you two holding hands, I automatically assumed you guys were a unit. I’d no idea she already friend-zoned you.”

Toki curved his mouth into a frown. “We’re taking things slow,” he said. “We’re going to let this progress naturally and take it from there. Everything right now is free-flowing and smooth, you know? We’re going at a pace we’re both comfortable at.”

“Nothing wrong with that. Go at your own pace and whenever you’re tired of her, just pass her along to me.” Odion laughed, Toki playfully hitting him on the shoulder. “By the way, what’s up with the red dress pants and the tie? You do that on purpose?” Odion pointed up and down between his tie and his dress pants. “Really Toki, red?”

Toki threw up a middle finger. “I like the way I look, and that’s the only thing that matters.” He readjusted the camera strap over his neck. “Did you hear back from you-know-who?”

Odion’s cheerful laugh quickly fizzled out with the question. Just when he pushed the situation to the back of his mind, Toki had to go and remind him of it. “I don’t wanna talk about her right now.” He looked toward the zoo of people waving their hands in the air, singing the chorus to the terrible song playing in the background. “If nothing pops off, I might just go home early.”

“You sure about that?” Toki bobbed his head toward the gymnasium entrance where Serenity entered, looking like sublime royalty. Holy shit! Odion’s eyes widened. The sight of her made him nearly choke on his saliva.

“She obviously came dressed to kill,” Toki said.

That was an understatement. Serenity looked tantalizing, so much to the point that every other girl inside the gym became nullified by her beauty. It was the first time Odion actually saw her. Was it superficial? Maybe. Was it because she came dressed for the occasion? That could’ve been a part of it, but there were many girls here who were dressed to the tits and still couldn’t hold a candle to her splendor.

She wore an orange and pink mermaid-style dress with flared tulles, its colors alternating harmoniously with what appeared to be beadwork traveling down in a sequence of patterns along the front side of her dress. Her onyx curls flowed freely down to her waist, moving along with her head as she made her way through the crowded gymnasium. Goddamn, she looks bangin’ tonight.

“I’m going to head back to Yasmina and leave you two at it,” Toki said, patting him on the back. “Work your magic, playboy.”

Odion fidgeted with his tie, his mouth dry. Should I go up to her and say something? Nah, just play it smooth. I don’t wanna make myself look desperate, but damn, she looks hella fine. He reached for the maple nut-scented lip balm from the inside pocket of his blazer and applied it all over his lips.

Watching her interact with her friends, smiling, even laughing—which was a surprise—made everything worse. Well, perhaps those weren’t the best choice of words. It was good to see her in a positive frame of mind, but at the same time, knowing the number of times he tried contacting her caused a large part of him to be upset, even angry at her for ignoring his texts. Apollo is partly to blame for all this. I hope he never comes outta the hospital.

Odion pressed his teeth together and made his way over toward the punch table. He grabbed a cup and used the ladle inside the bowl to pour, scooping up more punch than he cared to drink. Odion tipped his head back and chugged mouthfuls of sweet, tangy liquid down his throat until his cup was empty. It was a damn shame the punch wasn’t laced with alcohol, or else there would be a strong possibility he’d get shit-faced tonight. At least it would’ve taken his mind off of Serenity.

He shifted and sidestepped through countless bodies, plodding his way toward one of the few chairs stationed at the back of the gymnasium, along the wall, away from everyone. At the rate things were going, it was looking to be a long night. Odion folded his arms and moved his eyes through the crowd, spotting Serenity just before the stage, laughing up a storm with …

Salamar? Odion leaned forward and narrowed his eyes. Due to all the bodies in the way, he wasn’t sure if what he saw was real. Is that his arm around her? Are they taking selfies together? The flash of Salamar’s phone lit up both of their faces. Odion moved his head around so that other students didn’t obstruct his vision. Salamar stood there, a bit too comfortable for Odion’s liking, as Serenity spoke to her friends, all huddled together in a mini circle. Why was his arm still firmly around the back of her neck like they were dating?

Odion leaned back in his chair and shook his head. Perhaps tonight was just a one-off, and they weren’t actually dating. That’s gotta be it. That would’ve been tolerable even though it was still an abysmal choice for a date. Salamar was cracked in the head. At least he operated that way. What Serenity saw in him was anyone’s guess.

Now, they were holding hands as Serenity guided him through the swarm of students toward the punch table, handing him a cup. Odion’s foot started to bounce, his lip curling into a sneer. This is some major league bullshit. Odion looked away, face hot, heart kicking in his chest. Why the hell did he even bother to come here? God, I wish you were here right now, Malachi. Life’s not the same without you, bruh.

Odion knew if Malachi were around, he would’ve said, “Man up and quit acting like a bitch.” Admittedly, Odion was up in his feelings, and he wasn’t afraid to admit that. But when you’ve got your heart set on someone, and they’re out flossing with someone else who’s not even remotely on your level, there’s nothing else to say apart from it fucking sucks.

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