Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 56%


The next day, Isabella conducted a thorough investigation on Mr. Brown from Nemotors. She also asked Natasha to introduce her to someone special before Gordon came to pick her up. Over the past few years, the Dunkstein Family's business had experienced exponential growth in Imperia. Since it was Old Mrs. Dunkstein's 80th birthday, many of the guests were wealthy and influential individuals. Isabella followed Natasha's advice and dressed up for

the event.

"You might find your prince charming," Natasha teased Isabella during their phone call. Isabella felt exasperated, thinking that she was too old to hope for her prince charming to magically appear. The attendees of the Dunkstein Family's event are probably important people. I don't want to cause any trouble for myself, Isabella thought.

The special person that Natasha sent arrived just as Isabella finished doing her makeup. "Hello, Isabella." The woman in her twenties had gorgeous features. Her mannerisms were similar to Natasha's, but she seemed more playful and flirtatious. Isabella knew the type of woman she was looking for, but she still felt displeased when she saw the young lady. "You're..." Isabella started.

"I'm Molly. I've been in this field for a while," the woman said with a polite smile and a sharp gaze. Isabella's gaze shifted to Molly's outfit. Molly was dressed in a V-necked gown that showcased her seductive figure. Any man would be attracted to her. "Don't feel pressured. I'm different from you-I'm not highly educated, and I'm not very picky or particular about things." Molly tried to

reassure Isabella when she saw her silence:

Isabella took a deep breath before smiling. "I understand." She let Molly in and handed her a summer hat and a coat. "My friend will pick us up later. Try to remain quiet," Isabella advised.

Molly understood what Isabella meant. "Don't worry about me," Molly replied. After that, Isabella nodded and went upstairs to grab her purse. She came down just in time to hear a car honk outside her house. She called for Molly to join her before they both left the house together.

It was unusual to see Gordon so well-dressed, but that day, he wore a suit and had his hair neatly combed. He wore a bright red necktie, which made him look completely different from his usual self. His eyes lit up when he saw

Isabella. "Hurry up and get in. This outfit is making me feel really warm," he said, trying to hide his grumpy expression.

Moments later, he noticed the woman behind Isabella and gave her a puzzled glance. However, Isabella gestured for Molly to enter the car before saying anything. "We'll just have to bring her along with us," Isabella explained. Gordon was a smart man and was more than happy to go along with anything Isabella told him. He gestured for Molly to get into the car without further questioning.

The car took them to the wealthy housing area in the north of the city. They arrived at a stretch of villas, one of which the Dunksteins had purchased for Old Mrs. Dunkstein. As they drove on the roads, they were surrounded by luxury cars of all kinds. Some of the cars were rare or limited-edition vehicles. Isabella sighed to herself as she got out of the car. The Dunksteins are no longer just a family of new money. Give them a few years, and they'll be at the top of the chain in Imperia, she thought to herself.

Once they reached the front porch of the villa, Molly turned and left on her own. She disappeared from sight after that.

Isabella followed Gordon through the front entrance. Despite keeping her


head low, she attracted a lot of attention from the people around her. Gordon didn't show any intention of keeping her a secret-he brought her upstairs to introduce her to Old Mrs. Dunkstein immediately upon their arrival. Isabella found this rather inappropriate and looked around self-consciously.

"I don't think that's necessary, Gordon. You can just pass my gift to her," Isabella suggested. She was worried that others might misunderstand her relationship with Gordon if they saw him introducing her to his family. Gordon, however, wasn't concerned-he would have loved nothing more than to

announce his relationship with Isabella to the world.

"What's the matter? It's rude if you don't greet my grandmother during your

first meeting with her," he mumbled in an annoyed tone. Isabella was speechless and had no choice but to let him drag her upstairs. The guests downstairs were enjoying themselves, but some noticed the attractive couple. Word quickly spread among the crowd when they saw the couple heading upstairs.

Once Gordon and Isabella reached the second floor, they found a few

families who were close to the Dunksteins mingling around. They surrounded Old Mrs. Dunkstein, who radiated youth and energy despite her age. One of the middle-aged women, dressed extravagantly, approached Gordon when she saw him. "What took you so long?"

Isabella figured this woman was Gordon's mother, Ariel Hofstead. "I went to pick someone up," Gordon replied, chin held high and one hand resting on his hip. "Hello, Mrs. Dunkstein." Isabella stepped forward to greet the woman. Ariel glanced at Isabella from head to toe before nodding. "Hello," Ariel responded in an icy tone.

"Did Gordon bring a lady over?" Isabella had just greeted Ariel when Poppy, Gordon's grandmother, spoke up. The rest of the crowd stepped aside to create a pathway for the old lady. Gordon's demeanor changed instantly-he walked over and bent down to greet Poppy with a wide grin. "Look, Grandma. Isn't she pretty?"

Poppy's smile was so wide that her eyes turned into two lines. She asked someone to hand her her glasses, and Ariel reluctantly passed them over. "Take it easy, Mom," Ariel mumbled.

"Old Mrs. Dunkstein must be eager to meet her future granddaughter-in-law,"

someone commented.

"Where is this young lady from? She's so pretty. She looks like one of the celebrities I saw a few days ago." Some of the wealthy housewives chatted among themselves, and Isabella cringed at their conversation. She forced herself to maintain a smile as she met Poppy's gaze. Poppy donned her glasses before she narrowed her eyes to observe Isabella. "You are truly beautiful, my dear." Poppy raised her hand and motioned for Isabella to approach. "Come nearer to me," Poppy commanded. Isabella felt somewhat powerless in that moment, compelled to take a few steps


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