Latte Darling: Book Two of The Darling Series

Latte Darling: Chapter 67

“Eat your cake, Baby.” Axel’s hand slides up my spine to the back of my neck. It’s become his signature move and it brings me an inordinate amount of comfort.

“Hmm?” I glance down at my half-eaten slice and pick up my fork. I’ve been distracted listening to Cat as she told Brian about her new podcast.

When Axel had told me that Brian was going to meet us at the wedding, my nerves went through the roof. But he’s been nothing but kind, and having him and Cat here has been a freaking godsend. Giving me someone to talk to whenever Axel gets pulled away.

I peek up at The Big Man as I put a bite of the strawberry cake between my lips.

He’s relaxed in his chair, thumb absently stroking the side of my neck, as he watches the crowd of bodies on the dance floor.

Axel catches me looking at him, “You okay?”

I nod.

I’m more than okay.

I’m happy.

Happier than I’ve been since… a pressure builds on my chest… since before my parents died.

A thick weight settles on my heart. A rough, scratchy rope knotting it in place.

The heaviness feels familiar. But different.

And it takes me a moment to realize that the burden feels a lot like guilt.

Guilt for finding happiness again.

Guilt for feeling safe.

Guilt for wanting to let go of my loneliness. For wanting to let someone else be in charge for a while.

Maybe forever.

I let the feeling of Axel next to me fill my mind.

I think of all he means to me. All he’s done for me. All I want to do for him.

On a shaky inhale, I feel the weight shift.. Change into something else. Something new.

It changes into love.


The strands of my past-self begin to unravel. Loosen. And everything inside of me lightens.

I love this man.

I love Axel and his kindness. His gruffness. His gentle touch and his punishing grip. His closely guarded smile.

I love the way he looks at me. The way he’s forward when I’m shy. The relationship he has with his son.

I love Axel so damn much.

My throat works to swallow against the emotion rising inside of me.

I love Axel.

I love him, but I don’t know if I’m ready to say it. And I don’t know if he’s ready to hear it. But the feeling of it is nearly overwhelming.

Warm breath feathers over my ear, “Dance with me.”

He doesn’t ask. He tells me. And just like that, I love him a little bit more.

Not trusting my voice, I set my fork down and slide my chair back.

Axel leads me to spot on the edge of the dance floor, not stopping until we’re mostly in the shadows. The music has changed to something slow, and the other couples are consumed with each other, so no one notices when Axel shifts his grip and turns me to face him.

His hands go to my waist, those stunning eyes looking down into mine. “I’m a shit dancer. I just wanted an excuse to hold you.”

The final strand of resistance around my heart snaps, and I feel my entire being surge to the surface.

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