Latte Darling: Book Two of The Darling Series

Latte Darling: Chapter 53

Two days. It’s been two fucking days since I’ve seen Maddie and everyone around me is paying the price. One of the guys on the floor even texted me a question earlier today, rather than find me and ask me in person. Not that I blame him, I’ve been acting like a complete dick.

It shouldn’t be a big deal to go a whole 48 hours without laying eyes on my girl, but we’ve shared lunch every day for the past two weeks, and every weekend has been spent holed up at her house. It’s been perfect. But yesterday I had to stay here for my employee’s retirement party, and today she had stuff to do. When she told me last night that I wouldn’t get to see her today, I almost offered to join her on her errands. But that seemed a little too desperate. So here I am. Hiding away in my office, pouting.

My phone vibrates on the desktop next to me, snapping me out of my blank stare.

Seeing Maddie’s name, I answer immediately. “Hey, Doll.”

“Hey, Darling.”

A small smile breaks through my bad mood. I love when she calls me that.

“You on your way back from your appointments?” I ask, since it sounds like she’s driving.

“Um, yeah.”

There’s a hesitation in her voice that has me sitting up straighter. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing, nothing.” I can picture her waving a hand in dismissal. “Just after my hair appointment I decided to go to Costco for some things and, well, someone sort of hit my car in the parking lot.”

“What do you mean sort of?!” I shove my chair back and stand. “Someone hit you?”

“It’s okay-”

“Are you hurt?” I snap, cutting her off.

Her sigh is audible through the phone, “Axel, I’m fine. I wasn’t even in the car when it happened.”

“Where are you?” Her assurances hardly make me feel better.

“Well, um, I was hoping I could bring my car to you?”

“To my shop?” I was picturing a dented bumper but if she wants to drive it straight here… “How bad is the damage?”

“Not bad.” Her voice jumps an octave and I narrow my eyes.


“Really. It’s just the door. Nothing with the engine or wheels or anything like that. It’s perfectly drivable.”

“Maddie,” I growl her name.

What I really want to do is yell at her to pull over and let me come get her, but if she’s already driving, I don’t want to distract her by getting into an argument. “You have my address?”

“Yep. GPS says I should be there in ten.”

“Alright.” I drag a hand down my face. “Drive safe and I’ll meet you out front.”

“Thanks, Axel. I’ll see you soon.”

Hanging up, I resist the urge to smash my desk to bits and instead storm out of my office.

“Rodrigo!” I snap, causing him to jerk his head up.


“Clear out bay 4. My girl’s bringing her car in.”

“Oh, uh,” he sets down the flashlight he was holding and glances around like he’s trying to remember where bay 4 is. “Um, is she… Do you want me to work on it?”

I shake my head as I start to move again, “I need to see the damage first.”

“Alright,” he hurries to walk with me. “What kind of car is it?”

My steps slow. One booted foot sliding across the floor until it stops all together.

I don’t know.

How in the fuck do I not know what kind of car Maddie drives?

The angel nearly falls off my shoulder from laughter.

I don’t know because I’m a controlling asshole. I go to her every day for lunch and haven’t paid attention to which cars are always there. And I go to her on the weekends when her car’s already locked up in the garage.

I don’t even give her a chance for something else. And I always drive, so we’ve only ever been in my car. I’ve never even looked in her garage before. How is that possible?


Sex is how that’s possible.

Rodrigo’s stopped next to me, no doubt wondering what the hell is wrong with me.

Too embarrassed to admit I have no fucking clue what she drives, I start walking again. “Just get that Chevy moved. She’ll be here in a few minutes.”

“You got it,” Rodrigo agrees without complaining.

Pacing around, I almost wish there was a dirty rag – or something else out of place – for me to yell over, but there’s not. My guys keep a clean shop. And if I go out of my way to find something to bitch about, I’ll just feel bad about it later. It’s not their fault I’m stressed out over Maddie’s car being damaged.

A glance at my phone tells me she should get here in two minutes.

I stride across the stretch of floor and slap my hand against the button that lifts the middle garage door.

My shop is big. A large expanse of concrete spreading from one end to the other, giving room for multiple cars to maneuver between the trio of overhead doors and the dozen individual car bays. The big doors open right into the parking lot, and there’s a small human-sized door off to the side that leads into the rarely used waiting room.

The door stops rumbling open right as a white vehicle slows to turn into our parking lot.

A Mini Cooper.

Of course, Maddie drives a fucking Mini Cooper.

Sun glints off her windshield as she approaches, but once she reaches the shadow of the building I can see her smiling face.

But it’s not her usual happy smile, it’s a forced one. One that says she knows I’m not happy.

I don’t care if the car is drivable, she should’ve called me sooner. And she should’ve left it where it was.

Letting out a deep breath, I wave her forward, directing her to drive through the door.

She’s here now. So she’s safe now.

Following my direction, Maddie pulls into the building, and I walk along her passenger side until we’re close enough for me to point to the stall I want her to park in.

So far I haven’t seen so much as a scratch, which means the damage is to one of the doors on her side.

Rodrigo is already standing off to the side of the bay, and I see his eyebrows notch up as she drives into position.

My fists are already closing.

I walk around the back of her car as her break lights flare.

“Put it in park and turn her off,” Rodrigo says loudly, since Maddie never rolled her window down.

And when I circle around to her driver’s side, I see why.

A huge impact encompasses nearly half of the side of her car. The driver’s door taking the brunt, the dent starting just below her window. There’s no way she could’ve rolled it down even if she wanted to. Honestly, I’m surprised the window didn’t crack.

My ears fill with the sound of crunching metal.

I wasn’t present for this accident, but I know what it would’ve sounded like. And it wouldn’t’ve been pretty.

Thank fuck Maddie wasn’t in the car when it happened.

She could’ve been in there.

My chest feels tight.

She could’ve been hurt.

My neck feels hot.

Just like her parents.

My jaw clenches so tightly my teeth start to ache.

She drove here. With her car like this.

Rodrigo clears his throat, and my eyes jerk away from the damage towards him, only to find him looking away from the car entirely. When I look back at the car, I see why.

Thick creamy thighs fill my vision.

Bare thighs.

“The fuck?” I seethe, stepping closer.

Maddie’s crawling over the center console, ass in the air, so she can climb out the passenger door. And she’s wearing little fucking shorts. Tiny jean shorts that expose the smooth, soft skin of her inner thighs that only I should be familiar with.

The shorts, the angle we get from standing next to her little car, it’s all too much.

Too much skin.

Too much temptation.

Too much fucking fury.

I glare over at Rodrigo, but he has the brains to keep his eyes averted.

A potent mixture of concern and rage fill my mind, as I stomp around to the other side of the car.

Maddie’s crawling across the seats because the driver’s door won’t open.

My girl drove here in a car with a door that wouldn’t fucking open.

With way more force than necessary, I grip the door handle and yank it open.

“Get out!” I snap. Like that’s not exactly what she’s already doing.

She freezes, her hand outstretched mid-reach for the door I just pulled open.

I have just enough time to see her mouth part in shock at my tone, when a curtain of glossy black hair falls across her face.

Another jolt of emotion seizes me.

She’s so pretty. So stunning. So goddamn fragile.

Crouching into her space, I grip her under the arms and bodily drag her from the car.

“Axel!” she shrieks, but I cut her off.

“Did you see your fucking door?!” It’s a rhetorical question, and I don’t leave her any time to answer. “Have you lost your mind? Driving here with your car in that condition?”

I set her on her feet, then immediately palm the back of her neck.

I make sure to ignore the perfectly sleek straight hair. The slightly shorter style. I’ll notice how nice her hair looks later. Right now, we have shit to sort out.

With a none-to-gentle grip, I start to half-guide half-drag her towards my office.

“Axel, it’s just a dent!” her short legs work to keep up with my strides.

Knowing I shouldn’t, I look down between us, catching a glance of pale jiggling thigh.

“It’s not just a dent,” I growl.

I’m pissed.

I’m so pissed, and I don’t care that I’m being unreasonable. And the fact that I’m already half hard… Jesus Christ, there’s literally no fucking reason left in my body when it comes to this woman. She’s sucked every last logical thought from my brain.

Her hand reaches for me, but she doesn’t try to shove me away, she just hooks her fingers into the pocket at my hip.

“Axel!” her voice holds less shock than the last time she said my name.

Now she sounds… breathy.

My cock twitches.

“Maddison, you’re gonna want to keep that mouth fucking shut.”

I can feel her steps falter and my grip automatically tightens on her neck.

She swallows, my fingers feeling the movement. “Or what?”

Lust, pure and simple, courses through my body.

“I’ll show you exactly what, Baby Doll.”

My strides lengthen, and I purposefully ignore the men whose eyes are certainly trained on us.

“Promise?” Maddie’s whispered word is the last straw.

Reaching my office, I shove the door wide, then slam it shut behind us.

Holding her in place, I press my body into her side, making sure she can feel my arousal against her hip, as I lower my mouth to her ear. “On your fucking knees.”

Maddie lets out a small whimper when I let her go.

She turns to face me, and I think maybe she’s going to defy me, but she grips my hips for balance and lowers herself to the ground.

I stroke a thumb across her cheek, before sliding my fingers into her hair.

Gripping my hand into a fist, I tip her head back until she’s looking up at me.

“Am I in trouble?” She asks the question innocently, but I can see her squirming. I can see the way she’s rubbing her thighs together.

“So much trouble, Maddie Mine.”

“What are you gonna make me do?” she blinks.

I drag down the zipper of my coveralls. “I’m gonna make you swallow this dick.”

I let go of her hair just long enough to pull my arms free and shove the material down to my hips. My hand goes back into her hair, the other hand gripping my rock-hard length and pulling it free from my boxers.

“You’re gonna learn your lesson.” I shift closer until I’m almost touching her lips. “You’re gonna learn that when you misbehave, I’m gonna shove my dick so far down your throat that you gag.”

A small moan passes through Maddie’s parted lips.

“You want that?”

Her bright eyes stare up at me, “I want that.”

I pull her head back a little more, “Open wide, Baby, and suck Daddy’s cock.”

Like the perfect student, Maddie opens, just like I told her to.

Tightening my grip on her hair, and the base of my dick, I push the thick tip past her lips.

The head of my cock nearly fills her mouth.

“Fuck!” I pant. “Shit!”

I hold her still, pushing my hips forward another half inch, and her lips close around me.

The suctioning heat swamps me, and I let go of my dick to grip her head with both hands.

“That’s it.” I pull back, almost out of her glorious grasp. “That’s it, Maddie Baby.”

I rock forward, this time burying another inch in her mouth.

Maddie’s tongue rubs against the underside of my dick and I still.

“Lick it.” I grunt, every muscle tensing. “Show me how sorry you are and lick it.”

Her hands press against my thighs for balance and her eyes close.

Maddie licks and sucks, only a third of my dick is in her mouth, but she’s treating it like a dessert that she’s been craving for years.

My cock twitches and I feel precum leaking from the tip. But instead of pulling away, Maddie moans.

“Jesus,” I hold her head still, and press another inch deeper.

I bump against the back of her throat, and I feel the small spasm roll through her body.

“Relax.” I withdraw, then push back in. “Relax and let me in.”

Maddie’s cheeks hollow around my length, and when I nudge against her throat again, I hold steady.

“Breathe through your nose, Baby.”

I can feel the exhaled breath against the top of my dick, adding a contrast to the warm wetness of her mouth.

“Deeper,” I tell her. “You’re going to take me deeper for what you put me through today.” I press further. My thumbs stroking her cheeks and I feel the small convulsions as she gags around my tip. “Take it, Maddie. Take my length. Swallow me down.”

She does exactly as I say, swallowing, nearly squeezing the orgasm out of me.

I pull away, all the way out, allowing her to cough and catch her breath.

“Tell me you’re sorry.”

A tear rolls down her cheek, even as the sides of her mouth tip up in a small smile, “I’m sorry.”

“Tell me you won’t do that again. You won’t make me worry like that.”

She nods, “I won’t worry you, again.”

“Tell me you’ll be a good girl.”

“I’ll be a good girl for Daddy. I promise.”


This is so depraved.

So fucked up.

So goddamn hot.

The angel on my shoulder has long abandoned me, and the devil. Well, he has his dick in his hand and is beating one out to the scene in front of us.

“You’re too good for me,” I tell her honestly. Her big eyes staring up at me, her mouth open and waiting. “But I don’t care. You’re going to take all of me and like it.”

Her hands curl into fists, gripping the legs of my coveralls, pulling me closer.

“My greedy girl.” I shove my dick back into her waiting mouth. “My perfect, greedy girl.”

Maddie watches me – tears tracking from the corners of her eyes, lips stretched wide around my thickness, muscles seizing around me as I fuck her throat – and it’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.

My balls tighten and I know I’m seconds from coming.

I should pull away. But I don’t. I push deeper.

“Are you ready, Baby?”

Her fingers tug me closer and she nods her head, just a little, but enough.

And when she moans, the vibrations shoot up my cock and I explode.

Fuck!” Unconsciously, I press in even deeper. “Fuck. That’s it. That’s it, Baby. Swallow it all.”

Maddie is moaning and writhing around me, dragging every drop of release out of me.

When I have nothing left, I loosen the fist I have in her hair and slowly pull my dick from her mouth.

A small drop glistens on her bottom lip. I swipe my thumb across it, and wait for her to lick it clean.

“Such a good girl.”

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