Latte Darling: Book Two of The Darling Series

Latte Darling: Chapter 35

I worry my lip. Again.

Seriously, if I keep up this level of anxiety, I’m gonna need lip injections.

It’s been – I glance at the clock behind the counter – hours. It’s been freaking hours and Axel’s just been sitting here.

Granted he’s in one of the big, overstuffed chairs that I have over by the fireplace. The fire isn’t on, since it’s summer and hot enough on its own, but I like to think that it’s still a cozy spot.

He’s in my favorite chair, looking mouth-watering, lounging back, with one foot propped on the opposite knee. And I want nothing more than to walk over there and plant myself on his lap.

I’ve never sat on a man’s lap until this morning, but I liked it. I liked it a lot and I’d like to do it again.

Maybe with less crying this time.

Looking around I confirm we’re caught up with the rush and I let out a sigh of relief.

Being in Darling Lake we don’t get slammed like some of the stores in bigger towns do. But a smaller town means smaller staff, so a stream of steady customers is plenty of work for the two of us.

“You can go take a break if you’d like,” I tell Griff.

He presses his hands together in front of his chest and mouths thank you.

As he disappears into the office – the only real place to sit down – I turn to the employee mug cupboard.

A few minutes later, I’m carefully carrying a steaming mug over to Axel.

My approach catches his attention when I’m still a few feet away.

I watch as his eyes lift, trailing over my form like a physical touch, and I see the exact moment when he recognizes his sweatshirt.

I’d left it here on accident yesterday, which worked out since tonight I was feeling a little cold – and a little exposed – in my strappy dress.

“It looks better on you.” Axel’s voice is low and growly, and I love it.

“Thanks,” I press my lips together to keep from grinning like a fool.

“Come to take a break with me?” He gestures towards the drink in my hands.

“No, this is for you.”

Axel lifts a brow and uncrosses his legs, planting both feet on the ground. “What is it?”

My fingers start to tremble with sudden nervousness, so I quickly lower the mug to the small side table next to Axel’s chair.

“It’s, um, it’s a salted caramel latte.” I practically choke on the words. “I just thought you might like something, since it’s been so long. And I made it decaf. I know you sometimes drink coffee late,” I say, referencing the first night we met, “but I thought this would be safer.” He picks up the mug and my pulse jolts. “If you don’t like it, you don’t have to finish it. I know you’re usually a black coffee kind of guy. And well, if you don’t like it…”

Good god, why can’t I stop talking?

Axel lifts the mug to his lips and my words finally trail off.

I shove my hands into the pockets of the giant hoodie, feeling like I’m waiting for some bad news.

I just want him to like it. I want to give Axel back some of the happiness that he’s given me today. And this is the best way I know how.

His expression doesn’t change as he takes a second sip.

My leg starts to bounce so I shift my weight to keep it steady.

“Maddie.” Axel locks eyes with me. “Come here.”

I shuffle closer, until my knees are bumping into his.

“Taste this,” he lifts the mug.

“Wh-why?” I ask, slowly pulling my hands out of my pockets.

Before I touch the mug, he turns it, so I’ll be pressing my lips against the same spot where his had been. “Because this is maybe the best drink I’ve ever had, and I need you to feel as proud of it, as I feel proud of you.”


Oh, my damn heart.

Warmth swells inside my ribcage and my face can’t decide if it wants to smile or cry at his kindness.

Before he can say anything else, I take the cup out of his hands and set it back on the table. Then, with a quick glance around to make sure the other customers are occupied, I press my body between Axel’s spread knees, put my hands on his bristly cheeks to hold him still, and press a kiss to his forehead.

I’m not sure this is something that women do to men. But the ones he’s given me have made me feel so incredibly special. And I want to return the favor.

Of course the second I finish I start to feel foolish.

I start to pull away, but one of Axel’s large palms catches the back of my neck, holding me close.

“What’s that for?” his whispered breath feathers against my neck.

“It’s for you,” I sigh. “You’re too sweet to me.”

Axel makes a grumbling sound of disagreement, so I press my lips back against his warm skin.

“I’m serious,” I tell him. “I don’t know what it is about you, Axel Davis, but you always know the exact right thing to say at the exact right time.”

He shifts in his seat, and I draw back, my eyes automatically going to his lap. And the bulge that wasn’t there a moment ago.

Axel lets me go, using his hand to adjust himself. “Your pretty words shouldn’t work me up so much.”

A grin pulls across my lips. “But they do.”

“Yeah, they fucking do.” He shifts again. “Get back to work, Maddie Baby. I have a latte to drink.”

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