Latte Darling: Book Two of The Darling Series

Latte Darling: Chapter 28

Looking at the beautiful woman across the table from me, eating half of her meal, I realize she’s given me a lot over the past twelve hours. And I need to give her something in return.

I swallow my bite, thinking about my own family. “My uncle, my mom’s brother, lived out here on Darling Lake.”

“Oh yeah?” Her eyes brighten. “Did you come out here often?”

“A couple times every summer. And almost always for the 4th of July.” She nods along, knowing that particular celebration is a whole thing out here on the lake. “It’s where I learned I hate fishing.”

A laugh bursts out of Maddie.

“What?” I ask, a smile pulling at the edge of my mouth.

She waves me off, “Nothing. It’s just… so many guys seem to love fishing.”

“True. Especially out here. It’s just not my thing.”

“I’m glad.” She takes another bite then covers her mouth as she asks, “Where’s your uncle’s house?”

“He sold it a while back. Lives down in South Carolina now – not far from my mom. But it was over on Appleton Bay. You know the Enno Estate?”

Maddie thinks for a second before nodding her head. “That gigantic brick house that sometimes has a sea plane tied up to the dock?”

“That’s the one.” I swallow my last bite of food. “My uncle’s place was just next to it.”

“Hmm, Fancy.” Maddie slowly chews and I realize that I’ve finished a meal and half and she’s still not done. “Can I ask…”

She trails off, and I feel a prickle of trepidation, but I still nod. Wanting to encourage her. Show her it’s okay to talk to me about anything.

She clears her throat, “Can I ask about Brian’s mom?”

I dip my chin. “Yeah. What do you want to know?”

“Well, um, are you…”

I place my big hand palm down on the tabletop, sliding it closer to her side. “Brian’s mom, Elaine, lives in Mexico with her husband. Has for a few years now.”

I watch the tight expression on her face loosen. “Okay.”

Not wanting to make her ask, I tell her the rest. “We knew some of the same friends, got drunk a few times, got together a few times, and Brian was a result.” My shoulder shrugs. “We knew enough about each other to know that we’d never make a good couple, so we never even tried. She told me she wanted to keep the baby, I told her if she did that I wanted to be a part of his life, so we made it work.”

“Huh,” Maddie tilts her head, “that actually sounds really mature.”

That makes me smile, “Well I was 32, and should’ve known better than to fuck around without protection. But I can’t say I regret it.”

Maddie’s cheeks start to redden and I realize that I was the same age she is now.

And when she looks away, I remember the protection we used last night.

I tap my pointer finger against the wood, “Speaking of, I believe you were going to explain the Pineapple condoms.”

She groans and drops her face into her hands, “I was hoping you’d forget about that.”

I laugh, “Fat chance.”

Her hands drag down her cheeks and she peeks up at me, “It was a panic purchase.”

I lift a brow, “You panic purchased condoms?”

“No, not exactly. I panicked and purchased Tropical Flavor condoms.” When I smirk, she sighs, “I was standing in front of the, uh, selection, and I heard someone coming.” I snicker,  because I’m 12, and she rolls her eyes. “I just grabbed the first box I could reach.”

I laugh, “Hey, I’m not complaining. It was better than climbing out of bed to fetch the one I brought.”

That perks her up, “You brought one?”

I nod, “I certainly did.”

“So, you were… planning to…?”

She can’t finish the question, so I do it for her. “Fuck you? Yes, I was planning on that.”

Her cheeks flame even hotter, “Just once?”

I push my chair back. “No Maddie, not just once.”

Her eyes widen and I remember my promise to leave her poor pussy alone until tonight.

“Finish your breakfast and tell me where your phone is.”

Maddie glances over towards her bedroom, “It should be on my nightstand.”

Leaving her to her food, I carry my plate to the sink and head into her bedroom.

A minute later, with her phone in hand, I storm back into the kitchen where Maddie’s placing the plates into the dishwasher.

“Why’s your phone dead?”

Her shoulders sag. “Oh, crap! I must’ve forgotten to plug it in again.”


She bites her lip. “Sometimes I forget.”

“How often?”

“What?” She blinks at me with those pretty green eyes, but I won’t be deterred.

“How often are you forgetting to plug in your phone?” Then I hold up a hand, “Never mind. Your phone should last the night even if you forget.”

“I know,” she sighs. “I’ve been due for an upgrade. I just hate going to the dumb phone store.”

I hum, my plans for the day solidifying. “Let’s go.”

Her mouth pops open, “Go where?”

“The dumb phone store. By the time we’re done it’ll be time for that lunch I owe you.” I pause, “Unless you’re still hungry. We can stop and grab some more breakfast on the way.”

“Some more breakfast,” she repeats the words back slowly.

My shrug has her snickering.

I hold a hand out, gesturing down the hall. “Let’s go.”

“Axel, I can’t just leave. I need to get ready.”

“Ready?” I look her over. “Ready for what? You look good.”

“I look good,” she repeats again. Her tone is bland but there’s a hint of a smile on her face.

“Good. Sexy. Perfect.” My nostrils flare as I do another once over. “Actually, you’re right. Go change. Into something… thicker.”

“Thicker?” This time her laugh is loud. “What the hell does that mean?”

I close the distance between us and in a flash, I’ve plucked her nipple between my fingertips.

She yelps and tries to jump back but my other hand grips the back of her neck, holding her in place.

“Thicker.” I roll my fingers, eliciting a groan. “More clothing. Something that keeps these little pearls for my eyes only.”

“Axel,” Maddie pants my name and I palm her breast. “You’re being ridiculous.”

I bring my lips down until they’re brushing against hers. “Probably.”

She tries to smile but it falters as she arches into my touch. “Two things.”

Distracted, I slide my hand over to her other breast. “Two things.” It’s my turn to repeat words.

“One, you don’t need to take me to the phone store.”

I shake my head, “Non-negotiable.”

Her puff of breath brushes over my lips.

“Two?” I prompt.

“Two, when I said that I needed to get ready, I meant I need to shower. Do my hair, makeup. Ya know? Get ready.”

“Oh. Right.” Reluctantly, I release my hold of her and step back. “In that case, carry on.”

Maddie grins up at me, “Want me to turn the tv on for you?”

“I can figure it out. Go make yourself ready.”

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