Las Vegas Savior

Chapter 27

They drove over to the FBI office and walked up the sidewalk hand in hand. John went in and asked if Commander Standish was available and they only had to wait for a few minutes before he came out to meet with them.

“Hey, what a nice surprise. What can I do for you?” Aaron asked.

“Well, I came to find out if you were serious about that job as a mechanic being available? We’re seriously considering settling down here.” John told him.

“Most definitely! We’re currently using an outside garage and our vehicles are not always a priority for them. Come with me and I’ll show you where you would be working.”

Aaron led them through the building to the garage area. It wasn’t huge but it was clean, for a garage. John pulled open some of the drawers and only found a few tools. “Looks like I need to provide my own tools? There’s not much here.”

“Yeah, the last guy wasn’t very good about keeping up with the tools. In fact, he wasn’t very interested in the job, to be really honest with you. But if there’s something you need that you don’t have, just turn in a requisition for it and I’ll do my best to get it for you.”

“Good deal.” John told him.

“What’s the deciding factor going to be?” Aaron asked.

“Well there are several things we need to iron out, like the rate of pay, a place to live and whether or not Emily can find a job here. She’s too high energy a person to keep still for long.” John said.

“Uh-oh! You have me figured out already. But it’s true. I need to be able to work. I haven’t really been able to actively look but if you know anyone who’s looking for someone who’s good with computers, please let me know.” Emily said.

“What is it you do specifically?” Aaron asked.

“Just about anything to do with computers. At my last job, I was designing games and antivirus software. I may need to take a refresher course but mostly I just need to have access to a computer and high speed internet.” Emily said.

“Hmmmm. I don’t know much about computers. I’m old school back before the internet age. But I’ll definitely ask around.” Aaron said. “As for rate of pay, I’m sure we can at least meet whatever Sacramento is offering and then maybe sweeten the pot a little. I really want to get a good qualified mechanic here.”

“Well, I’m going to need to give my notice in Sacramento and we’ll have to find a place to live here so it’s not going to happen overnight but can I let you know in a couple of weeks?” John asked.

“Sure. I was going to start advertising again but if you’re pretty sure you will be settling here, then I guess I can wait a little longer.” Aaron said “In the meantime, I’ll find out if there’s any computer work available for this lovely lady.”

“Great! Well, we’ve got lots to do but I’ll be in touch and thanks, Commander.” John said.

They left the office and John asked her “So what’s next?”

“Well, I guess we need to start checking out apartments or houses. Tell me if I’m wrong but I think we should rent for a while, until we kind of get used to town, make sure this is where we want to stay and the different parts of town. I do hope that Commander Standish can find something for me to do but I’m not going to count on just him. If he doesn’t and I have to take a job in a different part of town, I would hope that we can find something within easy commuting distance for both of us. I wonder if they have an apartment guide here?” Emily said. She was excited and when she was excited, she talked a lot and John just let her go with a smile.

They located an apartment guide and thumbed through it while they had lunch of salads and pizza. They found several listings and spent most of the afternoon driving around to see the different areas and even inspected a couple of apartments.

Without knowing exactly where Emily would be working, they didn’t want to sign in to a lease yet and most places wanted a security deposit, first and last months’ rent in advance on a one year lease. They were reluctant to commit to anything for such a long term just yet.

As the afternoon wore on and it began to get closer to dinner time, John began to get excited and was nervous about what he had planned. About 4:30 he finally called a halt to the apartment hunting and said “Let’s go back to the hotel and get our showers and get dressed for dinner. I want to take you somewhere nice tonight.”

“Okay by me. I am getting hungry.” Emily said.

They returned to the hotel and got their showers and John was getting more anxious as he waited for Emily to finish getting dressed. She was going to wear the black dress and new shoes that they had bought the other day.

John had already checked, four times, that he had the engagement ring in his pocket and had moved it from his jacket to his pants pocket but when he looked in the mirror, it stuck out like a sore thumb or rather looked like he had a small hard on in his pocket so he put it back in his suit coat pocket.

When she finally stepped out of the bathroom, John was so excited but he froze in his tracks when he saw her. She looked so beautiful. “Wow!” Was all he managed to say before he crossed the room and kissed her.

“What was that for?” Emily asked when she managed to get her breath back. She had to clutch his arm to keep from falling over when his kiss made her head spin.

“You look absolutely fantastic!” John said, as he put his forehead on hers and tried to get his libido under control but holding her in his arms made that very hard but yet, he never wanted to let her go.

“You look very handsome too! Are you as hungry as I am?” Emily asked.

“Yes. Come on, I made reservations for 7 and if we don’t get moving, we are going to be late.” John said. He helped her on with her coat, then made sure he had his room key before he opened the door and led her outside.

The restaurant was busy but because John had made reservations, they were seated almost right away. Emily noticed that he was slightly preoccupied as he had not responded to her comments of how nice the restaurant was or of being glad that they had been seated right away.

John was trying to decide if they should eat first or if he should propose first. When the waiter took their drink order and left the table to give them a chance to look over the menu, John finally decided that he wouldn’t be able to swallow a bite of his dinner if he didn’t get this over with. He had to know.

He stood up and took the ring out of his pocket and then stepped over to her and went down on one knee, he opened the box and looked up at her to see her smiling down at him.

“Emily, I love you! Will you marry me?” John loudly whispered over the lump in his throat and held the ring out to her. Just then he realized that the entire restaurant had gone completely silent as soon as he had gone down on one knee and that now everyone waited for her answer. They didn’t have to wait long as she nodded and said softly, “I love you too, John and yes, I would be proud to be your wife.”

Everyone applauded as John slipped the ring on her finger then he stood up then pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly and the applause was even louder. A few people even whistled and yelled “Bravo!” “Congratulations!”’

After they sat down, the waiter brought their drinks and congratulated them on their engagement. Nothing could have wiped the smiles off of their faces. Their smiles got even bigger when someone who had been sitting a few tables away came over and showed them the video she had shot of John’s proposal. John gave her his phone number and she sent the video to him.

It was to be just the first of many great memories that they would end up sharing together.

The End!

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of my imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved.

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