Las Vegas Savior

Chapter 10

She pulled the tags off the dress and pulled it over her head and then grabbed her brush and let her hair down out of the bun. She brushed her hair smooth and decided to twist it back up but this time into a French twist. It looked more sophisticated with her hair up. She wished she had some of her pretty earrings to wear but they were all in her jewelry box in storage. She put on her new sandals and had just finished buckling the heel strap when there was a knock on her door.

She looked through the peephole to see John standing on the other side of the door. She opened the door to him and admired how he was dressed. His jet black hair was still wet from his shower but it was nicely combed. He had on black slacks and a black pull over sweater that showed his physique to the T. Emily would bet and win when she guessed he had a full six pack under that lightweight sweater. He had his suit jacket hung over his left shoulder with his finger hooked in the lapel. His black leather boots finished the look.

“My, don’t you look nice.” She said as he stood staring at her with a kind of deer in the headlights look with his mouth slightly open.

“Wow, I knew that dress was going to look good on you but, damn girl! You look awesome!” John said when he finally found his voice as he stepped inside. “Are you ready to go?”

“Sure. I just need to put some things back in my pack. Come on in. I’ll just be a minute.” She said as she left the door open and walked over to finish putting her things away. She put her toothbrush and toiletries back in the small toiletries bag and put it in her pack. She tucked her sneakers in on top and pulled the drawstring closed then flipped the panel over the top and snapped it closed. She glanced around the room to be sure she had everything, then turned to John and said “All ready.”

“Are you taking that with us?” John asked.

“I’m going to lock it back in my trunk.” Emily replied like it was the most natural thing in the world for her to basically check out every time she left the room. That way she had left nothing behind if she had to run. She had told him that earlier when she had related all that she had been through in the past 3 years but, again, it pulled at his heart strings that she felt the need to be ready even when she was with him.

“Please don’t be offended. I have to be ready to go at the drop of a hat. I just pray that he doesn’t shoot you if we run into him tonight. When I was in protective custody, Derrick shot and killed the young officer that was guarding me the day I went on the run on my own. He comes up on you quick and is not afraid to shoot anything that gets in his way. I pray nothing bad like that happens to you but if Derrick does find me, I’ve got to be ready. It’s what has kept me alive for the past 3 years.” Emily explained when she saw the look of pity on his face.

“I do understand, Emily and I’m sorry that he’s put you through this but I’m not some rookie cop. I know what he looks like now and I’ll be on the watch for him just like I know you will be. If he does show up, go! Get away. Don’t you worry about me, I’ll find my way home. Main thing is you will be safe. Here’s my phone number. If you ever need me, just call. I’ll look into details about him when I get back to work and I’ll talk to my shift commander to see if there is anything we can do to help you.” John said as he handed her one of his business cards.

“I won’t go back into protective custody again. It’s not fair that I have to be held prisoner while he runs around free. But if you can catch him, I will testify to what I saw. Until then, I’m going to keep moving. It may not be my preferred life but at least I’m free to come and go as I please. I’ve seen more of the country these past three years than I ever have. I’m thinking about going further east next summer. Maybe spend next winter in Florida.” Emily said.

“Hopefully we can catch him before that.” John picked up her pack and carried it out to her car for her. He wondered where she would go once Derrick was caught. She locked her pack in her trunk and then gave John her key with a smile. “You know where we’re going.”

John helped her into the passenger side of the car and then walked around the front and got in behind the wheel. He drove them to the steak house and took her hand to help her out of the car but didn’t let it go as they walked inside together. It felt so natural for both of them. He stood slightly behind her when they stood in line and he could smell her perfume and wondered what made her smell so good.

The host showed them to a table and John saw her seated before he sat down. Emily had so many butterflies in her stomach that she almost felt sick to her stomach. She asked the hostess for a glass of water and the woman took one look at her and said “Sure. I’ll be right back.”

“Are you okay? You look a little green.” John asked with concern.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I haven’t been in public so much in a long time or with a man who paid me so much attention since Derrick and I first started dating. It’s nice but scary at the same time.” Emily admitted.

“It’s okay, Emily, no one is going to hurt you while you are with me. Relax. He can’t get to you here. He would be a fool to even try to come after you in such a public place.” John tried to reassure her. “Okay?”

Emily nodded and tried to smile at him. “Would you mind trading places with me? I think I’d feel better if I’m facing the door and can see who is coming.”

“Sure. No problem.” John stood up and let her have his seat, which faced the door more directly but instead of taking the seat across from her, he pulled out the chair that would allow him to sit next to her. “Better?” He asked.

“Yes, thank you. I want you to know, I’m not usually such a nervous Nellie or a cowardly lion. I guess I’m just tired.” Emily said and then thanked the hostess for the glass of ice water she’d brought.

“No problem. Love your dress by the way. It’s very becoming to you.” The hostess told her. “Your waiter will be Robert and he should be with you in just a moment.”

They looked over the menu and both of them decided to have the New York strip, cooked medium rare, with baked potatoes and a small salad. Now they just had to wait for Robert to come and take their order.

“So, when do you have to go back to work?” Emily asked.

“I’m supposed to go back the day after tomorrow. I wanted to talk to you about something.” John said. He had planned on having this conversation after he had called his boss but figured he’d better find out if she was willing to do it before he called.

“I want you to come with me to the local FBI office so that I can look up some information about this Derrick Gibson. I know I’ve seen his face before but I just can’t remember all the details. Derrick Gibson may not be his real name and I need that picture you have to be able to run it through face recognition.”

“Can’t you just take the picture? Why do I have to go with you?” Emily asked.

“Because I don’t want to leave you unprotected while I’m gone.” John said but what he was thinking was “I don’t want you to disappear while I’m gone.” He was afraid she would get spooked and run and he wouldn’t be able to find her again and this Derrick Gibson might.

John realized that his feelings were getting involved and knew he should turn it over to someone else to handle but after spending most of the day with her, he knew he wouldn’t be able to just step away from her. In fact, if he were going to be totally honest with himself, he wanted nothing more than to pull her very close, to protect her and keep her safe.

“Do you promise that I won’t have to stay there? Or let them put me in protective custody again?” Emily asked.

“No one can force you to go into protective custody but I also can’t promise that they will let me stay with you unless you agree to it. I’m not going to force you to do anything you are not comfortable with, Emily. I just want to help you to feel safe again.” John said, sincerely.

Emily looked at him for a long time as she thought about what he was saying and trying to determine if he was being honest with her or not. So far he had not lied to her and if he had wanted to trick her, he could have driven her to the local FBI office at any time today and forced her to go inside with him but he hadn’t.

He had promised to show her a good time and for the first time in a very long time she had actually enjoyed herself today. “Can I trust you?” She thought and her little voice of intuition said “You don’t have a good reason not to. He’s been honest with you so far. You can’t keep judging all men by what Derrick and your father did to you!”

The waiter came and took their order while Emily thought about what she wanted to say to John. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings as much as she didn’t want to think of having this day end. Up until now, she had been having such a wonderful day.

When the waiter left, she said “Okay. I’ll go with you to the local office but understand this, John. I will not go back into protective custody again. I spent a month hiding in a rundown old house. I had the same clothes on for two days before they brought me some clothes that didn’t fit me right and I had to ask for personal hygiene products. I would have been treated better if I had been at the homeless shelter. I may not live the high life now but at least I’m free to come and go as I please.” Emily said adamantly.

“I can’t say I blame you for that. I’ve been wanting to punch this Derrick Gibson in the nose all day but now I would like to punch that Detective too. I’m not going to say that FBI protection is a party but we don’t put our people in rundown old houses either.

And females usually have at least one female agent assigned to them along with a male, at all times. My concern is to find out if he’s wanted in more places than just Seattle. If he sticks to Seattle, then he won’t be on the federal wanted list and I hate to say it but the only thing I will be allowed to do is turn it over to the police. I also need to tell you that if he is on the federal list and you still refuse protective custody, I’m not sure if my boss is going to let me go on the run with you.” John said.

“You would go on the run with me?” She asked in disbelief and felt a warmth in her chest when he nodded. “Then where does that leave us? Sounds like my only option is to go back into protective custody and I’ve already said I won’t do that.

I’m not going back to Seattle but that hasn’t stopped him from looking for me. He was the reason I ran away from Idaho. I knew I had stayed there too long and I was going to tell them I was going the next week but then he showed up at the diner where I was working and I had to get out of there. That’s why I wanted to know where there was a Western Union office. Shelly, the other woman I worked with, said she would collect my pay and send it to me.”

“Well, that in itself may be how I get to nail his sorry ass! If he’s been chasing you across state lines in order to do you bodily harm, then it becomes a federal case. My problem is that I have to prove that he’s following you and intends to hurt you. He could turn around and say that while he has been following you, it’s because he cares for you and just wants you to come back and be with him.” John said. “When was the last time you contacted Detective Simpson?”

“Over a year ago. I had a feeling that Derrick might be finding me through him or someone at his department so I stopped calling him.” Emily told him.

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