LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


Drone Attack

As Captain Manthey lurched forward and slowly entered into the woods, the main question on everyones’ mind was ‘how much would the machines of civilization be hampered by the shooting of the medicine man of the Ojibwe?’ And at first, the answer seemed to be not much at all!

As the world watched through their screens, the drones became highly revved, and sped through the forest with alacrity. The walking drones legs pistoned ahead, moving quickly through the woods, as the wheeled drones also rolled along with full power, all at once. Was the sorcery vanquished, with the death of the medicine man? In Chicago, at least in liberal, big government circles, all hopes hung upon this fond wish.

Everything is looking great for the forces of justice today folks,” intoned the deep, confident voice of Danny Roberts. “Soon, we will mete out justice for all the crimes of the white racist, Wulf the Barbarian Gott, and also punish his heinous supporters, the supposed ‘Independent nation’ of the Ojibwe people. Let’s see how long they stand up to the forces of civilization, and technology! They are barbarians, indeed!” His voice dripped with disgust, which was far from true journalism, since he sought to sway minds, not to inform them.

As the drones rushed onward towards them, weapons loaded and ready, the Ojibwe tribespeople, including now Major Lee Anthony, Wulf, Trina and Jafiro, were concerned only with the dying Akula. He had not spoken, not since the Spirit had shown the aura above the head of Jafiro.

Wulf lowered his head to the breast of Akula, and then raising it, shook his head in finality, his blue eyes dimmed in sorrow.

“He is gone,” he said.

As he spoke, utter despair coursed throughout the entire tribe that had depended upon this magical sage. What would become of them now? Without the intervention of the Great Spirit, wielded with the power of such a medicine man, what hope did they have?

Trina was the first to see it- as all the tribe despaired, she looked up briefly to see Jafiro before her. Jafiro, the skinny, thick-lensed wearing weakling she had taken pity on- him of no real family structure, who idolized the strength of Wulf and hoped to emulate him in some small way- Jafiro had taken on the aspect of the Eagle!

He had fleshed out incredibly from his incorporation into the tribe, building muscle, and actually improving his vision such that he no longer needed those thick glasses. But now-

As she looked at him, he seemed to…grow. He was not really any taller, or even any more powerful in appearance, but his eyes were no longer brown, nor black-but golden.

He had the Eagle Eyes of Akula!

As she looked at him, his eyes that looked back at her seemed to be identical to the eyes of the recently dead Akula- golden eyes, that appeared to be looking directly into your soul.

Trina looked back at Wulf, and saw that he, too, had seen the transformation. His own eyes blazed like blue coals, his amaze showing as she watched. The entire tribe, soon afterwards, noticing their interest, looked towards Jafiro.

All felt the transformation, the shift in power and might. The sound of a screaming eagle over the hall only reinforced their conviction: The medicine man of the Ojibwe was REBORN!!

As the tribe watched, a huge eagle landed within their hall. Sinking its claws into the buckskin of the deceased medicine man’s shirt, it spread its wings and took flight, carrying the mage of the Ojibwe into the sky. As both dwindled far above the wooded hills beyond the hall of the tribe, it screamed once more.

And as the eagle screamed, Jafiro rose, and raised his arms widely. Sparks of light crackled between his widespread open palms.

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