LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


A New Dawn

The flames burned brightly that night in the Ojibwe central clearing. They had fought, and they had won- rejoicing was now the order of the day, and of the night!

News of the election had been brought by Jafiro, telling of the defeat in the United States of the witch woman by the tall man with the swirling red-gold hair. None knew how he had heard of this, since there were no computers or televisions amongst the Ojibwe, but know he did.

As the natives were dancing and singing, all about the fire that blazed so brightly, as they feasted and roistered, Jafiro had come out of the Great Hall. He stood on the porch of the great log building, and raised his arms- all music and talking instantly stopped.

“I am Jafiro,” he began, “and I am here to tell you that I am proud of the Ojibwe people!” There was brief cheering, quickly dying when Wulf raised his great arms to quell the noise.

“We have beaten the armies of the United States, which were ordered by an evil administration to attack us. I am here to tell you that that evil administration, which was meant to live on under the orders of a witch woman, has been defeated, by reason, and the help of the Great Spirit!”

Cheering again broke out, and Wulf did not seek to quell it. He joined in lustily!

“If ever again the Ojibwe are threatened, we will rise to our own defense. And more- if ever the United States or any other foreign power seek to invade us, we will go to them on the attack! This is my pledge to the Ojibwe!” And Jafiro, raising his arms on high, sent beams of bright light heavenward, lights of green and blue, shot with gold, that lit the dark night sky like a supernatural day.

The next morning, Captain Manthey and Private Jimmy were unrecognizable. Both had discarded their uniforms, and were wearing buckskin garments provided by the Ojibwe. The other soldiers had also decided to stay, and were dressed similarly, and all were training under Wulf Gott!

“You need to keep your butts down,” said Wulf, as the new recruits were learning his physical training. “Pushups are to be done straight, no sagging or butts in the air,” he said, looking over at Trina, who was smothering a giggle. Wulf rolled his eyes at her, and smiled.

Wulf led them through a complete training, something he told them he expected them, as new members of the Ojibwe nation, to do daily, without fail. They all tried very hard, wanting to adapt to their new life. The only two having real trouble were General Ronald Williams and Danny Roberts.

General Williams really didn’t want to stay, but he felt he had to. He was far too used to comfort, having had a lifestyle only describable as pampered. He missed his weekly massages, his gourmet restaurants- this plain, nutrient rich fare might be healthy, but he wanted so much more!

Danny Roberts was in a similar situation. He was used to being idolized as a news host, with fancy dinner parties and celebrity photo shoots- this living in the land of nature was pretty, but he, as did the general, needed so much more!

Jafiro was the first to realize the problem. He had walked over to the clearing where the men were doing their obligatory morning training. Every man was really trying, and he could tell they would be Ojibwe quality in short order. Except for two…

The General was doing pushups really slowly, and his gut barely could be confined by his buckskin pants, which were the largest owned by the tribe. He would rest after each one, and only continue when all else had done several more.

Danny Roberts, newscaster, would do the pushups, or whatever the exercise was, but then he would flex isometrically, as he had been taught, but theatrically- as if he only wanted everyone to look at him.

In an instant, Jafiro knew what must be done. The General must be sent back, to live in a soft life that he could enjoy. He needed the suburban existence, nothing else could he endure. He gestured, and general Ronald Williams disappeared, to reappear back in his former life, lying on his couch, with a fat dog licking his fingers. The general sighted in content.

As for Danny Roberts, Jafiro, medicine man of the Ojibwe and the Great Spirit, approached him with a long knife. Danny, seeing him, widened his eyes and began to run, fearing the knife he held in strong fingers. But Jafiro, grasping the newscaster by his long blond ponytail, simply cut that ponytail off, and let him go. “Now you are one of us!” he said.

In his next words, Jafiro might have been speaking in the voice of Reason, as did the tall man who had won the presidency, he of the swirling red-gold hair.

“The United States has won back their civilization. We only want to remain in our barbarity, perpetually safe from decadence- by being a tribe. The Great Spirit has spoken, and we are again a free people- that is all that matters!”

The news of the world went on. Hatred of the new president was rampant, and completely without reason. But the United States and the civilization of the West which it heads were saved. The people who made America work breathed a sigh of relief, and went back to their lives and jobs with a new will and purpose. Now they would be able to keep what they made!

Back in the Nation of Ojibwe, the music had resumed. Wulf raised his jack of ale, and quaffed a huge draught. He toasted Major Lee Anthony by banging his mug against the major’s, and then drank again, deeply. Major Lee Anthony had changed his garb to native buckskin, and looked much the better for it. His single eagle feather drooped over his eye as he looked at Wulf the Barbarian.

“What is now the future, if I may so ask?” said Major Lee Anthony. He was smiling, but Wulf could tell he was confused. He smiled widely, with strong white teeth.

“Now, Major, we live!” said the youthful barbarian. He pulled Trina to him, clasping her tightly about her voluptuous body, and looked at the major with a relish of life undimmed by civilization. He kissed her red lips, and clapped her resoundingly on her backside.

Jafiro walked over, and looked over the field of tribespeople: roistering and dancing, drinking and singing. He smiled in a fatherly way, which would have seemed strange to anyone outside of the tribe, since he was of a very young age. Only his glowing eyes of gold betrayed the wisdom, knowledge, and power that were far beyond his years.

These attributes were all that mattered to these native folk- his black skin, his wooly hair; all were as nothing in their eyes. Like the voters in the election, all that mattered was intent- what he meant to do. Race, or sex, meant nothing to them. Only in the liberal, Democratic circles were these things the most important, the defining factor.

Amongst the tribal, the barbarian, the Ojibwe- the people of Wulf the Barbarian- ability was all that mattered.

Jafiro, medicine man of the Ojibwe people and nation, stood with a smile and spoke:

“ We sure nuf been through a lot o stuff

That witch- the eagles were enough

Our Peoples, they jus’ wanna be free

To Big Government we won’t bend the knee!

We hate lies and we hate those who lie

And those who lie and then grow fat

We know they screw around with truth

And we know that they be Democrat!”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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