LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


The Light of Reason

Jafiro sat in his green and blue ceremonial robes, in the Ojibwe cavern dedicated to the Great Spirit. He was still the black youth from the big city, but he was also Akula, medicine man of a line of mages going back centuries. The council of his predecessors was always within him, and he listened intently to their wisdom in the silence.

A small sacred flame glimmered before him, and into its red-gold light he stared. Faintly, far off, he could hear the celebrations of the tribe, and he smiled faintly. He was glad: his children had earned their rejoicings, and he blessed them with a curious gesture that brought forth a brief sparkling golden light from his hand.

Picking up a long, clay pipe, he drew upon it meditatively, smelling the rich tobacco that the tribe had cultivated for a thousand years. Blowing the smoke in a large, swirling puff before him and the fire, he gazed intently at it-

Within the smoke, as if on a swirling screen, he saw the world. He saw the United States, huge and predominant over all other nations, and he saw it was contested- on one side he saw a shrill, almost witch-like woman with yellow hair, and absurd clothing like that of a man except in bright colors. Jafiro could see the future timeline of the witch woman; a continuation of decadence, and acceleration of crime and indolence, followed by a collapse of the worship of the Great Spirit and all of his commandments.

Furthermore, he saw endless attacks urged forth by this woman and her minions of liberalism- waves upon waves conscripted to march upon the Ojibwe, until even their valor and determined fighting could not stand. Jafiro groaned: this timeline led to darkness, not only decadence but ultimately debauchery and evil!

He blew out another puff of smoke, obliterating the first- in the swirling depths, the medicine man saw another possible future; in this future there was a tall man, with reddish gold hair swirling about his forehead. He talked in a commanding voice, and many in the United States, and in the world, could not understand him, so confused had they become by the liberal, witch-like teachings of those who had grasped the reins of politics, and perverted them to their own ends.

This tall man spoke the true sense of the Great Spirit, telling the people of the United States that they should ignore the evil witch woman, who only sought to use them as pawns, as useful idiots to be played and used towards her own ends, which were simply those of all who are evil: to enhance and make limitless her own power, and to enslave and disempower all under her command.

Through exorbitant taxation, by using quotas instead of ability to determine jobs and income, and overall by eliminating borders, which would effectively eliminate NATIONS! The tall man saw all of this, and Jafiro too saw all too clearly that the Ojibwe Nation would be utterly obliterated by such a decree, as would the entire United States of America; and eventually, all nations of the west. Decadence, social rot and crime unchecked, limitless immigration: all would conspire together to ruin Western Civilization, painfully built up over thousands of years, and then, thrown aside for power for the few who had conspired to be in charge- like the witch!

Jafiro, late of the streets of Chicago, but now empowered by the intellects and spirits of generations of medicine men of the Ojibwe people, knew all at once what he should do. He stood, and threw a powder upon the fire, which caused it to blaze instantly up to the peaks of the cavern!

Even Wulf, laughing uproariously, one arm about the supple waist of Trina, the other about Captain Manthey’s shoulders, of a sudden noticed a shot of flame off in the distance. However, recognizing the direction as being that of the Sacred Cavern, he shrugged his mighty shoulders, and proposed another toast. “To our new medicine man- Jafiro- he has a lot to think about, and thank the Spirit that we don’t!!” And with that, he drained his glass.

As the fire lit the whole of the great cavern, Jafiro let out a screaming call that sounded as if it had never come from a human throat. There was a fluttering, a sound of wings beating, and then there came the screams!

Eagles landed, dozens, their gleaming white heads shining in the firelight. Each looked intently at the mage, their keen eyes directed at him as if enchanted, which indeed they were. Their eyes shone gold, just as did those of Jafiro, and he nodded at them in a kind of ecstasy. In this moment, he was not Jafiro at all; he was Ojibwe of a thousand years, their medicine man and spiritual leader overall, not a mere man.

Standing, the medicine man of the Ojibwe waved his arms at the eagles, and they understood. Flying off, they all headed in southerly directions, but some more to the east, and others to the west. They would thus cover the whole United States, each in their own section.

And so the eagles flew, through the night. A bright golden light, the light of reason shone from their eyes, and that light blanketed all of the ground they covered. Each person who was exposed to that light, a mystical light that penetrated roofs and exposed all the lies of the witch to un-ensorcelled minds who received it, woke up to true reason.

The entire country was covered, but in the Northeast of the US, California, and even in Illinois, evil liberal witchcraft had been done for so many eons that true reason was all but extinguished- some awoke, but very few could cast off such an evil spell. The light of reason also exposes the right of responsibility, and many who are advanced into decadence reject this in favor of indolence, and sloth. They are the poorer for it, for rejecting the golden light of the eagles of REASON.

Jafiro slumped to the earth, exhausted. The eagle magic had taxed him to the utmost.

When he awoke, the eagles had covered the country with their golden magic of reason. Polls were changing: the tall man was gaining drastically in the polls, which had been faked by the witch to pretend she was winning…

But then, the votes started coming in earnest. The election was on! It was the magic of reason that prevailed, Jafiro and his eagles had given the gift of true reason to America, and shown them that the tall man with the swirling red-gold hair was a true man, and the witch was really a demon that meant to enslave them, and drag them down to her level of decadence and unbelief.

The medicine man smiled. His people were saved, as was the entire United States and with them, Western Civilization. Well, if anything deserved a little celebration, it was that!

He headed back to the village, back to his people to join in the party.

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