LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


Major Lee Anthony Makes a Proposal

After the two prisoners had been banished to the forest, the meeting in the Great Hall continued. Skins of wine were produced, and vast jacks of ale were hauled forth. All were produced on the reservation, and all from grapes and grains grown there as well- the Ojibwe made all of their own consumables whenever they could, and traded for those few things they needed from outside with what they produced.

Wulf stood, and all eyes rested upon him. “I drink to Akula, true leader of the Ojibwe nation, who has rid us of the decadence of that civilization that surrounds us, through his magic, and the power of the Great Spirit!” With that, he lifted a large leathern drinking jack overflowing with foaming ale, and quaffed a huge draught.

All else in the hall did likewise, except for those who drank instead, like Trina and many of the native women, from leather wine skins. And then, all cheered; they were so glad to have gotten rid of the prisoners, who had seemed like a taint of decadence upon their homeland.

Akula rose, and also raised his ale jack. “Evil surrounds us, as said by my grandson Wulf. We are inviolate here, but still they can attack us, in limited fashion. Their numbers in their civilization are as the numbers of insects- although small in strength and courage, still they are myrmidons in their sheer population. They could flood us with these numbers, if so inclined, despite the Great Spirit and my own powers of light.”

There was an intake of breath, as Major Lee Anthony of the US special operations forces, recently a prisoner but since allowed full autonomy, rose to speak. “I have a thought on this, Akula,” he said. His black skin shone in the firelight, and his uniform, which had been freshly cleaned in the reservation laundry, was crisp and sharp. “I have been here awhile, and am more than impressed with this place, and how it is run. I would like to intervene as a spokesman for you, to talk with the United States public, and indeed the free world.”

“Speak on, Major,” spoke Akula. Wulf quaffed deeply of his ale, and then looked over interestedly, as did the whole tribe.

“As it stands now,” said the Major, “the whole nation, indeed the whole world is confused as to just what happened here in these woods- a company of soldiers disappeared, a huge number of police did as well, and a helicopter just-fell from the sky! The press, and indeed the government at large needs to know just how to classify this- they don’t really care why, at this point they just want to get back to ‘business as usual’, which as you all know, in the government is just about lining their own pockets at taxpayer expense!” A brief cheer went up, along with several toasts. “So, my proposal is that I, as a ranking military officer, go out to explain to all of them outside this Nation that we will remain neutral, forever, if they respect our conditions. Number one is that they leave us alone in our sovereign status, an independent nation on the model of the Swiss state and that of the Vatican.” There was loud cheering, and a clanking of jacks on the long wooden tables.

“And two- that they allow Wulf Gott freedom to remain among his people, unmolested, forever!” An eruption of cheers, screams, and toasts and drinking ensued from this proposal, only quelled at last when Akula rose with lifted arms. The ensuing quiet was instant.

There was a long pause, as all regarded the head table of Akula, Wulf, and Nikan. Trina and Jafiro were off to the sides, looking somewhat confused. Would they be sacrificed for the greater good, to ensure neutrality? Trina caught Wulf’s eye, and he nodded reassuringly. He would protect them both!

“Major Lee Anthony is a… good man!” intoned Akula, and further said “it shall be as he says!” And with those words, he stood quietly, as two mighty eagles came screaming in through the wide flung open doorway, landing one upon each of his shoulders. There he stood, as Wulf and the others all rose, raising their hands in the air, clenched into fists.

Lightning shot from the medicine man’s upraised hands, blazing brightly throughout the hall, and instead of the accompanying thunder- the eagles screamed!

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