LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


Nora watches the Television

All of this time, Nora, and the rest of the world had been watching an empty glade! A primeval forest, unchanged since the beginning of time, had swallowed the pride of the Chicago police force, not to mention a large team of elite soldiers. A helicopter had crashed and presumably burned within that forest, and days had gone by- with nothing.

Drones had been sent in, flying confidently over the edge of the forest under the direction of their handlers- only to fall, one after another, as soon as they crossed the invisible border demarking the reservation of the Ojibwe Nation. There had been talk of sending in other aircraft, brought up repeatedly by Detective Antigone Gibbons, but the upper level military officers were reluctant, to say the least. This was, although a popular news item, really a low priority type of thing- one escaped youth, a juvenile, taking up the majority of both the city of Chicago’s police force and a large elite military group? To commit even more resources started to seem only counterproductive, if not ridiculous.

Antigone himself was going crazy- long since, he thought, this Wulf should have been extracted and brought to justice! He had talked to Nora often on the telephone, but that was another thing- this god-for-saken wilderness had no cell phone coverage! Every day, that alone was enough to call up a blue streak of swearing from Antigone. The few military personnel that had been left to guard the vehicles and himself and the press had learned to avoid the detective, as he spewed his invective each and every morning, blaming them along with everyone else he could think of for this delay.

Gibbons called Nora in a little rinky-dink “honky-town”- that is how he described it to anyone who would listen, situated about twenty minutes drive away. “They be all like ’can I help you?’ at that cafe with the pay phone, and I knows they hate me ’cause I’m black!” he would say.

Actually, the little town he drove to, a northwoods town of maybe 200, went out of their way to help him, since to their way of thinking, he seemed to be a “little slow”. After all, he could hardly speak real English, and seemed to be so tense and agitated that they thought he was not really “all there”. And so, like good small townspeople everywhere in America, they bent over backwards to assist the helpless “colored person”, since he could not be expected to be up to normal standards…

There were noises from time to time inside the deep woods, noises of battle the previous morning- a battle of yells, the clash of primitive weapons, and the screams of the dying. And, of course, the faint cries of animals warring amongst themselves in the forest, the screams of big cats, and roars of the bears. The many newspeople that huddled about their vans and cameras, and the small contingent of Chicago police that remained camped in the clearing before the Ojibwe nation were becoming increasingly nervous and anxious. They all felt completely out of their element, they were strangers in a strange land.

There were interviews from back in Chicago, and of course comments from high government officials and ordinary people from around the world. Even the owner of Gabe’s Grub, the small health food cafe back in Hyde Park was interviewed:

“Is it true, Mr. Hakulani, that the notorious Wulf Gott enjoyed eating at your restaurant on a frequent basis?” The female television reporterette was familiar to Gabe Hakulani” -she was a notorious local Chicago liberal apologist who never gave the other side of a story, like most current “journalists” nowadays do not. Whenever she appeared on the screen of his restaurant TV he always muted the sound.

“Yah, Wulf, he a good boy! Always finish his food, only like the healthy stuff, that one yah, I think…”- he was abruptly cut off by the homely liberal journalist.

Good boy!!??” repeated, her shrill voice dripping with sarcasm. “You call this racist scum a good boy?! I think you need new

re-education- what country are you from, Mr. Hakulani, that you don’t know what a racist is??”

“Me- Ah am Hawaiian, lady, that is part of the U.S. of A.- mebbe you need re-education, you dumb-”

Instantly, Gabe’s audio was cut off, as the camera showed his angry face, shouting at the reporterette, until that too was cut off to go into a commercial.

On another occasion, one of Wulf’s supporters was interviewed on Fox news. Surprisingly to Wes Parker, Wulf’s friend and supporter, he was actually allowed to speak, and was actually listened to!

“What do you think about this so-called “extraction” of Wulf Gott from the sovereign nation of the Ojibwe? Is it legal?” asked the evening host.

“Definitely not!” said Wes. “Wulf has been adopted by the tribe of an independent nation, even though within the borders of the United States. A treaty was signed about this in the early part of the 1800’s, by the president of the United States and the Congress of the time, that guaranteed total independence from the country of the USA. This is an invasion, pure and simple!”

“You have heard, I’m sure, that a coalition force of Chicago police, and Army special forces has been sent up this past week to “extract” the youth Wulf. It was supposed to be a swift, surgical strike, not expected to take longer than a few hours. It has now been almost a week! Very little word has been heard from the many journalists sent to observe this event, and no one from the attacking force has been heard of yet, even though well equipped with communication devices of all sorts! What is your take?”

Wes thought a moment, and then said “Wulf, and the members of his tribe, have rather more force at their ready than most in the government would give credence to! I have tried to convince, and even to warn those of the police and military that it would be dangerous- more dangerous than they could ever imagine- to try to attack these people who they seem to feel are so helpless. It’s not just one man they are up against, although he is quite a resourceful young man. Our Chicago police, and the US military are up against a true adversary, and they would be well advised to just stop their aggressions.”

But this was lost on many, many Americans, who constantly tried to avoid any real news that ran counter to their liberal, Democratic party, politically correct views. By only watching “PC approved” programs like public TV, CNBC and CNN, they shielded themselves from any news that might upset their overall liberal world view. And so, when the “extraction of the racist Wulf” dragged on and on, they became increasingly upset, indeed almost rabid in anger.

On PBS television, Nora Gott was interviewed. She repeatedly denied interview requests from FOX, but was frequently interviewed on all the other networks. She particularly loved being interviewed on PBS, since they were supposedly “unbiased” and completely fair. Of course, this was the perception they cultivated.

“Nora,” said the moderator, “When did you realize that your very own grandson was a racist?”

Nora looked pensively at the camera, and then answered: “Almost immediately. He showed up at my door, and of course I took him in, and lovingly too, because-” here, Norah struggle to control her emotions, “he was an orphan, left by my beloved daughter Noel!” She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, although no tears appeared to be present. “But right away, I could tell that his backwards environment and that bitter clinger teaching in the primitive one-room schoolhouse had brainwashed him-against inclusiveness, and tolerance to all who have been deprived, and turned him into a complete racist scum!” As she said this last, she lifted herself half out of her chair, and looked violently out at the camera- “I want Wulf Gott- my grandson- dead!”

Even the evenly-modulated voice of the host seemed somewhat- surprised if not altogether shocked. “But since he is your flesh-and-blood, wouldn’t you want a bit of clemency shown…”

NO!” shrieked Nora in a very ungrandmotherly, actually very witch-like voice. “There is no excuse for standing in the way of the new world order- we need a world of inclusiveness, a world without borders- we need, in short, a world without people who think that history can teach us anything! It can’t, only the future, a wonderful new world order of fairness and multi-ethnicity, can teach us anything useful going forward!”

“Thank you, Nora,” said the moderator, looking calmly out at his mesmerized minions from the camera lens. “As always, you have been a voice of pure reason and culture, blended with compassion towards all from this diverse world we all live in.”

And so, each day, the journalists issued updates on the “Barbarian Extraction” as it had come to be called, but there was very little to say, as day after day there was no sign of those who had invaded the wild Indian lands. There were other news stories, more full of tragedy and violence, many of them in Chicago, and people generally were losing interest in this rather insignificant hunt of one man. Thus fickle are the public in a large, civilized country.

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