LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


As the World Watches

As all of the aforementioned came to pass, back next to the Ojibwe reservation the news crews, along with detective Antigone Gibbons, and the support crew of the soldiers and police just… waited. This story was easily the number one story on the news at that time, worldwide. The story of Wulf Gott and his desperate standoff in the reservation, the pursuit of him by the Chicago police department along with an elite military unit, and especially the endless castigation of the “barbarian youth, Wulf Gott” was never actually ever off of the news media.

Wulf was always cast as the ultimate representation of “White Privilege”, which seemed absurd to those not of the knee-jerk liberal bent- for how could a youth who pretty much raised himself in the wilderness, who lived in a small one room cabin without plumbing or electricity, who hunted and otherwise obtained his own victuals by his own hand- how could this be called White Privilege??

But, there it was; there is, and never was any real logic and truth backing up liberal talking points and positions. It was all just about “feelings”, not any sort of rational logic; Liberalism is basically a self-serving position built upon lies and, at best, half truths. And right now, the youth Wulf was their ultimate target- said to represent racism, white privilege, homophobism, (Wulf had no notion of homosexuals, and would really have not known such a thing existed, since it does not in nature), and xenophobism. This last, if he had been asked about it, Wulf would definitely have ascribed to: the youth was an unabashed proponent of classical Western civilization and culture, although he had been largely raised by the Native Americans of his adoptive tribe.

Through extensive reading and study, he had used real logic to determine that the classic, Western culture as first developed by the ancient Greeks, had been the penultimate of history, past and present. None else come close, as had been realized by the actual historical Xenophon of roughly 400 B.C. Xenophon had been a Greek leader of 10,000 mercenary soldiers, hired by the Persians. Through observation, as he was deployed throughout the ancient world, he realized that his own Greek culture was far superior to anything else he ever found. As Wulf determined it, he was right!

That same culture is the very one on which the American Constitution and Bill of Rights was based, and the barbarian youth was very much supportive of those original meanings and intent. The unwritten tribal laws of both the Ojibwe, and of ancient Germanic and Viking society were very similar indeed, and Wulf correctly assumed that they were all roughly equivalent. If it was “Xenophobic” to prefer these classic standards to those of modern Liberalism, Socialism, Muslim Caliphates, Black Lives Matter, and Communism- well, then he was xenophobic!

After all of the soldiers and police had entered the dark woods of the Ojibwe Nation, there had been mainly… silence. The lone helicopter hovering overhead had followed up above, but had reported seeing nothing in the gloom- then, it had crossed the vertical border of the reservation, and almost instantly had broadcast over the radio: “Mayday,mayday- all engines fail, all fail!” Then, as the world watched via television cameras, the helicopter that was meant to provide endless observation of the “extraction” of Wulf- dropped like a rock!

It was not gradual, not like a slow engine failure, with smoke and grinding engine- it was sudden, dramatic in its finality. There were screams from the radio, until the copter suddenly hit ground- and that was all. When it had whirred above the invisible border of the reservation, all power had instantly… ceased.

Shortly afterwards, there had been more silence. The expected cascade of automatic gunfire mowing down the natives had never materialized.

Antigone Gibbons was beside himself- indeed, most of the television watching world were going crazy- this simple extraction of a lone youth within a backwards Indian tribe should be the simplest of things- but such had not been the case. The soldiers, the police, their many armaments, the helicopter that had been sent mainly for observation- all were gone. Silence reigned in the primeval forest, laying in sheltered darkness before the press and the few observers left outside of the reservation.

Truth be told, silence rattled a city bred detective like Gibbons more than anything else he could imagine. Ever since his youth, he had lived in the urban jungle, with the constant noise of car horns and engines, amidst swearing youths, and angry shouting. Even at home in his apartment, the TV was never off. Silence was something utterly unknown to him.

And here, it was almost total. There was musical bird noise, the occasional scream of a mountain lion, and the buzzing of myriads of insects, but that was all. Even the moderators on the television, speaking on camera, seemed to sense the utter silence.

“Here we are, waiting for the apprehension of the Barbarian of Chicago, the notorious Wulf Gott,” said Sarah, the announcer for CNN. She tossed her blonde hair back, and smiled brightly. “The soldiers and the police have disappeared into the woods of the reservation yesterday. We expected them back long since. The helicopter sent to observe their situation has crashed inexplicably, and the world waits in anticipation of apprehending this criminal of human rights.”

After this brief speech, the cameras and the world at large watched- total silence. It was as if the North Woods had taken in the many men of civilization, and absorbed them. The silence continued.

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