Lady of the Ravendale

Chapter 20

Instantly people started suggesting their ideas. One person suggest that we should kill off Terra bears since non magical countries have survived without them. The other person disagrees with the killing off the bears, but this person doesn’t have an argument why we shouldn’t kill of the Terra bears. Charlotte was silent probably she isn’t interested in the topic or she just want to observe.

It’s was a chaos until Queen told everyone to stop. Her firm voice made everyone to go silent.

“Alright, then we should vote. Please light the orb in green light if you think we should kill off the Terra bears, light the orb in red if you disagree with this idea, light the orb in blue if you think we should use alternative method to deal with Terra bears.“The Queen said.

In front of there was an orb that had three button in three different colours. I wanted to pick blue since I knew we can use alternative method, but Charlotte stopped.

" Are you sure you want to choose blue button? Because if choose blue button you must offer a suggestion on how we should deal with it.” Charlotte told me as she already choose the red option. I nodded since I didn’t believe that everyone will stick with two options, so I chose the blue option.

I realized that I was indeed wrong. No one chose blue button except for me and the number of red and green lights are even.

“Since the votes are even I would like to ask the blue voter to voice her suggestion.” Queen asked. Everybody looked with doubt or they pitied me. Some people have thought that I was stupid to choose blue option. I sighed but I stood up and walking to the pedestal.

Of course I felt anxiety talking in front of the people. I didn’t want to be seen as a joke so I gathered courage and started talking.

“There is an alternative way to deal with Terra bears, because if we kill off Terra bears, we will have to spend millions in order to repair the forest. Instead of killing of the bears I suggest that we should hire tamers that will make sure that bears won’t come to the village, but also lead the bears to the forest that needs reviving.”

“Sure it’s will cost money to hire them, but we are still saving the money that we could have spent fixing the forest without Terra bear’s help, but also we are creating new job opportunity for people. We could also offer services of Terra bears to other magical like Faya. That way we don’t have to worry spending about money hiring people to tame them.” I finished my speech. I looked at everyone and I saw that people did listened attentively.

“I like your suggestion. I’m afraid I haven’t seen you before. Can you introduce yourself ?” Queen asked me.

" I’m Duchess Annabelle of Blue Topaz and Amethyst” I introduced myself. Since I’ve married my husband who are Dukes, I instantly became a Duchess and can use both surnames, since there is no one to take over the Blue Topaz household.

“Thank you Duchess Annabelle for your suggestion. You may go back to your seat.” Queen Cordelia thanked me and I went back to my seat.

People started murmuring about my suggestion like they are considering my idea.

“You did pretty good.” Charlotte told me.

“You think so?” I asked her, because I doubt I could do good on the first try.

“Yes, if you can’t tell her majesty is struggling with the country’s finances. She is definitely will be interested in how she can spend less money to fix forest fire but also found a way to earn more money.” Charlotte explained to me.

After hearing Charlotte’s explanation I remembered the auction. Maybe that is why there was an auction, so she can probably pay off expenses or maybe even debt.

“Since Annabelle offered a suggestion, lets vote again. Choose green if you agree with Duchess Annabelle’s idea, choose red if you disagree.” Queen Cordellia asked all people in the court meeting to vote again.

Everyone started voting, I felt relieved when I saw most people chose green.

I’m glad I didn’t end up to be seen as a joke by everyone. It’s would be bad if I destroy my reputation before even starting building it. It’s really important for me to have a steady reputation, since it’s will definitely will help with my business.

It’s concluded that my method will be used dealing with the Terra bears. After that we discussed more about another problems that is occurring in the Ravendale. Charlotte suggested I shouldn’t choose blue option for now, so I can still be left with good impression.

After the meeting has ended me and Charlotte went to our carriage, but before we went back to the carriage Charlotte said goodbye to Emillia. Then we went back to our carriage.

When we left the building there was a group of journalist were waiting for us, so they could take an interview. We tried to avoid journalists, but I was stopped by the red-haired journalist.

“Hello, I’m from Raven time. Can you please answer how do you plan dealing with the Terra bears?” a red-haired journalist asked me.

“I’m sorry it’s my first time in court meeting. I don’t think I’m suitable to be interviewed by you.” I tried to avoid giving an interview, but I was still stopped by her. Then Charlotte told that she will wait for me in the carriage.

“Duchess Annabelle, our magazine made for people who live in Etira. I think your interview is more suitable than interviewing other people.” she explained. I looked at the red-haired journalist and for some she looks familiar. Then I agreed to an interview.

I explained on how we plan to deal with Terra bears without giving myself a credit. Then she asked questions about other topics I gave her short answers.

After that I went back to the carriage. Charlotte teased and praised that I was a fast learner and probably will surpass her. But I denied that I can surpass her. She is considered one of the influential politician in Ravendale and she is the head of the richest household, besides I’m not interested in becoming a politician.

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