Chapter 5

A hand on her shoulder gently shook her awake and Krikkit sat up in bed, totally confused as to where she was. Slowly her memory returned. The young girl was greatly surprised to find that the sky she could see through the window, was now dark. She turned to speak to Keeper Fie and shrank back from the woman who stood beside the bed. She had not expected a total stranger to enter the room.

“Don’t be frightened, child.”

The young and lovely woman wore a coronet of dark brown shiny braids wound around her head. Her skin was pale, her cheeks rosy. She wore a long brown dress with a silky shawl draped over her slim shoulders. The woman’s voice was low-pitched and somehow familiar, although Krikkit had never met the woman before.

Her eyes were familiar as well, black with gold flecks. Krikkit had a strong feeling that she stared into them not that long ago. When and where, though, she could not remember.

“I came to take you down to the Ressanie Room. It is time for the evening meal to begin.”

Krikkit slid off the bed and down the steps.

“The Ressie what room?”

“Ressanie. It is named for the Queen’s mother.”

“Thank you for coming to get me. I expected Keeper Fie. I’m sorry I slept so long.”

The young woman smiled kindly at her.

“Oh that’s because we let you sleep a little longer than usual due to the exciting yet strange day you’ve had leaving your home behind.”

“You know about that?”

Krikkit wondered who had told the woman as no one was aware of how she had arrived here except for the ram. She decided to ask that very question.

“Were you talking to Jara?”

Her desire to see the friendly ram again was almost overwhelming. The woman placed her hand on Krikkit’s shoulder and steered her over to a chair placed a few feet away.

“I want to talk to you before we go downstairs, Krikkit. Please sit and listen very carefully to what I have to say. It is of great consequence and importance.”

With a jolt, Krikkit realized she had heard those very same words quite recently. Confused and feeling uneasy again, she stared at the woman, her face full of unspoken questions.

“It is all right, Krikkit. It is I, Jara.”

The young girl opened her mouth to speak, but the words seemed to stick in her throat. She nervously twisted a strand of her long, brown hair around her finger.

“The ram is only one of the forms I take. However, I am the same person. This is the form I use most of the time.”

“How can that be?”

“It may be difficult for you to understand at first, but it is indeed possible,” The woman paused, watching Krikkit’s face intently before continuing. “You see, Krikkit, I am a sorcerer, able to change into any form I wish. It could be male, female, or animal.”

Shocked, Krikkit could only stare deeply into the eyes of the woman. However, somehow Krikkit knew that this beautiful woman was indeed the ram she had met when she woke from her nap on the bench. They were Jara’s eyes. After looking into them all morning, she would know them anywhere. She didn’t have any idea how this could be true, but felt within her that Jara spoke the truth.

“A sorcerer? Aren’t they bad? They do bad things with witches and put evil spells on people. I read about them.”

Krikkit’s eyes were huge in her small face and she was beginning to feel a little frightened, recalling tales of sorcerers and their evil spells.

“That is true only in your story books, Krikkit. In D’Arragon, sorcerers are attached to the royal family and do many good things for them. That is what I do. I help guard the princes and work only for the good of the King and Queen of D’Arragon.”

Jara smiled kindly at her and Krikkit’s fear seemed to melt away. Jara’s voice had the ring of sincerity and truth as she continued speaking.

“You really don’t need to be afraid. Just accept that this is a magical place and we will help you to understand it. You will feel a lot better about being here. Such things are possible here, my child, and have been so for centuries. I wanted to tell you who I was before you heard it from other members of the palace. Are you all right?”

A question had popped into Krikkit’s head as Jara spoke. Her words came out in a whisper.

“Why can’t you save the princes if you are a sorcerer?” asked Krikkit, feeling nervous in case she offended Jara.

“A perfectly good question, Krikkit. You see, part of the prophecy says sorcerers of D’Arragon cannot interfere. My powers are limited until the prophecy succeeds or fails.”

Krikkit listened intently. She still wished Jara, the ram, was back, being more familiar. Almost as if she could read Krikkit’s mind, Jara spoke quickly.

“It really is me, Krikkit. You will soon get used to my different forms. Now we must go downstairs as the others are waiting for us.”

They walked down the stairs, side by side, neither saying a word. Krikkit decided, before they reached the last step, to accept the sorcerer’s advice and take this strange new world as she found it. Step after step, down the winding staircase, the events of the day ran through her mind. She was filled with wonder at the things that had happened since she had placed the black leather shoes on her feet. It seemed like a long time ago.

At the bottom of the long winding staircase, Jara paused. Krikkit, craning her neck to get a better view of the ornately paneled ceiling above her, almost stumbled into her. When Jara continued down the hallway, she followed her friend, stunned by the beauty that surrounded her.

Huge portraits were mounted on the walls along the way. Krikkit had never seen so many in one place and found it hard to tear her eyes away. Men, women, and children stared back at her.

“Past Kings and Queens of D’Arragon,” Jara informed her.

Krikkit had the eerie sensation of traveling backwards in time as she stared into the eyes of the royals in the portraits. Finally forcing herself to look away, she directed her attention once again to the beautiful ceiling above her. Colors of deep mauve and red were scattered among paintings of several angelic figures.

“They’re beautiful! Like magic!”

“Try to keep up, Krikkit,” Jara told her. “Walk a bit faster if you can.”

The girl did her best to do so, earning a warm smile from Jara for her efforts. Finally, they came upon a room with huge double doors that were closed. Jara tugged gently on the golden braided cord hanging beside them. As she did so, Krikkit heard the sound of chimes, soft and low.

As the doors began to open slowly, Jara placed her hand on Krikkit’s shoulder, drawing her gently into the room. Krikkit held her breath, not knowing what to expect. She prepared herself as best she could to meet the other inhabitants of D’Arragon Palace.

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