Chapter 22

Dark, overcast skies shadowed Hennesy’s army climbing the ladders to the spires of Sareltin Castle. Due to their great number, slow progress was made and the group at the spire watched intently. Seeing Jara rapidly change into her ram form, and disappear at a word and a nod from Syntaba, they wondered just what she would do.

King Roger and Queen MaryAnne clung together, while Keeper Fie stood ready to knock the first surge of soldiers off the ladders when they reached the top. However, they didn’t have to wait long before things began happening.

Without warning, the sky changed from the grey dullness of moments ago to explosions of magical light. The men on the ladders paused, amazement sounding in their loud, thunderous voices, at the blazing display. A multitude of colors illuminated the sky as far as they could see, and they heard Syntaba chuckling at his fellow sorcerer’s skills.

“Wonderful, Jara,” he murmured softly, his eyes lit up with pleasure.

Keeper Fie gloried in the chaos and confusion that briefly overtook Hennesy’s army. However, as their leader ordered them onwards in their pursuit, they resumed their climb.

An immense burst of pure white light cut through the skies, hitting the tallest spire, which disappeared momentarily in the blinding flash. Still, Hennesy’s army, though daunted for a second, kept climbing higher on the ladders, determined to recapture the D’Arragons at any cost.

“These men are seasoned soldiers. They fear nothing,” said King Roger as the hordes of men continued upwards.

“They have never experienced Jara. They will soon learn what it means to tamper with the D’Arragon Kings,” replied Syntaba.

“I have faith in Jara, too,” King Roger quietly affirmed. “She has never let us down and I know she never will.” Interrupting them, the queen exclaimed, “Look up there. It is Jara!”

In the wake of the brilliant white light sprung Jara, her female form riding on the back of her ram form.

“There are two Jaras!” cried Keeper, mesmorized by the scene above him.

“More than two!” laughed Queen MaryAnne. “Much more than two!”

Jara, in both her formations, began multiplying into an enormous number of riders, finally coming to a halt in the dazzling sky. Hovering, they surrounded half the castle. Outfitted in shining silver armor, they raised their swords heavenward.

All was still. Hennesy’s army crowded together on the ladders, paused again, confusion sweeping over them and through those still on the ground below.

The burly commander, determined to accomplish his goal, screamed at the stunned soldiers in fury.

“Don’t let them scare you! He bellowed. “We have conquered bigger armies than this! There’s no room in Hennesy’s army for cowards! Keep going! There’s many more of us than them!”

The soldiers, not knowing anything other than obedience to Hennesy, slowly resumed their upward climb, muttering amongst themselves.

“Maybe you would like to join us now, Syntaba,” rang out Jara’s voice through the vast sky.

Without a word, Syntaba also vanished, leaving behind the royal party he set out to protect with Jara. Opposite Jara’s hovering army, the same brilliant light appeared, cutting a swirling path through the heavens. In its wake appeared Syntaba, mounted upon the white warrior horse.

Multiplying as Jara’s forces did, they surrounded the opposite side of the castle. Clad in coal black armor, his enchanted troops aimed their gleaming spears at Hennesy’s dumbfounded soldiers.

Intense, fearful mumbling erupted from the massive army on the ladders as they witnessed the display of mystical might above them. Having ceased their climbing, they watched in bewilderment as before.

“What are you waiting for?” their commander yelled. “Keep going! On to the top! I want that family captured for Hennesy when he returns to Sareltin!”

At that moment, a loud rumbling sounded overhead. Stairs appeared out of nowhere. Climbing these steps made from banks of clouds, emerged the Red Velvet Regiment from the exterior of the castle. Ascending rapidly, they promptly joined the wondrous legion above. Totally encircling both sorcerers’ armies, the Red Velvet Regiment now faced the King and Queen of D’Arragon.

Bowing respectfully before them, they took out their swords and stood ready for war.

This time, the enemy soldiers were not easily persuaded. Voices rising in protest, they began to abandon the ladders, leaping the distance to the ground, falling in their haste to get away.

Seeing the vast numbers in the armies above, they knew they could not win against such odds. They swarmed the courtyard, through the gates and scattered, running for the hills from where they had come.

“I believe Sareltin now belongs to us,” said a familiar voice nearby. Jara had reappeared with Syntaba beside her, a wicked glint in his eye.

“Yes. Sareltin is now yours, King Roger,” the old sorcerer affirmed.

With a flick of Jara’s fingers, the army that occupied the sky vanished and it all returned to normal. The Red Velvet Regiment reappeared on the ground, marching hurriedly after Hennesy’s men.

The King and Queen of D’Arragon bowed admiringly before Jara and Syntaba. “We are truly impressed my friends! What an awesome display of might!” King Roger spoke humbly.

“Now we can focus on finding the children and the orb,” said the Queen, filled with gratitude for their rescue.

In that moment, the orb showed up, hovering high above them in the air.

“Look! There is the orb! It is returning to us!” uttered the king. In a moment however, the orb zoomed away.

“It has gone again!” the Queen cried. “Gone with my sons and Krikkit!”

“Now we are free to search for them. Do not worry, Your Highnesses. I have a very strong feeling as to where they are headed,” Syntaba reassured them.

“But still no Hennesy or Tarcey,” stated the king uncomfortably. He was puzzled by the fact both were missing from Sareltin Castle, especially after the spectacle the sorcerers had created.

Jara quickly explained why the D’Arquilles were absent.

“Serves them right,” said Keeper Fie, with a satisfied grin.

“Shall we stop forever, Syntaba?”

Jara was still quite amused at the predicament for which neither D’Arquille had bargained.

“Not just yet, Jara. We must search for the twins and Krikkit before we worry about those two scoundrels.”

Descended now to the now empty courtyard, King Roger gave the order to the Red Velvet Regiment to take control of Sareltin Castle. They had already captured a great many of Hennesy’s army, who were bundled into the underground prison looking subdued and frightened.

“We will seek the orb while you return to D’Arragon palace with the queen and Keeper Fie. You must be there in case they find their way home.”

The two sorcerers transformed into their animal identities and sped away.

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