Chapter 10

Syntaba sat on the moss covered tree stump, stroking his silvery grey beard. He was here at last, here in D’Arragon. He realized the great length of his absence from this beloved kingdom. Feeling compelled to return far sooner than originally intended, Syntaba put off his journey to visit his friend, the Wizard of Centaube.

With his mission to change the belief that all sorcerers were evil, he traveled through the Land of Dreams and Fables and gained much knowledge. Journeying through many dreams of those who loved story books and fairy tales, Syntaba met and talked with young children who truly believed in magic and fantasy.

However, Syntaba began experiencing strange and confusing feelings in the last part of his journey. Being constantly plagued by these, he sensed that not all in D’Arragon was as he left them in the capable hands of Jara, the new sorcerer. Something evil was happening and in some way it involved him.

In returning to D’Arragon, he hoped to discover what had unsettled him so in the midst of his journey. Being a seasoned and revered sorcerer and wizard for centuries, he left the D’Arragon Kings to gain more knowledge of sorcery. Once he found the solution to his mysterious anxiety, he could resume his journey through all the rest of the

magical realms of fantasy.

It was to this particular forest he felt drawn. Looking around, Syntaba realized it was in this very forest he had guarded the future heirs of D’Arragon Kings. He remembered his former duties with fondness and amusement, unable to deny there were a great many times he dearly missed it.

The trees, as stately as ever, seemed to call to him from across the expanse of long grass. He decided to explore immediately and quickly changed into the form of a white warrior horse. He knew it would suit him well, carrying him quickly through the forest.

In less time than it took him to blink, he was on his way, speeding toward the grove of trees that waited to welcome him. The hooves of the snow white horse thundered mightily over the ground, creating a large cloud of dust that surrounded him.

Seeing movement behind a large rock, Syntaba’s warrior horse form deliberately raced past it. He knew that whoever hid there, saw him pass, thinking they were undiscovered. Circling around he made his way back and watched in surprise a man with snow white hair and a young woman crouching beside a group of black rocks.

Swiftly, Syntaba changed from the warrior horse to the form of the man in which he had entered D’Arragon. He approached the other side of the rock that hid the pair of observers, catching the end of their conversation about nobody seeing them.

“I wouldn’t say that,” he told them, watching in amusement as they both spun around with shocked faces. The young woman finally spoke.

“Who might you be? These are the woods that belong to the King of D’Arragon. You are trespassing.”

“I know to whom these woods belong,” Syntaba said, his smile still amused. “I worked for the D’Arragon Kings for centuries and am more than welcome here. Nice to be back again, I must say.”

Jara stood staring at the tall, bearded man before realizing his true identity. “Syntaba?”

“This is a day of surprises. You know who I am?” Syntaba nodded, raising an eyebrow.

“I just realized who you are. However, you do not seem to recognize me,” she laughed.

The bearded man stared, his eyes almost closed, his face puzzled. Finally he spoke, “Jara. It is wonderful to see you again.” He extended his large hand and Jara took it, her face relieved.

“And this is Keeper Fie who cares for and guards the princes. He is a major help to us all at the palace.”

Syntaba held out his hand to the man with the snow white hair. “Hello, Keeper Fie. I’ll bet you have your hands full with those two if they are anything like their father and grandfather when they were boys.”

Keeper laughed, immediately liking the man who held his hand in a warm, firm grasp. “That goes without saying. But they are great kids, responsible and for such a young age, quite trustworthy.”

Before Keeper Fie could go on to explain the boys’ present situation, Syntaba turned back to Jara.

“I travelled a long, long way to be here as I feel something is not right in D’Arragon. So tell me, Jara. What is it?”

“Rather a lot is happening, Syntaba. It will take time to explain.”

“I am prepared to listen, Jara.”

Sitting at his feet, Jara began the tale. She told him of the flood and how it washed away his possessions and how Krikkit appeared in D’Arragon wearing the shoes with no idea how it had happened.

“So that’s what’s been nagging away at me.” Syntaba looked worried. “I will possess my trunk and all the contents, my friend, if I have to search forever. Those shoes are able to make their own plans and decisions. Their magic is connected to all the things in my trunk and they should not be separated. They draw power and magic from each other.” He paused briefly so that the importance of his words could be understood.

“The things in the trunk all work together. If somehow the shoes have separated from the trunk, there is no telling what could happen. The way they behave will be very different. We must find them all and quickly.”

Jara continued, telling Syntaba of the prophecy involving the D’Arragons and the D’Arquilles, and how it was coming to pass as they spoke. She witnessed the look of anger cross his face as she related the plot to capture the throne from the D’Arragons. This placed the king and queen, as well as the princes, in great danger.

“We have not heard from King Roger and Queen MaryAnne for some time and I am sure the twins decided to take matters into their own hands and search for their parents. For some unknown reason they have taken Krikkit with them and she hasn’t been here even a full day.” Jara fell silent.

“With all your powers, Jara, I can’t think why you haven’t made short work of the nasty D’Arquilles and brought this matter to a full close.”

Syntaba looked at her, his face full of questions.

Jara went on to explain that when they learned that the prophecy seemed to be coming about, most of her powers had mysteriously disappeared. “This was also forecast in the prophecy to make it impossible to interfere in it. I am now limited to only changing form. It seems that part of the prophecy has already come true.”

Syntaba stroked his beard slowly as if deep in thought. “The powers I have, Jara, are still with me. Believe you me, I will get beyond your loss of magical powers by using mine. They are stronger than any prophecy, I assure you. Since I am no longer a part of the D’Arragon household, the prophecy cannot affect me.”

Jara noticed the old sorcerer’s eyes were definitely twinkling. “Are you going to the aid of the D’Arragon Royalty, Syntaba?”

“I do believe I am. Besides, I want those shoes back, as well as the other things that were in the trunk.”

“It will be wonderful to work with you, Syntaba, although my magic is limited.”

“Don’t worry, my friend. We will make good use of those magical forms of yours before we are through. And now we will scout around, you and I, and of course Keeper Fie, to see what we can find out.” Swiftly Syntaba resumed the form of the white warrior horse and motioned for Jara to follow him.

Without further hesitation, Jara changed to her ram form and sped after him, Keeper Fie on her back once again. She had no idea where the warrior horse was leading her, but followed with a heart full of absolute trust.

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