Knowing My Ex-Wife After The Divorce Novel by Yetta Horace

Chapter 13

The big day had finally arrived. Romantic flower petals fell from above, and Yulisa was glowing with happiness. She couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Natalie, who was sitting in the corner looking smug. Yulisa sneered inside, ‘So what if she had married Tobias? And who cared that Tobias had defended her earlier? After all these years, she hadn’t even had a real wedding-how can she compare with me?”

On the big screen, a bunch of romantic scenes were played, showing the joy of young couples in love. Quinn looked handsome, shaking off the awkwardness from earlier. Under the host’s blessing, the two exchanged rings.

People had different reactions, but a fancy wedding like this made everyone think about romance.

Just then, the big screen suddenly went black, and heavy breathing sounds filled the room, along with a bunch of inappropriate images. The female lead in the video was a stranger, but the male lead was definitely today’s groom-Quinn!

“Quinn. you don’t have to marry her. What’s so special about Yulisa anyway? She’s just so full of herself.” A dramatic voice came through the screen, making things feel way more flirtatious.

“Don’t worry; once I marry her and get my hands on the Guzman family fortune, I’ll leave her for you; Quinn said, showing half his face, looking sincere even as he blushed.

The crowd fell silent, their jaws dropping in shock. This was a bombshell-a huge revelation. The real reason behind the Shaw-Guzman alliance was to snag the Guzman fortune. While motives like these weren’t uncommon in relationships. airing them out in front of everyone was beyond embarrassing

The faces of the Guzman family turned sour. Yulisa looked at Quinn, hurt in her eyes. “Quinn, in your eyes, I-”

At that moment, Quinn didn’t seem to care about her at all. His face turned pale, panic washing over him as he shouted, “Who uploaded that video? Delete it! Get rid of it now!”

Chaos broke out in the venue. The Shaw family rushed to regain control of the screen, but the content just wouldn’t go away. Even when they tried to shut down the computer, the images kept rolling-

“Quinn, be gentle. The baby isn’t stable yet, and I don’t want anything to happen to our child,” a sultry voice cooed from the video.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care. This is my baby, after all. When the time comes, I’ll raise them by my side, Quinn answered confidently

Suddenly, Tommy, Yulisa’s father, jumped out of his seat, trembling with rage. “You… you have another woman? And you’ve even had a child with her? And you dare to try and get the Guzman fortunel”

The atmosphere in the ballroom was thick with shock and disbelief. Quinn’s relatives looked completely stunned, and Yulisa had tears streaming down her face, her makeup running “Quinn! You said I was the first woman you loved! What’s going on with this other woman?”

Quinn was a mess, his calm act shattered. “This has to be a setup! Someone’s out to get me. Don’t believe what you see!” But his anxious expression gave him away; it was clear that the video was real.

Tommy was furing. “Cancel the wedding! The Guzman family might not have as much money as the Shaw family, but I won’t let my daughter be humiliated like this!” He took Yulisa, who was heartbroken, and stormed out of the hall.

Tommy, please try to stay calm,” the Shaw family members begged, looking pale from shock. But the Guzman family wasn’t in the mood to listen. Cheating, plotting for their fortune, and even having a child outside marriage? They wouldn’t take it.

The wedding between the Guzmans and the Shaws was falling apart. What was supposed to be a beautiful day turned into chaos that no one could have predicted. Cuests whispered to each other, shocked by the scandal.

“Find out who’s behind-this! Quinn shouted, his eyes blazing with anger.

The banquet quickly descended into chaos. Natalie felt satisfied; her plan had worked. She didn’t care about the Shaws anymore. The Guzman family had hoped to rise higher with this union, but that dream was gone.

She slipped into a corner and quietly pulled out a USB drive shed hidden in her pocket, pleased with her work. Just as she turned to leave, she saw a couple of security guards from the Shaw family searching the crowd, and Quinn was scanning the area too. She turned and walked away, acting like she was totally calm.

“Wait! Natalie, is that you? Stop!” Quinn shouted, finally locking eyes with her.

Natalie clicked her tongue, realizing she’d been spotted. But whatever. The damage was done; she wouldn’t let herself be a punching bag now. Ignoring Quinn, she sprinted down the hallway, heading straight to the stairwell and making a beeline for the underground parking lot.

Footsteps pounded behind her. Quinn’s voice sounded. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re in on this with Tobias! You didn’t want the Guzmans and the Shaws to team up!”

Natalie didn’t bother replying. It was typical for Quinn to think this way; everything Tobias did today for her just made the look guiltier. Frustrated by his chase, she spotted a car with the window down and jumped right inside.

She quickly rolled the window up, holding her breath and trying to stay calm.

Quinn, leading a group of men, stormed around the area, his face dark and dangerous. That has to be her! D**n it! If I catch her, she’s done for!”

Natalie’s heart raced as she heard his angry threats. But for now, she had escaped.

Quinn had been searching for a while when a couple of bodyguards approached him. They informed him that his father. was looking for him and needed him to clean up the mess left behind.

From the shadows, Natalie watched him leave with a smirk. She rolled down the car window, planning to make her escape, but then she heard a familiar voice from the back seat. “You didn’t even say thank you after using my help?”

Natalie froze. Turning her head, she saw Tobias sitting upright in the backseat, looking sharp and composed. “What are you doing here?” she asked, utterly shocked.

Tobias replied c**y. “Waiting for the driver. He was in the back seat, so that made sense since the front seat was empty. “Why is the window down?”

Tobias gave her a confused look. “You should ask the driver.”

Natalie was at a loss for words. “Well, I’ll just be on my way then. She didn’t want to stay with him; sitting in the same car as her ex-husband felt really awkward. “Oh, and thanks,” she added quickly, secretly grateful for his help in getting out of a tough spot

Tobias looked at her with cold indifference. “After everything I did for you today, that’s all I get? Just a ‘thank you?*

Natalie frowned slightly. After being with Tobias for so many years, she knew exactly what kind of person he was. It seemed like she had something he wanted again. ‘So, Mr. Reese, what do you want?”

Tobias glanced at her as if he was thinking about how to deal with her.

Natalie quickly went on, Let me be clear: while you did help me today, you also caused trouble for both the Shaw family and the Guzman family, right? And all that chaos back there was just a coincidence.”

Tobias simply replied, “But I made sure the person who could ruin the union between the Shaw Natalie took a deep breath, left speechless. Finally, she said, “Okay, just tell me what you want.” Tobias stared at her, pausing for what felt like forever before he slowly began to speak, “I…”

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