Kissed by Shadows: A Forced Proximity Dark Mafia Romance (The Shadowmen Book 1)

Kissed by Shadows: Chapter 27

That ubludoc thinks he’s won, but nobody gets the upper hand on Sergi Petrov!” my father snarls, sitting in the chair across from me, the fire roaring in front of us as we drink vodka from the home country in crystal tumblers. “He’ll soon see the error of his ways.”

We came home to discover the news that Hunter’s marriage to Iris is legal and legitimate, someone clearly having planted the paperwork in the right places in the time between us meeting Hunter at the club and us arriving home. Obviously, that pissed Sergi off, although I doubt it will do much to stop him. He views Iris as his, a piece of his property to do with as he sees fit, regardless of what the law says.

Envy coats my insides in sticky green, my fingers gripping my glass tightly as I think about her belonging to Hunter now. She should be mine, she is mine, but she’s fucking theirs now too, and although I know it’s the only way to keep her safe right now, my hindbrain growls and snaps at her having his last name instead of Petrov. I shiver as I think about that being my father’s surname too. He would need to go before she took it.

“What do you plan to do, Papa?” I ask, making my voice casual and not showing any of the fear that roils inside me at what diabolical plans my sire has in store to get his hands on Iris.

I’ve been working on my takeover, putting things in place and feeling out potential allies, but I have to be careful. If I trust the wrong person, move too quickly and Sergi finds out, he will not hesitate to put me down. Betrayal is an unforgivable crime in the Bratva.

“When faced with an infestation of rats, you need to smoke them out, then call in the exterminators,” he answers cryptically, swirling his drink in his glass. The fire reflects off the glass, casting his eyes in shadow, and it takes a lot of effort not to demand answers. He’ll tell me when he’s ready and not a moment before. I just pray that it’ll be in time to save her. “For now, I need you to go to St. Petersburg, some of our associates need to be reminded of the benefits of being part of the Bratva.”

It takes all the control I possess, my years of training kicking in, not to show the sheer panic that turns my veins to ice at his words. My chest still constricts until I’m forced to take silent, calming breaths.

“When do I leave?” I ask him, my voice steady and not showing any hint of the turmoil I’m feeling inside. How the fuck am I supposed to let Hunter know what Sergi plans if I’m not here?

“Your flight leaves at ten, the car will be ready to pick you up at six. You have four hours to pack and get some rest,” he replies, not even looking at me. He’s so used to people obeying him without question, so used to me obeying him, that it doesn’t even register that I could say no. And I won’t, because even if I’m not here, I can’t help Iris if I’m dead.

“Yes, sir. How long should I pack for?” I question, drinking the last of my vodka, letting the burn somewhat calm my nerves.

“A month should be sufficient,” he answers, and luckily I pause before setting my glass down, otherwise it may have given me away as I surely would have made a noise. Suka. Four weeks without being here to tell the Shadows what is going on, to pre-warn them like I did tonight. “Take Dima and Andrei. They’re good, loyal soldiers for you.”

“I’ll go get packed,” I tell him, carefully placing my now empty glass on the side table and straightening up, my mind racing. If he hadn’t said about taking the guys, I would have left one of them behind to keep an eye on things, but there’s no way I can now. All I can do is warn Hunter that something is coming.

I just hope that it will be enough.


A pained groan wakes me up, my body curling in on itself as a cramp tightens my womb.

“Hey, Princess, what’s wrong?” Roman’s deep, husky voice asks, his fingers pushing hair back from my sweaty forehead.

I blink my eyes open, finding myself on the soft mattress, Roman looking deliciously sleep-tousled, his arm outstretched as he cups my face. He’s lined in soft light that edges around the curtains, the strength of it making me feel it’s well into the morning if not a little later. There’s a warmth at my back, Rowan’s hot body pressing against me, curling around me as his hand comes to rest over mine, which is on my lower stomach as if that will help stop the pain.

A rush of liquid between my thighs has my eyes widening, the realisation that I’ve started my period, naked in bed with the twins hitting me. Seriously, fuck my life.

“Um, I…” I trail off as another cramp steals my breath, more liquid—okay, period blood—slicks my thighs. Fuck, how am I going to get to the bathroom with them either side of me and without dripping everywhere? Being a girl sucks hairy arse sometimes.

“What is it, Little Lamb? Why is your hand over your womb?” Rowan asks from behind me, his rasping voice sending a delicious shiver across my skin, distracting me from my embarrassment and pain. Taking a deep inhale, my cheeks flaring and a part of me giving up, I accept the inevitable.

“Shit, okay, I’ve just started my period and am bleeding everywhere so, yeah…” My bravado leaves me as both men freeze. I gaze at Roman under my lashes, watching as his cheeks flush slightly, his pupils blown wide.

“Well, darling,” he purrs, his gaze flicking over my shoulder before resting back on me. “That’s like waving a literal red flag to a bull.”

My forehead creases, my humiliation forgotten as I wonder what the fuck he’s talking about. Then I squeak as the duvet is thrown off me and I’m flipped to my back, my thighs spread obscenely wide as Rowan kneels between them. His dick is rock-solid, the piercings on the underside glinting as he stares at my pussy with a feral look.

“Rowan, what are you doing?” I ask, trying to close my legs, but he legit growls at me like a beast, freezing me in place.

“You don’t ever try to deny what belongs to me, understand?” he snarls, his gaze never moving from my core as he dips a finger down and swipes it through my folds. “Fuck, she’s so messy, brother, all covered in blood.” I watch in shocked horror as he brings his finger up to his lips and sucks the blood off. My menstrual blood. “She tastes so good too.”

My core clenches, sending another gush of blood from my pussy, my body heating as Rowan watches it seep from me. He shuffles down until his face hovers over my cunt, his fingers spreading my lips, all the while watching my pussy like a man possessed.

“I like blood, in all its forms,” he confesses softly, and a sharp twinge on my breast has me looking down to see matching cuts on the top of both breasts. That must have been what I felt last night when Hunt was fucking me, Roogiving me a matching mark to the one he gave me at the club. “And this will make you feel so good, my sacrificial Lamb.”

Before I can utter a word, he dips down and swipes his tongue through my slick, blood-covered pussy, and my back bows off the mattress. It’s so fucking wrong but feels absolutely incredible, his soft tongue tracing around my sensitive clit, pleasure helping to override the pain of my cramps that keep coming at me in waves.

“Do you like my brother licking that dirty pussy, Princess?” Roman purrs in my ear, and I blink, not realising I’d closed them, to find him still lying next to me. My gaze dips down at the movement of his arm, to see his fist wrapped around his solid dick as he watches me. “Do you like the idea of covering his face with your blood? Marking him as yours?”

I groan, my mouth unable to form the hell yes that my body is screaming as Rowan eats me like I’m his favourite meal. I shouldn’t like this, I should be disgusted by it, but then, maybe that’s the patriarchy talking, and actually, there is nothing shameful about periods, so why is this any different?

Rowan sucks my clit in between his teeth and a scream is ripped from my throat as my orgasm slams into me, my release squirting out of me all over Rowan’s face. It’s so much more intense than any I’ve experienced before, my period obviously leaving me extra sensitive, and I explode into a thousand atoms that are flung into the stratosphere.

All I can do is feel as pleasure consumes me, and Rowan doesn’t let up, licking and sucking until I’m a twitching, writhing mess begging him to stop.

“Only because I need my dick inside your bloody cunt, Lamb,” Rowan growls, and I open bleary eyes, something feral inside me purring in satisfaction to see his lips and chin covered in red. Seems like I do like the idea of marking him with my blood.

I’m hauled on top of Roman, his dick sliding into my still-pulsing channel, and I whimper, still a bit sore from last night, but it also feels unbelievable. I can’t hold myself up, so I rest down on his chest, taking in a huge inhale and filling my lungs with his peppermint, lavender, and lemon scent.

“Shhh, baby, this will blow your mind,” Roman tells me on a groan, his hands gripping my arse and spreading my cheeks. “Now let my brother in this sweet cunt, he did such a good job making you come just now.”

I moan long and low as Rowan pushes alongside his twin, although my period eases the way and my climax has loosened my muscles so it doesn’t take long before he’s seated to the hilt.

“You feel so fucking good, Lamb,” Rowan croons, wasting no time and beginning to move his hips, sending tendrils of pleasure up my spine.

“She was made to take our dicks, brother,” Roman adds with a grunt, his hips also moving in an alternate rhythm so that I’m never empty of them. I lie there, my nails digging into Roman’s pecs, my breaths panting as they push me closer to the edge once again.

“We’re gonna fill this pussy up, even if you are on your period,” Roman hisses, picking up speed and fucking into me so hard my breaths are punched out of me.

“And you’re going to come all over us like our good little girl, aren’t you, Lamb?” Rowan adds, his fingers digging into my hips as he matches his brother’s pace.

Fingers toy with my clit, and I can’t even answer Rowan because I shatter entirely, my orgasm taking over my entire body with its ferocity. My limbs lock, my eyes squeezing shut as the intense waves of pleasure obliterate me completely, leaving me a fucking wreck.

Twin deep groans sound above and below me as Roman and Rowan thrust deep, filling me with their cum just like they promised. It prolongs my pleasure, something innately satisfying knowing that I can make them come undone just as they can unravel me.

I can’t move, trapped between them both as they fill me up, and I fucking love it. I’m utterly at ease, my body accepting them inside me like they were always meant to be there.

“Fuck, you are so perfect, Princess,” Roman breathes out, pressing wet kisses to my forehead, his chest slick beneath my cheek. “I want to live inside your perfect pussy.”

“We may have to take on Hunt for the privilege.” Rowan chuckles, leaving me groaning when he pulls out and throws himself next to us on the bed. He’s covered in sweat too, evidence of his meal still on his chin, and I can’t help the flush that springs to my cheeks at the sight of it.

“Didn’t it taste bad?” I blurt, sucking my lips in as soon as I’ve asked the question. He gives me that panty-melting smirk, Roman hissing underneath me when I clench around him.

“Just a light copper taste, like licking a penny,” Rowan answers, licking his lips as if to prove that it wasn’t unpleasant. “And it’s less than you think, although I wouldn’t mind drowning in your blood.”

My blush deepens, my cheeks on fire at his words. I’m not sure whether to be appalled or turned on by his words, but Evangeline takes it as her due, clearly deciding for me as she flutters around Ro’s still semi-hard dick.

“We should probably get ready, see what the bossman has in store for us all today.” Roman sighs, his arms banding around me and pulling me closer to him contrary to his words. “As much as I’d like to stay in bed all day.”

“Plus, you should take some painkillers for the cramps, and I’ll make you a hot water bottle,” Rowan adds, stroking my cheek before curling up and off the bed, heading towards the shower. “Do you have everything you need? I saw you ordered some washable pads and pants.”

I blink, taken aback at his knowledge of periods, plus what a girl might need to get through one. I’m not surprised he knows what I ordered, I used their credit card, and anyway, it’s Rowan, who’s too observant for his own good. Or maybe mine. Jury’s out on that one.

“Yeah, I pre-washed them, so they’re all good to go in my room,” I tell him, trying to summon the energy to move.

“I’ll grab you one after I shower. Pad or pants?” he asks, and I have the urge to giggle at this surreal conversation I’m having with a London gangster.

“Pants please,” I reply, and he nods before heading into Hunt’s bathroom, the sound of the shower switching on filling the room.

“Ready to face the day, darling?” Roman asks me gently, and I crane my neck to look up at him. His semi-hard dick is still inside me, and I can’t say that I hate it there, wanting it for just a bit longer.

“I guess I have to at some point, right?” My voice is a resigned sigh, and I suddenly feel chilled, like the claws of Sergi are getting closer, because I’m not going to be able to outrun them forever.

“We’ll keep you safe, baby. They can’t take you from us,” he says, his voice soft but full of protective fire.

“But even Hunt said you can’t go up against the Bratva, and you can’t stay with me the whole time. You had to go away for a couple of days before, what happens the next time you have to all leave?” I ask, all my worries pouring from me, even though I know he can’t give me any concrete answers to my questions. My body moves up and down with his sigh.

“We have the whole crew who would look after you if we can’t,” he assures me, one of his hands beginning to rub soothing circles on my back. “But for now, we’re not going anywhere, so try not to worry, petal.”

I take a deep inhale, feeling his arms around me, his body still nestled inside mine, and I try to push the worries from my mind. There’s no point in fretting over what might happen, because it might not. Especially as we have Nik as our inside man.

“I’ll try,” I say, and he smiles before offering me his lips, which I gladly press mine against in a quick kiss.

“Good girl, now let’s get ready and kick today’s arse.” I giggle, gasping as he rolls us, then pulls out. A rush of fluid leaves my poor abused Evangeline, and heat flushes my cheeks once more as my thighs instinctively close. “Normally, I’d tell you to leave them open, but if Rowan sees how fucking messy you are, he’ll go feral.”

Rowan exits the bathroom wrapped in just a towel that’s slung dangerously low on his hips, his hair damp and generally looking like a wet dream.

Coming over to me, he leans down and kisses my lips gently, tenderly, but still leaving me breathless when he pulls back.

“Go get cleaned up, I’ll bring you clothes and your period pants,” he instructs, and my heart warms at the way he’s taking care of me so thoroughly. I must say, I’m enjoying this side of him and the fact that he’s allowing it to show.

“Thank you, Roo,” I reply, and he gives me that half smile before straightening up and heading out the door.

“Come on, baby. If you’re lucky, I’ll give you one more orgasm before he gets back,” Roman promises, holding out his hand for me to take. I let him pull me up and lead me into the bathroom, feeling the evidence of what just happened dripping between my thighs. My core throbs, but I know that I won’t deny him if he’s offering me another orgasm, because who would?

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