Kings of Hell

Chapter Frankincense City [Vol.4]

Author’s Note: Hello FC freaks!

I wasn’t sure how else to alert everyone who reads this series, so I am releasing an excerpt of this chapter here to tell you that Frankincense City [Vol.4] has been started.

The first book of volume 4 is called X-Ordinary it's right here on ( and Radish Fiction if you prefer to read it there )

Make sure to subscribe and add it to your reading lists.

X-Ordinary , Blurb:

X-Ordinary, is trashed - literally - she was a failed illegal experiment by the rouge scientist Vesza. All failures end up in the trash heap of Atlantis - a landfill so toxic most citizens avoid the area. XO is saved when Jace and Snyper find her coffin.

XO has been designed to be a weapon, through superior gene inserts, a technology banned two centuries ago, but she’s now a product of its manifestation. Legally, she shouldn’t exist. She exist. And that’s what the Earth will order - her immediate extermination.

the Ultimates decide to help her. Ultimates who exist from the same tech when it was legal. The truth is there’s not much they can do to protect her, now that the Earth is run by an advanced democracy and tightly controlled peace councils.

One fact remains certain. Jace and Snyper her life - and they’re not going to let anyone take it away from her again.

Chapter 1 excerpt


Ordinary’s POV – 18 years old.

“Ords,” Vesza calls my name, “Ordinary.”

I had been admiring the blood in the mirror. I pull out a piece of glass from my forearm, and the skin slowly heals and as it does, the blood runs dark.

“What is it, sir?” I turn to Vesza as smoke curls around us both.

“How do you feel after opening the wound in this city?” Vesna is wearing a grey suit that doesn’t stain – it remains spick and span in the smoke and ash settling around us. His gold eyes match mine.

“Peace is a terrible thing,” I repeat what he told me, “Complacency breeds ignorance.”

“How do you feel?” Vesza lowers his voice, raising a brow, “After opening the wound in this city, Ordinary?”

“Feel what?” I ask my father, my maker. He comes to me, seeing the blank stare I’d mastered so well to get out of my cage.

“Good,” Vesza approves of my answer, his eyes shine bright with pride at my obedience, as he comes even closer, forgetting I still hold the large shard of glass in my hand.

I had just slaughtered a whole room of peace officers, using whatever weapons I could make from the material around me. Glass was often good… it was sharp, it just hurt to hold.

Vezsa grabs my shoulders, smiling.

My body tenses and then I strike. I’ve cut through his abdomen a second later, a deep slash, my hand tightening around the glass until it cuts through me too.

His fingers curl into me as Vesza collapses, I pull out of his grasp.

“You never listened! I never stopped feeling, I never stopped feeling!” I scream above him, as my maker bleeds out below, staring up at the smoke through the blasted ceiling…. slowly smiling in his death.



I watch his body distort and haze away to nothing. I thought I had escaped. But I was still in the simulator? How? How?!

I drop the piece of red glass, as the room goes dark and Vesna speaks one more time, from somewhere far away, “Disappointing, Ordinary – trash this one. Her expiration has passed.”

Words I had been dreading to hear. But expected.

I feel a heavy weight spread across all my limbs, and before I know it, I’m out before I hit the ground.


Jace’s POV – 21 years old.


Did he call to me?

Jace. We have to head back. Mum’s waiting. She just made pancakes.”

I can’t really focus on Snyper, after searching through the trash pits all afternoon, I’d come across a metal coffin with a hazardous sign on the front labelled radioactive. Something about it doesn’t look right to me. Like it was just slapped on to distract from the contents inside. And I only looked at it because I thought I… heard something.

My brother puts a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to see Snyper looking worried, his blonde hair turned greasy from our exploration of Atlantis’ landfill. We had been searching through the rubbished Area X, looking for any outdated weapons we could fire into the trash or back engineer for fun.

“How did you move that out of the way,” Snyper changes his tone, looking at the steel beam I had lifted to bring out the prize underneath.

“I wanted to know what was in this box,” I explain, “So I just… I moved it… I thought I heard some girl so I just tried and I could lift the beam like nothing…”

“That box is probably haunted,” Snyper murmurs, “It’s almost sundown, come on, Jace, I’m starving – we’ll come back tomorrow.”

I hear a twang. Much louder.

Snyper hears it better than me.

“Oh, shit,” he pushes me out of the way to lean down and put his head next to the coffin box, “You’re right, there’s some girl alive in there! We have to get her out! She’s asphyxiating. No oxy–”

“Oxygen,” I finish it for him, leaning down and grabbing the lid and trying to pry it off – but it’s welded shut.

We both grab the edge of the metal coffin and drag it out further toward the road.

Meanwhile we can hear the familiar rumble of a 4 by 4 SUV coming our way.

No, shit, bad timing!

“We’re so fucked, hide it,” Snyper panics, as do I. We both throw some trash over the metal box and turn around to see Ace’s SUV coming around the rubble. I can tell mum isn’t in the car. We’re extra fucked. It’s all our fathers. Ace is driving, Dale in the front, Jose, my dad, and Serge in the back.

We weren’t meant to fire weapons at all – let alone search for them.

I gulp as they skid to a fast stop in front of us, windows zoomed down, looking out at us, definitely pissed.



End of excerpt!

You know what to do, if you want to read the full chapter, head on over to X-Ordinary right here on

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