Kings of Hell

Chapter 4

Wendy’s POV

I don’t sleep a wink that night and I get up alert but sleepless. It had been easier sleeping in the street than in an empty office.

I just had to get used to it – but standing up disorientated was the least of my concerns.

I have a guard usher me to my first activity. I’m given plain black pants and a black top, with black boots in a dressing room. It suits me, it looks formal, but it makes me question what kind of thing I’ll be doing today.

Once dressed in the uniform, I’m then taken to a room down from the ULTRA office, with an illegal Transpendiser hidden off the grid.

It’s too early for this kind of shit, it’s 9am!

The guard drops me off, the door shuts and I’m left with Casey standing on the left and Dale on the right of the machine.

“I’m still getting the special treatment, huh, Mr. President?” I ask Dale, who I’m surprised had my existence so on top of his other priorities. When Dale doesn’t answer straight away, I add, pointing at the teleportation machine, “Where am I going with that thing?” I pout, wondering of their intentions for me.

“Atlantis,” Casey murmurs the answer, his hands held behind his back as he watches me like a soldier on duty.

Dale, on the other hand, looks far more relaxed.

“You clearly never read in detail what you signed up for, kid,” Dale blinks slow and his leopard eyes turn to slits, “You signed your life to ULTRA. Wendy.”

I shrug, “Well yeah, duh. That was the point.”

“Casey reported you have an attitude problem,” Dale adds, lightly, “I can fix that with some tough love, so you’ll find out the intensity of this kind of work now. This is your first mission.”

But I’ve had zero training, and zero sleep,” I interrupt the head boss with my irritation, but I don’t care. I don’t like Casey anymore, and he liked Dale, so I didn’t like him either. Tough love. What was Dale talking about? I didn’t come here to fix my attitude, my attitude was just fine anyway!

Dale goes quiet in the face of my glare, as he turns on the Transpendiser and I walk angrily toward it with my hands shoved into my pockets. Fine. Whatever. I’ll just walk through then, and go home.

Dale steps out in front and blocks my swagger, while I step far back and roll my eyes.

“What is it,” I ask the ceiling, deadpan, “Seriously. I’m doing it. I’m going through. I don’t care anymore.”

“This isn’t taking you to the centre of the city, kid – it’s taking you inward, I just want to see what intel you can get me,” Dale waits for me to process that, and he sounds pretty generous with what I can do once I step through.

“Inward?” I ask, tentatively looking into his purple eyes.

“A political red zone,” Dale doesn’t add anymore.

“Where’s my gun?” I ask.

“…good question,” Dale’s eyes sparkle, he smiles, and Casey grimaces.

“I told you, you fucking brat,” Casey snaps at me.

While Dale turns to Casey and tells him, “Get her a spare hand gun.”

“Dale, she’s 16, maybe let her use her other senses first,” Casey suggests.

“ULTRA is not a patrol,” Dale snarls now, passionately, at Casey, then he looks to me next with that fire, “It’s not a police force, a spy agency or special forces. I’m training you to be a mercenary, completely individual of all others, a lone wolf, making your own decisions. Even beyond my orders.”

“A free agent?” I ask, unsure if that’s the right terminology.

“The world is a vulnerable place, with a fluid 3 city hierarchy – but the only thing that keeps us evolving are rouge factors that force movement, you’ll be disrupting the New Worlds however you can, do you understand? There is no limit to what you can do,” Dale looks up to Casey, who has rushed in a gun.

“One round, for self defence,” Casey doesn’t hand the gun to Dale, he grabs my hand from behind, opens it and puts the holster in my palm, “You’re lucky it’s not empty. Put it in your back waist band with the safety on,” he is snappy, and gets a funny look from Dale.

“You want to follow the rest up with Wendy, Casey?” Dale asks.

“Yeah, I want a personal word to her before she’s off,” Casey speaks fast and professional, like an asshole manager about to insult my useless ability to be co-operative with other staff members.

Dale winks at me and saunters out.

I make sure the safety is on, and I put it behind me in the waist band, exactly as he said, as Casey stands in front of the portal and crosses his arms over his chest.

I wait for the lecture.

“…why are you so comfortable with that gun…” Casey murmurs, and he is highly suspicious.

“If I want to talk to a detective, you’ll have to arrest me first – but I’m a free agent, like your daddy said,” I degrade him with my best smirk, and Casey doesn’t budge but the veins pop in his arms as he tenses.

“There’s something real strange about you, Wendy,” Casey shakes his head, “You know, with one question, I can get the truth out of you by force. I can control minds.”

“…you did that to me the other day,” I murmur in realisation, “…why threaten me with it, why not use it already… you’re wasting your own time.”

“It’s for rare occasions,” Casey’s tone goes tight, as he steps aside, “Be back in 24 hours and I’ll meet you here. Don’t sleep. If you’re late I’ll look for your dead body.”

“I didn’t sign up to die,” I walk to the Transpendiser, “But if I do die,” I whisper at the static I hear in my ears, the closer I stand to this machine. I look back at Casey and he seems very curious about what I’m going to say next, “I think you are kind of cute for an old man.”

“What the fuck, I’m not old!” Casey snarls, totally triggered, “But you’re a fucking baby, y-you –” he’s damn near stuttering.

I smile.

And I quickly walk through.

He went so red in the face.


He was kind of funny too.

Alyssa’s POV


I decide to go out clubbing.

Weird choice? Maybe.

But I had my plan.

“Pick me up, Boner, I’m waiting on the corner of Velvet Doom,” The club which I now own since Viola passed. I hear him growl out an answer and I put down my C-link bracelet and turn to look down the street.

It’s quiet for now, but I know my beasts will be here soon.

“–’lyssa?” I hear a sweet voice behind me and I turn to see Blue sneaking out from up the underground Club stairs to the street, and she’s got tears in her eyes, “Abbey just broke up with me,” she runs forward and grabs a hold of me, bursting into tears.

I did not expect that – they were dancing a few minutes ago looking so happy.

“Shit. What happened? What did she say?” I whisper, concerned for her heart.

Blue lets me go and says, “…I’m too… I…”


“…she thought I was cheating on her… my lifestyle… I… she was jealous of Raven and Strawberry taking my attention… but I told her I’ll love them for life. We’ve had this issue awhile now. She doesn’t like to share me. It’s not normal to share, I’m not normal – she hates me,” Blue hiccups as she gushes all that, all while I hear the rumble of STR1KE turn a nearby corner.

I grab her shoulders and lean down to meet her teary eyes, “It’s one argument, it’s a bad moment, trust me Blue, I know she loves you. Just give her space. She’ll come back.”

“How do you know?” Blue asks, and I hold her cheeks as I wipe her eyes clean very gently.

“Because you’re so fucking beautiful, babe – in every way.”

Then why did she leave me?” Blue gasps on a breath.

“Where is Raven and Strawberry?” Blue shakes her head, they’re probably busy serving drinks.

“You want to come with me, babe?” I ask, pinching her cute chin.

“Yes,” Blue stands by me as I turn to STR1KE pulling up on the curb, and I sling my arm around Blue’s waist, as she does to me.

Just out of sheer coincidence, she’s wearing a leotard like mine, hers is black and mine translucent and silver in certain light.

All the windows are up, but I open the back door to find an empty car – with Jose driving.

I didn’t expect that.

But I don’t mind.

Blue and I languidly slip into the backseats and sit side by side in the middle.

“Black Lair?” I ask, leaning over the shoulder of Jose’s chair to kiss him on the cheek.

“You bringing company?” he sideways glances at me and I smile.

“Is there a problem?” I ask.

“I’ll just leave,” Blue whispers suddenly, feeling the fresh hurt of rejection.

“No, it’s fine,” Jose snaps and locks the doors before she can escape.

I raise a brow and sit back as he takes off and I grab her thigh.

“Stay, you’re always welcome,” I watch Blue’s strength return and she nods, while she turns to face me, we lean into one another – and I can’t help but gently peck her tear stained lips.

She welcomes it, and as Jose drives we slowly make out together. It’s just for fun!

We’re only a few blocks from Dale’s club, and Jose parks us out front, rather than the garage.

I pull off from Blue’s pink lips and she whimpers while I look out the windows to see Dale, Serge and Ace approach the doors.

“What’s happening?” I ask.

“We’re going to Casey’s place, Oblivion,” Jose snaps, a little frustrated as he glares at me through the rear-view mirror, “Is that okay?” he grinds out the extra question.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” I answer honestly, while I sit back and pat my lap, “Blue?”

She climbs on and squishes me, sitting facing me and boldly cupping both my boobs. I try not to laugh as she watches me with big puppy dog eyes.

“Thank you for being the bestest mother fucker,” Blue whispers romantically over my lips, while all the doors slam open with the new comers.

Ace rolls into the front and almost screams or howls or hollers.

Whatever you want to call it.

In fright.

“My – wh – holy goddesses?!” Ace hugs the passenger front seat, staring wide eyed at us over the side of the head rest, his giant form looks ridiculous hugging that seat, “Alyssa, what’s up?” Ace almost hiccups as his voice breaks, nervous. I’ve never heard him nervous – but he was on edge and Jose was awkward as hell.

Now it was just dealing with the other two.

Serge silently slips into his usual spot by the right door, while Dale slides in and sits on my left, smoking a cigar without looking at or acknowledging me, or the babe sitting on my lap.

After an intense few seconds, Dale drawls, “Drive,” and we take off.

Blue slow kisses me on purpose, and slips some tongue – before pulling off practically moaning in front of everyone.

“My pretty boss,” Blue whispers and blushes as lust consumes her.

“Now you have a girlfriend,” Serge murmurs under his breath, absolutely distraught, “Holy fuck.”

“Shut the fuck up you’re rude as hell,” I snarl, while Blue sits right back, gasping at my mean attack.

“Alyssa, you have a big voice?” Blue asks.

“Of course I – well, it’s new, okay?” I feel the hairs on the nape of my neck stick up as I think of Dale. I wonder what the hell he’s thinking. I can’t even look at him.

“Don’t fucking tempt me, doll, oh my fucking hell, your nerve is… something else,” Serge puts down the window for fresh air, while Jose purposefully blasts the music until we’re all deaf and can’t talk to one another.

Blue bounces on my lap to the song, slowly leaning back to start taking off the straps of her leotard.

I have to quickly grab her hands and shake my head at her, trying not to laugh.

She was horny as hell and wanted to fuck already.

I put a finger to my lips and she pouts and pulls the straps back up, then slouches in disappointment with her arms crossed.

Jose had to abruptly turn the last corner way too fast and we all drift hard – and I’m shoved into Dale, so is Blue, as she falls head first into the window and Dale’s doesn’t even put out an arm to stop her impact as her head bounces on the glass.

Blue struggles to get back up and claws into Dale’s suit as she shoves off him and back onto my lap, while I also move off Dale’s shoulder and fight the urge to claw at his throat.

He doesn’t even acknowledge either of us.

He just looks out the window as he puts it down to tap out his cigar.

Jose finally breaks hard and we’ve now stopped out front Casey’s club.

The music switches off with the engine and a silence ensues before everyone talks at once.

“I’m having bourbon tonight,” Ace sighs, “How about you Alyssa?”

“I booked a booth,” Jose also speaks.

“Finally,” Serge hisses, “Let’s go.”

“You’re an asshole,” I tell Dale directly, “Move out of the way.”

Dale kicks open the door and gets the famous last words, “Whore’s first.”

“I’m not a whore anym –”

“Blue,” Dale holds out a hand for her, and she takes it with a grimace as he pulls her out, then shuts the door on my face.

Serge stands out his end, same as Jose and Ace exit the car.

I wonder if Serge will slam the door on me.

But he doesn’t.

Serge is a gentlemen as he holds out a hand to me and I take it graciously.

I stand up and I feel a low vibration shock through my whole body, as Serge gives me a pleasant kiss of lightning to all my nerves.

“You’ll still be down for it, right?” Serge asks in my ear, privately.

I lean back an inch and smile up at him.

I don’t answer in words.

I reach up and place my hands on his neck, as I kiss his lips and bite the bottom – drawing blood as I bite hard.

Serge pulls back, as fresh blood runs down his chin.

“If anything,” I answer him properly, “With a clear head – I want even more.”

Serge blushes a bit as I lightly pat his cheek and turn to follow everyone into Oblivion.

I wasn’t too worried about any of my beasts… except for one.

I had a feeling Dale and I were going to have a confrontation very soon.

And it was probably going to be violent.

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