Kings of Hell

Chapter 12

Alyssa’s POV

Dale isn’t locked away, but he’s lying back on the bed we used to fuck in, with a drip in his arm and the four posters free of restraints. The Black Lair was our home. The Bunker was our safety net. For our family and our city.

I sit on the bed next to him, legs crossed, wearing the old leotard he made me – the very first one. It was worn and blood stained but I had fond memories within this printed material, resistant to my lethally sharp nails and hair.

Dale is healing nice and quick, I gave him a shot of Blue Purity. It healed all disease and injury quicker than any other drug in existence – but it was also forbidden and rare to find. Dale knew how to make it. Luckily, at least he had some in storage for close range emergency access. I didn’t want him to suffer any longer.

I put my hand on his chest, over his heart – nails held back out of the way.

I’m just feeling the strength of his forever heart-beat.

I had never done something like this before.

I had never done anything like this.

I sit right next to Dale’s shoulders, looking over his face as he sleeps on the stacked pillows. Even while observing his face this close up, and watching the eye lids flicker… I’m enjoying observing him. I had been so dulled and zombielike beforehand. Not in any way I felt slow or heavy. I just had less function and had no knowledge of what it was to have more – of every sense working at full capacity. Now I did. This was the true brain he fell in love with, when he first knew Sammy.

But me. The doll he made was just a toy with some fire.

But now? I was a woman.

I feel Dale’s chest move more sharply upwards – as his breath hitches and his eyes snap open. He’s awake, alert and on guard in a split second.

When Dale takes in that it’s just me looking over him, he immediately relaxes.

I hold my hand still on his naked chest.

“Serge is in charge,” I start off, looking straight into his intimidating tyrian purple eyes – that I hold dear to my heart, “Killing me was never an option. You’re just going to have to survive me like this… because there are worse monsters than me out there in the big bad world,” I make a joke of it – while also speaking some serious truths. Dale has listened to every word, and he doesn’t interrupt, nor does he seem to want to. His eyes flicker down – expecting to see restraints. But nope – he was free to move.

Dale’s able to sit right up, and starts to do so – after yanking out the drip.

I push down on his chest, trying to get him to lie back down and relax.

Dale resists, sitting up to face me, eye to eye, inches from each other. Our faces are twisted into each other… in some strange human way.

I – I want to kiss him.

But not yet.

“You’re under attack,” I speak quietly but formally, “There’s too many co-ordinated chess moves against your sovereignty over the city. Kane made me a distraction… he’s awakened Sammy and had Louis this whole time. Something is going on.”

“Kane, with my thoughts – would only awaken them to fight a greater enemy on the rise – that means Atlantis is arming themselves for war,” Dale catches on, “The original military team of STRIKE was all of us Ultimates, against the New Worlds if they tried to decimate Frankincense City.”

I remember, I’ve lived through finding this all out before and I did not forget,” I answer in turn, smiling, “However… before you rush off to intercept an unnamed enemy from Atlantis – we need to put the past behind us. I’m not and never will be your enemy because I am in love with you,” I watch Dale close his eyes, and his head comes forward to lean on mine, until our noses do brush against each others and our breaths mingle, “What is it?” I whisper over his mouth.

“I’m sorry for the gun –” Dale’s voice is thick with hidden tears.

“The past is behind us,” I whisper it again, “Let it go.”

Dale holds his breath and opens his eyes – and I notice the eye lids flicker with vulnerability, instead of being starkly wide open with intimidation.

Eventually we lock eyes, and we both lean into kiss, our eyes shutting simultaneously. I can’t explain how the moment is anymore perfect plus that perfect timing.

I kiss Dale a little deeper – and the bedroom door is promptly smacked open.

“Hey,” Serge snarls while smirking, “About fucking time.”

It’s all he has to say, and no part of his intrusion breaks our kiss anyway. We’re used to others.

I move right onto Dale’s lap, wrapping my legs around him as I keep my mouth on his, our lips only parting for me to show him with my eyes how hungry I am for his cock.

Without a word, Dale takes his hard shaft out from his pants and lines his cock up with my pussy.

I lean my hips into it and drop down.

Dale quickly moves forward, until I’m falling onto my back, and he’s fucking me with my ankles in his hands, held back on the bed, his face now hovering over mine and his eyes furiously reading my expressions.

I bite my lip and close my eyes briefly, just enjoying the rather normal sex for this moment.


“Okay,” I speak up, my eyes snap back open, “I’m bored now. Harder.”

Dale immediately stops moving and looks down on me like I’m fucking crazy.

“Ungrateful brat,” Dale pulls out and slams his hands down on my waist, spinning me around and slamming his cock into my ass instead. He pounds me so hard and suddenly.

I let out a high pitched scream and all my built up pleasure as his dick sinks into my ass, deeper and deeper and so much harder.

Serge takes the opportunity to take out his cock and grab my nose with his thumb and finger.

Lightning smiles down at me as he generously spits on my face and places his cock over my tongue. I lick all around the head of his cock, around and around, as his saliva drips down between my eyes. As I’m busy, Jose heavily shoulders aside Serge, pushing him off balance to take his shot.

Jose plugs my mouth with his long hard cock, and I choke on it before I can swallow – but at least I get Jose’s hard thrusts deep into the back of my throat right away, exactly what I wanted.

In shock but accepting the company, Serge shoulders back over to take his turn, while they eventually share a friendly look to agree to share my mouth.

I try to take both their cocks into my throat, while Ace slips under me – biting my nipples and spreading my thighs out hard either side until Dale and I are moving to accommodate Ace slipping into my pussy, to pound me from below – while burying his head between my breasts like an idiot.

I don’t mind, while my mouth is busy, and my ass, and now my aching pussy.

I start to move with them – sucking and grinding on every hard muscled body surrounding me. My hands caress over Serge’s thigh and Jose’s abs, while I’m fucking Ace below and Dale behind with my equal movements matched to theirs.

I’m so experienced by now, I feel in total control – even while my jaw is stretched to its limits and my beasts pre-cum fills the back of my throat, making it harder to breathe.

I swallow it down, and deep throat Serge and Jose one at a time, my tongue busy.

Just as I’m getting into it – there is a major interruption.

Dale grabs my waist and brings me to a straight halt, keeping me still.

“Swap with me.”

It’s not just Dale’s idea, because Serge and Dale speak as one, at the same time.

Serge chuckles sadistically and pulls from my mouth, slapping my cheek with his cock, as he walks by and electrocutes my spine.

I scream out, while my brain is scattered too much to think.

Dale appears up front, shoving his dirty dick right down my throat and going deep straight away – while Serge sends his hot dick up right up my pussy with Ace.

As my womb gets a shock and Ace bites my nipple from the pain transferred to him, I’m sucking Dale clean – while he watches me without expression, only hard eyes.

Jose has removed his cock, only waiting for Dale to fuck and then empty in the back of my throat before taking me all for himself.

As cum and drool is dripping from my lips, Jose fucks my mouth next, nice and hard – while my pussy is stretched to its limit by my other two beasts.

I can’t make a noise, and I lose sense of reality as I start to combust from the inside with Serge’s static shocks in all the right places. He also holds my waist hard, digging in his fingers to steady me, as I climax so hard I suck all of Jose, Ace and Serge dry simultaneously as my body squeezes.

When each beast has emptied their cum all into my body and then separated themselves from me, at some point I’m lying in a satisfied heap – while they agree to get a drink from the bar just outside this bedroom in the Red lounge.

When I open my eyes to the empty room, I’m actually not alone.

Jose is waiting, and now hauling me up, grabbing one arm – until I stand, and he puts his hand around my waist, helping me walk until I get all feeling back into my fried nerves.

I feel so loved as he helps me walk, and I pull away from Jose before we reach the bar – to take my own stool.

I sit on the end, while they all stand over their freshly poured shots.

I take one right away, before they can toast to anything.

I think the sex was enough.

My beasts silently watch me swallow the shot before they all share a knowing look and follow suit.

I smile like an idiot over my empty glass, my chin and cheek are resting in one relaxed palm – as I gaze at Dale adoringly, like a love sick idiot as he pours more whiskey behind the bar.

He knows I’m watching him.

I speak, husky, “The whore needed calming down, the whore needed to get fucked,” I leave plenty of room for interpretation.

As STRIKE all take another silent shot, Dale’s eyes side glance me with an evil knowing within them.

As he puts down the shot, he speaks to Serge.

He chooses to change the subject.

“Atlantis is experimenting with SD,” Dale drawls – actually shocking all of us.

SD? It’s what caused the first apocalypse and created all the mutations in FC.

Well this was fucking news!

“Excuse me, you say what, what?” Ace has almost choked on the mention of such an old chemical.

“Intel, with my side program ULTRA. I sent a spy to Atlantis,” Dale explains, “We’re largely in the dark in FC. And completely under powered.”

“Don’t you have anything you can use directly against them?” Ace asks, still shocked, “Any new bombs?”

“I refuse to make planet ending explosives, once Atlantis took our nukes, I wasn’t going to make anything like it again.”

“Old reports said they dismantled them anyway,” Serge murmurs, “What weapons do they have now?”

“Better guns, more men, more eyes,” Dale adds, “…and now they’re experimenting with SD… which is concerning… since they also managed to make an accidental Ultimate in the process. Wendy. She is young, under Casey’s wing, as we speak. She’s safe.”

“Any other info you’ve hidden from us?” Serge tries not to bite his head off.

“No,” Dale bites back, “Your turn to decide what happens next.”

“Already on it. We’ll talk with them, whoever is in charge of Atlantis and these risky moves,” Serge nods slowly – and Dale smirks, “Let’s go meet them on their ground.”

“But who will be left to run the city?” I ask, “If we all go,” and I was going, there wasn’t a question about that.

“A.R.M.Y?” Ace suggests.

“No,” Jose and Dale both disagree, and agree to – “Zenith Alphas.”

I personally try not to groan, “…are you serious?”

Serge must agree with me, because he is trying to keep his full blown disgust contained.

“Why…?” Serge asks Dale, teeth stuck in a grit.

I get in first, suddenly realising, “Because on the off chance we all die in Atlantis – we don’t want A.R.M.Y running the city. Kane can’t be trusted.”

“And Wade wants it anyway,” Dale adds, quietly, “Which is a good thing because in the worst case, FC needs a feral leader to replace me.”

“What about Casey?” I ask, raising a brow.

He stays underground,” Dale snaps so fast and so hard, I don’t question him.

Because I already know the answer to his fast fury.

A father’s love.

And Casey was my son too.

I felt better knowing he was off radar as well.

Casey was the one man who needed to be protected more than any other. He was special. He was the only one, if it ever came to it – that would really rule this city. The Zenith’s only match. No single person on the planet could match him.

Casey’s mind control was so totally effective – he could rule the entire planet if he wanted.

That is why he was the very last of all last resorts.

“Are we going to Atlantis armed?” Ace asks Serge.

Serge tries not to laugh as he takes another shot, “…what the fuck do you think?”

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