Kings and Sirens (The Blood Falls Book 2)

Kings and Sirens: Chapter 35


Atsila frowned at the drawer. “It looks so empty still. I thought my clothes would take up more space than that.”

I glanced around him. Sure enough the drawer was only half full. “Don’t worry. That just means you can bring more crap with you next time.” Then I winked and went back to straightening the bed.

Now that we were officially a couple we were partially inhabiting both of our homes. With so many things in the air I had important work to do with my family and Atsila, as the future King, was deeply involved in planning and security with the Heida. So we decided that sometimes we’d sleep in the North. Sometimes we’d sleep at Blood Falls. And sometimes we’d have to sleep alone.


Atsila was still confident we would avoid that contingency. I was pretty sure, as much as the Heida all liked to brag about their solitary introvertedness, Atsila didn’t like sleeping alone. None of them did, really. They used sex as the excuse to cover up the need to sleep in pairs or groups.

I was content. The future of our families and lives was in the air, but I was adopting the Heida way of seeing the world. Focusing on the beauty of the now. And right now I was loved, almost overwhelmingly, by a wonderful male. I had my family around me and we were working toward a common goal. I got to call the beautiful Blood Falls home, and enjoy the unique environment of the North. I didn’t feel torn between the two Houses. Instead, everything in my life doubled. Friends, family, homes, and love.

“You know we’re not going to spend all our time in bed, right?”

Atsila frowned. “I know we have a lot to do. I may want you all the time, but I’m not blind to our responsibilities.” He pulled me into his arms. “I am very motivated to fix this problem or fight this war.”

“Because then we can spend all our time in bed?” I smiled up at him, teasing.

“Abso-fucking-lutely. And then, I’ll know our children will grow up in a safe world like we did.”

Children. The male loved to talk about our future children. “It may be decades before we start a family.”

His smile lit up his whole face. “And I look forward to all that practice. We should start now.”

He tossed me onto the bed and we got to work…on the rest of our lives.

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