Kings and Sirens (The Blood Falls Book 2)

Kings and Sirens: Chapter 25


I tried not to look at all the places Atsila and I fucked at the archives but…we had a lot of sex in here. “I didn’t get very far, but I was able to ascertain that the records are kept chronologically from here to here.” I pointed to the back of the cave wall where the oldest records existed, and then towards the door we entered through.

Rhysa nodded along while Rhiannon stared off into space. Lyla stopped by to introduce herself and show them the tent that would serve as their guest quarters while they were here. I assumed the two of them would be able to rip through quite a lot in the time we were north of the Line. Maybe even beat us back home.

You’d think some seriously mind-altering sex would convince me that Atsila was doing okay, but I was still waiting for him to come to his senses and realize I was nothing but trouble, take his Heida bride, and move on with his life.

Our party left first, shifting to the Line to hear from the reconnaissance team, then to the outpost, and finally to the field camp that had been setup for us to use as a base of operations. The tents were similar to those setup for Midnight Dreams, however these were smaller and had extra animal fur flaps for keeping the snow out and the heat in. There was still a small living space with a couch, table, chairs, and small camp kitchen where coffee could be made. The bedroom contained the same low, large bed, covered in many furs.

I swallowed hard. One tent. One bed.

“Surely I can bunk with Daisy and Kuruk.”

Atsila’s eyes narrowed. “Absolutely not.”

“Why not? I can put a cot in their living space.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Because if you stay with them, you’ll fuck with them. That’s how it works, Wren. If you insist on a cot, you’ll bed down on one here.”

Oh. Yeah. I had kind of forgotten that the Heida were a little more coupling fluid than I was used to. “Fine.”


I dropped my satchel on the couch and stretched my back. Atsila served me a warm beer and a shot of whiskey. “We keep warm by every means this far north.”

I was more than happy to take the shot and sip the beer. It took the chill off…and the tension that never seemed to leave my body when Atsila was near.

“There will be a meeting in an hour. We’ll review the map and the plan, then launch our first scouting party. We’ll be able to cover a decent amount of ground today and set a good foundation for the work ahead.” He stood inches from me, sniffing between sentences. “How do you wish to spend your hour?”

I gulped down the sizzle that shot through me. Did he know how profoundly he affected me? How simply being close set off fireworks and made me want to forget anything but being naked with him?

“I think I’ll take a walk.”

“A walk?” His voice vibrated the air. “We shouldn’t even be this far north this deep into winter. Spending any more time outside than necessary is dangerous. You should keep warm while you can.”

And while I understood his worry, I didn’t share it. “I want to see it. Really see it. Once we start out, I’ll be focused on the work. I won’t have time to memorize the way the air smells or how crisp the air feels.”

“It’s not crisp. It’s numbing.”

Exactly. Maybe if I could numb my senses I could make heads or tails of them. It was like our positions had completely reversed. Now Atsila was the one at ease with whatever came of our relationship while I was the one desperate to avoid emotional attachment for fear of what it might mean. Somewhere, in a more perfect world, we felt the same way at the same time.

This was not that world.

“Suit yourself.” He waved at the fur covered doorway before lowering himself down onto the couch with his beer.

Even though I was alone, I felt his presence. It loomed behind me like a cloud. No…like a promise. So I turned my attention forward, taking in the white landscape. Ice and snow for as far as the eye could see. A painful wind blew in from the northwest and I naturally turned my face to take it on the side rather than straight on. It was hard to pick out the rise and fall of the earth, but it was there, obscured by the blank canvas. I could only imagine it would be blinding in the summer when the hours of light seemed eternal. They were short lived now that we were so close to the solstice. Luckily we didn’t need light to track the salishan. Only the Plane.

The other thing I found disconcerting was the lack of scent. With no trees, flowers, or many animals, the only smell came from the snow, and that was limited at best. Maybe that would make it easier to find the salishan when they appeared.

Unfortunately that meant it would be easier for them to find us as well.

And then there were the rifts to worry about. The Doctor believed they were phasing in and out near the pole because of the magnetic changes. What we created at the House of Axl was similar, but concentrated by our own activity. Here, it was nature at work. We would have to be careful.

The field camp was small and had that Heida flare about it. It reminded me of something medieval, from a time humans forgot but still found nostalgic. The treehouses at the House of Wren weren’t all that different. We were rustic and lived a quiet life close to nature. Perhaps there was something in our Samhain DNA that called for us to hold onto the past harder. Our longer lifespans certainly helped with that, but there was something more foundational about it. Hopefully it would help us find the answers we needed before the rifts between our worlds opened fully.

Atsila placed a heavy fur over my shoulders. “If you insist on freezing, at least take some care.”

“How much longer?”

“Forty minutes. Come inside?”

I sighed, taking one last look at the wintry landscape. “I guess I should finish my beer.”

Our first day of scouting was exhausting and involved a short scare. After trudging and shifting through miles of snow and ice, we found our first rift. The scar in our reality appeared as a shimmer at first, then I recognized the ghost-like phenomenon and called a halt. How easy would it be to disappear, or die, or transform like the salishan?

I didn’t want to find out.

By the time we returned to the field camp I could barely stand. Between the physical work and the emotional shock, I had nothing left to give. Something Atsila noticed quickly.

“You need to drink. You’re thirsty and weak.” Atsila held me close.

I liked it. Tried to trust it.

“I’m not weak.”

“You are. Don’t lie to me, my love. No one here knows it better than me, and I say you’re weak.”

He was right, dammit. I hated that he was right, but he was. He moved us around in the tiny space meant for one until he was lying back on the bed with me in front of him. He held up his wrist. “Drink.”

“I told you I’m fine.” Drinking was the ultimate form of intimacy to Atsila. The last thing either of us needed was to feel ultimately intimate. Not ever, but certainly not north of the Line.

He put me in a headlock. “Drink.”

“You can’t make me!” This was ridiculous!

“I will. Take my wrist.” He shoved the flesh against my lips.

My tongue tingled and my fangs grew, my mouth already swallowing even though it was closed and empty. If I opened, I would drink, so I kept it shut.

“Oh my, Little Wren. Must you always be so difficult?”

Oh no…every time he called me Little Wren he did something so sexual I lost my mind. I had to be strong. I had to resist…

I sighed as he released one hand…and pulled open my shirt, massaging my breast. When he brushed my nipple I melted.

“That’s right Little Wren. You want this. You want me. If you drink from me I’ll give you everything you desire.”

I looked down at his wrist, then past it to where he played with my exposed breasts. One nipple plucked a string to my core, making me wet and needy. The other ached to be touched.

“Such plump tits to play with. Your nipple is so big today. Feels so good between my fingers. If only you’d let me fill you up, too.”

I wiggled my hips, inviting him to enter me.

“Ah, ah, ah. You must get your fill of blood before you can have your fill of cock, Little Wren.” He plucked my nipple like an exclamation point.

My inner muscles fluttered, begging for me to join in on the fun, my arousal beginning to gather and lubricate the ways.

“Just imagine it,” he went on, “just like this. Your mouth on my wrist while I fuck you slow, your pretty tits bouncing, nipples hard and ready. I bet you’d like them clamped. Maybe I’ll do that when we perform the ritual.”

I shuddered with arousal at the thought. I knew nothing about this ritual other than it seemed to involve restricting my arms and legs, and now clamps for my nipples.

“Or maybe I can find a way to clamp them now…if you drink from me.

My ability to resist dissolved under the tug he gave my nipple. I licked out and sank my teeth into the vein, taking one slow sip of his powerful Heida blood. “Do it,” I gasped. “Do it all.”

His blood surged into my veins like lightning. My core clamped down hard on emptiness. Atsila reached into his sack and pulled out a bag of ropes. Somewhere in there he—for some reason—had nipple clamps.

I gasped and arched as he affixed them, then settled into the most beautiful warm buzz. Between the blood and the clamps I drifted off on a pleasure high, barely noticing as Atsila positioned the throbbing head of his dick and then returned the headlock, forcing me to keep drinking from him.

I sucked like I was starving, all while his thick cock slowly sank inside me. Inch by inch he stretched me wide, his heavy length pressing in a long stroke along every nerve and muscle. My nipples tingled with warmth.

“That’s my thirsty female,” he sighed with content. “Suck me in. Above and below. Let me fill you up.”

Now I understood what true intimacy meant. I wasn’t just full of cock. I was full of his blood. Atsila was inside me everywhere. The electric shocks tingling my nipples and clits were from his blood. The strength tensing my inner muscles around his cock. All of it was Atsila inside me.


He began to rock his hips, his dick gliding freely through my arousal, begging him to thicken and lengthen. And he did. With each pulse of his heart, his blood pumped into my mouth and across my tongue, his dick stretched and engorged.

My nipples burned, felt like they were swelling in size. But it wasn’t a trick of my mind. Whether my breasts were actually larger or not, they felt heavier and bigger. Needier.

“Fuck, but you’re beautiful like this. I only wish I had more hands and cock to tease you with.”

I moaned against his wrist as the idea flashed through my mind. I couldn’t handle any more Atsila. I could barely take him at all.

“I guess that’s what ropes and clamps are for. Perhaps I’ll even fill you up with toys when we perform the ritual.”

Lust heated me. My ears burned, my nails ached. A hot sensation began to swell near my rear clit even though Atsila was only touching it as he rocked his body against mine.

That’s when I had a wild, wonderful idea. I came as my tail emerged, the pressure against my clit too incredible to fight. I partially shifted, my ears poking through my hair and my nails becoming claws.

“Well, well, well…this is a pleasant surprise,” Atsila murmured.

I licked away from his wrist, finally full. “You have no idea.”

“Why is that, Little Wren?” he growled low at my ear.

“Because I have a treat for you.” I wrapped my tail around the base of his cock, coiling it up and squeezing him tight.

“Oh fuck!” He barked out, coming instantly, filling me up. His cum tingled my insides and I soaked it up as thirsty for this as I had been for his blood. The pulse of his orgasm as it tried to squeeze down his enormous length pressed firmly against my nerves and a wave of pleasure washed through me and out the tips of my clamped nipples.

“You like?” I purred more than spoke.

“I’ve never felt anything like this. It’s amazing, Leena.”

Since he enjoyed it, I kept it up, squeezing and stroking his base as he lazily rocked inside me. The weight was heavy and comforting, but also created a dull ache for more.

“I feel you, greedy siren. Always wanting more of me.” He released the headlock and began to play again, first pulling on the clamps then sliding his fingers through my soaked folds. “When you move your tail, does it arouse you?”

I gave his thick cock another squeeze, feeling the movement against my rear clit and moaning. “Oh yes. It’s like touching myself.” Absolutely everything about samhain anatomy was about maximizing sexual pleasure.

I adjusted so that the tip of my tail was now free, with the base wrapped around his throbbing erection, and began to tickle the tip of my swollen and erect clit.

Atsila gasped, his breath hot and fast as he watched. “Like a feather. How many times have you pleasured yourself like this?”

I took a deep breath, making my breasts rise and fall. “Many, many times.”

“Oh fuck. You play with your tits, don’t you? Tease them with that fur?” His cock strained inside me and I felt another orgasm swelling at his base.

“Oh yes.”

He gave the clamps another tug and my nipples tingled and ached, squeezing my inner muscles. Atsila blew his load again. His orgasm stretched his cock as it barreled down all that length and suddenly I was hot and then warm, the most wonderful feeling of euphoria washing over me as his cum drugged me yet again.

“You keep drinking me up like a desert, Little Wren. You hid from me for far too long.”

“Are you complaining?” I arched against him, my swollen breasts moving up and then out as gravity tried to pull them down. The clamps sent electric shocks of pleasure through the tips. They were red now. Hard and engorged with blood.

“Only a little. The makeup is worth the pain of abandonment.” He pulled back and I loosened my hold on him, teasing and stroking before coiling back up tight. He thrust into me hard and deep, moving me up his chest by several inches.

He bent over my shoulder and flicked a tongue over my nipple. “Oh yes! Yes, yes, yes!” I arched higher, giving him more of me. He toyed with me, running his tongue over the tender tip, lapping at the clamp and the sides.

“Play time,” he growled, releasing just the one clamp.

The sudden change in sensation made me gasp but I only had a moment to process it before he was lapping at me with his tongue, rough and soft, long and short, then sucking me into his mouth, soothing the pain away with his gentle numbing.

I had only begun to relax when he reaffixed the clamp to the now slightly numbed nipple. “Beautiful.” Then he shifted me over his other shoulder and began to tease the tip of my neglected, straining nipple. “Your turn, you beautiful red target.”

With all his attention on me I forgot to hold my partial shift in place. My tail retreated and I became fully samhain again. I was so lost in the tricks of his tongue that it wasn’t until he began shoving his enormous, heavy cock into my ass that I realized he had withdrawn, lifted me, and began to sink back in.

“Fuck yes. Fuck.” His swollen head finally slipped inside at the same moment he released the clamp, sucking me straight into his mouth as he held my breast where he wanted it.

I didn’t care what he did as long as he kept making me feel like this. Like I was flying in space on a stream of pure pleasure. He moaned as he sucked, forcing his cock deeper, making me take all of him. In my wildness I couldn’t stand the ache any longer. I released the clamp and brought my nipple to my mouth, soothing it with my much stronger numbing agent.

His hand wrapped around my waist, binding me to him, locking us in place. We each sucked and moaned while he pounded up and into me. At least it would keep us quieter as he came.

My orgasm began to build like a cloud. Light and fluffy at first, surrounding his cock as it filled me over and over, then heavy and dark as it waited to burst with just the right combination of elements. I flicked my tongue over the tip of my nipple as Atsila sucked. His hand moved from my waist to my folds, pinching them around my clit until my orgasm unleashed.

As I squeezed him tight, his orgasm began to throb, making his cock thicker and heavier. It stretched me with pleasure until he pulsed, thrust deep and hard, holding our bodies together and he unloaded.

But he wasn’t done. He moved me off the bed somehow. His cum wasn’t absorbing as fast this time, so I felt the fire of it inside me as he pulled out, the buzz of warmth continuing to pleasure me. I braced on the top of my head and elbows as he plunged back down into my center, my ass in the air and Atsila’s legs on either side of me. He pressed his cock down until he was seated fully, adjusting his body so that the angle would keep him inside me even when he began pumping up and down like a piston.

“Touch yourself, Little Wren. Make yourself come.”

I’d never had sex in this position before. It sent all the blood to my head. I had no control at all. And Atsila had the leverage to pump down inside me as hard as he wanted. With his cock angled so dramatically it pressed firmly against my nerves. He moved fast, plunging deep. The friction felt like lightning with each thrust.

He came again with a roar this time, his head back and shoulders relaxed as he filled me with more heat. It pooled deep inside me.

“Oh, I like this,” Atsila murmured. “You’ve had your fill finally. That means I get to see my seed leak out of you, can dream of what our mating will look like one day.

The visual combined with the growing heat in my core made me whimper, something Atsila enjoyed.

“That’s right, Little Wren. I will break my promise. Because my family needs you more than they need pure blood. One day, when you’re fertile and we mate, I will fill you so full of my cum that it drips out of you. Everywhere.”

He was fully lost to the lust, but so was I. I couldn’t even begin to process the promises he was making, so I didn’t try. Instead I pinched and rolled my nipples, begging my orgasm to find me.

It didn’t. Not before Atsila came again. He kept pumping, holding me down and filling me up. His semen pooling inside me, hot and tingling, like lightning jumping from one cloud to another. It began to drip out, through my folds, drowning my clits, to my belly button, to my nipples, leaving a wake of warm electricity. Behind, it slid down my crack. Atsila pushed a thumb inside, then two, holding me open for more to drip into my ass and heat me up there, too.

As he coated me in pleasure, I should have gotten closer to orgasm, but instead it floated just out of reach. His body calling for mine to take everything he gave me.

“So beautiful like this. I love seeing my cum all over you, love how much you make me come.” He shuddered as another barreled down his massive erection, pulsing as he unloaded inside me again. The fresh round of heat and pleasure sent a wave pulsing out through my body and more dripping down the rivers he created on my skin.

He slowed, pumping down into me with long strokes now. I felt every ridge, every vein as he stretched me wide with his heavy cock. “I’ve been rough with you,” he murmured. “You’ve pleased me very much. Take your turn.”

Strangely, his quiet permission was what I needed. As he plunged down once more it set off the waves of ecstasy and I finally, finally felt relief. The orgasm gripped me like a vice. I felt it in the tips of my clits and nipples, the extreme squeeze of my inner muscles. I should have crushed him, and indeed, he found it hard to move as I came, groaning as he tried to pull his cock away, giving up and pressing his full weight down on me so that his cock filled me completely.

When my moans began to soften and my muscles relaxed, he pulled back to the thick head of his dick and plunged deep once last time, coming with a ferocious roar of a satisfied male, my core hot one again.

I too, was satisfied.

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