Kingdoms End

Chapter 18

Everyone was seated around the campfire now, except Meliss, who stood behind her brother. Marco and Amisha sat on a low, collapsible bench, while across from them, Tenna and Lizandra were seated on another low, collapsible bench. Lizandra was not crying anymore, she was telling her story.

“When I got to my true father’s house, he was not what I had expected,” the girl spoke. “They say he became mentally unstable after losing his wife just a year after their marriage. He was so cold and uncaring. I managed him for awhile, but the Meryn elves came to our house for a feast and the man who was supposed to be my father said to everyone’s hearing that I was nothing more than an instrument for continuing the Haavik bloodline. After that, I fled the house and Elf lord Tuyer aided me. He gave me the elf guard blade and seven strange crystals which he said were highly valued by elves and one of his soldiers gave me the lighting stone. I entered a container which had the name of my stepfather’s town written on it. I thought it was going to Mareda, but now I know that it had come from Mareda. The container was brought here, I got out of it, left Kullup, hitched a ride, got off not too far from here, saw the light of your campfire and here I am.”

“How could a father say something like that to his daughter?” Tenna asked the girl. “Sometimes I just hear some stories which makes me glad that we grew up as orphans,” Meliss stated. “You are orphans?” Lizandra asked, surprised. “We all are, dear,” Tenna replied, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Your story is a sad one, Lizandra,” Marco spoke next, “but this is not at all a safe planet. We are willing to take you to Guurjey with us and even welcome you into our family if you want it.” “I don’t agree with that, Marco!” Meliss said sharply. “Meliss, will you leave this child to her own?!” Tenna shot back at her sister.

“I am grateful, but I cannot accept your offer,” Lizandra said humbly. “But I cannot accept your help. I fled from a man because he was a bother to me and now, I refuse to become a bother to another. I will find my way on Setuh and if the gods will it, then when the storms come, let them take me.” Once she was done speaking, Lizandra got to her feet and walked a few metres away from the camp before stopping. She folded her arms and thought over the journey since escape. “Perhaps I should have just remained at the Haavik manor,” she said to herself, wiping a tar from her left cheek.

“You should not have treated the girl like that, Meliss,” Tenna reprimanded her sister. “I do not want any strangers in our family,” Meliss stated. “And who is the other stranger in your family?” Tenna asked, getting to her feet. “I was not referring to you,” Meliss replied. “Who then?” Tenna asked. “Amisha?” “I do not have the time for this,” Meliss stated. “All I know is that is nit welcome in our family. No one did for me , why then should I do it for another? And especially when she could just be an assassin sent by the guild to gain our trust and then kill us.” Meliss turned around and began walking away from the camp.

Marco turned around and saw his sister walking away from the camp. “And where do you think you think you are going?” he asked her. “It is none of your concern,” Meliss replied without looking back. “You either stay in the tent, or you remain here by the fire,” Marco spoke. “I can go wherever I wish,” Meliss replied, turning to fave him this time. “You will do as I tell you or by the gods I will teach you some manners this night!!” Marco yelled, shooting to his feet now and facing his sister.

Everyone was silent no. Marco never shouted at his darlings and they doubted Meliss would obey orders given so harshly. Meliss began walking briskly towards het brother and he was going to go towards her too, but Amisha immediately got up and grabbed his left arm. “My love,” she called sweetly. Tenna also got up and went to her brother’s side. Lizandra had returned to the fire after hearing Marco’s barked order. She stood in the other side of the fire and watched Meliss approach her brother, murder in her eyes.

Meliss got close to Marco and Tenna immediately put herself in between them. “Stop this, both of you,” the fairy spoke. “Come with me, my love,” Amisha said, trying to pull Marco away, but he didn’t budge. “See how she already creates anger between us?” Meliss said, tears coming to her angry eyes. At the sight of his sister’s tears, Marco’s anger vanished and he took her hand. “Meliss?” he called her, but she just pulled her hand free, wiped her tears and with her angry look still in place, she went into the large tent. Amisha immediately went after Meliss and so did Tenna.

Marco turned around and found Lizandra picking up her bags, ready to leave. “No,” Marco told her, quickly coming around the fire. “Please stay. I cannot allow you just walk off into the unknown.” “But I am creating hatred here,” the said amidst sobs. “You are a very emotional child, I can only imagine what it would have been like had it been either of my sisters in your situation right now. I only do for you what I wish someone would do for my darlings if they were ever in your predicament.” “Your sister hates me,” Lizandra stated. “At least just spend the night,” Marco offered.

Lizandra wanted to leave the camp then, but she knew Marco would not let her and nights could be very dangerous in a place like this. “I will sleep out here by the fire,” she stated. “As you wish,” Marco said, his voice shaky now. “Are you crying?” Lizandra asked him. “Just settle down for the night,” he told her, using the back if his right hand to wipe his eyes. ” I will sit out here and watch for any dangers while you sleep.” He said the words, then walked past the girl, away from the camp.

Lizandra was asleep on son of her cloths now, her backpack serving as a pillow. The entire camp was quiet. Marco came over to where the child lay by the fire, a blanket in his hands. Her squatted next to the gurl and put the blanket over her.

“Such an emotional and sweet child,” he thought aloud. “How could someone let you out into a world like this?” He stood upright and returns to his low bench on the other side of the fire. He walked with difficulty and when he sat down, clenched his teeth and screwed up his face in pain. “Damned blood corruption,” he cursed.

It was the morning of the next day, a pot sat on a tripod, over campfire and Marco had already packed up his tent. There were plates and spoons neatly stacked next to the fire and four big travelling bags stood not too far from the fire. Marco was standing before the fire, facing the large tent in which his sisters and lover slept. He had a cup of hot tea in his right hand and no expression at all on his face. The tea was made from special leaves which were to help him manage his blood corruption. Lizandra and her luggage were nowhere in sight.

The flap door of the tent was pushed aside and the one who stepped out Meliss. She looked around and then her eyes settled on Marco who was right across from the tent entrance. .arco felt she was going to have some harsh words for him, but reverse was the case. Meliss ran around the fore and into her brother, hugging him tight. Marco pit his arms around her too. “I am so sorry I yelled at you yesterday, my darling,” he apologised. “I was just so scares of loosing you now after having come just a day’s walk from our destination.” “I was very stupid last night, brother,” she spoke. “I beg your forgiveness.” “I could never stay angry with you,” Marco stated.

The two siblings let go of each other now and held hands instead. “I am glad to see you two reunited once more,” came Tenna’s voice. The others looked and found the fairy at the entrance to the tent. “I also owe you an apology, Tenna,” Meliss spoke. “I should not have been so heartless as to say we leave that poor girl all on her own.” “I was never angry with you, Meliss,” Tenna stated, then looked around camp. “Where is the girl by the way?” she asked. “She left by sunrise,” Marco replied. “I tried talking her into staying, but she had her mind made up.”

“We should go after her,” Meliss said suddenly. “She will not agree,” Marco stated. “Besides, I need to get my family off this planet and settled on Guurjey.” “Poor girl,” Tenna murmured. “Now, our plan for entering Kullup,” Marco said in a loud voice, trying to get everyone off thinking about the girl from last night.

“We should be arriving the city by at least seventeen thirty this evening and the vessels take off only between zero nine hundred hours and sixteen hundred hours, thus we will be too late to board a vessel today, but rather than lodge in a hotel within the city tonight, we shall camp outside for the guild will have several assassins within the city and while they will openly attack us at night, they will not do so in the day time, thus we shall enter the city tomorrow morning,” Marco explained.

“Are you sure we cannot go back for that girl?” Meliss asked when her brother was done talking. “She will not agree to come with us,” Marco stated. “Now, you girls settle down for breakfast while I go in and wake Amisha.” “I hope you plan only only WAKING her up,” Tenna teased, stressing the ‘Waking.’ “Are you sure you do not have other things planned for our poor friend Amisha?” Meliss asked, poking her brother in the ribs.

“You two are funny,” Marco stated, moving toward the tent entrance. When he got to the entrance, his sisters were already at the campfire, tasting the meal in the pot. He turned back to them with his body halfway inside the tent. “I only plan on waking her up, but if she wakes up and demands something else of me, then I doubt I be capable of turning her down,” he said with a grin and his sisters laughed, while he slipped fully into the tent.

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