Kingdoms End

Chapter 15

The time was 04:50 that same morning. Lizandra was dressed differently now. She had on brown leather leggings, black boots and a long, red blouse. She carried a black backpack and a one handed travel bag of medium size of the same colour. She put the bags on her bed, then looked down at a big bangle she had on her left wrist. The bangle was shiny, black and plain. She touched the bangle with her right index finger and red numbers appeared on the black surface, showing the Tim, 04:50. This was a wristwatch of some sort and it was crucial to the young lady’s plans. There were two mote items of clothing of the bed, but she did nothing with them for now.

She put her hands together now and looked up at the high ceiling. “Gods help me accomplish this. Guide me, mother.” She finished her prayers, then went to her bedroom door and unlocked it. She opened the door and stuck her head into the corridor. There were two Bruttites outside her bedroom and they looked at her as she stuck out her head. “Good morning, my lady,” both men said in unison. “Morning,” Lizandra replied. “And where is the third one?” she asked. “He went to use the toilet,” one of the two replied. “I hope ny lady is not offended,” the other one inquired. “Of course not,” she replied. She turned to one Bruttite now. “Master Linus must have informed you that I will be going to my father’s bedroom,” she inquired. “He did,” the guard replied. “I would like you to go and see if my father still sleeps,” she ordered. “My lady,” the guard said with a bow, then left.

As one guard left to do as ordered, she turned to the other. “I shall do a special prayer we used to do at Mareda for my late mother. You must not disturb me until I come out myself.” “As my lady wishes,” the guard replied. Lizandra withdrew her head and shut the door once more. She took off her blouse, revealing a strapless cotton vest underneath. She waited awhile, then opened the door once more, the opening very small this time. She stuck her head through the small gap, making sure to keep her body concealed, but her unclothed neck visible.

“I must apologise, but I need some milk for this prayer,” she told the guard with an innocent smile. “It has been a long time since last I dis the prayer and I forget some things about it. I’d get the milk myself, but I already got out of my cloths for the prayer rituals. The again, never mind, I shall just dress up once mote and go get it myself. Not like anyone could insult me more than my so-called father already did last night.” Her countenance changed to one of sadness as she slowly withdrew her head. “Worry not, my lady,” said the guard quickly, “I shall get you the milk.” “I am most grateful,” the girl said with a small smile. “How much milk exactly?” the Bruttite asked. “A gallon should do,” Lizandra replied.

The guard walked away from the door, leaving Lizandra unguarded. The girl immediately shut the door and ran to her bed, pulling on her blouse as she went. She got to the bed and donned the two pieces of clothing that she’d left on it. One was a black, hooded, knee-length jacket and the other was a big, red scarf. She wrapped the scarf around her neck with one end dropping down her left front side, while the other end hung down her right back side. She put up the hood of the jacket, hung her backpack on her back, slung the one long hand of the travelling bag over her left shoulder, then turned towards the exit.

She opened the door and peeked out to make sure no one was in the hallway, then she stepped out. She shut the door and locked it from outside with the keys which she’d brought out with her. She ran along the hallway until coming to the elevator. She pushed the button and after a ten second delay which felt to her like at least five minutes, the slid open and she entered inside, just as the guard she’d sent for milk came out from the kitchen on this level of the building, a gallon of milk in his right hand. The guard walked past the elevator and never even suspected a thing.

The guard walked back to the bedroom door and knocked in it, while in the elevator, Lizandra checked her time.....04:57 The guard got no reply from inside the room. “She will come for the milk when she needs it,” he said to himself, setting the milk down at the side of the doorway. Lizandra had been such a sweet girl during her time here, no one could imagine her playing any sort of mischief and thus, her escape plan might just be successful.

The elevator opened on the ground floor and Lizandra stepped out. She found four Bruttite guards in the lobby and wasn’t too surprised.. She had hoped this wouldn’t happen, but doubted that hope. This was the lobby, there were bound to be guards down here. “The Bruttites are said to be blindly loyal to House Haavik,” she thought aloud. “I just hope to the gods that they live up those expectations.” She walked across the lobby and up to one of the Bruttites. “I am on my way to my mother’s family house,” she said aloud so all four Bruttites to hear. “I command you not to tell my father or Master Linus anything,” she said with authority. “As my lady wishes,” the guards replied in unison.

“I volunteer to accompany my lady,” one of the soldiers offered. “No,” Lizandra replied, her voice stronger this time. Linus had told her these people would obey her without question, but she never thought it would be this good. “I am going alone and you lot will stay silent on this topic,” she stated. “As my lady wishes,” the soldiers reply in unison.

Lizandra let out a sigh if relief and just then, she heard the elevator ding and knew someone was about coming out into the lobby. She ran toward the front door and went through it, just as the Meryn elf royals stepped out from the first elevator. The elevators were large and were built to carry thirty people comfortably. The elves waited until the other thee elevators opened to let out the rest of their people and Linus was in the last one to open. This last one had Elf lord Tuyer in it also. Linus was discussing the elf lord loudly as they walked toward the front doors.

Outside, Lizandra found the convoy for the elves approaching the portico covered front., just as she was coming to the base of the front steps. She went to the Bruttite soldier at the base of the steps and hurriedly gave him the same orders she’d given those inside and he instantly accepted. She went to some beautiful flower bushes at the edge of the portico covered part of the building’s front entrance. She crouched behind the bushes and watched the cars approach. “The power in a name,” she said to herself, staring at the Bruttite at the base of the stairs.

The cars stopped, seven in number and as her luck would have it, the last car was an open-back SUV. The drivers of the cars got out and went to stand before the front doors through which the elvish royals would emerge.Lizandra quickly got to crept to the Las car and just as she was about climbing into the open back, she heard soldiers marching behind her. She climbed into the back of the car and peeled over the side. There was a company of elf soldiers marching in formation toward the car. They might or might nit have seen her get into the vehicle, she wasn’t sure which was right. She looked around for something with which to conceal herself, but to no avail. “If they march past the car, they will surely see me,” she thought aloud, but there was no other choice left to her. “I will not abandon this escape,” she spoke. “If they find me, then so be it.” With those words to reassure herself, she lay still.

The sound of the marching soldiers kept getting closer and just before they got close enough, Lizandra Cleary heard the front door of the house open. The elves were coming out, Linus with them and the soldiers were approaching from another direction. This was it, if she made it through this moment, then nothing would stop her escape.

The marching soldiers were now next to the car with the girl in it. The line closest to the car were so close that the soldiers could see over the sides of the open back. Lizandra looked at the elves as they passed and for awhile, all kept their eyes forward, not a single one looked at her, but then one soldier finally did so. The elf hadn’t turned his head, only his eyes moved in her direction. Lizandra’s heart sank, she’d been caught. Surprisingly, the elf soldier just kept marching. Then another soldier saw her and another and another and one more, but never did they give any sign of it. The soldiers came to a halt next to the car with Lizandra in it. They turned their backs to the car and stood still.

The soldiers had seen her, she was sure of it. Why then hadn’t they done anything to expose her? Were they willing to help her? Were they planning to steal her away and no she was just making their job easier? The questions flew through Lizandra’s mind, but one thing was sure, she wasn’t staying in this house anymore. The place was silent, but for Linus’ laughter which Lizandra recognized. There was another soft laughter, but it was one the girl didn’t know.

“Again, I apologise for the behaviour exhibited by Lord Haavik,” said Linus’ voice. “I understand,” said another voice. It was Elf lord Tuyer’s, Lizandra recognised it. “I must leave now,” said the elf lord. “There are some in my company who are very anxious to be gone from here.” “Again, I apologise,” said Linus. “Meryn holds nothing against House Haavik amd Lord Haavik himself,” the elf replied. “The only thing I did find slightly irritating was when I offered to cleanse his heart and mind and he refused it,” he added. “Lord Haavik is not himself at the moment,” Linus explained. “But I will talk to him and perhaps her majesty the queen will be able to force him into accepting your treatment.” “I will be waiting,” said the elf lord, moving toward the last car in the convoy, while the other royals and nobles had gotten into the buses. “You won’t be riding with the others in the buses?” Linus ask. “I plan on riding in the last vehicle,” the elf lord replied. “I am not used to cars. Animals suit me better, thus the smaller the car, the better.”

Lizandra had heard the entire discussion and she believed the elf lord knew she was in the car, then his face appeared over the side. He was staring straight at her and there was no expression on his face. “These cars are beautiful,” said the elf lord aloud, stretching his right hand towards Lizandra. The girl shrank back from the oncoming hand, but the elf lord mumbled something and a large, black blanket appeared around her.

The elf withdrew his hand and smiled now. “Very beautiful,” he spoke aloud again. “House Haavik buys only the best,” came Linus’ voice. “I am sure Lord Haavik or perhaps Lady Haavik would gladly let you have the entire convoy for good if I speak to them.” “That will not be necessary,” the elf lord replied. “They are letting me use the vehicles throughout my time here in the capital and that is enough for me. Send them my regards.” The elf lord got into the car and three elf soldiers climbed into the back with Lizandra. An order was given in Elvish tongue and the soldiers who’d stopped next to the car broke up formation and climbed into the big armoured lorry which was part of the convoy.

The elf lord waved at Linus as the cars began moving. Linus waved back and it never occurred to him that the jewel of House Haavik was being taken away. Lizandra on the other hand, was currently going through mixed emotions. She didn’t know if to celebrate her successful escape, or quickly get out of the car before it left the Haavik manor compound. She decided to take the risk, her stepfather had always told her that elves were known for selflessness and loyalty.

The convoy passed through the open gates of the compound and entered the streets of Gelrish, the Sanel capital city. Lizandra looked up at the faces of the thee elf soldiers around her. They were and males and they smiled down at the girl. “Rest your mind, little one,” said one of them, “you are amongst friends.”

The car in which Lizandra had escaped came to a halt now. By her calculation, they had been driving fir at least thirty minutes, but her wristwatch showed 05:30 Meaning the drive had been twenty minutes at most. The door opened and Elf lord Tuyer got down from the car. “Come, child.,” said the elf lord and Lizandra git to her feet. One elf soldier helped her down. She was on a sidewalk, next to the car, the elf lord before her. All the other cars in the convoy were gone.

“The drivers are Lord Haavik’s people, thus i sent the other cars ahead and cast a spell on our driver,” the elf lord explained, noticing the girl’s looking around in search of the other cars.. “I know you would not want them to see you,” he added with a smile. “Thank you, your highness,” Lizandra said, bowing low. “I suspected you would try to escape,” the elf stated. “Do you have a place to go?” he asked her. “My stepfather,” she replied.

The elf lord took out a small leather pouch from inside his pocket and offered it to the girl. She collected the pouch and opened it. “I know you must have some money with you already, but just in case you need more, one of those rocks can be exchanged for a lot of money,” the elf lord told her. “Just seek out any elf or shiktuk and they will pay you for it. There are seven rocks in all. One is different from the rest. This one is more expensive than the others, but you must never pawn it. Show it to any elf or shiktuk and they will assist you and even fight for you to the death.” He pushed a sheathed dagger into her hand. “Press this to anywhere on your naked skin and it will lay there, invisible to all. It will not hinder you in any way. You need not ever take it off. If ever you are attacked, it will protect you.” “Thank you so much, your highness,” the girl said. The elf suddenly put his hand on her head. “Receive my blessings, child,” he spoke, his eyes turning bright blue and a white light covering the hand he had on the girl’s head.

As he brought down his hand, the elf lord grabbed a son of her hair and brought it to the front. That part of her hair was now white. “You have my blessings, child,” he said. “Go well.” He turned and entered his car, while Lizandra stared at the strip of white hair in her hand. The car engine started and Lizandra looked up. “Here,” said one of the elf soldiers in the back of the car, tossing something at her. She quickly caught the item. “For those dark nights!” shouted the elf soldier as the car drove away.

Lizandra watched the car until it was gone from sight. She looked down at the item in her hand, the one the elf soldier had thrown to her. It was a big pebble with a wooden handle fixed into it. The pebble was just slightly wider than her palm and two inches high. The handle was of twisted wood. She could not see how this would help on a far night, but then the elves were a strange race. She quickly put the pebble, dagger and leather pouch inside her travelling bag. She checked the time again; it was 05:42.

She looked around and found nobody outside. A few cars drove past, but she wasn’t looking for a ride, she was looking for directions. She walked toward the road on her right at the junction. She walked for awhile and just as the sun was coming up, she saw a man who was opening the door to his flower shop. She walked up to the man. “Good morning, sir,” she greeted the man.

The man turned to face the girl. He was a fine youngman and his smile was beautiful. “The gods send me so beautiful a lady as my first customer me this morning,” he said. “Surely this day is a blessed one.” Lizandra smiled. “Apologies, but I seek only directions and not flowers,” she explained. “Just by being before my store, you already bless my day,” the man replied. “Now, what directions are you looking for?” “I seek a bus terminal,” Lizandra spoke. “The closest one to this place,” she added. “Just take a taxi and tell the driver to stop you at Trent terminals,” the man replied. “Thank you, sir,” the girl said, then continued on her way. She went a few feet away from the store, then she heard the door open and she stopped in her tracks.

Lizandra knew she should hurry on, but the man had been so nice and she had to thank him somehow. She ran back to the store and when she entered, she found the man behind his counter, cleaning its top with a rag. The man looked up at her. “I did not expect you back from your trip for at least another two days,” he joked and Lizandra smiled. She plucked a flower from a potted plant near the entrance, then went up to the counter. “Will this cover it?” she asked, taking out a bronze coin from her jacket pocket and placing it on the counter. “That is my most expensive product,” the man said with a frown. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Lizandra apologised, her smile disappearing. She reached into her jacket pocket again. “Let me see if I have some more.” “I was joking,” the man said suddenly, his smile returning. Lizandra’s smile returned. “Apologies if it offended you,” he spoke. “Thank you for the flower,” the girl replied, then turned and headed for the exit. “Have a nice trip,” the man said after her.

Lizandra stepped out onto the sidewalk and stopped the first taxi she saw. She got into the backseat. “Trent terminals,” she said and the driver moved the vehicle.

Lizandra got down from the taxi at the front of an open gateway. She had already paid the driver, so the ar drove away. It had been a short drive, barely ten minutes. The transport terminal had not benn so far from the flower shop. She looked at the signboard over the gates and it read. “Trent TERMINALS,” in bold letters and “SAFE AND SURE TRANSPORTATION WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE,” in smaller ones. She could see several buses inside the compound and people were already moving about the place. Lizandra checked her time once again......06:03.

The girl immediately proceeded into the terminal. Her prayer lie might hold up for a pretty long time, or it might have already crumbled and the entire house would be searching for her. She couldn’t waste any time. She had never been to a transportation terminal before, but she had heard of them. She didn’t even know what to do. She went close to where some buses were loading and watched the people get on. There was a woman by the door of the bus, she was of the Vinish race and the people showed her their tickets before getting on.

“Where do they get that paper?” Lizandra thought aloud, looking around. She looked down at her watch.....06:20 Time was running out. Her deceit would soon be discovered, or her location. She moved further into the terminal, away from where the tickets were being bought, but she didn’t know that. She eventually saw something which brought her great relief. It was a large, smooth, metal box. It was in the shape of a cube, 20ft in both length, breadth and height. What made the container so interesting was the word written boldly on it.

“Mareda,” Lizandra read aloud. “It must be cargo on its way to Mareda,” she spoke. There were other metal containers around the one tagged “Mareda” and each had the name of a city, town, or settlement belonging to the Queendom written on it. Lizandra knew some lf the places and others, she didn’t, but that was none of her concern. She looked around and found that only a few people were here and most just walked past without paying her any attention. She quickly went to the container tagged “Mareda” and found its doors. They were closed with a secure latch, but not locked. She looked around and no one was even around. She undid the latch , opened the door with slight difficulty for it was heavy and slipped into the container, then pulled the door shut after herself with the help of a handle which she found within.

Inside the container was dark, but for some light coming in through many tiny slits at the top edges of the container. There was also a small, white light coming from inside her travelling bag. She opened the bag and found the white pebble the elf soldier had given her glowing brightly. “For those dark nights,” she said with a grin.. She took out the glowing rock by its handle and looked around the box in its light. There were smaller boxes arranged at the sides of the container in such manner that there were nooks and corners everywhere. She found one of the two inner corners of the main container empty and this was where she set down her bags.

“I should put this out until the container has been loaded,” she said., “but how?” She looked at the glowing stone. “Off,” she ordered, but nothing happened.She took off her black jacket and wrapped the stone in it, concealing its light. She pit the wrapped stone inside her travelling bag, took out something from within the bag and sat in the semi-darkness, quietly munching whatever she’d taken out if the bag.

Not too long after she had settled in, she heard the door of the container open and light came in through it. She felt they had finally caught up with her and she would be dragged back to the Haavik manor if necessary. “Who might have been so stupidly ignorant as to leave this container with the latch undone?” came a male voice from the entrance to the container. “Must have been one of those idiotic new workers,” the voice concluded. The door was shut once more and Lizandra heard the latch lock from the outside.

She smiled in the dim light. She had actually pulled off a successful escape. The container would arrive Mareda soon and once discovered, she would be taken to her stepfather and siblings. Thinking of it again, Lizandra realised that much of her plan had worked because of luck. The Bruttites could have given her away and so could the elves, but all that mattered very little now, she would be him soon and that was all that mattered. “I’m coming home,” she whispered.

The worker who had just locked Lizandra inside the container stood about 30ft away from the containers now. His hands were on his waist and a big smile was on his face. This was the cargo master of Trent terminals here in the Sanel capital city. He was an elderly man, at least fifty-five years old. His face had wrinkles from smiling too much and his brown hair had already receded from the front half of his scalp. He cursed a lot, but he was more than a fairly successful man and that made him happy. He liked the job and the Trent group of companies appreciated his efforts a lot.

“Cargo master?” came a female voice from behind and the old man turned around to come face-to-face with a woman in military armour, including a blue ape at her back. “You here to take them cargoes off my hands?” the man asked happily. “I am Commander Lucy Omnein,” the woman replied. “And yes, I am leading the team which will be collecting the contributions from all over Queendom and bringing them to the space vessels which shall bear them to Setuh.” “That’s our queen,” said the man, “always helping where she can. A dying planet and yet she’ll risk her best ships and soldiers landing on it.” The number of people coming to Halo-bir seeking passage off the planet has grown too much,” the commander stated. “They need supplies and our queen is generous.”

Special crane vehicles came to the scene and the cranes began lifting the containers . Trucks were coming onto the scene too, that the containers might be loaded onto them. “I hear these supplies will be transported with one of them very fast space vessels the Tesh just developed,” the cargo master spoke as he and the commander moved away from near the containers, so as nit to get in the way of the frames and lorries. “It is called a Proceron engine vessel,” the commander explained. “The Tesh say running on a proceron engine, the vessel should get these containers to planet Setuh in no more than two days.” “Wow, that is fast,” the cargo master agreed.

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